Oh, this is not good at all
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller UPDATE: From the attorney general’s office just now: “We have an investigation based on the Sun-Times article.”
I shudder to think the mischief that this could cause. Who’s gonna be the first legislator to tighten these regulations? It shouldn’t be this easy to get that information.
Question of the day
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller At the State Fair last summer, US Sen. Barack Obama was tepid, to say the least, about Governor Rod Blagojevich’s job performance to date. What do you think the odds are that Obama will be involved with Governor Blagojevich’s campaign? How do you think Obama will approach the guv’s re-election efforts? Will he stay away? Will he cut a TV ad for Blagojevich?
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller When I was in Iraq, there was a guy at my hotel who worked for the United Nations. His group was rewriting school textbooks, and he was focusing on math books. Apparently, Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party were all over the books. From photos in the front, to inclusion in the daily lessons. The guy said it wasn’t so bad in the math books, but it was much worse in others. Anyway, I thought of that UN worker when I read this Daily Herald story:
The name of the state agency that will administer the program isn’t even mentioned. Now, I’m not trying to compare Saddam Hussein to Rod Blagojevich, but the obsession this administration has with stamping the governor’s name on nearly everything the state produces has reached ridiculous proportions. And, again, there’s no comparison except for some fun satire, but you can’t help but wonder whether his successor will use Army tanks to tear down those gigantic tollway signs after Blagojevich leaves office. (Hat tip to a commenter.) UPDATE:From Edwin Eisendrath’s campaign:
This just in… Mercury limits to be announced
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I received this e-mail (slightly edited to conceal the source’s identity) from a very good source last night:
I wonder how this will go down in southern Illinois? Supposedly, the Tribune will have the full story. Link it in the comments section when it appears, please. UPDATE: From comments:
I don’t buy it
Thursday, Jan 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The CTA doesn’t want to take $15 million in fuel discounts from Venezuela’s national oil company, Citgo. Venezuela is governed by President Hugo Chavez, a communist sympathizer with close ties to Cuban President Fidel Castro. If the CTA doesn’t want “tainted” fuel, fine, but this explanation looks more than a little odd to me.
Again, I have no problem with the CTA saying “We’re not taking money from that trouble-making, Castro-loving Commie,” even if he has been elected twice. But if that isn’t the issue, then why not try to cut a deal where the CTA takes the discounted Citgo fuel and resells it at full price if it can’t be used in CTA vehicles?