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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Who are you supporting for governor and why? Please don’t tell us why you’re not voting for someone else. Just tell us why you’re backing your candidate.


  1. - True Blue and thankful - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:24 am:

    I am voting for the Governor because of the fact that he supports, and initiated the “All Kid’s Health Care Plan”. His proposal is a Landmark that I hope will be a precedent for other states to follow. Not only is it “the right thing to do”, it is “doing” what is commanded in the scriptures. The health care plan will help widows, orphans, and working people whose Employers will not provide health insurance through their work place. I believe this is truly what “Values” means. Thanks, and have a great day. PS: this is a great web site and blog.

  2. - The Conservative - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:51 am:

    The only candidate with a track record and that can win and that is honest and says what he believes with integrity is Bill Brady. I am voting for Brady the best of the best. Please bring good government back to this State.

  3. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:55 am:

    I’m supporting Governor Rod Blagojevich for reelection for many reasons, a few are:

    1. Supported and signed legislation to provide the opportunity to purchase health insurance for children at reasonable sliding premuims.

    2. Increased state funding for prek-12 education by over 3 billion dollars in 3 years….more than Ryan and Edgar combined.

    3. Held out during budget negotiations in ‘03 to resist increasing sales and income taxes while balancing a $5 billion budget deficit left by Ryan.

    4. Supported and signed legislation to raise the minimum wage in Illinois substantially.

    5. Supported and signed legislation preserving overtime pay after the Repub federal legislation gutted it.

    The list goes on and on. These are Democratic ideals that could only be dreamed of during 27 years of Repub governors.
    Blagojevich has been the best Il governor ever.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:55 am:

    I’m voting for Topinka. Men have absolutely run this state into the ground and it’s time for real change. I’m supporting the woman in every race possible on my ballot.

  5. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:02 am:

    If I pull a Republican ballot it’s Brady. I don’t agree with all his positon but he has the conviction tempered with experience to clean up the party and the State.

    If I pulled a Democrat Ballot, it would be Eisendrath. That was a pretty good speech he gave and I’m also tired of laws with names and press releases longer then the bills themselves.

  6. - Larry Horse - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:02 am:

    I’m voting for Blagojevich because I can’t wait to sit back and laugh my backside off when he tries to run for President in 2008

  7. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:02 am:

    I want fiscal responsibility and thats what we are going to get with Topinka.Bill he borrowed billions[21] to help balance the budget and that is on our backs.

  8. - leigh - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:05 am:

    I am voting for JBT. Perhaps when a woman says it is time to end business as usual, they have enough integrity to mean it.

  9. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:12 am:

    The Gov. Being a Democrat, his healthcare policy is what every candidate should be for. Like it or not, we have a moral obligation to care for our children.

  10. - Leroy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:40 am:

    I gotta go with the Horseman and Bill…Blago get my vote because of AllKids. And yes, I will support any income tax increases he wants to push through in his second term to pay the bills.

    Residents in Illinois are undertaxed. It’s time we started paying our fair share to pay for needed government services.

  11. - Beowulf - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:57 am:

    I am inclined to vote for Gidwitz. His political inexpertience is a plus. He is blunt, has a financial background from his own successful business, is wealthy so he won’t be motivated by by personal enrichment, and speaks out on improprieties without worrying if it is the “politically correct” thing to do.
    My biggest worry is that Oberweis, Gidwitz, and Brady (all three are individuals I could vote for in good conscience) are going to split the non-JBT votes among themselves equally and thus ensure a JBT victory.

  12. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:05 am:

    Bill Brady is the only Candidate who can:
    1. Fix the financial disaster looming in Springfield, and

    2. Revive the republican party in IL, and

    3. Not get hammered into submission by the Gov by Nov.

    4. Actually clean up state government. Hard to do when you are taking money from state vendors just like Blago.

  13. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:16 am:

    EdWIN will get my vote because he is not Blago. Blago raided the pension fund, has tripled the debt, has no clue how to pay for all these programs, and has absolutely let insiders steal everything that is not nailed down. His huge failure to end business as usual will at a minimum get lots of indictments this summer. He won’t even be in the race if he wins the primary after the feds get through with him. As a 30 democrat if he wins the primary and is still in the race come November, for the first time in my life I vote republican no matter who it is. Yeah, I’m pissed! This guy needs to go!

  14. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:21 am:

    I’m voting for Rod Blagojevich. Because “Blagojevich” means…”opportunity.”

  15. - ExileOnMainStreet - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:22 am:

    Brady is my pick. Though I am disappointed with how is doing in the polls, I genuinely beleive his is the best choice for Illinois. Like the Patriot, I beleive he can turn our state around and as a self-admitted Illinois Republican I beleive he can strengthen this incredibly weak state party.

