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This just in… Turner indicted

Friday, Feb 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Cecil Turner, the former director of the secretary of state’s Department of Physical Services, was indicted today. More in a minute…

UPDATE: A federal grand jury charged Turner and three janitors with a scheme that allowed the janitors to receive full pay, totaling $150,000 while working a fraction of their hours.

Turner is charged with six counts of wire fraud, along with the janitors. He also faces two additional counts of making false statements for allegedly lying to law enforcement agents.

The investigation was conducted by the secretary of state’s inspector general and the FBI.

Statement by Jesse White:

“Today’s indictments send a strong message to the public and to our employees that I will not tolerate inappropriate conduct in the secretary of state’s office. This investigation began in my inspector general’s office and I want to commend Jim Burns and his staff, the US Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for pursuing this matter.”

Turner was fired November 17th last year, the day he was escorted out of his office.

UPDATE: From Dan Rutherford’s campaign:

The federal indictment of Cecil Turner is a wake up call and the tip of the iceberg regarding the seriousness of the problems in the Secretary of State’s Office.

I question the judgment of Mr. Turner’s hiring in the first place. He was a convicted felon for an egregious previous scam involving stealing federal checks from the mail, forging signatures and cashing the stolen checks. Jesse White was warned when he hired Cecil Turner but dismissed concerns.*

Knowing that background, Secretary of State White was asleep at the wheel while Cecil Turner engaged in scams all over again.

This is not good government and is a continuation of the old way of doing business on the taxpayer’s dime.

At the beginning of all scandals, those involved have attempted to minimize their significance. This is precisely what the Secretary of State is attempting to do in this instance.

UPDATE: The SJ-R has the indictment posted here (pdf file).


  1. - Ron - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    just helps out the sos. identified a problem, investigated, convicted, issued statement saying it will not be tolerated. that’s what the public wants from its elected officals.

  2. - Ron - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 2:05 pm:

    just helps the sos. identified a problem, investigated, convicted, issued statment saying it will not be tolerated. that’s what the public wants from its elected officials.

  3. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 2:16 pm:

    Before everyone gives “kudos” to the SOS, remember: White’s the one who hired Turner in the first place, knowing he had a criminal conviction.
    Unfortunately for the taxpayers, Turner is not the first person Jesse hired who has been arrested and/or indicted. He won’t be the last.

  4. - Somewhat Confused - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 3:40 pm:

    Maybe if Jesse didn’t hire people with shady backgrounds he wouldn’t have to hold press conferences to announce how he solved his own problem.

  5. - Fighting Ennui - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    If no one ever hires an ex-con, we might as well shoot them all, because if they can’t find work, there’s only crime left for them to do. I don’t think it’s a mistake to hire an ex-con, any more than it is to hire a reformed alcoholic. You take some sensible precautions, you keep some oversight, you move on. At least this was not covered up by half the Secretary of State’s office, and quieted-down by phony internal investigations, like a previous holder of the office is on trial for.

    I don’t think Jesse’s a saint, but I think overall the place is being run competently.

  6. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 5:53 pm:

    Either Fighting Ennui is one of Secretary White’s hired employees, or is clueless on how the office is being run. From what I’ve read, Turner’s employees have been allegedly running this scam since 1999. Maybe after six years, it was hard to keep a blind eye on things.
    There’s nothing wrong with hiring an ex-con for a job, but I think there would have been much better candidates available for the Director’s job. And to use your idea, there apparently were no “sensible precautions” or “oversight” used after Turner was hired. By the way, how do you know if some things aren’t still being quieted down in this administration?

  7. - John Jay - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 6:23 pm:

    I think its important to note that Jesse White hired a criminal.

    He has lost control of the SoS Office.

