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Fact-checking Oberweis

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I was going to do this in the Capitol Fax today, but decided this would be the better place.

I went over the transcript of last night’s debate and pulled out a few Jim Oberweis items in need of fact-checking. Oberweis’ comments are italicized.

I’m not a politician…

Yeah, right, except for all those other failed statewide runs.

…and have no ties with any prior administration here in Illinois.

His deputy campaign manager is Brad Roseberry.

Also testifying today was Brad Roseberry, a former Ryan political operative and supervisor in the Secretary of State’s office.

Testifying under immunity from prosecution, Roseberry told jurors that he routinely did political work on state time.

Oberweis also met twice with George Ryan and on at least one occasion is reported to have asked the ex-governor for campaign help.

I have taken a pledge as governor of Illinois that I will not accept campaign contributions from companies doing business with the state of Illinois. By doing that, we can break that flow of cash and we can end the corruption tax we’re all being asked to pay today. And I believe with that, we can save in excess of $1 billion, that’s 2 to 3 percent in our state budget.

He then spent that billion dollars several times.

I believe we can roll back many of the 280 Blagojevich tax and fee increases that have been put into place over the last three years. We can do that, again, being helped by ending the corruption tax we’re paying and eliminating some of the waste and fraud that are going on in the government. […]

I am absolutely pledged to go back on the schedule that will refund the pension plan, to make that billion dollar contribution that we omitted. And I believe we can do that, we can fund that, by ending the corruption tax that we’re all paying without seeing it […]

[On finding funding for more transportation projects, including mass transit] And the answer is, as I talked about a little bit earlier, we need to end the culture of corruption in this state.

The construction trade unions won’t like this next one.

In addition to that, I think it’s critical that we end the governor’s executive order which has put into place significant costs that don’t need to be there by providing a contractual agreement that bars many competitive bidders from construction projects in the states – both for building schools, for building roads, and for other types of capital projects.

What he talked about there are project labor agreements, which ensure that only union contractors can bid on major projects.

We have only 39 ice cream stores today. We would like to have had 100 by now, but we have been held back by the Blagojevich policies in the state

I can hardly believe that the reason there aren’t 61 more Oberweis stores is because of the governor’s economic policies.

He also got in the best zinger of the night.

Here in this state, we’ve had four former governors during my lifetime who have either been indicted or served time. Two Republicans and two Democrats, and I think Mr. Blagojevich is out to break the tie, by the way.

Add your own fact-checking of other candidates below (for instance, a good one would be Topinka’s routine dodging of the questions).

Oh, and in case some non-subscribers think I am picking on Oberweis, here is a little of what I wrote about him in today’s Capitol Fax.

On style points, I think Jim Oberweis won big. His performance was positively Reaganesque… Like Reagan in the early campaign days, Oberweis’ main goal was to show that he is an empathetic leader and not that wacko media caricature. He succeeded.


  1. - genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 2:46 am:

    How about Topinka who said her integrity has never been questioned? HUH? What the…

  2. - genxpundit - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:43 am:

    Oberweis: “In addition to that, I think it’s critical that we end the governor’s executive order which has put into place significant costs that don’t need to be there by providing a contractual agreement that bars many competitive bidders from construction projects in the states – both for building schools, for building roads, and for other types of capital projects.

    Miller: “What he talked about there are project labor agreements, which ensure that only union contractors can bid on major projects.”

    Hey, is that such a bad thing? Doesn’t that kind of go along with the free-competitive-market thinking of most conservatives?

  3. - Get it... - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 5:43 am:

    Your analysis of Oberweis in today’s CF, especially the point about the press’ filter, is very incisive.

    For those who don’t subscribe, stop pretending and start paying.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 6:54 am:

    Debate Summary: Rod Bad, Me Good. Roll Back Fees, Don’t know how to replace the money. Cut Waste, Don’t Know Where.

    What a group of giants. Can’t talk about any real plan to fix anything, just I’m not Rod. Makes you wonder why they are even running.

  5. - Krenzler - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 7:45 am:

    Reaganesque???? Not sure you’ve ever been more wrong Rich.

  6. - Beowulf - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:04 am:

    After watching the debate last night, I think that the one who gained the most by participating in them was Jim Oberweis. He was far more in control of himself than I have seen him before. One thing that impressed me was that he still stood by his stance on “illegal” immigration. He didn’t get the normal politician’s “weak spine” when he was posed a question about this issue. He stood by what he had said before and he did not vacillate on it. He got the first applause among the candidates (and enthusiastic applause at that) from the audience last night on his unwavering stance. He was just premature on the “illegal” immigration issue when he ran for US Senator. His time has now come on what is turning out to be a hot button issue in our country. This makes him seem to be two steps ahead of some of the others.
    Bill Brady also did well. Very polished in his speaking to the audience.
    Ron Gidwitz was at a disadvantage when quizzed on the issues. He could have used Steve Rauschenberger by his side to coach him. He came off as a likeable guy. The debates probably neither helped nor hurt him would be my guess.
    Judy Barr Topinka was more docile than she normally is. That was good strategy. She didn’t attack the other candidates but instead focused on Blagojevich. She was very weak on her one minute sound bites on what she would do to fix that which is broken in Illinois. She would simply go back to the old response that she had been around for twenty plus years in Springfield and therefor, as the old GOP war horse she would be the best fit for governor. The phrase “All form and no substance” came to my mind as I listened to her. She was last night’s biggest loser.
    Ranking of last night’s winners & losers: #1 winner was Jim Oberweis, #2 Bill Brady, #3 Ron Gidwitz, and #4 Judy Barr Topinka.
    Oberweis and Brady claimed some of the GOP “undecided” voters last night at Judy’s expense.

