Link for tonight’s debate
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The good folks at CBS-2 Chicago were kind enough to supply us with a direct link to tonight’s Republican gubernatorial debate. The festivities begin at 6pm. Consider this a debate open thread.
UPDATE 2: CBS-2 also has a story and candidate bios. UPDATE 3: Good news. I was just informed that WCFN (cable channel 19 in Springfield) will be carrying the debate live tonight. UPDATE 4: Too cool for words. CBS-2’s website (which is already by far the best in the TV news business) will have a ton of stuff related to the debate, including the transcript, stories, photos, etc. Since I’m partnering with the site on this thing, I’ve been giving permission to post pretty much whatever I want here. Check back later for more. UPDATE 5: I wish he told me he was doing this before it happened, but Bill Baar liveblogged the debate. UPDATE 6: Looks like the Tribune’s prediction that Topinka’s rivals would “target” her during the debate turned out not to be the case. A Republican who isn’t connected to any of the four candidates just told me that it probably wouldn’t be wise for three men to all be seen attacking a woman. Your thoughts?
UPDATE 8: Apparently, the earlier debate between Brady and Oberweis generated a lot more heat. UPDATE 9: Let’s see your rankings. Who won? Who lost? Best and worst lines? Details. UPDATE 10: Download a podcast of the CBS-2 debate here. UPDATE 11: CBS-2 has its post-debate story online now. UPDATE 12: Scroll way down on this page and you’ll see video links by question and a link to the entire video broadcast. UPDATE 13: Man, that was fast. Here’s the transcript. UPDATE 14: The Daily Herald’s story is already online. UPDATE 15: CBS-2’s 10pm broadcast report of the debate is here.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As I reminded Capitol Fax readers this morning, last fall Governor Blagojevich said any ICC commissioner who voted for ComEd’s controversial power auction plan (which could raise electric rates by at least 20 percent) would be guilty of “either a serious neglect of duty or gross incompetence by the ICC.” Both of those charges, serious neglect of duty and gross incompetence, are legal grounds for dismissal. In essence, he was threatening to fire them. Now that all five commissioners, including newly appointed but not yet confirmed chairman Charles Box, have voted to approve the plan, do you think the governor ought to make good on his threat to boot them all, or do you think he ought to let this fight die out and choose to forget it? Why or why not?
Blagojevich won’t debate
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller From an Edwin Eisendrath press release.
Maybe if Esquared put together a campaign that actually threatened Blagojevich’s existence, he’d get an offer to debate. Until then, it will be empty seat time.
Maybe not
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m not sure if this is the right message, considering who put Mangieri on the ballot in the first place.
New book
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Just in time for the campaign, The Jesse White Story. Doesn’t look too bad. Thoughts?
Missing numbers
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Sorry if this appears a little jumbled and crammed together, but here are the missing results from the Post-Dispatch poll, via the Hotline and courtesty of Archpundit.