    The looneys are running the assylum

  8. - Sally Smith - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 6:24 pm:

    Wow. Hard hitting comments from Rutherford. Take off the gloves

  9. - Beowulf - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 7:43 pm:

    I don’t fault Jessie White for hiring an ex-con. However, I do fault Jessie White for placing him in a sensitive government position where he is easily able to subvert the legal system. He should have given him a job as a janitor, not as Director of the Department of Physical Services.
    That is the same type of mentality that would allow a child molester just released from prison to be put in in charge of a children’s Day Care Center. Jessie White is a nice guy who appears to be unqualified for his political position. Perhaps Blago could think up and create some irrelevant state position for him so he can keep him out of trouble.

  10. - owl - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 8:31 pm:

    where there’s smoke there’s fire…and there’s plenty of smoke coming out of the Secretary of State’s office…just like there was under george ryan

  11. - FrustratedRepublican - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 8:37 pm:

    Good politics on the part of White’s office, but how many people from HIS SoS office are going to go to jail before somebody notices a problem?

    Jesse’s a popular guy, but apparently that hasn’t made him the best administrator.

    You can hire ex-cons, but should the GOVERNMENT be hiring ex-cons? Paid for by taxpayer funds? Given that kind of public trust, I’d think those doing the hiring might be a little more careful.

    But apparently if you’re REALLY politically connected like Mr. Turner, your background doesn’t matter as long as that D shows up regularly on your voting record.

    Both parties do it, but if the Dems are going to blast the hiring practices and shennanigans many of us Republicans are disgusted by in the previous administration, they have to be willing to walk the walk when it comes to their own.

    BTW, did anyone look at the voting records of those arrested and convicted in the license for bribes scandal. I’ve never seen that, but would be interested if it’s out there somewhere.

  12. - JJ - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 10:00 pm:

    Time for a reality check, folks:

    The Secretary of State’s office is NOT the same office when it was under control of the republican leaders of Edgar and Ryan. Any comparison is a joke. The “culture of Corruption” ended when George Ryan left the office. Period.

    White urges his employees to call the Inspector General’s office to report any form of wrongdoing. Those who are stupid enough to challenge the system are getting caught. Why, because the system White put in place is working.

    It’s that simple.

    Those who worked in the SOS prior to the White administration noticed the difference soon after white took office. No fundraising requirments. No camaigning requirments. Just do your state job to the best of your ability, that’s all he expects. Some may never admit this, and some may. But it’s the truth.

    To those who think they can challenge the system, remember this: Jesse White’s top crime fighter, Jim Burns, will get you…

  13. - Smitty Irving - Friday, Feb 3, 06 @ 10:16 pm:

    If you are Illinois Secretary of State, you have crooks working for you, no matter who you are. The true test is what you do when you find them. Jesse White fires them. If they started buying Citizens for Ryan tickets, George Ryan’s henchmen protected them … .

  14. - Cassandra - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 7:09 am:

    If we as citizens do not want people with criminal backgrounds working for the state, we should pass laws to that effect. I don’t know anything about Jesse White, but I don’t believe
    anyone is saying he concealed Turner’s criminal background from the agency’s hiring authority.
    So it must have been legal to hire the guy. When you give discretion to government officials they use it.

    To me this illustrates, once again, the extremely lax standards for Illinois state employees, despite their high salaries and luxurious benefits. How could the janitors have gotten away with this for as long as they did…arriving well into their shifts and working abbreviated days. Well, it’s the culture of state government. Arrive late and leave early..these guys were just the extreme end of what goes on in some state agencies every day. Especially the porkier and more politicized ones ones like SOS, DHS and DCFS, where manager overstaffing is epidemic.

    The solution….electronic timekeeping. I think Daley is using it. The unions will squawk, but at least put the managers on electronic. If we have to pay all this money for these folks, at least we deserve their full day presence on the job.

  15. - Beowulf - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 7:16 am:

    An interesting comment from “Proud State Copper”. If this is correct, I am surprised that Dan Rutherford isn’t making this fact known to the voting public?
    As far as ex-cons being hired by the Illinois state government, maybe it is simply our conservation minded state officials trying to get us to start “recycling”, much like they have chosen to do. Leadership by example?

