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Question of the day

Friday, Feb 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Yesterday, I asked why you were voting for a particular candidate for governor. Today, I’d like to know why you’re not voting for the other candidates.


  1. - YNM - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:11 am:

    Rich must be looking to get flooded with comments today :) This should be good…

  2. - Marta Elena - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:30 am:

    I’m not voting for Blagojevich because of his lack of creating more jobs to Illinois.

    People aren’t going to vote for you just because you got rid of junk food in the schools - they are going to vote for you if you bring jobs to Illinos.

  3. - evil terry - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:45 am:

    This one is easy- I am not voting for the milkman, Brady, or Gidwitz because JBT brings the best chance to defeat the current Governor. That is the most important piece of the puzzle that JBT brings to the table. (FYI- I voted for the Blago once- but not ever again. He has made me a republican- at least at the top of the ticket).

  4. - Bill Baar - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    I don’t have negatives on any of them –Dem or Rep– except for the guy in the office now.

    He’s all show when Illinois has big problems.

  5. - Ex-Newfie - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:52 am:

    ABB - anyone but Blagojevich! There is not enough space on the Internet to list all the reasons. He is clueless and surrounds himself with the incompetent, while we’ll be left holding the bills for all his grand-standing.

  6. - Beowulf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:59 am:

    I am not voting for Blagojevich because he does not have the interests of Illinois at heart. He is using the state of Illinois simply as a “stepping stone” to further his political career. He has aspirations for a national political role and the need to use Illinois state politics to achieve this is simply an “inconvenience” for him. Most of his own Democrat Party members in Springfield will “off the record” acknowledge this.
    I won’t vote for Judy Barr Topinka because she is “the Quick Fix” that the Illinois Central Republican Committee has designated to patch the leak in the GOP dike. The Illinois GOP needs to elect a candidate that is “not a temporary fix” but rather a model or standard for the new improved GOP. JBT has name recognition and the Andy McKenna group were very desperate after the Alan Keyes, George Ryan, Jack Ryan, etc. fiascos. I am surprised that McKenna didn’t ask for Kermit the Frog or Michael Jordan to run on the GOP ticket. They also would have name recognition much like Judy. JBT is (at least to me and many of my GOP friends) simply more of the same or a continuation of the George Ryan years whereby patronage and rewards for being a GOP lackey lead to self-enrichment. There is no idealism, honor, passion, or principles involved in her running for office. Sorry Judy, I want and deserve more.
    Brady and Gidwitz are good men but their polling numbers tell me that a vote for either of them is a wasted vote and will assure JBT’s election.
    That narrows it down to Mr. Oberweis. He is not my ideal candidate but he more closely represents the passion and idealism that I seek in a candidate than Judy does. I think that the Illinois GOP needs a change of leadership. I will give Oberweis a chance to fix what is broken in Illinois. I only wish that Steve Rauschenberger was still running for Governor.

  7. - the Patriot - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:12 am:

    1. JBT had her chance to lead the party and failed miserably. She has dirt from Ryan and others which Blago will hit her with. McKenna may be able to convince the other R candidates not to hit her with it now, but he won’t sway Rod.

    2. Oberweis-nice enough guy, but a little Howard Dean like instability. Spend a million bucks and pick off a democrate legislator, spend some time in Springfield, then we can talk.

    3. No real substance, experience in education is his only issue and the last time I checked we arent exactly at the top of the charts with education in this state.

    4. Blago-Not enough time, but ironically, other then Brady, he has the power to rebuild the republican party. It will be hard for them to maintain power if he wins because he cannot last 4 more years without being indicted.

    Brady is the only candidate with business and government experience who is morally sound and without the baggage that will allow Blago to destroy him before November.

  8. - southernilrepub - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:19 am:

    The Milkman needs to go back to the dairy.

    Judy too liberal, should have remained where she was or Lt. Gov.

    Gidwitz too many unknowns!


    Eisendrath again the unknowns. But wish him good luck in being able to chip away at the Gov’s campaign warchest.

  9. - frustrated conservative - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:25 am:

    If Bradys people would have been out working instead of posting on every Blog in Illinois he might be in a place to win. He is not. Oberweis is the only choice to beat JBT. As each day goes by the conservative groups will line up behind Oby, Brady had his chance he was the first one in the race, he has been in over a year, and yet he is in single digits. Senator it’s over! Get out of the way or has your friend Bob Kejellander or JBT promised you a big payoff? Here is some free advice. If you want to continue in politics in Illinois do not be the cause of a conservative loss, can you say Senator O’Malley?

