Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
When I was in Iraq, there was a guy at my hotel who worked for the United Nations. His group was rewriting school textbooks, and he was focusing on math books.
Apparently, Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party were all over the books. From photos in the front, to inclusion in the daily lessons. The guy said it wasn’t so bad in the math books, but it was much worse in others.
Anyway, I thought of that UN worker when I read this Daily Herald story:
State income tax booklets mailed out to 1.5 million households this week contain a full-page promotion for “Governor Blagojevich’s All Kids program,†the state’s plan to provide health insurance to every child.
The prominent use of the governor’s name — in a mailer coming as the March primary approaches — will likely open the full-page promo to charges Blagojevich is violating the spirit of ethics rules he himself championed.
“If you were really committed to ethical reforms that you’ve been touting for the last four years, then you should bend over backward to make sure it doesn’t look like you’re benefiting from a state program as we approach a campaign,†said Kent Redfield, professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield. “And it draws attention away from the actual program and toward whether his name should be on it.â€
A Blagojevich spokeswoman defended the promo, which is headlined “Are your children uninsured?†and located on Page 17 of the 20-page Form IL-1040 instructions.
The name of the state agency that will administer the program isn’t even mentioned.
Now, I’m not trying to compare Saddam Hussein to Rod Blagojevich, but the obsession this administration has with stamping the governor’s name on nearly everything the state produces has reached ridiculous proportions.
And, again, there’s no comparison except for some fun satire, but you can’t help but wonder whether his successor will use Army tanks to tear down those gigantic tollway signs after Blagojevich leaves office.
(Hat tip to a commenter.)
UPDATE:From Edwin Eisendrath’s campaign:
“This is another sad example of Governor Blagojevich politicizing everything he touches. Is there one thing he can do that doesn’t cause people to wonder if he is using taxpayer dollars for his own political purposes? The people of Illinois deserve a Governor who will simply do the people’s business,†said Edwin Eisendrath, Democratic Candidate for Governor in response to growing concerns about a recent tax booklet mailing by the Blagojevich campaign.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 5:49 am:
What were you doing in Iraq?
- Tessa - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 6:11 am:
Interesting comparison. Sad, too. Does it say anything about the size of ones ego? I’m just sayin’. I’m sure you’re going to hear about this commentary today, Rich. But, this deserved some “air” time.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 6:31 am:
One more comment and I have to go.They are will do anything for re-election.Spend a lot of tax payer money claiming it is ethical.I think all of us knew this was going to be part of thier play book.That is why he will never go any farther than state government.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 6:56 am:
This does not surprise me. It’s called free publicity. They’ll be plenty more for sure. Rod’s not the only one. DHS’ Secretary Adams has her name on the doors of all local offices (use to be an office in each county and more in Cook, but that has changed so I don’t know the number of offices). The Secretary before her did and so on. This would be a great way to save the state some money. No more names.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 7:02 am:
Another example of why Blago doesn’t need campaign monies…he has our money to run for re-election on. Billions.
JBT and other aspiring governors will just have to take this into account in their campaign planning, particularly their ad planning. It’s not insurmountable. And it’s unlikely that we’ll see a law prohibiting this type of de facto campaigning on the part of sitting elected officials, although it would be nice.
- anon - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 7:51 am:
This is pale in comparison to the $3 billion taxpayer contribution (proposed capitol budget)that Blago is seeking.
- Leigh - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 8:08 am:
I would like to see the people of Illinois gather to tear down those signs that are only small in comparison to the Guv’s ego. No armys just honest, hardworking taxpayers taking out a some of the frustration the massive corruption in Illinois politics has caused.
- Bluefish - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 8:53 am:
Ironic that it is included in the tax booklets since that is what it will take more of to pay for this program.
- LittleEgypt - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:05 am:
How many families who need health insurance will even receive this booklet? I like the comparison of Bloggo to Sadaam. I wish our son could be the one to drive the tank into the tollway signs. Unfortunately, he will be driving a tank in Iraq (really). Is there no end to the sleazy, sneaky, underhanded methods this governor has to getting free publicity? I’m really surprised he didn’t go to West Virginia and cozy up to their governor on TV talking about how much safer Illinois mines are over those in WV (they aren’t safer but I wouldn’t put it past him). Oh no, I’ve just given “the kids” a new idea for a Bloggo news release - “OUR MINES ARE SAFER AND WE CAN PROVE IT”.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:21 am:
The reason mines here are safer is most of them are closed.We just had another big lay-off and he is going to throw the remainder under the bus for some re-election pr.
