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Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Illinois will temporarily pay for prescription drugs if seniors are having problems with the new Medicare coverage. Appears to be a national problem. The vultures are already starting to circle over Jim Laski’s political corpse. Another fight over the separation of church and state, this one at Lane Tech. Here’s more on that controversy in the 48th Senate District that I told you about in this morning’s Capitol Fax. A push for increased Amtrak funding. A peek into the Pritzker family fight. Buy a piece of White Sox history. I gotta find a new web hosting service. Any suggestions? Stroger fundraising hit.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 12:06 pm:
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 12:48 pm:
GoDaddy.com….it’s cheap and I’ve never had a problem with traffic, outage, etc.
- Gordy Hulten - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 1:39 pm:
I’ve been using PowWeb.com for my personal site for a little over a year, and it’s been very reliable.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 1:43 pm:
PowWeb is the one I’m using now.
- Randall Sherman - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 2:02 pm:
Stroger will likely respond to this criticism by claiming people are picking on him because he is African-American. That of course is a joke.
Stroger has NEVER backed an African-American candidate for a major office over a white candidate that the Daleys were supporting. Be it Rich Daley over Harold Washington for Chicago Mayor in 1983, Alan Dixon over Carol Moseley-Braun for U.S. Senator in 1992, any Daley-backed white candidate over Roland Burris in a number of his campaigns, or even Dan Hynes over Barack Obama for U.S. Senator in 2004, Stroger has consistantly turned his back on his “people.”
But now that voters seem fed up with the waste, scandal and corruption that have marred Stroger’s three terms as Cook County Board President, Stroger wants people to people to think he is some sort of black activist. Does he think the voters in general, and African-American voters in particular, are that gullible?
- Levois - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 3:06 pm:
What does the possible indictment or resignation of Jim Laski mean in the long run? Would there be some kind of power stuggle for that post?
As for President John Stroger all I can say for his is that he is merely playing the game and unfortunately that means that he doesn’t support other blacks for higher offices. On a few occasions he didn’t pick the winner. Unfortunately not too many blacks are paying attention to where his support actually goes.
I hope the server problems clear up.
- anon - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 3:42 pm:
bgfweb.com - dependable, inexpensive, responsive.
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 4:16 pm:
Try www.1and1.com They are cheap and have ample servers.
- Wishful - Thursday, Jan 12, 06 @ 7:26 pm:
Who leaked that Pritzker memo?
- Cassandra - Friday, Jan 13, 06 @ 7:46 am:
Apparently, African American (and white liberal Dem)voters ARE that gullible–one assumes that Daley machine voters of whatever race vote purely for self-interest.
The ACLU and child advocates have been
trying for years to get reforms at the Cook juvenile correctional facility, widely viewed as a jobs farm where children receive poor care
and are even mistreated. Stroger has pretty much ignored them. If the population mirrors state and national juvenile populations, the residents of Audy are predominantly (and disproportionately) African American.
No outcries from the African American community about this, of course, and precious little from the lakefront libs.
Stroger is a strong favorite to win again, with very substantial support from the African American community.