  16. - downstateyp - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:24 am:

    I am voting for Brady for three simple reasons. First, he is the only candidate with a clear consistant message and plan for Illinois. Second, he is the only candidate who offers proof of his or her beliefs through an actual voting record. Third, we need to see the next generation of GOP leaders succeed so we can rid ourselves of the Ryan era scandals and inside team.

  17. - FrustratedRepublican - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:25 am:

    Bill Brady.

    It’s the first time in a long time we’ve had somebody that really represents turning the page on the Thompson era of the party that can actually win in November. He doesn’t have the baggage of the other candidates and is engaging and magnetic in a room full of people. My moniker represents real thoughts about this state’s organization, and Brady’s the only one I can see making a change for the better in that regard.

  18. - The truth - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:28 am:

    Brady is my choice. Conservative, friendly, nice guy.
    I vote by gut, and Brady is my reflex choice without any reservation.

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:31 am:

    Oops! Did not read the last line of the instructions (typical man)! I listed the reasons I am not voting for Blago instead of why I am voting for EdWIN. I’m voting for EdWIN because I feel he is honest and that he will put this state back on track financially, and also because he is not Blago.

  20. - Illinois Democrat - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:33 am:

    The Governor gets my vote for the All Kids Health Care.

  21. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:40 am:

    JBT. Because, anyone will be better then what we have know, and I’ve always been a big fan. The current administration has been nothing but failures, and press releases looking for headlines. Every thing proposed may sound good, but lacks sincerity and reality. From “Oppurtunity Illinois,” to all those “flu shots,” and recently “Keno?” and the fact that they have clue how to finance any of their programs especially the All Kids shows their arrogrance.

  22. - ANON - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:49 am:

    Sadly, this is a year when I’m not excited about anyone running for governor. After the ‘02 election, I figured that the next go around would be a slam dunk for the GOP. Boy was I wrong. Its not like Blago hasn’t tossed up plenty of soft pitches for us to knock out of the park, but we Republicans couldn’t move forward and get behind a strong candidate. Instead of building the future, we all looked to the past.

    I’m casting my vote for Gidwitz. His comments during the Daily Herald interview were hillarious, but had some truth behind them. I think that the guy is an outsider, and has the money to go toe to toe with Blago in the General. Its not that I’m excited, its more like a process of elimination. The lesser of four evils.

  23. - Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:01 am:

    Edwin Eisendrath. I like him. He reminds me of Paul Vallas on Ritalin.

  24. - Buddy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:14 am:

    I will vote for Eisendrath because he will correct the fiscal malfeasance of Gov. Checkbook. Blago has tripled the state’s debt burden. Even All Kids is TOTALLY DEPENDENT on federal Medicaid funding. What happens when those funds dry up? Blago doesn’t care because he’ll be off selling used cars by then.

  25. - Randall Sherman - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    I’ll be voting for Edwin Eisendrath, in part because he has the courage to challenge a Governor from his own party who has betrayed the people who elected him in 2002 and the promises he made in the 2002 campaign. In Eisendrath, I’ll be voting for a candidate who will not govern by polling, who will not mortgage the next generation of Illinois residents thru borrowing and other budget tricks (as has been the case with the current occupant of the office).

    Should God Forbid, Eisendrath fail in his quest on March 21, I will be volunteering on March 22 as a supporter for whatever Republican celebrates victory in their Gubernatorial Primary. The ultimate need in this state is to rid it of the political cancer now infesting the office of Governor.


  26. - HoosierDaddy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:16 am:

    Bill Brady. I’ve personally met the “Big Four” candidates and Brady was the only one who really impressed me. He’s got character and charisma, and that’s a rare combination.

  27. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:17 am:

    We know her. She hasn’t changed in over 20 years.

    We’ve seen her for over 12 years as the Treasurer, and what we need in a governor is experience. She has worked with the best and the worst, and knows the difference. Her stand on social issues is progressive, while her economic views are conservative, which fits perfectly with the majority of Illinoians. It is time to see a woman lead this state as governor. She has personality, she enjoys people, she listens well. She works better with Democrats than our current Democratic governor does. She is not using the governorship as a stepping stone to national office, so she will focus on the job at hand.

  28. - SalukiDog - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:18 am:

    JBT. I believe she will stick to her guns and get this state’s budget under control.

  29. - Cassandra - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:22 am:

    JBT at this point, although I’m a little nervous
    about no no-tax pledge.

    She’s a woman…wouldn’t it be nice if Repubs could produce the first Illinois woman governor
    (and if Condi changes her mind and runs for Prez..we’ll be on a roll).

    She has significant fiscal experience, and the main challenges of governors are fiscal challenges. Blago has shown that the only way he can deal with state finances is to borrow money…even the most unsophisticated voter can see that this is not a viable solution. His pandering to illegal immigrants doesn’t help either…Allkids will primarily help illegals at the expense of middle class privately insured citizens, whose premiums will go up as a result.

