Tactic didn’t work… yet
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Lynn Sweet reported yesterday on a “pressure tactic” to force Ed Eisendrath out of the governor’s race.
Reopened that Question
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Since we’ve moved to a new site, I can now reopen Friday’s quite popular Question of the day.
Go there and comment if you want. UPDATE: I’ve been tweaking the spam controls a bit today. Some people have had their comments inadvertently sent to moderation and some may have been inadvertently nuked altogether. That shouldn’t happen as much now. I hope. UPDATE 2: This was a bad day for it to happen, but you may have noticed that the feeds weren’t updating this morning. Most of them are live again. Sorry about that, but it was completely beyond my control. UPDATE 3: All of the news feeds have been switched over from java to php. This should greatly speed up the page loading. UPDATE 4: Adjusted the font. I think it’s now easier to read.
“The Hidden Cost of Tenure”
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here is the link to that series of Small Newspaper stories I wrote about this morning entitled “The Hidden Cost of Tenure.” Reporter Scott Reeder spent six months working on this series, and it kicks off today with three stories. Tenure frustrates drive for teacher accountability is the top story.
Then there’s, School boards lose power to fire poor teachers :
And, finally, Firing Mr. Roth: $400,000 and counting
They also have this chart:
Welcome to my new blog
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve been playing around with this site for the past few months, not quite sure if I should move from the arms of the safe, easy Blogger system to something a little more risky but much more pliable. Last week made my mind up for me. I had to close several comment threads because of a handful of jerks. I am past tired of babysitting this place just because two or three people can’t seem to behave and appear determined to ruin the experience for everyone else. Next month session starts again and I won’t have the time to monitor it like I do now. Something had to be done. In theory, I can now weed out the bad apples who come here simply to cause trouble. I can track them down much more easily and block them from commenting, or even accessing the site itself, and then confront them one-on-one. I will, of course, continue to steadfastly maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the vast majority of commenters who know how to act like adults. I’m aware that the new three-column format will take a bit of getting used to. The columns are slightly narrower than before, but the main column is dynamically sized, so just increase the size of your window if it bothers you. I’ll be tweaking this site over the coming weeks to make it look better and perform faster. For some reason, the silver background stopped working on my Firefox browser, but it’s still working on my IE browser. Weird. There are a lot of things I can do with this site, like conduct live interviews that readers can also participate in. I’m excited about the vast number of opportunities. Many thanks to Illini Pundit for his help with dynamic sizing and backup. And a huge thank you goes to Bill Dennis, aka the Peoria Pundit, for moving my archives over from Blogger and holding my hand throughout the weekend. The archives aren’t completely up yet (bug in the system), but that’ll happen soon. UPDATE: Fixed a problem with centered text on some browsers. Sorry about that.
Question of the day
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller First, read this.
Do you think any of the conservatives will drop out soon? Why or why not? Who? Why?
What you missed at Illinoize this past weekend
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller President Nixon reminds us of Steve Rauschenberger’s role in the Alan Keyes fiasco.
Jim Muir also remembers back to last year. Pat Hickey has an on-the-scene report from Alexi Giannoulis’ state treasurer kickoff. Charlie Johnston whacks Joe Birkett.
And much, much more. Get on over there.
Guv to appeal
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Not sure he’ll be too successful.
Actually, what the judge said was this:
And this:
Quinn wants protest ban
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Pat Quinn has an interesting idea.
I doubt this would be constitutional. And I’m not one for banning speech of any kind. But Quinn has attended almost every funeral of fallen Illinois soldiers, so he’s most likely had a bellyful of those Westboro Baptist “church” morons. Quinn disagrees that the law would be unconstitutional.
Claypool gets two big endorsements
Monday, Dec 5, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Phelan and Simon support Forest:
Not bad, but it’s like that old saying, “How many soldiers does the Pope have?” Claypool has $1.5 million on hand. Not bad, but not nearly enough yet to mout an effective TV ad campaign.