  16. - Anon today - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 8:33 am:

    Sorry, JJ, but if you spoke to some of the long term employees, you’d find out that taking a complaint to inspector general’s office usually backfires against the employee. Of course, the administration would deny that and then ask you who beefed. Retribution is pretty standard.
    Just because employees aren’t forced to purchase political tickets doesn’t make White’s office better than Ryan’s or Edgar’s. White’s office has hired mostly incompetent political hacks, who don’t really care how the office is being run.
    Oh, and “Jim Burns will get you”…..are you his campaign manager, JJ? Burns is just another hack who will do Benigno’s bidding.

  17. - Anonymous - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 10:03 am:

    I have known Cecil Turner for many years. Cecil is a great guy. Should he have been in a $100,000 job with this kind of responsibility? NO!!! I think that I know Cecil well enough to say this was not his brain child. This edict came from the top. Cecil may turn out to be the fall guy but he was only doing what he was told. Do not be naive to think this situation did not come from Mr. White, himself, or his very top operatives. Jesse White is not lily white!!!!!!!!

  18. - Muletown - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 10:05 am:

    The above comment is mine. I apologize for not putting my stamp on it.

  19. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    Even though Cecil might have had some “issues”, it appears he couldn’t leave well enough alone even after he was told there was an investigation. Things might have turned out a whole lot better for him if he’d just not made any contact with his janitors.
    I agree with Muletown….a lot of things go on in the office with a wink and a nod from the top operatives. This reminds me of the old Mission Impossible quote, “As always, if you or any of your force are caught (or killed), the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.”

  20. - lms - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    As some have mentioned,…Jesse White is “nice”. But, maybe White is just too “nice”. Even “nice” people are manipulated, turn the other way, just to avoid controversies, and often allow other to run over them, while they live in their fantasty world and continue to pretend things are working out “fine”. Also…..JJ- if Jesse has been “urging” employees to report wrong doings, then why did it take so many years to have “this ” particular scandal be brought to light?! There are many many SOS employees who have mentioned “wrong doings”, but because of retribution and the mere fact that they fear losing their jobs, they keep quiet. Hey,…..but their working for a “nice” guy !!!!!!!!!

  21. - JJ - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 11:16 am:

    After reading ANON 8:33 a.m. and ANON 10:03 (muletown) i now understand why you don’t like to keep this open on the weekends….what a waiste of time….

  22. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    All right, politics aside, think of it this way: Everyone who doesn’t mind convicted criminals having access to your personal information, including Date of birth, Social Security #, etc., please step to the front of the line.
    (If this such a “waiste”, JJ, why are you reading this?)

  23. - fed up - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    If Jesse’s system was so good at catching criminal activity, why did it take 6 years to bring this scam to light?

    Why is JIM BURNS touring the state? Why is he so prominently mentioned all the time in the SOS press releases? Is Jesse ready to give up the job and have his henchman appointed to fill the ballot vacancy or the office right after re-election–is that the plan?

    The facts are clear to objective minds, Jesse doesn’t know what is going on except that certain political friends are taken care of. Jesse is an absent leader. Jesse is the figurehead but Burns is the incompetant political hack running the show. It’s pathetic that the media doesn’t grill nice Jesse on the operations of his office. I guess if you’re mild mannered it’s ok to be either a crook or mentally AWOL.

    Yes, excons need work…but not top management jobs for the state. And IF you do go out on a limb and hire one, be sure to provide extra scrutiny and oversight. That this went on 6 years proves that Jesse hires political hacks and then doesn’t give a damn what they do.

  24. - Ratso - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 12:42 pm:

    I am proud to work for the Secretary of State’s Inspector General’s Office. Unlike the last administration, this IG’s office is comprised of professional, qualified, and apolitical inspectors. I think Jesse White’s administration has made vast inprovements for those on both sides of the DMV counter, improvements for the public we serve and for those who serve the public. For the first time in years, SOS employees can work in an honest pressure-free environment. If I felt otherwise, let my history speak for itself and be assured I would be blowing whistles…once again.