    Blago has worsened Illinois’ national reputation as one of the most corrupt states with his contracts for rich friends and his transformation of state agencies (including IDOT, DHS, the Tollway, hitherto apolitical DCFS for example) into patronage farms..expensive patronage farms with lush pensions and salaries for the Blago folks. JBT has ethics baggage, but it pales beside Blago’s awesome Chicago-like corruption.

    JBT has the potential to win by polls… Gidwitz, Oberweis, Brady haven’t shown the numbers although each would be far better than Blago. She’s has to pep up her campaign though.

  30. - Krenzler - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:43 am:

    I honestly don’t know yet…the last candidate I supported based on the fact people thought they could win has us bogged down in an endless war and increasing debt.

    On this level though, I’m leaning towards Brady. Yes, I want Rod out of office, but I’m not simply supporting someone because I think they can win, I’ll support someone because I agree with where they stand on the issues.

  31. - jechislo - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:55 am:

    Brady will get my vote in the primary. The Republican Party has moderated itself into near oblivion. Brady’s conservative message is music to my ears. Although he is mostly being ignored I think he will surprise a lot of pollsters in March.

  32. - Tom - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:58 am:


    She’s got guts, integrity, consistency, experience, electability, an ‘Illinois’ position on issues, and she hasn’t gone negative like unamed others on the Repub side.

  33. - Reddbyrd - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    Grod is the man! His accomplishments on health care and human rights are reason enough.
    Esquared never got a look.
    AccordianGal had a chance for a crossover but blew it big time with the pick of BrickheadJoe as the running mate.
    The rest were never factors

  34. - Bluefish - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:08 am:

    Edwin Eisendrath. I honestly believe that if we reelect Blago we are not only dooming our state to financial disaster but ensuring that the Republicans will have control over the Governor’s mansion for the next few decades. EE appears to be every bit as qualified to be governor as Blago did four years ago and is the only choice we Democrats have (other than jumping over to the Republican primary - fortunately, the polls show that JBT should win, giving an alternative if Blago wins next month).

  35. - the wonderboy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Bill Brady

    The only candidate with the vision and plan to deal with taxes, education and the economy. Brady has remained devoted to his conservative base and values and will truly change the pay to play practice. He has not flip-flopped on the issues and is the candidate with the conviction to follow through on his promises.

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    I’ll vote for Esquared in March to show Blago there is people who want change. When Blago wins the primary, I’ll vote for him in Nov. If the republicians had put anyone decent up I would vote for a repub(for the first time). However, JBT just doesn’t have what it takes for me.

  37. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    Paul Vallas on ritlain…that’s an image.

  38. - Tony Soprano - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:53 am:

    I’m voting for Topinka.. I’d vote for Edwin if I pulled a Dem ballot.

  39. - Wilson - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:12 am:

    Brady. A conservative with charisma. Loved his Goldilocks analogy at the debate. Reminded me of Reagan’s “There you go again.”

  40. - Dean Fergason - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:21 am:

    Blago, because he’s the best candidate in a sea of nincompoops. Yes he has his problems, but he’s the lesser of the evils.

  41. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    Our Current Governor- Rod Blagojevich—Why? To keep the job market less competitive for democratic staff types.

  42. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:50 am:

    I’m going to vote Eisendrath. It’s my way of saying mediocrity won’t be tolerated to the Democratic Party. I hope that Eisendrath will provide competent leadership to state government.

    If Blagojevich is the nominee, I will probably vote Green in the general election. I’m not a fan of Topinka or Oberweis. There’s an outside chance I could be persuaded on Gidwitz. Don’t know much about Brady, but it seems unlikely I’ll need to learn anything about him. I like Andy Martin’s one man crusade against corruption, but he’s not likely to be the nominee.

  43. - anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:53 am:

    Now I know this isn’t the topic but I couldn’t find a place to say something about something I saw in CapFax today. You mentioned shortening of waits for licenses as a good thing for the Gov. I find that to be a negative because that wait is because of this administration so they created the problem to begin with, I think businesses will know when they started having problems don’t you? How can this be a positive?

    P.S. Is there a place to post off the topic? I’m kinda new at this. Thanks

  44. - Roho - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    TOPINKA! She is Judy no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you do—she is always just Judy. She is honest, smart, and down to earth. If she can do for the Governor’s office what she’s done for the Treasurer’s office, how could anyone be against her? To lump her in with George Ryan is a stretch and anyone should know that. If people are silly enough to vote against her because of the Thompson era politicians or the Ryan scandals, they should either educate themselves or we should take away their right to vote for being ignorant. Judy has done an excellent job as Treasurer and I think she would bring back honesty and integrity to the Governor’s office and be a Governor that will move Illinois forward. Let’s get the Ryan and Blago scandals behind us and show everyone that Illinois is ready to move forward with JBT.