  7. - milk dud - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:18 am:

    Isn’t it sad that people think Oberweis won because he was able to “controlled” himself?

  8. - Cassandra - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:29 am:

    I continue to wonder if JBT’s failure to enunciate any real policy recommendations
    represents campaign manager incompetence or a strategy. Is she reall the anti-policy wonk?
    Or is she keeping a low profile until the general to avoid further antagonizing the right.
    Maybe TOO low a profile.

    It would actually be great to have Oberweis in charge for four years. His actual policies would probably be less draconian than advertised, the state would become more solvent, state employees would start actually doing some work, especially in the porker agencies like DHS and DCFS, and the bread and circuses for the poor approach of Blago would be trimmed way back. And we’d stop showering money on illegals–money we don’t have.
    Lisa, in 2012, could step into an economically
    revitalized state and rule for decades.

    Unfortunately, he is just too wacky to be a viable candidate.

  9. - Krenzler - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    reaganesque, oberweis? really?

  10. - The Conservative - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    I thought Brady won hands down. His attentiveness and sincerity and presence came throught the tv. Judy looked and sounded bad. Obie was better than previous but still dosen’t seem to grasp the facts and Gidwitz was Gidwitz, very stiff and cold.

  11. - Publius - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 9:02 am:

    Regardless of what you say in today’s CapFax, if you are going to “fact check” you need to do it equitably.

    Otherwise, you come of as biased in favor of a different candidate.

  12. - Tony Soprano - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    Rich - Great read.. The only problem is that Obie is a wack job. I hope the truth comes out soon.

  13. - Bluefish - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 9:42 am:

    Heard most of the debate on the radio and was very disappointed in all of them. Almost all rhetoric and virtually no substance. Plus, on the very first question regarding their position on the education tax swap, only Oberweis answered the question, the rest just regurgitated tired old language about accountablity, blah, blah, blah. No one had anything new to offer on this and just about every other subject.

    I thought that Brady and Oberweis at least came across like they had some leadership skills and the potential to come up with new ideas. JBT failed to show how she would be any different than the past and current crop of failed governors. Gidwitz only made me wonder what drugs he is taking that make him believe he has anything to offer this state. He clearly doesn’t.

    These four almost make me want to vote for Blago for four more years. Did I just write that? Sad.

  14. - Hoosierdaddy - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 10:14 am:

    Anon 6:54– in case you haven’t “got it” yet, “I am not Rod” IS a campaign issue this year. A big one.

  15. - FrustratedRepublican - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    Finally! Brady breaks through. In all fairness, Oberweis did better than expected, but if you think about it, that’s not saying a whole heck of a lot.

    Brady came across as knowledgable, personable, has a sense of humor and smooth in his delivery. A nightmare for The Hair if he comes out of the primary.

    I think while Oberweis did OK, the fact that Brady made a good impression hurts Oberweis the most and maybe even Topinka a little bit. Brady clearly looked the part last night, something neithre Oberweis or Topinka can be real happy about.

    This could be a fun couple of months to watch.

    BTW, read this morning Gidwitz handed out victory press releases before the debate started. Is that standard?! Seems pretty bonehead to me… Maybe they tried to plant a seed early to help him come across better than he really is? Still don’t get it.

  16. - Jeff - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 10:48 am:

    “I’m asking you to elect me for stability, predictability, and integrity. That’s why business is going to come back to Illinois, those three simple things that we have got to have in place.”

    I found this to be an “interesting” line in the debate, it was made by JBT. Integrity: HA! Predictability: What’s that have to do with anything?! Stability: HUH?

  17. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 11:03 am:

    The only thing “great” about having Obie for four years would be the comedic value. Brady is the best the Repubs have to offer and if they are smart ( we already know that they are not) he would be the candidate. The voters would then have a real choice and then we could put the blue-red state questions to rest once and for all. Judy=Rod so there is not much choice there.

  18. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:03 pm:

    You act as though Brady just got in the race. He was the First one in last January. He spent one year going to GOP meetings, picknicks, and Lincoln Day dinners on top of the county fairs etc… Do you think people are stupid? Is everyone blind but you? He is in the single digits not because anyone is conspiring to hide his views. His campaign is not run well, who’s fault is that? Stop attacking others for what is the fault of the guy in charge Senator Brady

  19. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 1:54 pm:

    I rest my case.
    Bring it on.

