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Blagojevich won’t debate

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

From an Edwin Eisendrath press release.

Today, Democratic candidate for Governor Edwin Eisendrath announced that he has accepted four invitations to debate Governor Rod Blagojevich. Blagojevich has either declined or not responded to all four invitations, which have come from:

* League of Women Voters/WLS Channel 7
* Chicago City Club
* WBBM, CBS Channel 2
* WILL Champaign Urbana

“I believe the people of Illinois should hear from both of us,” said Eisendrath. “Unfortunately, the Governor is acting like a typical politician-raising money like crazy and flying all over the state for campaign events while trying to say with a straight face that he’s not an announced candidate.”

Maybe if Esquared put together a campaign that actually threatened Blagojevich’s existence, he’d get an offer to debate. Until then, it will be empty seat time.


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:24 am:

    The Governor is so sure of victory that he isn’t even going to try to be a candidate. If he was smart, he would accept every offer of debate, just to try and take the stench off his unethical antics for the past four years. But then, when you’re a “C” law student, I guess debating society wasn’t high on your list of college priorities.

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:48 am:

    Two of the debate issues will be corruption and play for pay.Now I ask you how many men have you seen show up at thier own hanging?

  3. - Tessa - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:56 am:

    But Blagojevich hasn’t yet announced his candidacy, correct? Why debate? Oh, sorry.

    I don’t think in a debate, he could hold up to Eisendrath, although I haven’t yet seen where Edwin stands on the issues. I’m kind of frustrated, as are others, that his stand seems to be, he’s not like Blago, yadda, yadda, yadda. I want to hear him speak on what his real stance is on key issues, not that he’s just different than what we have now. If I wanted that, I’d vote for a Republican. (Sorry, my Republican brothers and sisters here, that is NOT meant as a slam. I’m just sayin’.)

    So, I’d love to have a debate, but I don’t think the Governor could hold his own. I’d go listen and watch one or two.

  4. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:07 am:

    The reality is that Blagojevich knows that Eisendrath is going nowhere. Why should he debate with him? Blago has more to lose than to gain if he were to debate Eisendrath. A debate with Eisendrath would simply give the GOP November contender more hints as to which of the issues Blago is weakest on.
    I respect Eisendrath for his decision to try to offer the Democrat Party a better candidate but when he saw Emil Jones and Mike Madigan playing their role of “Boot Lickers” for Blago, he certainly saw that he didn’t have a chance. It would take a big name player within the Democrat Party to knock Blagojevich off of his perch. As the old saying goes, Mike Madigan & Emil Jones may feel that Blagojevich is an S.O.B. but he is “their” S.O.B. The only one amongst the Democrats that could have given Blago a run for the money would have been someone with the stature of a Barack Obamma. The job is Blago’s until he decides that he doesn’t want it anymore. Much like why Mayor Daley in Chicago, as long as he can retain control of the state’s minority voters and doesn’t get indicted by the Feds for anything, he will retain his political office until the cows come home.

  5. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:18 am:

    Your post is absolutely correct but saying that Mike and Emil are bootlickers for Rod is really hillarious.

  6. - Fighting Ennui - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:22 am:

    Time to put more public pressure on Blago to debate. He’s running scared. If he continues to avoid a debate, Eisendrath should start showing up at every Blago event to be available to speak to the press until Rod relents. Take the fight to the opponent; debates are absolutly crucial to Eisendrath.

    Also, start banging the debate gong on local radio talk show appearances.

  7. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:29 am:

    I don’t know whether Eisendrath can beat Blago, but his campaign is threatening to the Gov. Once he sees that all of his downstate support is gone in the primary, he will be in real trouble in November and he knows it. The reason he won’t debate the primary opponent has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the challenger, the gov knows there is nothing he can do in a debate to bring those who are leaning to Edwin back. Go for it E! don’t you will win +50% downstate the rest is up to you.

  8. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:00 am:

    Dear Wulf: Suggesting Jones and Madigan are boot lickers suggests a level of political knowledge about as deep as Esquared’s involvement in Dem politics over the last decade — zip, zero, nada.
    Madigan and Jones are the main reasons Dems have succeed here. GRod ought to listen to them.
    Meanwhile Esquared needs to check a mirror a see how well his nutty stare will be received by IL voters if there were to be a debate.
    Perhaps his debate managers could demand cameras focus on the feet. Just like that spiffy ad.

