Link for tonight’s debate
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The good folks at CBS-2 Chicago were kind enough to supply us with a direct link to tonight’s Republican gubernatorial debate. The festivities begin at 6pm. Consider this a debate open thread.
UPDATE 2: CBS-2 also has a story and candidate bios. UPDATE 3: Good news. I was just informed that WCFN (cable channel 19 in Springfield) will be carrying the debate live tonight. UPDATE 4: Too cool for words. CBS-2’s website (which is already by far the best in the TV news business) will have a ton of stuff related to the debate, including the transcript, stories, photos, etc. Since I’m partnering with the site on this thing, I’ve been giving permission to post pretty much whatever I want here. Check back later for more. UPDATE 5: I wish he told me he was doing this before it happened, but Bill Baar liveblogged the debate. UPDATE 6: Looks like the Tribune’s prediction that Topinka’s rivals would “target” her during the debate turned out not to be the case. A Republican who isn’t connected to any of the four candidates just told me that it probably wouldn’t be wise for three men to all be seen attacking a woman. Your thoughts?
UPDATE 8: Apparently, the earlier debate between Brady and Oberweis generated a lot more heat. UPDATE 9: Let’s see your rankings. Who won? Who lost? Best and worst lines? Details. UPDATE 10: Download a podcast of the CBS-2 debate here. UPDATE 11: CBS-2 has its post-debate story online now. UPDATE 12: Scroll way down on this page and you’ll see video links by question and a link to the entire video broadcast. UPDATE 13: Man, that was fast. Here’s the transcript. UPDATE 14: The Daily Herald’s story is already online. UPDATE 15: CBS-2’s 10pm broadcast report of the debate is here.
- Larry Horse - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 2:34 pm:
Topinka will get more than 40% and win rather easily. Mark my word.
- SM6000 - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:14 pm:
I’m looking forward to the nincompoops bearing their fruit.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 3:37 pm:
It is nice to see that, given Blagojevich’s vulnerability, this debate is generating a lot of interest. The GOP is looking respectable for once.
- The Broken Heart of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 4:43 pm:
Blagojevich is vulnerable? GOP is looking respectable? Next thing you are going to tell us is Hamas is not intimidating votes.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:12 pm:
Hamas is not intimidating voters.
There, I said it.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:14 pm:
OK, that’s quite enough of that.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:31 pm:
Good for Rich. This blog should not become a forum for the weird rambling of a bunch of cooks! That is what the debate is for.
- Hoosierdaddy - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:40 pm:
Anon. 5:31 : Cooks? I did hear that Ray Poe makes a mean fried chicken….. oh, wait, did you mean kooks?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:47 pm:
Yes. Thanks.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:51 pm:
Do we know if the web video will be archived for future viewing?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 5:53 pm:
Pretty sure it will. If not, we’ll ask and I’m sure they’ll comply. Like I said, they’re the best.
- Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:25 pm:
Wow the TV does not make any of these people look that digital t.v.? even Brady looks worn out
- Defensor Pacis - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:34 pm:
Is it just me, or did Oberweis crash and burn on the immigration question?
- Krenzler - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:37 pm:
So far Brady is the story of this debate. He’s confident, funny and looks the part.
- Everyone has a price - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:51 pm:
The people of Illinois refuse to be bribed by a milk truck manager offering to come back.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:54 pm:
Nobody laid a glove on Judy. Frontrunner stays frontrunner.
- Defensor Pacis - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 6:57 pm:
My assessment:
1) On the Brady-Oberweis matchup: Brady won decisively. Oberweis came off as obsolescent and knee-jerk in his views; Brady came off as a much more competent conservative.
2) The Topinka-Gidwitz matchup: No contest. Gidwitz did not stand a chance.
3) Topinka came off as most competent in this debate, and the candidate to beat. My money’s on a Brady-Topinka photofinish.
- MrSmith - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:00 pm:
I have no idea what, if anything, JBT wanted to do as governor. I agree that Brady could come up and give her a good race.
- Vox Populi - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:03 pm:
Have they all conceded the lower-income vote, or didn’t they mean to be that harsh about the poor.