  25. - Just a thought - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 1:42 pm:

    I know….implant a global tracking GPS chip in all State workers. You can link it up to your home computer and watch them all day. Would that make you happy?…Get real…most were not this outraged when you elected George back in.

  26. - Muletown - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 3:12 pm:

    The king of ethics, Rod Blagojevich, stated the Secretary of State’s office was a “cesspool of corruption”. That “Jesse White doesn’t want people to look into the Secretary of State Office”. You would think the Secretary of State and Chicago Ward Boss, Jesse White, would have sued for libel if this smoking gun didn’t have ammunition in it. Since those statements Mr. White has sat very closed mouth while the Governor has raped the Secretary of States Office of dedicated money to our Universities Scholarship funds. He has essetially become a pawn to the Governor’s whims and wishes

  27. - Randall Sherman - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 4:37 pm:

    Muletown has a point regarding White’s silence to the past criticisms of Governor Blagojevich. I also believe lms was correct in pointing out that Jesse White is a “nice” guy. FustratedRepublican was correct in noting that White’s popularity does not mean he is an effective administrator.

    As I have sated in the past, White has chosen to maintain a hands-off adminitrative style, so that he could have the time to be a Democratic Ward Boss on the West Side and continue to spend time with his Tumblers. But in doing so, white has turned over practical control of the office to his chief of staff, Tom Benigno, who is generally regarded as a political buffoon. To make matters worse, Benigno has surrounded himself with a cadre of hacks (many of them politcal figures themselves or relatives of politicos) who are no threat to upstage him in any way (but at the same time are incapable of doing anything but contributing to the administrative morass at the Secretary of State’s office).

    As for the earlier query as to why State Senator Dan Rutherford, the Republican candidate for this office, has not yet spoken up on these matters, I suspect that he has chosen to wait until after the Primary Election, when the political focus can move toward the race between him and White. A comment at this point would likely get lost in the shuffle of the contested statewide races on the March ballot.

  28. - Anon Today - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 5:25 pm:

    If I may comment about the current inspector general’s office….I challenge anyone to talk to the lower echelon employees, especially ones who work at the Dirksen office. The consenus is the inspector general’s office has no credibility with them. It appears that a lot of complaints fall on the wayside, and, at worst, anyone who complains receives some retribution, whether subtly or otherwise. Believe it or not, it’s clearly understood that no good deed goes unpunished.

  29. - Dan Rutherford - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 5:48 pm:

    Hello, this is Senator Dan Rutherford, personally. I was notified of this Blog discussion and I’ve read the comments. I commend each of you for taking an active role.

    The indictment of Cecil Turner confirms that there continues to be “issues” in the Secretary of State’s office. For those of you that are posting or have e-mailed me about other improprieties in the SoS office, know that there is nothing I can specifically do about it until I am elected. I suggest you contact the federal authorities and let them handle it.

    In addition, I do welcome suggestions for improvement, appreciation for good service and comments on something that did not go exactly right and how one could correct it with the Secretary of State’s Office. Please go to my website: and submit your suggestions or comments.

    Thank you,
    Dan Rutherford
    State Senator
    Candidate for Secretary of State

  30. - Anon Today - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 5:59 pm:

    For your convenience:
    Patrick J. Fitzgerald
    United States Attorney
    United States Attorney’s Office
    219 S. Dearborn St., 5th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60604

    Phone: (312) 353-5300
    Fax: (312) 353-2067

  31. - Oracle at Delphi - Saturday, Feb 4, 06 @ 9:06 pm:

    “just helps out the sos.”

    You cannot be serious! This scam went on FOR 6 YEARS!!! How does not catching it for THAT long look like anything but incompetence?

  32. - Anonymous - Sunday, Feb 5, 06 @ 6:44 am:

    “To those who think they can challenge the system, remember this: Jesse White’s top crime fighter, Jim Burns, will get you…”

    That sounds more like a threat to current employees than a committment to uphold the law.

  33. - Sally Smith - Sunday, Feb 5, 06 @ 8:56 am:

    I did a google. Here are some good links.

