Question of the day
Friday, Jan 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller If you had a chance to sit down and have a private chat with the underdogs in the governor’s race - Edwin Eisendrath, Jim Oberweis, Bill Brady and Ron Gidwitz - what would you tell each of them?
- Larry Horse - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 5:46 am:
I’d tell the Republicans that a good strategy would be to try to equate Topinka with Blagojevich (maybe trying to get that picture from the state of the state on a mailer would be a good investment) and to say that Illinois needs a totally fresh voice in Springfield.
Edwin can’t just run on being a Democrat who’s not Blagojevich for much longer. I have no idea what policies he believes in other than ethics reform and I’m not willing to vote for him in the primary unless I have some idea. That is, unless his whole strategy is to get Dems who are voting anyone-but-Blago.
Note that on the one hand I tell the GOPs to put the race on the frontrunner but on the other hand I tell Edwin to focus on his own agenda. I am a schizo, no?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 6:11 am:
I would tell Eisendrath to get some TV ads out immediately and include downstate in the buy. When he talks about ILLINOIS issues, voters will see that he is a much more dedicated to the future of ILLINOIS than the ceaseless campaigner. He should tell the voters that he will not mortgage the future by borrowing billions and billions and billions of dollars. He should also remind veterans and union workers that his administration will not take employment opportunities from them.
- Tessa - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 6:21 am:
Ditto what anonymous above me said about Eisendrath. He needs to get his voice out there to the general pop. of Illinois. I’d like to see him face to face, but he needs to get ads out there asap. He can’t go on being “I’m not Blagojevich”.
That’s just my opinion.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 7:15 am:
I agree with Larry- GOP quit dividing yourselves into factions. Illinois wants a middle-of-the-road candidate; extremism either way is not going to play accross the state. Definitely use Blago’s own words against him and mean it when you say- NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL.
Eisendrath-WHERE ARE YOU??? Get out there! I READ you did a commercial or photo shoot in front of the Guv’s mansion, but I did not see it for myself. Play down the Chicago connection (while still appealing to some Chicagoland demands), let the people know you are proud of ALL of Illinois and think it would be a PRIVILEGE to live in the mansion. Play nice with State employees, they have had a rough time under Blago (I am no longer one). Do NOT promise that you will not raise taxes. Do promise you will not place your campaigners, friends and family in State positions. Look at Pat Quinn- he has some great ideas. Good Luck.
- Rod who? - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 7:18 am:
For Bill Brady: attack health care, education and food aid for poor children. Let them eat cake.
- Sporty41 - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 8:12 am:
Quit playing patti-cake with the non-core issues. Blago is weak because he governs like an idiot . . . hit him on that and his debacle on the budgets all day everyday.
- The Conservative - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 8:29 am:
Bill Brady is the only candidate that can beat Blago, no matter how the Liberals wine we will not line up behind Topinka nor Gidwetz. He has the ability to be Governor. He has the honesty and the experience. The Ice Cream man talks the talk (some times) but dosen’t walk the walk. He cannot be trusted. Enough is enough. I agree we need to unite. Get behind Brady!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 8:57 am:
Ron: Your commercials have gotten better, but you might want to mention you’re a Republican.
Jim: You may not have noticed, but you’re not running against Kjellander. Stop pounding Judy on the insider politics and start pounding on something moderates can wrap their arms around: all the money she’s raised from the banks her office does business with.
Bill: Drop school prayer and creationism: it may play with the grassroots, but the media and big donors know the planet is older than 3,000 years, and the managers at ADM know we need schools that teach science. If you’re not serious about winning this race this time around, drop out.
Edwin: Same advice: you’ve made your point, but most folks think your only hope of winning the primary is indictments, something we all know is not going to happen, because US Attorneys don’t get involved in politics. If you have a plan to win this primary, you need to share that vision with the voters. If you don’t have a realistic plan, you should drop out, because you’re only helping Karl Rove.
- Anon - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:16 am:
I would tell Obey to break out the Senate signs, 2008 is right around the corner.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:22 am:
To Oberweis and Gidwitz: Promise to run the state like a business. That you will govern like a CEO. No favors to pals. No special contracts to special people. No pay to play. Honest and open government. “We won’t waste your hard earned money.” Stress your business administration skills and abilities and contrast them to the current skills and abilities displayed by the current Governor.