There’s plenty of grist for Democratic attack ads in this debate.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:04 pm:
As a Republican, I am glad that they all for the most part held their fire on each other and gave it to Blagojevich, who took a beating.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:04 pm:
Wasn’t too impressed with any of them. Did any of you hear any new ideas? Same old, same old.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:20 pm:
It may be unfortunate, but how many of Oberweis’s core supporters blanched at the very mention of Corrine Wood?
Wishing her well was a nice thought of course, but it felt out of place and contrived when Oberweis did it.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:27 pm:
Observations? Were there any differences? Mix-n-match these descriptions with debate participant of your choosing: poorly-prepared, anti-tax-pledging, anti-government-sneering, voodoo-trickle-down-economics-touting, dubiously-claims-moral-purity, poor-joke-telling, social-discriminating, plain-old-boring, overly-self-centered, lacking-new-ideas, going-to-lose.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:31 pm:
Oberweis had the best makeup job and has been running for office so frequently now, he may have felt more in his element, and generally is an improved candidate, but in order for him to win, he is really going to have to score some body blows against Topinka eventually and at least tonight, he held back.
And the Topinka jab at him regarding the free ice cream coupons was good.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:32 pm:
So was the Brady line about rounding up immigrants and dropping them in Solider Field, which I saw Brady use much more effectively and to a lot more laughter at an endorsement session on Saturday.
- MDPD 50 - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:33 pm:
From your professional opinion, how would you rank the canidates based on the debate tonite?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:35 pm:
MDPD, you gotta subscribe for that.
- MDPD 50 - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:37 pm:
I knew that a question like mine would receive an answer like that
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:40 pm:
I thought the Brady jab at Oberweis was the best.. “I’m not going to fly my helicopter around like Mr. Oberweis and drop illegal immigrants off at Soldier Field.”
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:40 pm:
If Oberweis were running this blog, he would give away a coupon for a days worth of free access or something.
Just joking Mr. Miller.
- Bill Baar - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:42 pm:
Live blogging is no easy task!
Did the audience seem to have the best questions? I thought so.
- East Central IL - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:42 pm:
I believe that Oberweis’ response to the illegal immigration question was perfect and that Sen. Brady’s jab was inappropriate. I personally see nothing wrong with the helicopter commercial. Over all Oberweis came off the most prepared and most ready to lead this state. JBT while being very nice was giving empty answers. Gidwiz gave very good answers but was not smooth in his delivery. Other than the jab at Oberweis Sen. Brady also gave very good answers (advice for the next debate, don’t smile so much)
Who do I believe will be the best for the economy of Illinois? I would have to say Oberweis.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:44 pm:
Debate winners
Tied 1st: Brady/Topinka - Topinka was confident as usual. Brady was a surprise. looked very polished and good on TV.
2nd: Oberweis - should have brushed up the illegal immigrant answer.. especially since his contractor hired some to work for him. would get killed by latino vote in general election at a time when it has been moving to Republicans.
3rd: Gidwitz.. The slumlord question threw him off and made him look horrible.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:48 pm:
From a Sun-Times account of an event earlier this afternoon featuring Oberweis and Brady:
“Since you’ve run three times, you flip-flopped on abortion, you flip-flopped on guns, you flip-flopped on ethanol,” state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington told Aurora dairy owner Jim Oberweis. “What is it you can tell us that would make us believe you won’t flip flop on critical issues like taxes and corruption?”
Wow, there would have been more fireworks if that sort of thing would have been said tonight.
I am glad to see Bill Brady stand up to the demonization of immigrants, especially those whom Oberweis apparently wants to punish for the actions of their children.
If all things were equal and I did not have to vote strategically, I think Brady would be the best Governor, but I want to get rid of Blagojevich more than anything else and the only two people who might win the nomination are Topinka and Oberweis.
Oberweis probably can’t beat Blagojevich and Topinka would have a very decent shot at it. So, there I am.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:49 pm:
Sorry, I meant that Oberweis would punish for the actions of their parents, i.e, the in state tuition issue.
- FmrHOI - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:50 pm:
Brady painted a target on his back by claiming to be “pure”…It didn’t work for Gary Hart in the 80s, it will be interesting to see what the other candidates opposition researchers come up with against him.