  45. - Cheryl - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:57 am:

    JBT may be entertaining, but she is just another member of the George Ryan club, therefore don’t expect anything different. This is why the good-government Republicans oppose her.

  46. - George - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 12:13 pm:

    Gidwitz. Hasn’t anyone here noticed that he is the only one of these candidates to offer up a plan? He has a plan for jobs, he has a plan for education. He will set the state running in the right direction. All Oberweis has said is that he will spend money from dubious sources. Yeah, Illinois is corrupt, but he will never free up the billions he wants to spend by cleaning the state up. All JBT says is “Vote for me, I have experience.” Well, what are you going to do with your experience? Brady is a good man, but this goldilocks thing certainly is not a plan.

  47. - YNM - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 12:22 pm:

    Bill Brady.

    Because he’s not Blago, JBT, Oberweis or Gidwitz. JUST KIDDING!

    He’s consistent and committed, straightforward and straight-talking, principled and passioante.

  48. - Bubs - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    Topinka. She brings common sense, responsibility and long experience to address our problems, with respect for the individual, and without an ideological agenda.

  49. - Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    I like Ron Gidwitz. I started out supporting Rauschenberger for a variety of reasons; educaton, tax reform, fighting for the middle class, and his ability to be very critical without looking like a total jerk. I also like his interesting insight into state government. When I first heard that he was running for lite gov, I almost switched to JBT. Then I met Ron and decided it was worth fighting for him and Steve.

  50. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 12:38 pm:

    In the Dem primary I’ll vote for Eisendrath. If he loses I’ll vote for Green Party Candidate Rich Whitney in the general election. He’s honest, from downstate, and if he proposes progressive legislation it will be more than smoke and mirrors with a press release.

  51. - Establishment Republican - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 1:06 pm:

    I will be voting for Judy Baar Topinka.

    My reasons are strategic and completely related to my loyalty to the Republican Party and the belief that any of the Republican candidates would be a better Governor than Rod Blagojevich or any other Democrat for that matter.

    I happen to be more conservative than Judy Baar Topinka in many regards, and frankly, I don’t really have that great of a regard to her for a variety of reasons, especially as it relates to her lack of loyalty to her fellow Republicans.

    Nonetheless, she is the Republican candidate in the field who is best capable of actually winning a general election and while I actually think another candidate in the field would be a better Governor, that candidate (though popular here) is unlikely to win the nomination and would have a harder time winning in November and because another candidate, who shall remain nameless would find it virtually impossible to beat Blagojevich since he would be painted, unfairly of course, as, in the words of yet another nameless candidate, a “racist bigot.”

    So, my vote is for Topinka to insure the Republicans put forth their most viable candidate and that Rod Blagojevich does not remain Governor of Illinois.

    Hopefully, my candidate of choice will become Governor and prove worthy of this support.

  52. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 1:09 pm:

    I’m voting to re-elect the Governor because he is a man of ideas and innovation:
    1) He proposed the sale of the Thompson Center;
    2) He proposed the sale of the Toll Highway Authority Building
    3) He proposed the sale of naming rights of various government parks and buildings
    4) He purchased flu vaccine to protect the citizens of Illinois
    5) He established a program to encourage Illinois citizens to illegally purchhase drugs from Canadian and other foreign sources
    6) He partnered with the General Assembly to ignore the pesky pension funding obligations;
    7) He promised to “rock the system” with a new ethics reform package
    8) He promised to implement an All Kids program will worry about the cost later;
    9) He came into office and fired a number of state employees from prior administrations and didn’t worry about the litigation costs;
    10) He let all those folks south of I-80 know where they stand in the scheme of things
    11) He promoted and obtained a very valuable income tax credit to help the Illinois film industry
    12) He has given speeches promoting the use of Illinois and he elimated the sales tax exemption for coal scrubber technology and other pollution control devices;

    This is just the beginning - I could go on and on reciting all the innovative ideas of our current Governor.

  53. - Steve Bost - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 1:20 pm:

    Bill Brady. I am sick of having to compromise my Republican beliefs for a vialable candidate. We finally have the complete package…with no messy divorce records.

  54. - southernilrepub - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 1:30 pm:

    Brady! I just hope that he will have enough politcal muscle and $$$$ to beat the onslaught of garbage that will flow from Chicago!

  55. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 1:48 pm:

    Ideas and innovations from our Governor continued:

    13) He increased the state’s bonded indebtedness to record levels;
    14) He changed the “culture” at the Toll Highway Authority.
    15) We can now buy chinese food at toll highway oases;
    16) He got Marty Cohen out of CUB and sucked him into the state bureaucracy from whence he will never be heard of again;
    17) He hired Ed Hurley to help address the high cost of heating and we had one of the warmest Januarys on record;
    18) He continues to be a shining example for us all by finding the time to get in his running, despite the rigorous schedule he maintains as governor; AND
    19) He made Pat Quinn into a voice of moderation in his administration

  56. - NiceToMeetYouYesterday-RM - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 2:33 pm:

    If the election where held today:

    Republican: Bill Brady - because I think he has the balls to say NO to corruption.