  10. - Cassandra - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:25 am:

    Gidwitz-can’t win. I actually like him best but
    I can’t afford to give my money to an obvious loser. We middle class victims of Blago should be supporting our candidate as best we can…small political contributions are the least corrupt, too, so by giving what we can to candidate we support we are hopefully doing a small bit to fight Illinois’ rampant political corruption now fueled by Blago and his cohorts.

    Oberweis-I agree with him on cutting state government and fighting illegal immigration but
    his remaining views are simply too extreme for me. And he can’t win in the general so my money would be wasted there.

    Brady…an unknown. Maybe next time when he’s had more exposure. He couldn’t win in the general either.

    Blago..where do I start. Pension grab to conceal state’s severe financial problems, rampant cronyism and corruption, failure to cut state bureacracy, use of state bureaucracy to hire hundreds of patronage employees at high salaries, pandering to illegal immigrants via Allkids, low cost housing for illegals, and other initiatives, politicization of previously apolitical DCFS, failure to pursue true ethics reform, attempt to replicate Chicago patronage system statewide.

    Eisendrath-too liberal for me, and can’t win, but my ultra-liberal husband says he’ll vote for him because Blago is just too corrupt. Maybe the ultralibs will do some good here by voting en masse for Eisendrath, thus sending an anti-corruption message to whoever wins the general. In the past, they’ve always held their noses and voted for the Blago/Daley/Emmanuel crowd but maybe these guys have gone too far this time.

  11. - Nice Suit - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:40 am:

    Talk about the lesser of six evils…not voting for Topinka because I don’t think I could handle her representing IL to the nation in the same way that Haley Barbour or Schwartzenegger do…she’s a caricature in the wrong mold…

    Does anyone have a link to the Daily Show footage from last night?

  12. - Jack Barnes - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:45 am:

    JBT, her incompetence will be exposed in the public light when the stage gets large enough.

  13. - Tony Soprano - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:50 am:

    Voting for JBT cuz she will beat Rod.. I’m a moderate and I think its funny how the right-wingers think they are going to win with some of these candidates.. Brady is a nice guy and has nice haircut but will never win since he is pro-life even in the cases of rape and incest.. Oberweis messed up a long time ago with the Illegal immigration issue.. Now he is painted as racist and will not get any hispanice votes during a time when the hispanic vote is moving to Republicans. Give it up people. It takes a MODERATE Republican Gov. to win Illinois.

  14. - Lovie's Leather - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    I am not voting for Obee because he is too conservative. I am not voting for JBT because she is too liberal. And I am not voting for Brady because he is not “just right.” I dislike Blago because he is robbing the pension fund, is putting more people into the welfare system, and he does not even live where his job is. Eisendrath is a joke. He is not a serious candidate and seems to have no ideas except that he is not Blago (sounds like a Republican we all know).

  15. - ISU REP - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    I agree with Soprano, it’s riddiculous to think anyone has a shot at Rod besides JBT.

    1) Brady is a nice guy i’ve lived in B-N for the past 6 years and even his support around here is lackluster at best.

    2) Oberweis makes a hell of milkshake, but stands about as much of a chance of being Blago as I do being elected the next mayor of Chicago

    3) Gidwitz is just millionaire whose bored and has nothing better to do.

    Illinois is a moderate state this isn’t Alabama, running a conservative against Blago is basically ensuring another four years of his nonsense. JBT may not be perfect but she has the experience and intellect to make her the only viable choice.

  16. - scoot - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:34 am:

    Not voting for Blago, it’s just common sense.

  17. - Dear Frustrated Conservative - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:38 am:

    If you agree that O’Malley was a spoiler in 2002, take a look at the Oberweis “conservative” gang, and you will see all O’Malley campaign retreads.

  18. - Never Judy Part 1 - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:48 am:

    I have always backed the establishment Republican candidate for governor, as have the majority of my fellow conservative Republicans, because they have all made significant concessions to conservative policies and have truly been “party unity” candidates.