  9. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:16 am:

    If I were Blagojevich, I would definately not debate Eisendrath. It is better for him to take the heat of not debating than take the heat from a savvy, smarter opponent than he before television cameras. Blago would definately lose in any debate with him.

  10. - Randall Sherman - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    I guess we can now add “gutless coward” to the growing list of Blagojevich’s character flaws.

    By the way, regarding your off-base comment that implied Eisendrath could not put together a campaign to challenge the Elvis fanatic, perhaps you should have been at the taping last night of the Illinois Committee for Honest government Cable-TV program “Election 2006,” where Eisendrath (in less than 28 minutes) took Rod to task for giving the Republicans a chance to campaign against corruption in state government, even as former Republican Governor George Ryan’s trial continues.

    Long before the calendar reaches March 21, Democratic voters will realize that Edwin Eisendrath is their only chance to keep the Governor’s office from falling back into Republican hands for God-knows how long. There are too many Democrats (myself included) who will be ready to form “Democrats for (insert the name of the Republican gubernatorial nominee here)” on March 22 should Heaven Forbid, Blagojevich ekes out a win the day before to avert that outcome.

    Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

  11. - Anon. - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:49 am:

    Mr. Sherman, your post might be the most unintentionally hilarious thing I’ve read on this blog in weeks.

    Basing the strength of a campaign on the taping of a cable access show (SCHWING!)…answering criticism that EE DOES have a message other than “I’m not Blago” by recapping all of his potshots against Blago…suggesting that only EE can save IL from a Republican governor…suggesting Blagojevich JUST MIGHT eke out a primary win overMr. 13% and $0…Priceless.

  12. - scoot - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:06 am:

    Of course he won’t debate Eisendrath. He has nothing good to say for his three years in office….Oh wait (like a broken record) I didn’t raise taxes i didn’t raise taxes. One would think , because of the media exposure Blago would do it, and he has 11 months left as governor.

  13. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:31 am:

    Blago is scared!!!! Will he show up for the debates in the general???

  14. - Hoosierdaddy - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    Does anyone remember who the politician was who debated a cardboard cutout of his opponent when the opponent refused to debate?

    Now that would be a hoot!

  15. - get a clue - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 12:09 pm:

    Um, it’s simple….incumbents don’t debate challengers, why give them any chance to make a dent? It’s not hard to figure out people.

  16. - Paul Powell - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 12:22 pm:

    Boy-lots of experts at running campaigns here today advising Double E how to mount a threatening campaign. What would be wrong with letting him do that, after all he is the candidate? We all get to go in a vote for the guy we like as democrats or the gal we like as republicans. If you all are so advanced in ideology, how come you are not running campaigns for a living instead of taking pot shots at candidates while on state time on state owned equipment? The bottom line is RGod cannot debate, he has a record that he cannot defend. And for a first term Dem governor in a very blue state to be polling only 53% inside the Windy City is pathetic. Are there really 47% up there that upset about him? If there are those numbers, turn on the fan, its coming!

  17. - Saluki - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 12:49 pm:

    EE came to SIUC a couple of days ago, he spoke in a small classroom to a small class and NO ONE CARED, this guy doesn’t even have a real campgain yesterday Gov. Blagojevich was in town and it was packed say what you will but the links to both stories are below



  18. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    First, to Anon at 9:49. In case you didn’t notice this whole election is about “I’m not Blago.” It is the # 1 issue on both sides. Any other issue is a distant 2nd.

    2nd- Of course Blago had a large following. He is going to dole out 3.2 bil. Look who was there, the people getting the cash and those who are required to be there by due to the affiliation with a Union. The problem with a contested primary for Blago is he cannot threaten Union workers or State workers their jobs. All he can do is ensure they don’t pull a R ballot. Once in the booth, It will be, anybody but Blago. Mickey Mouse would pull 25% downstate against Blago.

  19. - Levois - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 2:16 pm:

    I think a lot of people are right in saying Eisendrath isn’t in the best position to get a debate from Blagojevich. Plus I’m a little disappointed at that poor excuse for an ad that Eisendrath had put on his website.

  20. - Anon. - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 2:37 pm:

    “First, to Anon at 9:49. In case you didn’t notice this whole election is about “I’m not Blago.””

    How’d that work for John Kerry? Freman Hendrix in Detroit? Doug Forrester in NJ? Myriad people on this blog - people who DON’T LIKE BLAGOJEVICH are clamoring for a little bit more than that. And face it, in EE’s case, if people don’t know who you are - they’re unlikely to care who you aren’t.