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:51 pm:
Rankings based on debate performance alone:
1. Brady
2. Oberweis
3. Topinka
4. Gidwitz
How it all effects the status of the campaign, which is of course is really what matters:
1. Topinka
2. Brady
3. Oberweis
4. Gidwitz
- mini me - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:58 pm:
Regardless of his “new style” or what’s in cap fax tomorrow…Brady won the debate tonight. He was calm, didn’t keep looking down at his notes like Topinka, didn’t stammer like Gidwitz…and he wasn’t Oberweis.
- Oh dear... - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 7:59 pm:
DId Gidwitz admit that his housing situtation in Joliet was horrible?
Did I hear that correctly?
Did he ever mention his running mate Rauschenberger?
- view from the Fox valley - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:08 pm:
No one laid a glove on Topinka, the big loser however is Gidwitz who really couldn’t recover after Joliet question, Topinka nod to her fellow candidates also shows she is the one who is a true party person and it isn’t all about her but about winning in the fall.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:17 pm:
I agree.. Topinka picked up points at the end by saying they would all do a better job than Blago. And overall I thought it was nice to see a debate where dirt flinging wasnt the main theme. It felt like there was some party unity for once.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:23 pm:
No–Topinka is NOT the most marketable candidate in the general election. She’s not going to pick up very many already Democratic pro-choice voters, and she’s going to provoke a defection by otherwise Republican pro-lifers.
If we want party unity, let’s get behind someone other than JBT.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:26 pm:
Anon 8:23: Who do you suggest? Alan Keyes??
- East Central IL - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:29 pm:
I have to agree. Downstate and southeran Il will stay at home rather than vote for JBT she is the only one of the four who could not win in the general.
- demystify - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:41 pm:
I disagree with ANON if Judy is the alternative people will go ahead and vote for her and not stay home. The gov. and his people have been so dishonest people will take half a loaf over the no loaf we have now
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:44 pm:
I’m going to guess that one angle Rich covers in the Fax tomorrow was how Oberweis nailed all of the best-polling issues. Kudos to him, he takes direction well and should get a nice bounce from his performance. As for the actual substance, I wasn’t paying that much attention, but it sure sounded like Oberwies spent the same $1 billion in crony/corruption taxes he will save three times: to fund the capital budget, to solve the pension underfunding and to boost education funding. Nice accounting trick there.
I’d say he won, but as a Democrat, I’m rooting for him anyway because he’s roadkill on the way to Term Two for the Kid. But I’m still tickled that the right won’t stomach Topinka. To Anon 8:23, to whom will you defect in November if she is the nominee?
One other observation: I’ve spent some time prepping candidates for TV debates. Each of the four was clearly well prepared, almost eerily so and it forced Mora/Burns to extend the closing remarks to 90 seconds from the agreed upon 60. And I don’t think anyone’s closing statement went more than 65 seconds. Not one of them strayed from the scripted remarks and it sure looked like Channel 2 was stalling at the end. Almost never happens like that. Anyone else notice that?
- East Central IL - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:47 pm:
As far as voting for JBT, I would rather have a German Army infront of me than a Frence Army €behind me. Many down here and in rural area would rahter have an enemy in office than a fake friend.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 8:49 pm:
Demystify -
Maybe you’re right, and people will vote for JBT rather than no one at all. But I have doubts that this is true–doubts that are directly proportional to the salience of abortion in other races (and the national media in general).
It’s rather a big gamble, and one that the GOP can’t afford to lose (if abortion is out of the picture, a good number of Catholics and allied evangelicals will go ahead and vote their consciences on poverty relief).
Brady strikes me as the safer bet to keep the party’s right flank in line.
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- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:05 pm:
Oberweis surprised me and did very well. Gidwitz looked lost without Rauschy. Brady’s immaturity came through, and although he had a couple of good moments - he’s not ready for the job. Topinka was horrible. Did she even answer ONE question?
- Southern Illinois Dem - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:08 pm:
East Central is right. Here in Southern Illinois my repub friends will not support JBT in the general. They have said they will stay home, skip voting in that race, or vote for a third party candidate that reflects their conservative social views. I will probably swallow hard and vote for Blago. But, Brady does seem honest and ethical to me and that would be a nice change for an Illinois Gov.
