More money doled out on trip
Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Rod Blagojevich’s expensive fly-around continues.
Today Tomorrow, the governor will travel to Decatur to ostensibly promote his $3 billion borrowing plan for construction. This was leaked late last week.
Richland Community College will receive a $2.18 million state grant to construct a $3 million occupational training center, money that has been frozen for three years by Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
The mayor of Taylorville will also be present at today’s Decatur event.
A planned $1.1-billion site where coal from a mine near this central Illinois community would be converted into synthetic gas got a $5 million boost Monday, half of it coming from the state, Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced.
The Democrat said in a statement that $2.5 million from the state Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has been devoted to help engineer and design the ERORA Group’s planned 777-megawatt Taylorville Energy Center. The other $2.5 million is to come from the public-private Illinois Clean Coal Review Board.
Meanwhile, the governor was targeted by pickets on his fly-around yesterday.
As Gov. Rod Blagojevich approached his Macomb stop Tuesday, he was met by picketing construction workers who say they are losing their jobs because of state policies and union harassment.
A handful of employees from Hillyer Inc., a Macomb contractor, set up across the street with signs painted with statements such as “Thanks Gov - No job, no $$, no votes.”
- Rele Tahrd - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 5:43 am:
I guess Richland CC and the taxpayers of the district just didn’t need the occupational training center at all until that idiot governor decided he wanted to run for re-election.
POA also cut 2.6% from higher education. Across the nation, higher education spending went up an average of 5.3%.
Ol’ Blah-Blah sure had $1 million ready to go for a private school, I mean church, I mean school-church, I mean Charlotte Church.
- Ex-Newfie - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 6:16 am:
By the time this gubernatorial campaign is over, the state will be robbed blind. The taxpayers will have paid for the whole thing, media, giveaways and now apparently transportation. You can’t say his staff isn’t thinking all the time, coming up with ideas to promote their guy without him having to dip into his 15+ million. I guess that money is a hedge again his non-reelection. He can go out a millionaire and then try to finance a national run. He will have achieved something he couldn’t do on his talent as an attorney.
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 6:47 am:
Rich does anyone know if all these tooth fairy trips of his have raised his poll numbers any.Also these give aways are all being planned by his staff and anyone with a half an ounce of brains knows or can see it is tried direcctly to his campaign.Isn’t that illegal?
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 7:36 am:
Perhaps the only way to deal with the Santa Claus governor is to ramp up one’s request for state monies.
My Oak Park suburb, suffering from rampant crime, declines in school performance, skyrocketing property taxes (we pay $14,000), deteriorating infrastructure and resegregation could use at least tens of millions of state and federal aid, yet we currently get almost nothing from the state.
This is our reward for being a suburb of far left liberal Democrats.
I guess it’s not good enough to vote for Blago (I didn’t, but the vast majority of Oak Parkers did).
What would open the Blago spigot? And where are our all-Dem state legislators, Harmon, Graham, Giles, etc. Isn’t a large part of their job to get us the money?
- LAC - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 7:41 am:
I applaud the Hillyer, Inc. Construction company for picketing the gov, I hope they get a ton of jobs from people in the Champaign area who are sick of this idiot gov!
- Ron - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 8:49 am:
Some of the Credit, if you want to call it that, for these idiotic and crazy ideas should probably go to Rep. Jay Hoffman close firend and confident of Blago’s. Of course, with friends like this who needs enemies.
Hoffman has never been considered a real thinker. Blago needs to get some better advisors.
- Truthful James - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 9:02 am:
Bradley Tusk is having a great time imitating famous and fellow New York con-man Joseph (”Paper Collar” Joe) Bessimer who is likely the true source of the wuote mistakenly attributed to P.T Barnum: “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Maybe in New York, hopefully not here. Let’s post the Barnum sign for him: “This way to the egress.”
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 2:32 pm:
Hey he needs to figure out how to improve the business climate for Illinois factories.Two big announcements today down here.Maytag and Airtex will cut thier workforce.
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 3:28 pm:
- Ex-Newfie - Wednesday, Jan 11, 06 @ 10:20 pm:
Today’s Tribune editorial has a good round-up of the Guv’s re-election campaign circus, disguised as a fly-around give-away. They did not mention the fact that he has state owned print shops printing mailings, covered in his name. These are to promote his initiatives, which are based on sand, and he is using the budgets of those agencies to print and mail this self-serving junk mail.