  21. - Cal Skinner - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:20 pm:

    Wouldn’t you think Eisendrath would have at least spent some money on radio?

    Why would potential supporters raise their heads when he isn’t showing any indication that he will spend any money?

  22. - ROD R BLAGOJEVICH - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:25 pm:

    What would help Edwin succeed is to expose some corruption about me that is not already out there. Corruption to the extememty that would require a criminal investigation by either the IAG or the FEDS, then he can win on “I’m not Blago”, he’s corrupt like his predecessor and he pays to play.

    When Joe Birkett was thinking about running for Gov. he has a corruption thread on his website. Edmin needs the same and he’ll get exactly what he is looking for.

    Edwin’s first commercial should point out all of the Gov’s mishaps, violations of laws and his failure to maintain an ethical administration.

    With all that we have been reading in the papers and on the news, he has a good chance of winning!

  23. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:29 pm:


    This is off the subject, but would still be relevant in a debate. It is regarding todays editorial in the Chicago Tribune “Union loss is governor’s gain”. Are those numbers correct? From what I have read, seen first hand and recall, these numbers may be a tad bit off. I also seem to recall that the Blago administration was saying part of the budget problem was due to so many people leaving when Ryan left office. What gives?

    Can you dig up some real numbers or at least confirm what the Tribune is saying? Many thanks.

  24. - ZC - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:33 pm:

    Am I the only Blagojevich supporter out there who wonders if it might not be a smart idea TO debate Eisendrath? I don’t think a debate appearance is going to spell the difference between Edwin winning or losing this primary. Or put it this way: if Blago can’t beat Eisendrath when this stuff comes up in a debate, how is he going to beat Judy in the fall?

    All the stuff Eisendrath is talking about is going to come out, sooner or later. I think there’s at least a case to be made that Blago would actually benefit to have this stuff aired out in the primary first, because a) he’d get more practice responding to it; b) the media would have time to process it as “old news.” I think Lisa Madigan’s campaign for AG got a tiny boost in the general from the media whomping she took from John Schmidt’s primary assault. After all of the charges were laid out against her, in the general the media and some voters seemed to take a more, “Well - been there, seen that” attitude. I recognize that this latter observation is subject to dispute. Blago could do with some of these assaults getting played out in public opinion before he confronts an opponent who could actually beat him.

    Blago can run from Edwin’s corruption attacks, but he can’t hide from Judy’s. Maybe he should get used to responding to them. This is not something he can ignore perpetually and make it go away.

  25. - WARDOG - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 4:19 pm:

    Blago doesn’t have any business debating Eisendrath. He isn’t intelligent enough, has too many skeletons in his closet and has his back to the wall. I don’t think Tusk, Monk or Daly all together can do him any good. Look how many people have already baled out of his administration, with most of them seeing the writing on the wall.

  26. - Paul Powell - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:58 pm:


    Obviously you were not at the stump speech in C’Dale for RGod. The ONLY people there were people who HAD to be there. Did you follow EE to Mary Lou’s? I thought not. Did you listen to him answer reporters questions in 5 daily newspapers, 3 live radio shows, 2 weekly newspapers? Again, I thought not. There is a revolt coming, but it won’t be let loose until EE is able to see the whites of their eyes. Right now he is keeping the powder dry. RGod completely blew the local press off and was over an hour late. Just be patient folks, the March surprise is just around the corner.

  27. - Fighting Ennui - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:38 pm:

    I have been to see some of the Blago events, and yes, they pack them with fake supporters. The locals in small towns tend to applaud at least neutrally, out of their sense of politeness. Then you cna see who the plants are: they are clapping so much louder and waaaay too long, and they jump to applaud at every tiny cue or hint of a cue… to the point I have seen a couple times where one or two plants suddenly started clapping spastically in an otherwise silent audience. And you can see the advance people in the back, trying to prime the applause pump, but it’s not working.

  28. - Anon. - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:31 pm:

    Apparently the best way to fight ennui is to create anecdotes with story lines so bad they would make a sitcom writer blush.

  29. - Daley=Corruption - Friday, Jan 27, 06 @ 5:36 pm:

    Blago is in a tough position because there’s too many questions he really can’t answer, but on the other hand, if he ducks Eisendrath, that will show fence voters there’s merit to the corruption label and it let’s everyone except Blago have a stage.

    I give a lot of credit to Mr. Eisnedrath and hope he does well. Maybe if he loses, he can run for Mayor against the #1 corrupt adminitration.

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