    Judy is not of this mold. Unlike her Republican predecessors, she extends no consideration, and certainly no hope, of supporting even the most basic conservative positions (tax relief, law and order, traditional values). George Ryan promised conservatism, and betrayed REPUBLICANS, on every basic issue: death penalty, abortion funding, taxes, spending, and anti-Communism. At least George Ryan understood his party and made the promises, albeit phony. Judy does not even give the pretense of supporting any plank in the Republican party platform. Even worse, she has personally attacked conservative Republican leaders in Illinois beginning with her first term in the General Assembly. A vote for Judy is a vote for a Democrat within the Republican Party.

  19. - Papa Legba - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:49 am:

    How can one choose?

    Obie is a righty nut and comes across as being off a half bubble or so,

    Brady, perhaps when he gets his position and agenda spelled out and as long as he isn’t too far right, but he is looking like one of those Beltway republican righties at the moment,

    Gidwitz, boy, he has done a lot with his past involvement in governmental issues. Just where is this guy going?

    JBT, all noise and no substance. Like an unfilled pastry shell. Loud crust and no custard.

    EE, ??? Get your message out. Who are you??

    Blago, you need a damn good reason to vote for him again or you should be sharing a room at the “Inn” with Obie.

    I think I’ll pass and just vote for Lt. Gov. I think this makes the 4th or 5th election cycle where I have wanted to or have taken a pass on the top of the ticket.

    I think the system is a bit messed up at the moment. Look at what we have in office now - the killer B’s. Bush and Blago. Yuk!!!

  20. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    I you can not say anything nice about a person - work for the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board!

  21. - Randall Sherman - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    Those who have seen my previous comments are already aware that I will not vote for Governor Blagojevich under any circumstances. To explain why, here are some of the reasons I wrote in the December 11 Program Guide for the Illinois committee for Honest Government’s Distinguished Service Awards Reception (held that day), along with a few follow-ups:

    It is with profound sadness that the Illinois Committee for Honest Government cannot endorse Blagojevich for a second term as Governor. The ICHG, and its members as individuals, have had a long and intimate association with Blagojevich. From the time he was still private attorney Rod Blagojevich (in 1991), to when he was State Representative Blagojevich, to when he was Congressman Blagojevich, he seemed to represent some of our highest hopes and dreams. We believed in Rod Blagojevich, but he conned and used us, just like he used his supporters in Downstate Illinois and the allies of his father-in-law, Chicago Alderman Richard Mell (33rd). Without the assistance of all of these people, Blagojevich would have never been elected Governor. His complete betrayal of them set a new political low, even by the dismal standards of this state.

    Rod Blagojevich has lied on so many occasions it would be too time consuming to list them here. He is a sociopath and has been pathological in his lying and disrespecting of his former supporters.

    Rod Blagojevich has forgotten about his friends and supporters who brought him to the Governor’s Mansion. (Of course, given the fact that Blagojevich usually avoids Springfield in general, and the Governor’s Mansion in particular, as if they were toxic waste dumps, his attitude toward past allies may best be described as consistently bizarre.) He has continually disregarded his supporters and forgotten his promises. Blagojevich governs by press conference and does not do the hard day-to-day tasks of actually governing.

    There are many problems facing this state. They include insufficient economic growth, the flight of businesses leaving the state, significant pockets of unemployment and underemployment, an ever-growing long-term state debt and the chronic problems facing our educational system from pre-school thru our state university system. While Blagojevich makes a perhaps technically correct statement that he has not raised income taxes (which would have been the sensible and least regressive way of dealing with the fiscal mess that was left over from the previous administration), he has chosen to raise virtually every other fee and license available. In doing so, he chose a most regressive way of funding the state’s operations, placing the burden most on those who can least afford it, which ironically are those who elected him in the first place.

    Rod Blagojevich ran on a platform of reform and changing business as issue. To some, he has become a thinner George Ryan with better hair. To others, Blagojevich has become a second Dan Walker. Neither comparison is justification for a second term. The corruption in the Blagojevich administration is like a cancer that will likely not stop anytime soon, unless the voters force a stop to it in 2006.