  20. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    If you contend that you speak from a position of knowledge, then you must concede the half-story you are telling while you trash the Brady campaign. Brady’s year-long campaign was a smart, shrewd gamble because he correctly guessed that Edgar would not run. So many people in the party have hung on for so long awaiting the Edgar decision that it has been tough for ANY of the non-establishment candidates to recruit top-notch campaign professionals. And since the establishment shifted from Edgar to Topinka, with Edgar indirectly threatening every top Republican in the state, contributors and political professionals included, there has remained precious few campaign professionals to pass around between Brady, Gidwitz, and Oberweiss. Brady’s main shot continues to be that he is the most sensible alternative to Judy, and the great positive spin he has earned off the debates will help leverage that result.

  21. - Dem Voting R - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 4:30 pm:

    I found Brady to exceed my expectations. But when do they ask him about social issues, where his telegenic appeal may alienate voters? He was on safe ground last night, with most of the candidates saying the same thing about the economy and Blago. I had higher hopes for Judy, but I’m afraid her staff may have tamed her too much. I know a front-runner’s job is not to make mistakes, but where was the Topinka personality which voters have always responded to so warmly? Gidwitz was best on policy. And Oberweis didn’t look like a whacko, but will at some point. Brady won the debate, though I won’t vote for anyone who wants the Bible taught in public schools.

  22. - Bubs - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 4:31 pm:

    A strengthening of Brady after the debate undeniably hurts Oberweis, who has been trying to sideline Brady at every chance, to get the entire Conservative base in a head to head race with Topinka. it is less certain that a Brady surge is much of a help to Topinka, as there are Conservatives in her camp on the “electable” issue, who might shift to Brady if he comes on strong. I don’t think all of his new votes would come at the expense of Oberweis.

  23. - The Colonel - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 5:04 pm:

    To be fair Rich, you should do the same for Judy, Ron and Bill.

    And, when you get to Blago, well… you could create a whole new Blog just for that!

  24. - scoot - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 5:22 pm:

    Reagan and Oberweis in the same paragraph?? let alone sentence….c’mon

  25. - ConservativeProletariat - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 6:51 pm:

    Sorry everyone, I think Jim won the night, brady came in second, Topinka came in third because poor Gidwitz looked like he was going to pass out the whole debate.

    If Brady gets out Jim will win the primary.

  26. - takethehighroad - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 7:53 pm:

    I would have loved to have seen the Oberweis cheerleading over at the Blago campaign headquarters last night. Problem is, that unless Brady gets out, Oberweis can’t win

  27. - stoney - Thursday, Jan 26, 06 @ 8:45 pm:

    Too bad if the labor unions don’t like the idea of project labor agreements coming to an end. The fact that CDB now includes them on all projects means some projects will never happen. There are some parts of the state (west of the Illinois River in particular) where contractors are willing to pay union scale wages, but they don’t necessarily have a labor agreement (union employees). As a result CDB has a bid letting and no one shows up.

    When that’s added to CDB’s insistence on hiring high priced outside consulting architects for simple building additioins, it’s no wonder long-time agency employees feel like they’re being sabotaged from within.

  28. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 27, 06 @ 10:49 am:

    The Milk Man delivered!

    Oberweis was the clear winner. Would give 2nd place to Gidwitz who also came accross as professional and knowledgeable.

    Topinka and Brady really hurt themselves. Both looked petty, immature and over their heads.

  29. - the wonderboy - Friday, Jan 27, 06 @ 4:04 pm:

    Anon 10:49

    If you are going to be biased, at least make it SOUND like an objective analysis. Everyone who saw that debate realizes that Gidwitz looked terrible and Judy was shaky at best.

    As for Oberweis, he performed better than expected. The largest issues were that he came across as very scripted and spent the same corruption money three times. Other than that, not bad…but by no means the “clear winner.” That view is simply absurd and anyone who saw the debate or read the followups knows that your analysis is a joke.

    I will be voting for Brady, and I won’t try to hide that bias. Petty, immature and in over his head? His policy discussion was, by all accounts, accurate and well presented. To say that he was in over his head simply ignores what actually happened.

    Even in terms of Judy…her comment in closing regarding the fact that any of the four is better than Blago was in no way petty or shallow. I don’t think she has a shot at winning against Blago and I think her campaign will continue to fall apart…but she wasn’t petty or immature.

    Brady was the winner according to essentially every reviewer, with Obie holding his own. Apparently you Milkman boys are afraid of Brady now? Sure seem to be out in force trying to discount his incredibly strong showing…

  30. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 27, 06 @ 7:01 pm:

    Brady had a strong showing?!?! I’d say Brady had the most to lose from this debate and have to have a good showing or else he’d be making an ending speech closing his campaign headquarters.

    More debates to go… can’t wait until Sunday!!

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