Lay off the intraparty attacks. We are all just sick to death of them.
Louis G. Atsaves
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:22 am:
I think they all need to get their heads examine. Their campaigns are being run by a bunch of idiots.
Gidwitz campaign manager and consultants needs to have a heart to heart talk with Ron tell him with less than 60 days left he can’t move more than a couple of points, pack up shop and back one of the candidates. Some needs to slap Rauschy, giving up an important Senate seat for Lt Gov. Corrine Wood did that and the Republicans have lost that seat forever.
Milk Man, I would tell him to shut up and just hand out ice cream. Keep giving checks to local republican organizations for their endorsements, blitz your strong areas with media and hope for a high voter turn out.
Brady, I would tell him it was yours to win a month ago, but your campaign is disorganized and poorly managed. You should of ran for Treasurer, built a statewide organization and name id for mansion in 4yrs. Take what money you have and blitz the media downstate and hope the other 3 stalemate each other in collars and the city.
And for Eisendrath, blast the hell on Blago lack of ethics reform. I would show pictures of George Ryan and pictures of Blago, saying “four years later; we are paying higher fees and the corruption is still here. What is Rod promising now?”
- Wumpus - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:24 am:
Obie, stop being so angry at Judy. It can be effectively articulated without seeming like you are mad at your ex. Also, bring Wegman on board, she has the passion and is non-compromising and not afraid to admit she is a conservative. She is really growing on me.
Gidwitz, stay above the Jim v Judy fray, focus on the issues.
Brady, raise some money and build some name recognition…somehow. I like you the best.
Eisenrath, focus on Blago’s ethical issues and how croneyism, etc have gotten worse.
- the Patriot - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:33 am:
Bill, run your race, but you are going to have to take the gloves off a little. Call Obie to the table for what he is another rich guy who thinks he has the devine right to govern because he has money.
And especially go after Judy for what she is, just another political hack for the Chicago Machine. Express to republicans, the fact Rod and the rest of the Chicago Machine give her so much free press should tell you something. They believe they can beat her, or get her to work for them.
- Anon - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:35 am:
To Eisendrath: Focus on honesty in government,
fiscal responsibility–i.e. taking money from
state pensions to pay for other programs
To Brady, Oberweis, Gidwitz: Drop Out! Be a team player for once. Only Topinka has a chance to win the general election.
- zatoichi - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 9:36 am:
You want to represent Illinois? Get out and be seen in Illinois. In our local paper, RG and JBT get press because of the office they have. The others are simply not known well. They may get a small spot 5 pages in. At the last Kiwanis meeting the response was “I wouldn’t know them if I saw them, but I think I heard of them.”
Main advice: stop living off credit cards and cut the borrowing. Pay the debt off, pay your bills, and live within your means.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:04 am:
Listen guys, voters already have a spunky white guy as governor. Everyone knows he stinks. So, voters are weary of more spunky white guys repeating what he said four years ago, as they should be.
Imagine you are trying to sell a furnace to a couple whose house is still on fire from their last furnace purchase. How would you speak to them, so that they would buy from you instead of waiting for the repairman?
1.) Tell the couple that you see the fire.
2.) Validate what they originally wanted.
3.) Show them their first choice’s failures.
4.) Demonstrate how your product is better. It could be cheaper, it could be safer, it could be more reliable, it could be more efficient, it could be experience in the business - take your pick and go with it.
I’m not hearing these four steps, you guys.
Eisendrath - You are doing #1, #2 and #3 perfectly, but you need to start doing #4 with a smile.
Brady - You are doing #1, but you are dissing #2 when you tell them you want to replace their furnace with a fireplace. Until you get #2 right, you can skip #3 or #4.
Oberweis - You’ve shown up at the door too many times. You are always claiming to see a fire, even when their isn’t, so the owners think you are a pesty nut. You have no credibility.
Gidwitz - You got #1, #2 AND #3, but #4 is eluding you. You are losing them on reliability, and experience. Would you buy a furnace from a guy who sells shampoo? They are two different businesses. Its going to be a tough sell.