    After getting party leaders like House Speaker Michael Madigan (the Chairman of the State Democratic Party) and Senate President Emil Jones to endorse his campaign back in the fall (no doubt in part to Blagojevich’s campaign war chest, fattened by contributions from numerous businesses and individuals who have state contracts), it seemed that no Democrat would rise up against Blagojevich. But now there is a choice in the Democratic Primary in Edwin Eisendrath, the former Alderman of Chicago’s 43rd Ward and the Chicago-based Housing and Urban Development regional director under President Clinton.

    Blagojevich has mortgaged the state’s future with a series of gimmick budgets that resemble the budget baloney we have seen coming the Bush administration in Washington than from a true progressive. It is just a question of time before Blagojevich’s house of economic cards crashes, and leaves Illinois taxpayers to fend off the consequences, while those who need state services, from school children to veterans in the state’s veterans homes, feel the impact of draconian cuts.

    Of all the races on the March 21 Primary ballot, the need to rid the state of Rod Blagojevich must take priority. His renomination would only allow his form of political cancer to further devastate this state and the state Democratic Party.

    If Blagojevich is not stopped on March 21, then it bodes ill for a good friend of the Illinois Committee for Honest Government, Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn. We strongly support Quinn, a recent recipient of our Distinguished Service Award, in the March Primary (although he is unopposed in the Primary). But after March 21, the provisions of the Illinois Constitution chain Quinn to whoever wins the Democratic Gubernatorial nomination. Even though Quinn has done a fine job as Lieutenant Governor (including speaking out on the needs to help the families of Illinois servicemen while they are deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan), Blagojevich’s shortcomings and failing make it impossible for us to endorse a Blagojevich-Quinn ticket in the General Election.

    If Edwin Eisendrath is unable to knock off Blagojevich in the March Primary, the victor on the Republican side will be the state’s last hope to avoid four more disastrous years of house of cards budgets and disgraceful leadership that tries to run this state by press releases and polling. This state needs someone better than that as its Governor, and deserves better than that. It’s clearly time to say “NO” to another four years of Rod Blagojevich.

    Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

  22. - Never Judy Part 2 - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:06 am:

    Although many have correctly attacked Judy for her undercutting of Jack Ryan and her inability to manage the Republican Senate campaign situation resulting in the Keyes fiasco, that situation was only the most prominent example of her lack of effective leadership skills and bad judgment. Her failed two years as Chairman of the Republican Party plainly demonstrated her inability to lead and build the party. Indeed, her failings were so obvious that her own finance director, Ron Gidwitz, has repudiated her and challenges her for Governor. Among her many other judgment errors as Party Chairman were: (1) Her inability to work with the GA and smoothly get the President listed on the ballot for the 2004 election. In her ineptitude, she supported an extortionate Democratic compromise bill waiving thousands of dollars of fines against Democrats who violated campaign laws. If it were not for Republican State Senators refusing to follow her lead, that disaster would have been enacted.
    (2) She personally opposed 20 years of Chicago Republican leadership and experience to support a renegade candidate for Chairman of the Chicago Republican Party. That candidate, Clark Pellett, is a gay activist who has proven Judy’s lack of acuity by ruining what little there has been of the Republican Party in Chicago.
    (3) Typical of her career-long inability to work with other strong Republican female leaders in Illinois, Judy worked to undermine Cook County Republican Chairman Maureen Murphy, the first reform leader elected after the George Ryan debacle. Judy herself personally engaged in highly unethical conduct to achieve an ouster of Murphy. The result was a four-way split in the Cook County Republican Party.

    (4) Misrepresented her fundraising ability to the media and failed to create a promised strong financial base for the Illinois Republican Party.

    (5) Sought to build up her image as Chairman by unnecessarily disparaging her respected predecessor Gary McDougal.

    What Republican valuing good leadership skills would intelligently support Judy?

  23. - jechislo - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:17 am:

    One person for sure I’m not voting for is Oberweis. I was at an event last night where Oberweis and Gidwitz both spoke. Oberweis attacked JBT pretty viciously on her abortion and gay rights views - very ugly. I’m a Brady man but I will have to tell you that Oberweis was very convincing…………

  24. - Never Judy Part 3 - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:24 am:

    The few points that Judy supporters extoll about her are in fact the very reasons why Judy is ill-suited to become Governor.

