Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Brady calls programs a “socialistic principle”
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Brady calls programs a “socialistic principle”

Tuesday, Feb 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The AP flushes out some of Bill Brady’s more potentially controversial opinions.

Brady calls himself a “mainstream conservative.” He says that means he is conservative on social issues but is more concerned about getting things done than fighting ideological battles.

He opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest, but Brady said as governor he would “move incrementally” and look for common ground on issues of parental consent and late-term abortion.

Brady opposes gay marriage because it doesn’t promote “a procreative society.” He also opposes civil unions. “It’s marriage in another name,” Brady said.

He also disagrees with Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s efforts to expand government health care for the working poor - not just because he thinks Illinois can’t afford it but because it promotes reliance on the government.

“It’s a socialistic principle, and I’m a free-market capitalist,” Brady said.

No mention of school prayer or teaching the bible in public schools however.


  1. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 7:48 am:

    don’t have much to say *yet* but i wanted to be the first :)

  2. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 7:48 am:

    If Brady was running for governor in Kentucky or Missouri, his positions would play well. In IL, he’ll have an uphill battle. It will take a lot of “mainstream conservatives” in the general to offset the city, soccer mom, labor, vote that is likely to go against him. Reagan pulled it off, though.

  3. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 7:55 am:

    i’ve gotta give rich credit … he’s giving the ober-the-top’s a softball here … although i will say this:

    brady is a parochial school guy and i think he’s softened his tone on this as he’s been counciled by some who are more familiar with education issues. i’m still not a fan of all of his education policies, but think he’s at least got a decent start and foundation that he can develop into some good education policy … he has since backtracked from this statement and has said he does not advocate for it, but does believe in local control … maybe an easy out, but the right easy out i guess.

    i think the core to most of those statements illustrates he is someone who is willing and able to work with people whose views may differ from his in order to accomplish the greater or “common” good. in general, i like that in a leader. He’s willing to say “I personally believe this, but…” and I think that’s ok.

    I know education is not the only issue mentioned in today’s post, but I think it’s a biggie. I’m curious to know where others here stand on education issues, and where you feel the candidates stand (or where you know they stand if you can find their policy or issue statements, etc.)

  4. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 8:07 am:

    More than that any blooming idiot can see we are broke and busted.We CAN NOT AFFORD a program just to enhance pretty boy’s chance of re-election.

  5. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 8:08 am:

    in some ways i agree 6 degrees, but consider this:

    statements and positions are like fingernails … sometimes a statement gets a bit out of control, or over the top … and then you file and clip those statements until you have a presentable “nail” or position.

    so i wouldn’t qualify some of those statements as positions quite yet … i think many have been “filed down” to something that carries a bit more with the public …

    and then of course there are those candidates who continue to make statements that require constant filing down, and campaign manager’s and media consultants love that :)

  6. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 8:14 am:

    Brady is the only candidate with the legislative experience to work with the Democrats in Springfield to get things done. Brady will not waiver in his convictions but deal with others of oppositon with respect. This is what we need.

    Look out JBT, the press is examining Bill Brady and the only bad thing they can say is he is too set on his convictions. Is that bad?

    Guess the JBT, lay low and win on name recognition isn’t going to work. Judy has dropped from the next debate. Guess she figured out she doesn’t look, or sound like a governor compared to the other candiates and hopes no one will miss her. Maybe she should put a cardboard cut out of Jim Edgar with at Topinka/Birkett Button on the stage and hope for the best.

  7. - Big Bag of Freedom - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    Someone should tell him that it’s not the Governor’s job to make sure we have a procreative society or any kind of society other than the people through the free market decide they want.

  8. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 9:20 am:

    big bag …. then someone should tell a lot of candidates that it’s not the governor’s job to do a lot of things … like reinstall corporal punishment in schools, for example.

  9. - FrustratedRepublican - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 9:32 am:

    Something I think people are starting to like about Brady is that he says what he believes and you can take it or leave it. He’s not going to change.

    He was brought of in a Catholic home, holds to those views, and doesn’t apologize for it. I like the fact that he wants to work toward the things that people from both parties agree on rather than focusing on what divides.

    So far, his is the only campaign that has any real energy and looks like they’re doing what should be done.

    Two years ago, Obama was at about 14% the first week of February. There’s definitely still time, if he can keep it up. No one can seem to pull away, so this looks to be a fight to the end.

  10. - Bubs - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 10:00 am:

    It is tough to see how Brady can win a general with all those positions (though he might with just some of them), and admiration for his “convictions” won’t generate much real support.

    There is suspicion that the recent Brady hype is more noise than substance, blared by desparate conservatives who realize two things: Obie-Wan just ain’t gonna make it, and for conservatives Blago-JBT is the Election From Hell.

    Time will tell.

  11. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 10:15 am:

    so, bubs, what do you propose? can ober-the-top make it in a general? gidberger?

    jbt could have crossover appeal, but so far, if we wanna talk no substance, she seems to be the queen. i do think people respect people who have convictions but are willing to work with others, and GA experience helps with that.

    if there are two that would even have a chance in a general it would be JBT and Brady. And I’d take Brady all the way.

    Last I checked hype is usually noise, based on substance or not. In campaigns it’s called momentum, or traction, and he seems to be the only one generating much, or any, at this point.

  12. - Bubs - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 10:58 am:

    1. Brady has “GA experience,” huh? Topinka has that, plus three terms as Treasurer and statewide officer. I love it when you guys trash Topinka for being so bipartisan that she is a RINO, then in the same breath say your guy can work with Democrats better. No candidate in this race, either party, Gov. or Lt. Gov., has better credentials to get the job done for the people of Illinois than Topinka.