    Democrat: Edwin Eisendrath - Not sure yet - but not happy with our current guv.

  57. - Nancy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 2:36 pm:

    1. He’s not a career politician. I like the fact that he’s taught school and worked in the real world.

    2. Eisendrath will make it illegal for the Governor and other statewide office holders to take money from state contractors. And he will abide by those rules from day one even if they are not yet law.

    3. He has already cleaned up one scandal ridden government agency (the CHA). I like a candidate who does more than just talk about reform but has actually done something out it.

    4. None of his friends, co-workers or family members are lobbyists.

    5. He has been downstate to small towns like Paris and Sesser and seems to really connect with regular people.

    6. Eisendrath will live in Springfield.

  58. - Jack Barnes - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 2:48 pm:

    JBT, if she wins I don’t have to worry about losing my job and all I’ll have to do is go through the motions to collect my pension and free health insurance for life. Whoever said welfare for the working was thinking about another state.

  59. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 2:54 pm:


    Eisendrath may be been downstate to small towns like Paris and Sesser, but our Governor RAN accross Southern Illinois last spring in the River-to-River relay accompanied only by a small group of security, a camera crew to record the historic event for posterity (and for the 10:00 PM news via satellite uplink), and certain members of the press and his staff that were his teammates. He’s been to Eddyville, Cobden and Tunnel Hill. He was brave enough to run through the back roads of Southern Illinois on the first day of turkey bow hunting season. Let’s see Eisendrath match that

  60. - IL Veteran - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 2:56 pm:

    I have almost worked for the state 8 yrs. and soon I’ll be able to draw a pension. I don’t need Blago jeopardizing my future income by borrowing from that fund. So I’m voting for Judy Topinka.

  61. - Jeff Martin - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:06 pm:

    Judy Baar Topinka- she’s smart, classy, and one hell of a ballbuster!

  62. - Punley Dieter Finn - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:14 pm:

    The independent candidate who will emerge this Summer to run against both parties’ nominees.

  63. - Jane - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:21 pm:

    Topinka, I’m entitled to show up to work and act like an overgrown adolescent until I retire. That’s the baby boomer way… and what’s great, the state’s footing the bill until I die.

  64. - Ol' Guy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:37 pm:

    Gidwitz will take care of me because…
    I’m old; a card-carrying member of the early Baby Boomer generation, which means I’m self-obsessed, imbued with an artificial sense of self-worth and self-importance. I’m also starting to come to grips with the aging process and I don’t like it one darned bit. Don’t know how I got this old. And got this old this fast. Funny how a combination of age and aging can change your outlook, isn’t it? And don’t forget, our generation invented sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, computers, the internet and everything else of any import. Don’t believe us, just ask.

  65. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:43 pm:

    I thought all of you old BB’S took early retirement under Uncle George’s free money give-a-way. I guess some of you are still around. No wonder nothing gets done!

  66. - Ol' Guy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:51 pm:

    That’s right, Bill. Plenty of us are around being a pain in your ass, sucking up the glory, and riding the gravy train until we decide when it is comfortable for us to leave, and no longer taint your work environments w/ our sick-mindedness. Now it’s your turn to whine because we have been doing that ever since we got in the door and someone made us work to collect a paycheck!

  67. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:53 pm:

    Hmmm, let me see. First and foremost the man reopened two prisons that were closed by the prior Republican administration. That alone entitles the Governor to my families support. He kept his promise to my AFSCME co-workers and me.

    He raised the minimum wage for a half-million workers in Illinois. I like the All Kids program as well as the low-cost prescriptions for our seniors. He fully supports the 150 locked-out Celanese employees in Meredosia Illinois.

    The man inherited a 5 billion-dollar deficit from the corrupt, pay-to-play Republican administration.

    Am I better off than I was 4 years ago, hell yes!

    P.S. Thanks to this Governor, my drive to work is a lot closer than it was under the last year of the Ryan administration.

    GRod gets my vote!

  68. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 3:54 pm:

    I agree with the people who are saying we need a woman to represent Illinois. The only problem is that even women can not represent the best interests of women, which is why I will be voting for the first and most pro-choice governor Illinois has ever had, Rod Blagojevich.

  69. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:04 pm:

    Is there a woman running for Governor in Illinois?