Topika - You are doing #1, #2, #3 and #4 very well. You are known. The couple is listening and nodding their head and ready to sign up.
Blagojevich - You have a completely different job. You have to convince the couple that you can repair the furnace, remind them of what they originally wanted, and claim that your repairs will be cheaper and safer. But you have to do this while fighting the fire, blaming the toaster, and watching the couple’s possessions go up in smoke. Pray for rain!
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:39 am:
I would tell each of them first and foremost that the most effective way to be a good leader is to hire good, dependable and accountable staff. Not staff members who really don’t like you but use the position that they’re placed in to better themselves and initiate “screw ball” initiative cause they’re really only concerned about themselves and their status quo.
Second, every initiative that you initiate stand tall and see it to it’s completion. If you’re going to reform do just that and let the people see real reforms not just bla! bla! bla! which comes from most elected officials.
For example, if you pledge to reform Child Support, fist ensure that the management is working in sinc with your efforts and that good management is in place. Second ensure that every Child Support constituent with a Child Support order is receiving his or her Child Support. Third, all cases pending without judicial or administrative orders, within a one months period, ensure that each of these cases either have an admin order or judicial. Last but not least, maintian the reforms put in place.
In addition, the people of the State of Illinois are looking for someone real to bring real change to gov’t. Don’t be a phony be a realist. The people will draw to a realist before a phony liar.
Maintain a high level of ethics and accountability and you can’t loose.
Clean house in state gov’t with your Executive Inspector General and ensure that the people are informed about what’s happening in your office and the Office of Executive Inspector General. Ensure that your Executive Inspector General is independent of your office and ensure that your office doesn’t control the OEIG. Ensure that you maintain a close relationship with your EIG with access to you at any time as he or she is your key to ethical reforms.
Last but not least, fire anyone who doesn’t appear to be in your favor working to better the people of the state of Illinois and its gov’t. Don’t keep Brad or Cheryle as they appear to be causing a lot of the problems in the current Office of the Governor and separate your friends from your business. Keep your friends at home and don’t bring a lot of them with you.
- your ice cream stinks - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:43 am:
i would tell oberweis that he is a loser
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:46 am:
Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 8:57 am:
In response to your notion that, “US Attorneys don’t get involved in politics”, I DISAGREE!
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:50 am:
VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:04 am-
- Reagan Democrat - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 10:52 am:
To Bill Brady
If you want to run statewide again you cannot be the one who makes JBT the winner. You have no money ,name recognition and no organization why are you really in this race? Kejellander will have to go with what is going on in Washington DC, he will not be there to help you next time.
Judy How do you make up the 1.3 million votes that went for Keyes? Why will the democratic base leave Rod? He passed gay rights, universal healthcare, raised the minimum wage, made it easier to unionize a business. Where is your crossover?
Gidwitz watch out as soon as you start moving you are going to get your legs cut out from under you. Going after the Slum Lord
Oby be nice and keep going to show you are the outsider, bring up the name Patrick Fitzgerald. Keep reminding people there are not two parties in Illinois just the combine and their job is making each other rich.
EE get on the air NOW!
- Ron - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 11:23 am:
eisendrath get out info on yourself. i couldn’t pick you out in a photo of one.
topinka stay home and let birkett do the leg work
brady energize your conservative base and hope for them to turnout on primary day and it snows big time in chicago area on primary day.
gidwitz save your money you will finish fourth
oberwies we know the name and think ice cream and keeping those people out of illinois
blagojevich keep promising the moon maybe the electorate is as dumb as you think
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 11:33 am:
Oberweis - Stick to Dairy
Gidwitz - Stick to hair products
Brady - You should have ran for Treasurer.
Eisendrath - Eggo my Blago
- Lincoln Lounger - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 12:07 pm:
I would ask Ron Gidwitz why he and his family insist on continuing to be slumlords. Doesn’t he have enough money already?
I would ask Oberweis if he is really a reformer considering that he has packed his campaign payroll with George Ryan hacks.
- pike - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 12:28 pm:
Eisendrath-make blago spend as much of his money as possible, you might be the reason he looses in the end.