    2. Topinka has a lead on Blago in a majority of polls, and is within the margin of error even in Democratic polls. That is not true for Brady. Oberweis cannot win the general, period. I do think Ron Gidwitz actually could beat Blago, as a long shot, if he could win the primary, which he can’t. I’m not saying Brady can’t win the general, but he has such a greater burden to carry than the other two, given his positions, which simply are not in step with a majority of Illinois voters, and he will pay for that in November.

    2. Hype is hype. Traction is when voters move.

  13. - Brady is Right - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 11:29 am:

    I have to laugh at all the campaign-types pushing their agenda here…. and dodge the issue accordingly.

    Brady said that Rod’s Kids Care is “socialistic”, and he’s right. In only one time since 1976 has a Democrat won for Governor, and that is because George Ryan stunk up the joint for any Republican. Brady’s statement, unlike any by any of his primary opponents (or the Democratic candidates for that matter), squarely addresses the question…. how do we address health care. “6 degrees” may be suprised, but there may not be enough slavishly-dependable Welfare State voters among those soccer moms and union drones to keep Rod’s “spend-spend” train on the track. Face the facts: government control of health care financing and delivery is socialism.

  14. - YNM - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 12:19 pm:

    bubs, ummm … did i trash topinka? nope. actually said she was one of the two that could make it in a general. just said i preferred brady.

    i think that you could say voters have moved with brady … his numbers have moved, and most of the “hype” you refer to picked up after the naperville debate when real people started to give him a real chance.

  15. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 1:04 pm:

    Which of the following gives Topinka better credentials to get the job done?
    1. No real opposed elections.
    2. Failing to inform the state on the danger of Rod’s physcal policy (as treasurer she should know but not sure she does).
    3. Her tenure as party chairmen where she brought the party lower then even an indicted governor could. Well she did appoint a chairmen who would in turn give her the nod for Gov.

  16. - Bubs - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 2:14 pm:

    Patriot, I can’t believe I am actually responding.

    No real opposed elections? Let’s see, she’s been elected to the Assembly twice (as I recall), twice to State Sentate (as I recall), and won in three statewide elections, the last against Tom Dart, who was regarded as a Democratic comer before Judy beat him to survive the 2002 Democratic landslide. Remember that one, where all the other Republicans lost, like Jim Ryan and Joe Birkett? Yep, you are right, it was just easy pickings for the GOP that year.

    Failing to inform the state of Rod’s fiscal wrongs? It was JBT who (alone) publicly questioned if the Great Blagojevich Pension Grab was legal, and refused to pay out the money as Treasurer, despite legislative approval of the Grab, until and unless Lisa Madigan issued an opinion as A. G. stating that the program was legal, which was about as much as she could do before complying with the legislative vote. Yep, you are right, she was absolutely mum.

    State Party Chairman? Hmmm, let’s see, the arch-conservative Ibendahls hit her with specious allegations the moment she entered office (sorry, but there is no federal investigation, and hasn’t been for quite a while, that’s what happens when there is nothing to find), conservative Senate primary winner Jack Ryan lied to her about his wife’s divorce allegations, conservatives Syverson and Rauschenberger pushed conservative Keyes before the SCC after no one else would run against Obama; conservative Keyes turned into a disaster, including a whopping 27% of the vote and over $110,000 in election fines for conservative Jack Roeser’s improper contributions. Yep, you are right, it was allllll Judy.

  17. - Tweed - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    Bill Brady is so like Ronald Reagan, it’s not even funny.

  18. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 6:04 pm:

    The truth is that republicans continue to lose elections because we are not unified and we have no leader. Because of what Bubs said in his last post and what it means to conservatives and moderates Judy can not pull us together and lead us. Which means another four years of wondering without leadership and more loses in this state if Judy wins the primary? Bill Brady can and will pull us together and lead us and this state. He won’t hide from debates because he thinks he can get away with it. He won’t hide from the truth or hide from what needs to be done for this state. That’s who this party and this state needs a person who believes in something. Not someone that fits an election profile for candidate.

  19. - Bubs - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 6:44 pm:

    Conservatives declared war on Judy, and moderates in general, years ago, as a reaction to the Bush victory in 2000. Anyone here remember the goals of the Illinois Center-Right Coalition? (FYI, it flopped). The current problem is that they are still lying through their teeth about her.

    It is a disingenuous bootstrap to assert that the internal divisions caused by (and still asserted by) Conservatives is the reason why a moderate should not win.

  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 7:02 pm:

    Bubs, could you email me please? capitolfax at aol dot com. and, no, you’re not in any trouble.

  21. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 7:41 pm:

    “6 degrees” may be suprised, but there may not be enough slavishly-dependable Welfare State voters among those soccer moms and union drones to keep Rod’s “spend-spend” train on the track.

    Add in the Gold Coast and north shore liberals, the gay vote, whatever Madigan’s and Daley’s machine can provide, minorities who unquestioningly vote D, university towns downstate that trend D, the urban vote on the IL side of St. Louis. Some of these demographics overlap, for sure.

    Now subtract some disaffected moderate Republicans or RINOs as some label them.

    It can be done, but one should not take the task lightly. If Brady is so much like Ronald Reagan that it’s scary, like Tweed says, he will have to perform like Dutch in his glory years, and be a consensus and coalition builder, to pull it off.

  22. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 7, 06 @ 9:15 pm:

    It’s not that a moderate should not win it’s that this moderate because of who she is and what she has done in the party couldn’t pull us together. Ron Gidwitz could lead the party better because he has helped raise money for the party and has not done the negative things that have split the party which “Bub” has listed which ever side your on.

  23. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 8, 06 @ 12:14 pm:

    I wonder if Brady will start promoting more porn shops and strip clubs because it promotes “a procreative society.”

    The sad thing is that Brady is the only Republican candidate who I’m confident always means what he says.

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