  70. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:15 pm:

    I was at an event the other night with Edwin, I am voting for him
    because he has a great plan for the future of Illinois. His main
    focus was to clean up Springfield and end “pay to play” with some
    great ideas for campaign finance reform. Edwin is also the only
    candidate addressing our state’s education problem, by fully investing
    in education and giving every child in this state a chance to succeed.
    His last major issue is to balance the budget. Unlike Gov.
    Blagojevich, Edwin will actually pay for his campaign promises, and is
    not shy on saying how he will pay for them. It is refreshing to hear
    such honesty from a politician, especially these days. Eisendrath in

  71. - Youthful Donkey - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:16 pm:

    I was at an event the other night with Edwin, I am voting for him
    because he has a great plan for the future of Illinois. His main
    focus was to clean up Springfield and end “pay to play” with some
    great ideas for campaign finance reform. Edwin is also the only
    candidate addressing our state’s education problem, by fully investing
    in education and giving every child in this state a chance to succeed.
    His last major issue is to balance the budget. Unlike Gov.
    Blagojevich, Edwin will actually pay for his campaign promises, and is
    not shy on saying how he will pay for them. It is refreshing to hear
    such honesty from a politician, especially these days. Eisendrath in

  72. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:21 pm:

    BHicks , you may thank Bush as well for being better off then you were 4 years ago….no AFSCME endorsement must bother you? Keep on spinnin

  73. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:28 pm:

    No, it really doesn’t bother me. Every AFSCME member that I work with is supporting Rod. Every one!

    The man kept his promise to them.

  74. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 4:58 pm:

    Strange…well somethings not right, because I know some AFSCME wokers who aren’t his biggest fans. Oh well, I’m not out to change your vote. By the way what was the promise??

  75. - The Ibenidiot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 5:09 pm:

    Topinka because she can beat the little boy in Springfield with all his money.

    *sits back opens a cherry coke and waits for Blago to get indicted*

  76. - Ultra-Centrist - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 5:53 pm:

    In the Primary, I’m going with Edwin, in the hope we will get real reform and restore faith in our government.

    In the General, if Ed doesn’t make it, I will throw in with Judy, who is a proven administrator and public servant, with lots of experience dealing with the Senate and Madigan, so she’ll know what the heck she’s doing in negotiating the budget and state programs… and she has a strong and competent staff behind her, not a bunch of inexperienced carpetbaggers. I had high hopes we could have done better with an all-dem government, but since that fell through, I’ll settle for the partisan gridlock of a Republican Governor and Democratic legislature. Of all the excesses of both sides, perhaps the best of the middle ground will emerge, and the constant friction and close oversight will help keep both sides in line, lest they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

  77. - anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:37 pm:

    i’m voting for eisendrath because after seeing the rasmussen polls i don’t see how the governor could beat jbt. if only 38% want him back after 4 years i don’t see many people learning something new about him and changing their minds.

    also, i am sick of spending promises made at election time with no real plan to pay for all kids or the 1000 dollar tax credit for good grades.


  78. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:43 pm:


    Me and my co-workers at AFSME in deep southern Illinois will NOT be voting for GRod. What campaign computer are you blogging from? Ask your brothers and sisters down here and you won’t find 1 out of 10 happy with this guy. Its great to have the right to vote and everyone has their own opinion but just the facts down this way from those I work with in AFSME do not speak well of Grod. Don’t know what part of the state you are from but its a different story down here. May the best man/woman win. The important thing is that we all take time to go vote. Can you still vote early and OFTEN in Chicago?

  79. - Dumb Ol' Country Boy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 6:47 pm:

    Anyone but Blago…due to his slap shot way of running government. I know a family that ownes there own business, and makes well over $100,000 a year. However their kids will be able to be insured through All Kids. My wife and I work well over 40 hours a week, do not make any where near that, and I pay for our health care. Right idea…Hot Rod…. wrong reason.The Gov. needed some “feel good” legislation, did not put any thought in it, and passed it for the wrong reason. To many times this has occurred. I guess JBT, the only one who appears to be able to unsent the arrogant gov and his minions….

  80. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 7:32 pm:

    Judy gets my vote. She’s a dedicated public servant.

  81. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:18 pm:

    Scoot- he reopened the Greene County Work Camp and the Sheridan Correctional Center.

    Like I said, he made several displaced AFSCME workers happy.

  82. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:21 pm:

    Annon 6:43– It’s AFSCME, not AFSME. What campaign computer are you posting from?

  83. - genxpundit - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:46 pm:

    Oberweis. Too many reasons to count. He can bring back integrity and fiscal responsibility to this state.

    BTW, Judy sure is keeping her employees busy posting on this blog. Shouldn’t they be busy running the treasurer’s office?

  84. - anon - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 8:54 pm:

    When all else fails, vote news value.
    Can you imagine a leaders meeting with Madigan, Jones and Oberweis?
    Manna from heaven my blogging friends.

  85. - The Colonel - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:02 pm:

    The Milkman!

