Have a great weekend
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Comments are now off. Talk at you Monday.
Today at Illinoize…
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Unlike this blog, Illinoize will be open for business all weekend, and the comments will be left on. There were some very good posts today and late yesterday. The Illinois Shadow is his/her usual best with a funny post about Judy Baar Topinka’s new nickname. The Shadow doesn’t like it. Bill Dennis may have a big scoop about his local government. Grand Old Partisan has a very well thought-out piece about the upcoming GOP primary. A must-read. My personal favorite this week comes from President Nixon, who gives us a Top Ten list. Governor’s top ten upcoming initiatives Tricky Dick is also asking for more suggestions. There’s a lot more. Sorry for those I missed. Hightail it over yonder and see for yourself.
This just in… Giannoulias to announce Sunday
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Liberal banking heir Alexi Giannoulias will announce Sunday that he is running for state treasurer. Giannoulias will face slated candidate Paul Mangieri in the Democratic primary. Word is some serious heavy-hitters are endorsing him. More later. UPDATE: US Senator Barack Obama will reportedly be on hand Sunday to endorse Giannoulias. Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Alderman Dick Mell, Rep. John Fritchey and others will be there as well.
Question of the day
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s Friday, so let’s do something offbeat. Let’s say you owned a tavern, and instead of naming sandwiches after prominent politicians, you decided to rename various drinks for them. Have at it.
My friend, I’m gonna hunt you down like a dog.
As mentioned in today’s Capitol Fax
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here is the story where Jim Oberweis says he’s not connected to George Ryan. Here is the Chicago Tribune story about Oberweis’ meeting with Ryan. For the final piece of the puzzle, you have to subscribe to the Capitol Fax.
Guv fires back
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I mentioned this story in today’s Capitol Fax. It appears the gloves are coming off in the race for governor. On Wednesday Republican candidate Judy Baar Topinka announced she and the Republican Party plan to take out incumbent Rod Blagojevich and fix the state’s fiscals mess. Now the governor says Topinka and the Republicans are to blame for that mess. […]
Educators say they need help with other things
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Rockford Register-Star. When Stephen Mack Middle School started offering chef salads at lunch this year, they sold like hot cakes. Junk food, video games and tattoos have been targeted so far by the governor. One can’t help wonder what will be next.
The Supremes
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Some of the actions taken yesterday by the IL Supreme Court: •Upheld a 2001 law imposing a $120 million settlement on challenges to Illinois Bell’s rates for business services. […]
Did anyone see this?
Friday, Dec 2, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller From yesterday. llinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and St. Louis lawyer Ed Martin are slated to appear late this afternoon on CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight’’ to discuss Illinois’ rule requiring pharmacies to fill emergency-contraception prescriptions. I’m curious how it went. UPDATE: The transcript is up. “To suggest that somehow pharmacists should be treated differently, would be to suggest for example, that when you go to your supermarket and the clerk is checking out your food, and that clerk may be a vegetarian, that when you check through the counter to pay your bill, he’s checking the asparagus and the potatoes and the pasta, but when he gets to the ground sirloin, says: I’m sorry, I have a moral objection to meat, I’m not going to sell you the hamburger.”