Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Yes, I know the site has been way too slow for the past couple of days. I just got off the phone with support and they’re working on it as I type this. Hopefully, this won’t happen again. Sorry for any trouble you’re having accessing the site. UPDATE: I temporarily dropped a couple of news feeds and switched them from php to java (which I think will take some strain off the server) and things are running a bit better. I hope this lasts. UPDATE 2: I’m not the only one with server problems today. Peoria Pundit is having diffulties as well. He has temporarily moved here. UPDATE 3: Things seem to be working much better now. UPDATE 4: I may have spoken too soon. UPDATE 5: Now the news feeds are down. How fun. UPDATE 6: Keep your fingers crossed. Looks like everything is running OK now.