- poidog - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:15 pm:
Rich. Do you really believe these debates will change anything when it comes to hard core votes. I mean, if you’re sitting on the fence and not sure who to vote for, it might help if you watched the debate. But how many people are really going to make up their mind from this and other debates to the extent that it would change the numbers a great deal.
- Simon Cowell - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:23 pm:
None of them grabbed me. TV did none of them favors on my screen. Did like the Bill Clinton finger tip taps and right fist, thumb up hand movements from Brady. Ob and Gid - it’s not happening. JBT and Brady - moving on to Los Angeles.
- Loudon Downey - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:49 pm:
The story of the debate is Bill Brady. He came off as an attractive, well-spoken candidate that…looks and acts like a governor. This should set him apart from the rest of the crowd. Oberweis contolled himself, Gidwitz was measured but creepy, and Judy was too sarcastic though she’ll probably remain the front runner, for now.
- Old Elephant - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:52 pm:
First, let’s remember the “Reagan-Carter Debate.” Okay, I’m probably the only person on this old enough to have seen it, but basically Reagan had to demonstrate one thing to the public — that he wasn’t a crazy man and that the public could feel safe that voting for him wouldn’t mean an atomic war with Russia.
He won by simply showing that he wasn’t scary.
I think all of the candidates in the debate won by showing that any of them could be Governor and are more capable and trustworthy than Public Official “A.”
Key point is this – average Republicans (not the people who post to this site and who have their own agendas and inerests to protect, but real people) should come out of the debate feeling pretty good that they have four candidates who are all better than Blagojevich. That may energize the activists.
And, it should make it harder for Blago to portray the ultimate winner as an extremist, no matter who the winner is.
Did the debate change any votes? Do they ever? All depends on how it gets played tomorrow. My guess it that Brady gets a boost. Oberweis doesn’t move. Gidwitz gets a small boost and Topinka picks up a few undecideds, but no major changes.
Still, I’m feeling very good because I think Mr. or Ms. Average Voter probably came away thinking they could vote for any one of them and that makes Blago less attractive.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 9:57 pm:
Old Elephant - Great points.. Most of the people that come here are political hacks so they wont change their minds. I think the average voters at home will be more confident after tonights debate on who they will support. Brady and JBT were great. Oberweis was better than expected. Gidwitz is done. Brady might steal a few votes from Oberweis and make a suprise run.
- YNM - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:09 pm:
here’s some initial reactions from watching and listening:
Brady: i think he looked fairly comfortable and his humor and personality came out well at times. I think he seemed the most comfortable on issues and policy, which doesn’t surprise me since that’s what he’s been running on all along. And I think he looked and acted like a governor more than the rest of them. Kudos to Bill.
Topinka: Did she say anything? Not much of substance … falls right in line with her campaign … say little and hope people recognize the name. I don’t know, something about her just says “if not for government, you might find me sitting at the local coffee shop taking in a few tokes and gossipping it up…” I just can’t see her running the state.
Gidwitz … I don’t think the monkey suit helped the image … and he stumbled a lot on issues and policy … he needed the voice from his commercials there speaking for him.
Oberweiss: Looked stiff and too rehearsed. Sure, he takes direction well, but we need a governor who can do more than that.
Overall, no one killed themselves, but i think Brady made the biggest strides. Came across as gubernatorial but also comfortable and real …
- Nameless - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:12 pm:
Did Judy Baar Topinka kill Mike Flannery’s dog or something?
What kind of journalism was that?
- YNM - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:15 pm:
just watched the closings …
brady kicked butt on closing statements … i guess gidwitz didn’t rehearse those as much as he should have. oberweiss finished status quo, and JBT seemed almost TOO comfortable … where oberweiss was too stiff and JBT was too laid-back, brady was just as he said … goldilocks - JUST RIGHT. I was impressed.
- Levois - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:22 pm:
I’m starting to like Brady a little bit.
- Tony Soprano - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:31 pm:
1. JBT - Took no hits. Lost nothing.
2. Brady - Has been polling very low. Will pick up a lot of votes from Obie.
3. Oberweis - Says everything you want to hear… definately suspect. Doesnt even mention Raush. .OUCH!
4. Gidwitz This debate finished his campaign when he cant even answer the slumlord question.
5. Andy Martin Where was he??
- Tony Soprano - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:33 pm:
Whoops.. Meant Gidwitz doesnt mention Rausch.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 10:54 pm:
I think everyone who knows Bill Brady likes him; he’s a good guy. Judy wins by not losing, Brady wins by showing himself to be better than the other two.