- the Patriot - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:33 am:
It is just another example on how the gov is all fluff and not execution. His name is all over it now, but when it crashes, and it will, he will be no where to be found. The good news is, is doesn’t matter how much money he spends, ours or his, he couldn’t get elected dog catcher in Virden, much less re-elected Gov. As soon as they get in the books to see what he has done to this state, he will end up in the polkie. He made one mistake George Ryan didn’t. Ryan will probably be able to draw out appeals for the rest of his natural life. Good thing the Gov is young so he can serve his whole sentence.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 10:13 am:
Politics is show business for ugly people. Politicians love seeing their names and faces plastered on everything that shows up in front of citizens. It is a form of publically funded graffitti. On top of it all, is a staff full of nitwits who heap praise without considering taste or class.
In my opinion, our elected servants work for us. Not the other way around. Using the public’s money to build monuments to themselves must end.
This nonsense will not end until it’s practice becomes toxic to these arrogant dummies. So, we should call it what it is when we see it, and embarrass the idiots who do it.
- Anon. - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 10:23 am:
Come on. Tyrannical indoctrination and ego/megalomania and political self promotion are not even in the same league. And simply saying “Now, I’m not trying to compare Saddam Hussein to Rod Blagojevich…” doesn’t make it so. Low. Hanging. Fruit.
I know many here hope he loses. I guess they’re all looking for a Bright Start ™.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 10:48 am:
By the time the elections come around, there will be so many biger issues for the Governor that this one won’t even make the top 20. The clock is ticking. Faster than many realize.
- Bubs - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 10:55 am:
Blago learned it in Chicago. For a while I thought that the name of this town had been legally changed to “City of Chicago Richard J. Daley Mayor” as I never seen it printed any other way.
- Rod Blagojevich - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 12:15 pm:
What’s new Rich? You know how my administration does things. We don’t care about the laws, we are apart of the Executive Branch and we are immune from the laws. I know as well as my administration know that this is a violation of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, but were going to keep doing as we do as know one has stepped to the plate and forced us to stop. Until that’s done, we’ll continue.
If you don’t like it, go to court and file a motion for a permanent injunction asking the court to order us to enjoin from violating the same laws that I created and signed.
- Paul Powell - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 12:43 pm:
This is just more in your face nonsense that is going to backfire on this bunch in March. When people get this and realize what is going on it will be all bad. However, talk is cheap so we’ll see if RGod continues down this path. He does not have much time for redemption but a death bed confession might be what it takes for him to win in March. Why is he not spending his 20 million in campaign cash for things like this? It is amazing that he is so bold about all of this.
- Randall Sherman - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 3:47 pm:
It is just another reason why the more that people study the Blagojevich record, the less likely they are to vote for him.
Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government
- - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 4:26 pm:
That $20 mil in Blago’s bank will be used as his legal defense fund. My bet is Blago does not announce for re-election. The Feds will rain on his parade by the Ides of March. Other City of Chicago constitutionals will go down as well. There is a reason the FBI needs more officers. Can you say Governor Eisendrath?
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 4:33 pm:
The below law means nothing to the current office of the Governor.
(5 ILCS 430/5‑20)
Sec. 5‑20. Public service announcements; other promotional material.
(a) Beginning January 1, 2004, no public service announcement or advertisement that is on behalf of any State administered program and contains the proper name, image, or voice of any executive branch constitutional officer or member of the General Assembly shall be broadcast or aired on radio or television or printed in a commercial newspaper or a commercial magazine at any time.
(b) The proper name or image of any executive branch constitutional officer or member of the General Assembly may not appear on any (i) bumper stickers, (ii) commercial billboards, (iii) lapel pins or buttons, (iv) magnets, (v) stickers, and (vi) other similar promotional items, that are not in furtherance of the person’s official State duties or governmental and public service functions, if designed, paid for, prepared, or distributed using public dollars. This subsection does not apply to stocks of items existing on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
Take a look at the website of his Executive Inspector General. Why hasn’t his Executive Inspector General intervened in this. I know for a fact complaints have been filed with the Office of Executive Inspector General, but this madness continues.
The Governor’s Executive Inspector General should not be confirmed, he should be fired. He is not doing his job. If he is ethically investigating other issues brought by state employees,
The question that comes to mind is:
Is the Executive Inspector General really independent of the Office of the Governor, or is the Office of the Governor running the Office of Executive Inspector General.
The Governor spokesperson should be fired for trying to defend their actions but she has not rightful explaination.
Rich I’m tired too, but I’m not giving up!