    Everyone else is owned by outright, or out of the “Bi-partisan Combine’s” stable.

    If Topinka, Brady, Gidwitz, or Eisendrath win it’s just MORE OF THE SAME…suckers!

  86. - Paul Simon Museum Guy - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:17 pm:

    Rod ran across the state on turkey hunting day? Did he use his 4-inch platform shoes? I vote for EE–stands for Enough! Enough!

  87. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:23 pm:

    If you’re going to vote for Eisendrath, you might as well cross over and vote in the GOP primary: Eisendrath can’t win the Primary, but every vote for EE will be touted by the GOP nominee (Brady) as proof that “Even the Governor’s own Party doesn’t trust him.”

    So, what’s a Democrat who’s less than 100% satified with the Governor supposed to do? How do you send a message to the Governor without helping the other side? Simple: skip the Governor’s race in the Primary. The Governor’s staff can count undervotes, and here’s a few of the reasons I’ll be voting for “None of the Above”:

    -None of the Above didn’t break his campaign promise to veto caps on pain and suffering;

    -None of the Above has distanced himself from notorious Insiders;

    -None of the Above puts substance over style;

    -None of the Above recognizes that national political ambitions will never be realized if you don’t do a good job with the job you have;

    -None of the Above doesn’t make the same mistake the President’s made of surrounding himself with people who only tell him what he wants to hear. In fact, None of the Above’s closest confidant doesn’t want anything — not fame,fortune or power — except to see None of the Above succeed.

    Having said all that, and at the risk of being misquoted, come General Election time, I’ll still be voting for Governor Blagojevich.

    Looking at the GOP field is like coming home from work with a big appetite and finding nothing to eat but half-warmed leftovers. The Governor may be pot roast and not filet mignon, but atleast he isn’t leftover tuna casserole.

  88. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:36 pm:

    but every vote for EE will be touted by the GOP nominee (Brady) as proof that “Even the Governor’s own Party doesn’t trust him.”.

    Yes, but sadly, it’s true, and the truth has reverent power. They make him put his promises in writing, dont’cha know?

  89. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:37 pm:

    Looking at the current crop of gubernatorial hopefuls makes me occasionally think of voting with my feet.

  90. - Howie - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:50 pm:

    Blagojevich. I’m a Democrat, and I liked JBT until she caved in and tapped Birkett. I was going to vote for Topinka, but she disappointed me. Blago 2006.

  91. - ironhorse - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:52 pm:

    The ticket will show blago and judy in the fall. Mr. brady will supprise alot of folks and come in second. This is do to the chicago democrats in the fall. Judy by 7%……….

  92. - the ole precinct captain - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:54 pm:

    I am voting for the gov because even though some of his ideas may not have been perfect or worked out as hoped he has at least tried to resolve many of the issues with new ideas and not gone back to the old raise taxes to solve the revenue problem. He, Filan, etc have tried to come up with new ways to raise revenue and tried to get new ways to save money which I fund refreshing. Also, there are really no alternatives that seem viable or are too far out to the right to get the job done for this state. Give the guy a chance with no massive deficit and no republican holdovers to stop the process.

  93. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 9:57 pm:

    6 Degrees — Except that what most Democrats are trying to say is they want the Governor to do a better job, not that we’d rather have Bill Brady, so a vote for EE feeds into a lie.

    Again, the clearest way for Democrats to tell the Governor you’re dissatisfied with him is to skip over the Governor’s race. When 15-20% of Democrats don’t vote for either candidate, the Governor will get the message.

  94. - Man alive - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:22 pm:

    OMG, just clicked off the TV, and Rod apparently was not told by his staff what The Daily Show is… what a hoot.

  95. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:24 pm:

    BHicks - I get it…what about the Vadalia Prison that he wanted closed, but that wish wasn’t granted. Hey, just a thought. Have a good one and the best candidate win!

  96. - Gov. Rod Smith - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:26 pm:

    That was hilariuos. I almost fell out of my chair. The gov and his people obviously do not watch the Daily Show or they thought he would be treated differently.

  97. - B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 10:45 pm:

    Rod was great on the Daily show; I thought that he did a great job. People have to watch and be familar with the Daily show in order to get it.

    Scoot- He didn’t close Vandilia. However, sometime in the near future, old prisons are going to be closed and moved to newer, more efficient institutions. Menard and Pontiac are more than 100 years old.

  98. - Ex-Newfie - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:06 pm:

    To all you “anonymous” commentors out there who are voting for Hairdo, shouldn’t you be working at your patronage jobs instead of sending comments like these. FYI, THERE IS NO MONEY TO PAY FOR ALLKIDS - period!!! In fact there is no money to pay for most of what the governor proposes but he doesn’t care. It makes for good, cheap, free photo ops that he doesn’t have to dip in the 15 million to pay for. He’ll be long gone when the bills come due. Watch out, Washington. He’ll take the shirt off your back and you won’t even notice, cause he smiles while he does it.