- I was there! - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 11:01 pm:
I attended the debate tonight. I went into the debate leaning slightly towards Brady, and an even amount of skepticism about JBT, Gidwitz and Oberweis.
Following the debate, my impression of Oberweis improved dramatically. He was articulate, concise and dead on with many of the issues.
Brady also came off well - I thought his helicopter joke was a cheap shot, given that he agreed with Oberweis’ main point that we are giving low interest loans to illegals.
JBT did a great job, but I felt she left many questions on the table. She seemed to retreat, at times, into sound bites that had little to do with the topic being discussed, rather than answering the question. Her best line involved the idea that the one thing we need in the govenor’s mansion is “an adult”. I liked that!
Gidwitz was okay as well. He really needed to break out of the pack, and he didn’t accomplish that.
Oberweis and Brady certainly had a strong showing. JBT didn’t stumble. It seems she’s simply trying to run out the clock on the election, without having to disclose much.
Gidwitz will not move in the polls.
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 11:28 pm:
I am glad Brady was the one to take Oberwies to task on his flipflops! I was also glad to see Oberwies version 3.7. I am nost happy that Brady answered the healtcare question te way he did.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Jan 25, 06 @ 11:59 pm:
Why is everyone saying that Judy won?! She obviously got the worst of it. Not to say that she won’t win the nomination, she just seemed like a paper tiger until the very last question. Oberwies did better than I expected. Two past state-wide office runs where there is actually a debate really improved him with time. Gidwitz was also impressive. He should be for the business debate, and he was. We’ll see how he does after this. Brady seemed to lack substance except for the no new taxes. He said everything but “read my lips.” He had the good goldielocks line, but that was pretty much it.
Winner = Obee
Loser = JBT
Probably a waste of time going = Brady&Gidwitz
- Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 12:05 am:
wow… I just called Obee the winner… I kinda feel dirty… Atleast it’s gonna be a fight… meh… If I don’t like the primary winner, I’ll just make a yard sign that says, “Nobody in ‘06″
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 12:09 am:
I wish all of the Brady people who come on this board would put some time in for him in the field because he has no field operation.
Anyone in politics, and most here are, Know that all Brady has is to get people to give him one more shot, another week until he starts moving, one more debate and then he will catch on. I hate to tell you but He has been at this for one year, he still is in the single digits. I was at the debate this afternoon for the city club everyone there was asking the same question why? Why are you still in the race? Why are you not getting out of the way and come back next time? what is in it for you for staying in this race?
I think the last one is going to get asked more and more as people see that Brady is not moving.
- Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 12:19 am:
After reading all the comments, I am really suprised people really thought that Brady did a good job and Ron did a bad one (I guess I am part of the 10% that actually listen to substance over style).
And for all the people who say that they wouldn’t vote for JBT in the general election, let me tell you… It is a long campaign season. By the time November rolls around, you will be begging for JBT if she is the nominee. Believe me, I know… I was on the “maybe I will vote for a third party because I think we can do better than bush” wagon. Then John Kerry won the nomination. I was instantly back on the Bush team and still am today thanks to Kerry. Kudos to Dems for picking, as usual, the best and brightest presidential candidate (sarcasm).
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 12:33 am:
Can someone tell me how Brady can be against homw loans to Illegals when they have to use HIS Matricula Consular card to get them ? he is not for amnesty but he is for giving them instate tuition? come on. He is just a politician he will say whatever he has to to whoever is asking. How can he be for and against in the same sentence?
- Tony Soprano - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 12:42 am:
Anon 12:33: Maybe Brady can fly the helicopter while Obie lassos them?
- genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:14 am:
Topinka: Dodged the question of the federal investigation into her office. Actually, she didn’t answer any question, and came off crazy as usual.
Brady: He’s just slimy. His responses lacked substance. And his immature, negative attacks proved how unprofessional he is.
Gidwitz: I feel sorry for the guy. He’s really trying, but he stammered while answering questions. He answered most questions by stating items on his resume. Not unlike the pimply-faced teenager running for class president who cites all the clubs they belong to. Wish his running mate was up there instead.
