Tuesday, Jan 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Ron Gidwitz released a new TV ad yesterday. I’d have you review it today, but the link sent around by the campaign and trumpeted on Steve Rauschenberger’s blog doesn’t work, and didn’t work all day yesterday. I sent an e-mail to the campaign, but got nothing back. You’d think they’d test these things before announcing them. You can find the text of the ad here (sroll down). Rate it in comments if you feel like it. Speaking of oopsies, Sen. Chris Lauzen recently sent out an e-mail press release that had “Lauzen for Congress” on the return address. Lauzen said it was a mistake by his service provider. UPDATE: The link is working now… kinda. It timed out on me a few times. But go ahead and review it if you’d like.
- archpundit - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 1:34 am:
By his service provider? Uh-huh.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 10:59 am:
Speaking of dead links, Topinka’s website (judyforgov.com) has a dead link for Joe Birkett. Under “get informed” on the main page the Birkett link brings up an error message of “The page cannot be found”.
If this election were synchronized swimming Joe and Judy would fail miserably. I hope they get it together soon or they will lose together.
- 23eyes - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 11:22 am:
HMMMMMMMMMMM, wonder what Denny Hastert thinks about Lauzen’s error? Is someone stalking the speaker? Will Lauzen be up for re-election in 08? or is he safe to run against Denny? He wouldn’t dare? Mayeb Tom Cross should get his stationery ready now as well?
- Beowulf - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 11:38 am:
I’d have mixed emotions about Chris Lauzen running for the US Congress. With one breath, I would hate to lose him in our Illinois Senate but in the next breath, I would relish seeing an individual of such integrity in the US Congress. It would be kind of like watching my mother-in-law driving my new car off of a cliff. I’d have mixed emotions. Incidentally, I say this tongue-in-cheek because I have a terrific mother-in-law. Honest honey!
- 404-File not found - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 12:40 pm:
A tip for the little leaguers: if you’re going to put ads and stuff on “the internets”, you should get a robust server with enough capacity to host a lot of simultaneous viewings. Don’t scrimp on the provider, and be sure to offer the product in all the popular flavors: Quicktime, Windows Media, and Real. Ads are only effective if they are seen.
- 6 Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 1:08 pm:
23 eyes-The district is Denny’s as long as he wants it…which ain’t much longer. When he retires, it will be Lauzen vs. Cross in the primary, to face Linda Chapa LaVia in the general. Cross beats Lauzen head to head in this changing district, where Lauzen has not been able to deliver much, high principles notwithstanding.
- No Comment - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 1:11 pm:
Anybody ever notice that Chris Lauzen looks like a pefect combination of President Bush and Ricardo Montalban?
- 14th District Shadow - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 2:13 pm:
I’m hearing it will be State Rep. Tim Schmitz - not Tom Cross - who will be the GOP’s guy for Denny’s seat in ‘08. I know, it doesn’t make sense to me either. And as much as I hate to say it, Lauzen will make it a real race for either Tim or Tom.
On the D side, rumor is it will be Linda Chapa LaVia against newly elected Aurora Mayor Tom “Tax-and-Spend” Weisner.
- JAYBEE - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 5:24 pm:
Chris Lauzen will be lucky to hold on to what he has. I live in his District and he’s nothing but hot air. Now State Rep Chapa LaVia not only services her district but reaches out to help people beyond her area. We would be fortunate to have her if this is true.
- 6 Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 6:16 pm:
14th D - I could see Schmitz instead of Cross, but this would offer little ideological contrast if he ran against Lauzen. It would then be a choice of personalities…and I think Schmitz captures most of the new voters in his district and splits the roots vote in Kane/Kendall, giving him the win. Chapa laVia would trounce Weisner if the election were held today; he has not distinguished himself as mayor so far, and she gets the bulk of Hispanic and new votes.
- nickel n dime - Tuesday, Jan 24, 06 @ 8:46 pm:
Gidwtiz ad appears to be a moving power point presentation. Dump the ad agency and go get Fitzgerald’s ad agency.
Agree with Fitzgerald or not his ads were pretty good.