Oberweis- stop making the republican leadership mad, if you would pull off a miracle in the primary your base would be county coord outside the party who you have paid for there serv. the party would not reconize you, as you have stated you would not reconize them. what a gamble (KENO)
Brady- If down state was a state you would be the man
Gidwitz- Stop throwing your money around like it’s candy, everyone can’t be bought. you are a very smart man, be yourself. (maybe you are)
To all above- when the primary election puts forth a GOP winner get behind them (you to Eisendrath)
- Ron - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 12:39 pm:
rod –look at the most recent survey usa poll numbers.
everybody else– do the same
- Anon - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 1:06 pm:
Rod’s doing better than I thought.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 1:13 pm:
Topinka of Accordian, Drop-Out.
You have no chance. One George Ryan was enough.
- Anon. - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 1:18 pm:
Louis G Astaves: “Promise to run the state like a business. That you will govern like a CEO. No favors to pals. No special contracts to special people. No pay to play. Honest and open government.”
Priceless. Is that a joke? Where to begin? First, the whole “run the government like a business” thing is so 1980s. Which business ought it be run like? Enron? Tyco? United Airlines? Arbusto?
Government can’t be run like a business because it ISN’T a business. And the notion that businesses are all “no-nonsense, do what is right” is more than laughable.
- HRC - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 1:35 pm:
I would tell them that Judy is having a power-strategy session over a private lunch at The Old Prague in Berwyn, and that they’re encouraged to come over, at least for the meal and the drinks.
Then I’d laugh my tail off, knowing that they were thinking of Klas, where Judy had her kickoff. The Old Prague burned down years ago.
- dollar bill - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 2:22 pm:
Which one of you has got the most cash in their pocket?
- anon - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 2:24 pm:
I’d tell Edwin to keep paying off the Chicago Trib for all of the good press he is getting from them.
- Bluefish - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 2:35 pm:
To Brady and Gidwitz: Time to pack it up boys. You’re just not going to gain the traction you need to win or even get 10%.
To Oberweis: If you’re willing to spend the money to win, be careful that you don’t back yourself into a corner with overly conservative primary positions that will leave you flatter than Alan Keyes’ vote total in the general.
To Eisendrath: This is a blue state. Deep down, most Democrats feel betrayed by Blago. We know that Blago’s promises are built on debt that will eventual sink this state. Every day we open the newspaper, we hear another tale of his corruption. This is a huge opening. We’ll support you in the primary if you give us a reason to vote for you. Ending the cycle of corruption is a good start (this theme will work extremely well against the Republicans in November, too), but we want to know what you plan to accomplish if elected. So far, we have not seen your face on TV or heard what you stand for. Except for us people in the business, very few people have ever heard of you. Spend some bucks, get your name and message out there, position yourself as a new breed of Democrat not beholden to the Machine/Combine, and hit Blago with all the ammo he keeps handing you. Remind us why we’re now embarrassed to have voted for Blago four years ago and convince us we’ll be proud to have voted for you in four years. Start now.
- FmrHOI - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 2:39 pm:
To Brady - pack it up, you’ll be lucky to carry McLean County much less win the state.
To JBT - clean your closets in a hurry, the attack dogs are coming in late March after you take the primary
- Beowulf - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 6:41 pm:
The answer to winning the hearts and minds of the Illinois voters would be an easy one for Eisendrath, Gidwitz, Brady, or Oberweiss. It will not be so easy for Blagojevich or Judy to do because no one will believe them. Simply follow what Ronald Reagan initially did and say that you plan on being a one term governor. That is all you have to say. Just promise us that you will only serve as governor for one term and mean it.
- nickel n dime - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 6:47 pm:
To the milkman (Obie) Get back to what you do best. Selling ice cream.
Eisendrath- Make voters aware that you are a refreshing change to this Governor. Make voters believe that every good thing does not begin and end in Cook County.
Brady - Time to spend some $$. Get on TV or do a statewide mailing and let voters know you are the ONLY candidate not willing to compromise your principles and do and say whatever is necessary to get elected. You wanted the job from day one and actually decided not to waver on any positions.
Gidwitz - Cut the botox injections and move your eyebrows more. Get out of the race and support the candidate with the highest principles. Split your $$ between that candidate and Rauschy. Let them run as a team and you can be the unselfish savior of the GOP.