Oberweis: He definitely won the debate. He was as sharp, quick and prepared as ever. Look out Rod, the milk man is coming!
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:27 am:
Anyone see CBS2’s coverage on the web? Big winner was Brady, gaining recognition among all the others with Name ID/Money.
Funny how there was all this analysis, a lot of which favored Brady, then all of a sudden the Brady bashing starts and Oberweis was the winner?
Oberweis did better than expected, but that’s like saying a bad team didn’t lose by as much tonight.
I was surprised that Brady was the only guy that seemed to have really substantive answers. Oberweis paid for three different things with the same funding source, Judy didn’t seem to want to say much at all, and whatever Gidwitz wanted to say was lost by all of his stammering and poor tv appearance.
These things are usually only watched by the hacks. It’s the coverage on the news and in the papers and other media the next day that really counts. So far in that regard, Brady was the “surprise” of the debate.
Maybe people should start asking Oberweis why after so many failed runs, HE doesn’t do the right thing and get out instead of eating into Brady’s vote.
Can’t wait to see the responses this generates!
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:38 am:
genxpundit, try again without the vulgarity please.
- genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 2:47 am:
Aw, come on, Rich. You know you laughed.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 2:50 am:
Not even close.
- genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:37 am:
What happened to you Rich? Has politics sucked all the fun and humor out of you?
Anyway, all I was trying to point out is that most of these posts seem to be from people who are already so in loooooooove with their candidate of choice that they aren’t able to be objective.
- genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:40 am:
I should add that I said that Oberweis won the debate, and I’m not even an Oberweis fan (well, I do like his ice cream). But I’m objective enough to give the man his props.
- ick - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 9:08 am:
Lovie…I question anyone who thinks Oberweis won that debate…but I do love how people feel the need to make themselves feel good by telling us how “objective” they are.
- the Patriot - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 11:42 am:
I am perplexed at two things.
1. those who will vote for JBT still. Even her supporters have not listed accomplishments in past 12 years or last night. Just that she was able to not mess up. That is an incredibile reason to vote for someone.
2. The complete nonsense party insiders are selling that she is the only person to beat Blago. this is false: did anyone else see the poll. Blago 45% JBT 37% huh. Do you really think the Gov would give her free press if his numbers showed she had a chance against him.
Here is an idea, vote for the best candidate, not the person someone else told you could win! JBT was dodging in a relatively mild mannered debate. Blago for all of his faults will destroy her in a one on one debate.
- Bubs - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:58 pm:
Not having watched the debate (yet), I have had an interesting time surveying “cold” what really matters, which are the reactions, online and otherwise. A informal consensus, as I see it:
1. Most people came away much more impressed with Bill Brady than when they went in. Major plus, and immediate heartburn for Oberweis, as his “Two Horse Race” mantra took a big hit.
2. Oberweis was described as a “winner” only by his ardent supporters. Most came away with the same impressions they already had going in. He had a positive in his good image. Minor plus.
3. Topinka neither “won” nor “lost”, but no one thought that winning was a necessity for her, especially since Judy is already well known to most. She had the positive of coming across as competent, and her demeanor helped to deflect the attacks her opponents have sent her way because of her “frontrunner” status. A negative was not giving precise answers. Neutral, and still seen as the frontrunner.
4. Not many came away feeling better about Ron Gidwitz. Many thought his answer to the “slumlord question” hurt him. Major minus, partly because Ron really needed to hit a home run, and did not.
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:07 pm:
Is it only me, but didn’t Topinka come across small by making he “experience”, “adult”, “maturity” remark? I thought it was condescending in the extreme, if not laughable given her “adult” leadership of the Illinois State Republican Party which gave us the sacking of Jack Ryan and the inroduction of Alan Keyes. Moreover, I watched the debates on WBBM2’s internet live-stream, and Topinka’s makeup made her look like an aging whore trying to cover up the pox marks….sorry, but that’s what it looked like to me.
- genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 7:43 pm:
Has Brady called for Kjellander’s resignation? I don’t think so. Topinka hasn’t and won’t, of course, because that’s her buddy. Which only leaves Gidwitz and Oberweis as the two people with integrity.