  99. - From LaGrange park - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:31 pm:

    I am voting for Mike McDermott for gov :)

  100. - The Century Mark - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:31 pm:

    I will vote for Mike McDermott Twice :)

  101. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Feb 9, 06 @ 11:41 pm:

    Brady is the same old thing. Thats why he’s int this race to split the vote so JBT wins. It won’t work. Kejellander is finished so is the parroit I mean Brady campaign.

  102. - the wonderboy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:01 am:

    Isn’t it amazing how it only takes 10 or 12 hours before people stop answering the question and start bashing the opponents of their personal picks?

    I will refrain from any rebuttal…my answer is still Brady and the reasons are wtill as listed above.

  103. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:32 am:

    Wonderboy — for what it’s worth, if I were Republican, I’d be supporting Brady too. It’s refreshing to hear a Republican stand up and say raising taxes to increase education spending is a smart investment. Everybody knows that the Netsch-Edgar plan is the right thing for Illinois, but few Repeblicans have the cajones to admit it.

  104. - These are our choices? - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:34 am:

    Rod “looked great”??? He tried to be funnier than the Daily Show guy and just came off looking like the same clueless tool he is when he’s not appearing on a comedy show but instead, just being Governor Blagojevich, and talking about his “testicular virility,” or spending all his time in interviews talking about sports or Elvis songs while not knowing details of state policies, or bragging about his 18 on his ACT. I love to laugh and I love the Daily Show, but seeing him on there frankly I was too embarrassed for our state to even crack a smile when he was on. And as someone who agrees with Blagojevich’s decision to force pharmacists to dispense emergency birth control, I was disappointed he couldn’t be serious at all in his answer. The best people on the Daily Show are the ones who let the comedians make the jokes.

    Ron Stephens, on the other hand, played it serious and he was hilarious. He truly made that bit. I don’t agree with his politics and thought he seemed like a humorless guy in my encounters with him, but he was a very good sport in doing this show and I like him more because of it. Interesting they didn’t mention him being a politician and of a different party at all.

  105. - the old republican - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 6:36 am:

    Bill Brady … young ,aggressive, has some new ideas right or wrong but real thoughts on how to solve these problems & has stayed on message since the begining, NOT a broken record but a REAL message. This crap of “splitting the vote” & “intentions” are just ludicris ! The guy wants to run for governor & why not ?? This “counter espionage” stuff that certain factions would have you believe is !….well you figure out the word I’m searching for & it has 4 letters starting with S. All sides are amazed & frankly baffled that he’s moving ahead & doing well {despite the Trib polls}state wide !! He’s got “grassroots” which doesn’t tranlate into NO money , but good use of money at hand & real volunteers. Volunteers have been to my door not once but 3 seperate times. His base has got to be huge … a silent army. Signs going up evetywhere & I see them in my travels. Brady is the only chance for the Ill, GOP !! Period !!! They are putting to much un -tried faith in JBT, Gidwitz ?, Oby the perpetual candidate … if it’s open he’s running. It’s all a game or a career finisher to everyone else. Bladgo has to run … no choice there. Brady has spent a substantial portion of his adult life in public service & runs a successful business(s). Skills he can bring to Springfield & surround himself with good people to figure this stuff out! He listens & every occassion I’ve seen him he’s well rec’vd & peoples opinion changes to the good. You want to hold the governors chair for a while …elect Bill Brady. Anyone else seriously & it’s “”Blago … come on down !!”"

  106. - frustrated conservative - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:14 am:

    old repub
    That has to be a made up name because anyone with any age to them knows that silent army stuff is s—. Drinking the Brady Kool Aid will do nothing but put JBT in the General.

  107. - Paul Simon Museum Guy - Saturday, Feb 11, 06 @ 8:50 am:

    Yellow Dog…sorry for dragging this on days, but a non-vote sends a louder message to the Gov. than a vote for his opponent? Does your kool-aid come with an extra scoop of sugar? have a great day!

  108. - anon - Monday, Feb 13, 06 @ 7:36 pm:

    I wanted to pull a Republican ticket to vote for JBT, because it is about time a woman showed these jerks how things get done. I think I will be pulling dem ticket b/c I want to vote for Claypool. In this case, I will vote for Eisendrath. State services are at its worst right now.

  109. - The truth - Monday, Feb 27, 06 @ 8:43 am:

    Its Blago all the way!!! JBT is a total fraud as are most of the other canadates. They do not have the integerity or the power that Rod has. He has singlehandedly reformed the tollway- the Il tollway is now a model highway system that other staes are embracing. He is the one and only canidate that will continue to ELEMINATE the corruption that has littered and plauged this state’s government for the last 30+ years.

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