- firstamendment2006 - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 4:37 pm:
Rich, you think Barack Obama know about this and all the other violations similiar to this one.
Just a rhetorical!
- prairie farmer - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 4:42 pm:
Actually, when I got my tax booklet I was surprised I did not find Blago’s name on the cover or the back, or anywhere to be found, although I guess I should have kept digging. But of course he would not take credit for bringing you the dreaded INCOME TAX.
- "B Team" - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 5:08 pm:
I must admit that when my Land of blogo tax booklet arrived that I didn’t look at it. That said, it does not surpire me that testicular virility did what he did. Do anything to get his name in front at tax payer expense.
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 5:57 pm:
File a Freedom of Information Act request with the Illinois Department of Revenue and find out how much it cost to have the instruction booklet printed. Then determination the percentage of the printing costs that have nothing to do with the income tax booklet and suggest to Representative Fritchey that he request an opinion from the Attorney General as to whether the State of Illinois should be reimbursed for improperly including this information in the tax booklet.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 7:19 pm:
Wow, if Rod loses the Gov’s race, he would fit right in at the Schaumburg Library. Pass an ethics code, then break it almost immediately! If he apponts an ally to hear the case, I will circulate petitions for him my self!
- Tollway Truth - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:06 pm:
Remember when HotRod was running for Governor and he promised to sell the Tollway Headquarters building?
Of course, the building hasn’t been sold, despite the Tollway spending $200,000 for a “study” of the Guv’s promise.
So, in the spirit of more signs with Hot Rod’s name on it, I suggest they place this sign next to the Tollway Building:
Tollway building NOT for sale.
(However, my administration is.)
Milrod Blagojevich
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:41 pm:
This is ridiculous…
Look at your tax books from previous years. They always have an ad in there for some program. I just looked at last year’s, and they had an ad for KidCare in there.
Now, it looks like they just replaced KidCare with All Kids. I am pretty skeptical most of the time… but I think this time this had more to do with the program than the Governor.
- aNON - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 11:08 pm:
This is just more grasping at straws. I hate to be pushed into defending the governor, but it is piddly little gripes like this that make his critics laughable.
A few months ago in CapFax print edition, Rich listed the ongoing “scandals.” Taken all together, they do not amount to a hill of beans. Powerwashing? Panda Express? Politics?
This post takes the cake for Fox News-like sensationalism. Blagojevich is like Saddam Hussein?
This is not even in the ballpark (oh, wait. wasn’t there some “scandal” about a So. IL ballpark, too?)…anyway, this comparison is Matt Drudge, Bill O’Reilly and Pat Robertson all rolled into one.
“Mr. Iraqi, tell us what it was like when Saddam tortured and killed your family? It was like the time Rod Blagojevich put an ad for a state program in the mail, you say? How dreadful!”
- 11:08's Hill is my Mountain... - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 11:35 pm: all the 8, or is it 9, Federal investigations don’t amount to a “hill of beans?” The Feds just do this why, to keep busy, or are they political, or “the old way,” or what?
Well, 11:08 and the like-minded syncophants who knee-jerk away at what has to be a modern Illinois record for public corruption with this claptrap about “piddly little gripes,” get a grip. Ok, a page in the tax books is small potatoes in the big picture. If 1 of the 9 investigations sticks, your darling Rod is toast. He held himself out to a higher standard of conduct and Eisendrath, among others, has rightly called him out for not living up to it and for not disassociating himself from the people around him who did not. This is just another tiny example of the hypocrisy that defines the Blago regime and that will take it down.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jan 6, 06 @ 1:32 am:
1. Illinois mines are safer because the workers here are represented by a union and a collective bargaining agreement, unlike those unfortunate miners in West Virginia, and union mine workers don’t feel coerced to enter a mine they know is not safe.
2. You can’t take out one page of a booklet. Was the Gov’s move politically smart? Maybe not. But how much extra did it cost the state? Not a penny.
3. Today in Illinois, 16 people were sexually assaulted, 5 people were infected with HIV, 11 people died in Illinois hospitals as a result of medical malpractice, 27 people were told they would have to wait months to get substance abuse treatment, and 50 teenage girls had babies.
- Captplaid - Friday, Jan 6, 06 @ 6:07 pm:
Politics as ussual.
Chicago style!
Blago style!
- Captplaid - Friday, Jan 6, 06 @ 6:12 pm:
How can the Gov promote health insurance for children when the state has turned it’s back on state employee who were injured on the job. The state is not paying any workman’s comp claims until October.