  34. - Cassandra - Sunday, Feb 5, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    The inspector general presumably has staff and time limitations which prevent the office from fully investigating every single complaint. Nor would responsible taxpayers want them to do so.
    They need to spend their time on the more egregious examples of corruption and, hopefully, on systemic change. As I said earlier, theft of time is a huge problem in state government and
    probably wastes more taxpayer money in a day than
    the sum of Turner’s and the janitor’s alleged ill gotten gains throughout the timespan of the

    As I said before, there are solutions such as electronic tracking of employee arrival and departure. They are not perfect, but they are far better than relying on human oversight and electronic systems cannot be accused of discrimation yada yada yada.

    Requiring thumprint id in and out of the buildingsmight have caught this one a lot earlier..and there are thousands of examples of theft of time in state government every day.

  35. - Jane Conway - Monday, Feb 6, 06 @ 9:03 am:

    Where there is smoke there is fire. I’d love to see Patrick Fitz start knocking on the SoS door and exposing the 27th Ward Machine

  36. - Big Guy - Wednesday, Feb 22, 06 @ 6:23 pm:

    The following is a copy of a letter I sent to Dave McKinney of the Chicago Sun-Times when the newspaper’s report on the indictment of Cecil Turner came down. Ann Sanner of the Springfield Associated Press (AP) office also received a copy.


    The Chicago Sun-Times and the Associated Press have reported on how an ex-aide to Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White has been indicted in a ghost payrolling scheme that cost Illinois taxpayers more than $150,000.

    I used to work for Cecil Turner, the recently indicted ex-aide. When the dust clears on all of this I believe it will be shown that Turner may have have been told to “follow orders or else.” I was in effect given the same choice by Chicago-based higher-ups in the Office of the Secretary of State and was fired — even denied unemployment benefits — for not “looking the other way.” My plight was detailed in a front-page story in the Sun-Times of February l5, 2004 entitled “Missing: $1.4 mil. in state property.” Five days later, the February 20, 2004 edition of the same newspaper carried a cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winner Jack Higgins showing a stick figure labeled “Theft Probe” careening down into the abyss from an office with the words “Illinois Secretary of State” emblazoned on the door. The stick figure appears to have been pushed by another figure saying: “Let us know when you get to the bottom of this . . . ”

    All I had done to earn the wrath of some of Cecil Turner’s Chicago-based underlings was to gently inquire as to the whereabouts of various items purchased with state-issued credit cards. These items had yet to be “tagged” and included into the inventory of the office’s physical services department.

    The scam was very simple: dishonest employees would purchase items and pick them up the same day. But when it came time to apply the identifying Secretary of State blue, bar-code tags, the excuse given for the items not being delivered was equally simple: they must have “. . fallen off the truck.” Case closed.

    Even when I presented signed sales receipts telling how “missing” items had been purchased and personally picked up by these same employees, the Secretary of State’s inspector general, former U.S. Attorney James Burns, ignored me. The Sun-Times story of February 15, 2004 told how I visited Jesse White himself in his Near North Side ward headquarters to advise him of the theft scheme and how it could entrap one of his top aides and personal friends, Ed “The Big Bopper” Thomas. Jesse White thanked me for my concern — and proceeded to ignore what I had told him.

    The newspaper accounts tell that Cecil Turner’s lawyer said his client would enter a “not guilty” plea when he appears in court of February 27th. I plan on attending. It should be a good show.


  37. - Common Man - Friday, Mar 3, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    There is one very simple method to determine honesty, competency and sincerity, DEBATE. Mr. White, Mr. Rutherford, please advise the general public as to dates, times and location. As a happily retired SOS employee I would enjoy attending and making my own decision from first hand information instead of biased Media soundbites.

  38. - breann - Saturday, Nov 4, 06 @ 11:53 pm:

    cecil is my grandfather and half the rumors they are spreading are not true if you would like real answers come to the direct source and get all the facts strait email me at im serious

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