Illini Pundit says goodbye
Monday, Jan 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
The blog will live on, but the blogger is leaving.
Due to my personal involvement this year on behalf of a number of active candidates for office - none of whom know that I am IlliniPundit - my contributions to this site must cease. While my activities here have always been independent of any candidate or campaign, I’m certain that if I were to continue, even without their knowledge, at some point they would be held responsible for the personal opinions I’ve written here.
I had fully intended to shut down this site completely, but a group of local Republican and/or conservative activists have asked for the opportunity to take over the site. To that end, these are the new authors of
* Jason Barickman: Chairman of the Champaign County Young Republicans
* Linda Bauer: Vice Chairman of the Champaign County Republican Party
* Joan Dykstra: Savoy Village Board Member
* John Farney: Candidate for Champaign County Board
* Deborah Frank Feinen: Champaign County Board Member
* Gordy Hulten: Champaign County Young Republican
* Greg Meves: President of the University of Illinois College Republicans
* Mark Randall: Candidate for Champaign County Board
* Red State Wannabe: commenter
* Mark Shelden: Champaign County Clerk
* Scott Tapley: Champaign County Board Member
IP told me about his plans last month and I tried to talk him out of it, but he was pretty intent on leaving.
Illini Pundit was one of my favorite Illinois bloggers. I’m bummed.
- UI alum - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 8:49 am:
It’s pretty cool that he’s setting up a sort of Illinoize with his site.
- Matt Varble - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 8:56 am:
I think the only thing that really went away was the anonymous handle of IP.
- John Farney - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 3:06 pm:
Wow - my name on Capitol Fax - what a great day!
I’m sorry to see IP go and I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.
I look forward to continuing his good work.
- IlliniPundit - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 3:14 pm:
Thanks for the overly kind words, Mr. Miller. You’ve been a great supporter, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new authors.
I see that Mr. Varble is still clueless, and that his never-ending and completely over-the-top vendetta will continue unabated. Nothing but class, that Varble; nothing but class.
- Doug Dobmeyer - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 3:31 pm:
Great a republican blog by committee. maybe they should add tom delay for some spice and more lies.
hope when the dems sweep the mid-term elections thewy aren’t on the floor crying like babies - oh well so what if they are.
- Matt Varble - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 4:19 pm:
“completely over-the-top vendetta”
Vendetta? Let’s not be thin skinned, I’m merely making an observation. Your classy remarks of Rep. Jakobsson being “dumb” and “brainless” will probably also dissapate too if I had to guess.
For those of you who don’t know, towards the end IP prohibited my ability to post or simply even view his site. I enjoyed some of the comments made by various people on IlliniPundit. Some of the contributors were pretty smart, others were reactionary. However, there was usually a good exchange. Illini Pundit himself was pompous and not nearly as fair as he claims or as people think he was.
- IlliniPundit - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 4:35 pm:
Vendetta? Let’s not be thin skinned, I’m merely making an observation.
And a completely incorrect one, as usual.
Your classy remarks of Rep. Jakobsson being “dumb†and “brainless†will probably also dissapate too if I had to guess.
You should learn to spell the words you’d like to use to scold others. Regardless, I’ve written many times that calling Jakobsson “brainless” was silly, and so I stopped doing it months ago.
When do you plan on stopping your pointless attacks on me?
For those of you who don’t know, towards the end IP prohibited my ability to post or simply even view his site.
I wonder why…
I enjoyed some of the comments made by various people on IlliniPundit. Some of the contributors were pretty smart, others were reactionary. However, there was usually a good exchange. Illini Pundit himself was pompous and not nearly as fair as he claims or as people think he was.
Like I said, classless. Have a good life, and I hope you don’t somehow manage to screw up an unopposed Precinct Committeeman campaign like you screwed up your campaign for City Council.
- Mr. ANON - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 4:53 pm:
I guess this means local taxpayers might get a little more for their money and U of I students can still expect to get jacked round when thye try to vote
- This is How it Is - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 6:00 pm:
I am sort of shocked by the people clueless to Illinipundit not always being a right-wing militia of misinformation.
Before it was Illinipundit (Champaign County Clerk), Scott Tapley, Jason Barickman, and RedStateWannaBe. All they have done is expanded the Right-Wing Militia with more Misinformants to spread Rove, Delay, and ILGOP talking points and Illinipundit in a round-about way has admitted he is Mark Shelden, which ample evidence existed already.
This is like Fox News admitting they are adding more right-wing nuts and they are really not fair and balanced and all of a sudden people like Rich Miller and commenters on Illinipundit are in awe and think something is going to change. It will still be a instrument of right-wing talking points. The only difference now is it will be less anonymous and they are admitting that they are part of the right-wing militia of misinformation.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 6:26 pm:
“This is How it Is,” that was more than a little over the top, don’t you think? IP is a Republican blog. He’s never tried to claim he was an objective, unbiased reporter. And that right-wing militia stuff is just crazy. Nuts, even. Please don’t come back until you take off your tinfoil hat. Thanks.
- mattvarble - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 7:50 pm:
“I hope you don’t somehow manage to screw up an unopposed Precinct Committeeman campaign like you screwed up your campaign for City Council.”
IP, Please….My write-in campaign for the Champaign city council was a last minute decision against a 3 term incumbent. My Feb. 2005 primary results getting me on to the General election ballot was more than good enough to scare the Mayor of the city to the point of becoming directly involved into the race assisting my opponent due to his concern about loosing one of his yes men. To me that was enough evidence of my impact.
Good luck with helping Judy Myers..(a truly screwed up campaign)
- Nearly Normal - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 9:37 pm:
Let’s keep the viciousness off of this, please. I realize I am not of the Champaign County ilk and don’t know all that has gone on in the past. Can we act like adults here?
- IlliniPundit - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 9:37 pm:
Mr. Miller,
Again, you’ve been too kind, and I thank you for that.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming….
- SouthernILRepub - Tuesday, Jan 10, 06 @ 12:11 am:
Good luck IP by the way Naomi is as clueless as they come. How she was able to get reelected is a big guess to me. Its unfortunate that legislators that don’t even represent the UofI are more friendly that she!
- This is How it Is - Tuesday, Jan 10, 06 @ 7:16 am:
Your right Fox News is more biased than Illinipundit and that was over the top.
IP is definitely a conservative blog, and he never stated otherwise but the source is what matters and that was the point.
It is the same as save our pensions. No one doubted that this was an organization to help the pensions and attack Democrats for their vote. When it was exposed for being a Republican front group it discredited the organization and their message because the source was found out.
It seems that many people think IP is truly this mythical person who was just observing the local political scene (like you view the state scene) but it is even more obvious now it was Mark Shelden. Now they are admitting that they are Republican officeholders, candidates, and soon to be county party chairmen.
Miller wrote “Illini Pundit was one of my favorite Illinois bloggers. I’m bummed.” All I was trying to say is look nothing will change except that IP is not anonymous anymore. There will be less attacks on the local Mass Transit District, individuals who want to ban smoking, and local Democrats but that is a good thing because IP contributors will be putting a name to any accusations or stories they start.
The Right-Wing Militia of Misinformation stuff is just a line (environmental wackos) nothing to take too seriously now.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 10, 06 @ 7:37 am:
Good. Thanks.