I don’t buy it
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
The CTA doesn’t want to take $15 million in fuel discounts from Venezuela’s national oil company, Citgo. Venezuela is governed by President Hugo Chavez, a communist sympathizer with close ties to Cuban President Fidel Castro.
If the CTA doesn’t want “tainted” fuel, fine, but this explanation looks more than a little odd to me.
The Chicago Transit Authority recently had an offer of a $15 million gift in oil discounts from Citgo, but turned it down. That has enraged some lawmakers, who said at a news conference on Wednesday that a recent fare increase could have been avoided.
“They talked about having a $17 million budget shortfall,” said 26th Ward Ald. Billy Ocasio. “So, what we are saying to them is, ‘We are bringing you $15 million — come up with $2 million and keep the rides the way they are.’” […]
Kruesi said Citgo doesn’t offer fuel the agency could use.
“It would clog up our particular filters in the buses,” he said. […]
“They’ve already told us that the CTA is going to have a budget deficit this year, and is going to be back,” said State Rep. Marlow Colvin of Chicago. “When he comes with that hat in that hand, and if that first $15 million isn’t from Citgo, it’s going to be a real problem trying to get money for the CTA.”
Again, I have no problem with the CTA saying “We’re not taking money from that trouble-making, Castro-loving Commie,” even if he has been elected twice. But if that isn’t the issue, then why not try to cut a deal where the CTA takes the discounted Citgo fuel and resells it at full price if it can’t be used in CTA vehicles?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 5:53 am:
I would have a big problem if they said they weren’t taking money from a commie! It would be unpatriotic not to take it as that would let him keep it and use it for his often anti-American purposes.
- Confused - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 7:27 am:
Let me get this straight…
Buying cheap imported goods, a la Walmart from imporvised, third world countries that are exploiting their residents: BAD
Buying cheap under market value oil, from imporvised, third world countries that are exploiting their residents: GOOD
Toppling an oppressive government in order for us to get cheap oil: BAD
Cooperating with an oppressive government in order for us to get cheap oil: GOOD
Sometimes this stuff is just confusing to me.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 7:48 am:
This is all election year histrionics on the part of the Democrats, who would do far better to start helping explain to people why energy costs are going to increase, largely because of global trends that are difficult if not impossible to control.
Of course, the CTA could fire some of its excess middle management flab if they really want to keep public transport funds down, but we haven’t heard anything about THAT.
The Chavez offer is a sideshow to distract the Chicago populace from the real issues of CTA bloating and globally higher energy costs.
- Cuban - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 9:38 am:
Commissioner Maldonado and Congressman Gutierrez worked on this deal for over one year with Kruesi nowing about it, but now that it’s here Kruesi won’t do it? Kruesi is not an administrator, but is a political hack, and prefers to stick to the middle class and poor, instead of trimming his budget of waste and taking free gas!
Excuse, I hope I am not missing something but who elected Kruesi, and if not, why is Daley hiding from doing the right thing for the voters and taxpayers?
Could it be that none of Daley’s or Kruesi’s buddies are involved and that’s why they won’t do it?
Confused and Angry, I will vote to get rid of these bums, next time he is up for election!
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 10:20 am:
CITGO has already said that CTA could swap the diesel for fuel their buses could use, so that’s a red herring. This has little to do with “clogged filters” and everything to do with Daley not wanting to upset his great relationship with the President.
What will be interesting will be the sideshow that will be created when Kruesi and his lobbyists try to go to the state legislature for cash and get continually b****slapped for trying. If there’s anything that Kruesi has done over the last couple of years it’s prove he’s untrustworthy to the legislature. The time has come for him (and the Mayor) to learn a hard lesson.
- Patch - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 11:12 am:
Daley wants his airport, BushCo has/is going to help him get it, so Chicago won’t be getting oil byproducts from Venezuela.
- insider - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 12:14 pm:
Despite Anonymous 5:53’s and Confused’s shockingly uninformed opinion of Chavez (he’s not a communist–do you even know what the term means?–and he is neither unpopular among nor exploiting the Venezuelan citizenry, who have elected him president twice by large majorities), this is not about the president of Venezuela.
This is about a specific offer on the table that the CTA rejected. Whether it would help the CTA’s bottom line, lower-income commuters, or both, someone gets help. And other than some non-existent geopolitical issues (the Bush adminstration has applauded Citgo’s “corporate citizenship”), there are NO drawbacks to this that cannot be overcome with some creativity and strong leadership. Frank Kruesi possesses neither quality, and so his rejection of this offer comes as no surprise.
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Thursday, Jan 5, 06 @ 4:50 pm:
Rich I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!
The CTA should have at least accepted the fuel and sold it. The sarcastic comments that Kruesi made at his press conference about Chavez buying 15 million in Chicago Cards was inappropriate.
When someone offers an kind donation to someone else, no matter what it is it should not be laughed at.
If the President oked it, why does the Mayor object to at least accepting it to put back in the economy.
In addition, the CTA’S recent fair hyke is CONSUMER FRAUD.
The CTA received money from the state for this FY and promised that if the Legislature gave them the money, they would not raise fairs.
Yet after six months into the FY, they raised fares anyway.
Someone should go to court and file a consumer fraud suit and motion for a temporary injuction to order the CTA to discontinue the Consumer Fraud and uphold its promise to the State.
Can I say this?
Where is the Illinois Attorney General?