Kabuki dance
Monday, Jan 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
This quote from today’s Rockford Register-Star comes pretty close to what I wrote in the Capitol Fax last week about the upcoming debate over Gov. Blagojevich’s $3 billion road, bridge and school bonding plan.
“For the Republicans . . . it’s a double-edged sword,” said Chris Mooney, political scientist at the University of Illinois at Springfield: “Their constituents want roads, they want bridges, but on the other hand, to give this to the governor in an election year, they’ll be handing him a real gift - especially downstate, where his (polling) numbers are weak.”
That factor means the Republicans “may have some reason to sit on it,” Mooney said. But he noted that even that strategy wouldn’t necessarily be all bad for Blagojevich: “He could go around (the campaign trail) and say, ‘Look what these Republicans did, they killed off all these road and bridge projects.’”
The State Journal-Register has Senate GOP Leader Watson turning thumbs down. [emphasis added]
Senate Republican Leader Frank Watson, R-Greenville, said Republicans aren’t convinced the state can afford a new bonding program. He also said Republicans don’t trust Blagojevich to give them their districts their fair share of the construction money. For now, Watson said, the chances of a bond program “are zero.”
“I’ve not been called or solicited by anyone in the governor’s office,” Watson said. “Every other governor, when he needs to have a program like this, takes the lead.”
There’s also what could be the quote of the month buried in the story.
However, deputy governor Bradley Tusk said the administration believes Senate Republicans “are more amenable than they were last (year).”
“You hope once in a while people think of things other than elections,” Tusk said.
Oh, brother.
- Sheesh - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 6:45 am:
Yes…Being a citizen of Illinois, I am willing to look past all the corruption, all the waste, all the fraud, all the debt, and the misuse of public funds, all the hypocracy, all the “we will tell you what you can and can’t do” micromanagement, all the law passing to make me feel good about myself (violent video games, human trafficking, etc), all the “do it for the kids”, all the fees increases, all the indicitments…just so I can get a new bridge.
That’s all it would take to buy my vote.
- Hilarious - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 8:32 am:
Was Tusk about to keep a straight face when he said that?????
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 11:05 am:
Sitting on the governor’s proposal will not be seen any differently than the other proposals that are being sat on by both parties. It isn’t news to have this governor’s plans not pass, it is news when they do.
Blagojevich cannot use it during the campaign without reminding voters how he couldn’t get other things through the Assembly. Part of his problem is his ongoing poor relationships with Democrats, Republicans and his own family. Another part of his problem is his image as a do-nothing. So, if he wants to get re-elected, blaming others for his inability to do something will not make voters support him.
Tusk’s quote reminds us of how amateur this administration is and how it has empowered amateurs to play politics.
- LittleEgypt - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 12:20 pm:
Oh come on now Bradley, you live, eat, and breathe campaign and politics. Can’t Bloggo come out with a spokesperson who has more credibility than you? For crying out loud, is there not anyone on Bloggo’s staff over the age of 35 who has some common sense? This state doesn’t have the money for the kids insurance plan, let alone a bond program to fix roads. Perhaps Bloggo smells defeat in the upcoming election because he is certainly spending like “a drunken sailor” and IF (a BIG if), he wouldn’t be able to live with his past slogan to not raise taxes. If he gets this kids insurance plan and the bond program approved, SOMEONE will have to raise taxes. Note to Tusk AND Filan - the money’s not there unless you go to that pension well again.
- ObamaOverrated - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 12:40 pm:
Rich, I have heard from some Moderate Dem friends in South and Central Illinois (Peoria, Carbondale, Effingham etc..) that when they found out the real reason Blagoevich would not move to Springfield is that his wife is a Real Estate agent in Chicago working for Blair Hull and making big $$$$. Many Southern Illinois Dem’s feel Rod despises anywhere in Illinois south of the Loop. Rich why has the Media given Rod a pass on a Governor of a major electoral state spitting on non chicago residents???
- St.EmployeeTrash - Monday, Jan 9, 06 @ 11:10 pm:
As a current State employee (32 yrs.), and a democrat (at least until Blago was elected) that came in under Walker, I’ve never seen the State more poorly managed than right now. I’m truly embarrassed to admit that I am a State employee. This administration is only concerned with saying something has been done-not actually doing anything. I’m retirement-eligible. Thank God.