    Her supporters point out her “successful” 25+ years in Illinois government, starting in the GA and ending as Treasurer. (Of course, as shown in Part 2, her campaign hems and haws about her term as Illinois Republican Chairman.) But her “success” is grounded in only two things, things that she could rely on to stay in office this long: constituent service and skill as a bureaucrat. A successful Governor needs to have a vision and a policy program, at least. Judy has neither. Her career has solely focused on delivery of services. She has never been associated with any significant policy initiative throughout her three decades in government. She currently promotes none in her campaign for governor. As Rep/Senator in the GA and as Treasurer, she has always been a “follower” of the actual leadership in the GA or the Mansion.

    Worse, she has never articulated any philosophy of government or politics. Knowing her for almost thirty years, I believe that she is not particularly intelligent and has no substantive political philosophy of any sort, or at least of any that she can articulate. Having an ace bureaucrat in the Governor’s Mansion will not be a good starting point for advancing Illinois’ development.

  25. - Never Judy Part 4 - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:39 am:

    As Peggy Noonan has said, “Character Counts”. Judy has had many opportunities to challenge the corruption within the Republican Party, but she has been content not only to “go along”, but to serve the interests of the inner circle (See Part 2). But even worse, she has always pursued a “Judy First” path that has meant treacherous undercutting of others:

    1) In 1994, Judy introduced Jim Nalepa, West Point alum, to the public as the Republican candidate against Congressman Bill Lipinksi. Before the general election, she endorsed, in print, the reelection of Lipinski over Republican Nalepa.

    2) Judy told Chicago Republican Committeeman John McNeal that she needed a good Republican lawyer to run for judge in her district and would support him as a candidate. McNeal sold his home, moved to Riverside, and ran for judge on her promise. Before the primary, Judy endorsed another Republican candidate over McNeal.

    3)Despite aspiring to Republican Party leadership, Judy has endorsed Democrats for alderman in Chicago over Republican challengers.

    4) Illinois has produced outstanding female Republican leaders over the years: Loleta Didrickson, Lynn Martin, Judy Koehler, Maureen Murphy, among others. Judy has a reputation of not only not having any decent relationship with any of them, but of being unable to strike a rapport with any of them. What is that about? Can we afford a female governor who will not support the aspirations of other Republican women?

    Some politicians, like Ronald Reagan, Jim Thompson, and Everett Dirksen, built their reputations on a generosity of spirit, a welcoming comraderie, and a genuine feel for people. Judy has none of that, and worse as shown above. Should we have that in a governor?

  26. - B Hicks - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:57 am:

    Eisendrath isn’t even a factor in this race. The dude just wants attention or something; he’s not a serious contender. Other than that, whatever, I haven’t given him a second of my time or attention.

    Judy has too many ties to the Ryan administration. As far as I’m concerned, she is the least Gubernatorial of all the Republican candidates. Plus, she looks like Nemo.

    Brady isn’t even a blip on the radar.

    Oberweis, he’s psychotic.

    Hey, looks like more Rod for Illinois in, 06.

  27. - ISU REP - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:05 am:

    Hmm wonder which campaign Never Judy works for…I could take some guesses, but I find it all rather amusing. First where does it say one must always agree with ones own party. If you judge JBT soley on her abortion and gay rights positions then shame on you for being stuck on something that has very little effect on how the state is run. This is the first time I’ve seen a politician being chastised for being bipartisan. Republicans can’t act like little children and take their ball home. Like it or not the Dems have the majority and in order to get anything we done we have to work with them. I’d rather have someone whose at least willing to be open minded to all points of view rather than partisan hacks who will do nothing but ensure the Democrats another 4 years in the govenors mansion. It’s the narrow minded views of many “ultra” conservatives in this state that have caused the decline of the Republican Party, I was truly ashamed with the whole Keyes fiasco and the inability of some conservatives to except that you are not a good republican unless you are pro life, anti-gay, and pro-gun.

    Personally social issues should never out weigh fiscal issues and to soley pick a candidate on these so called “hot button” issue that are of no substance shows the lack of an informed electorate. A moderate Republican is better than a corrupt Democrat in my book.

  28. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:29 am:

    I will not bore everyone with a “4 part story,” hung to the rafters with sour grapes. Good Lord, such hatred and distortion. It sounds a lot like (and at some point echoes) the hate mail on Judy sent around by RYP, so consider the source.

    I have nothing personal against Jim Oberweis, and actually like the man quite a bit. I will never, ever support him with the Carpentersville Connection in place.

    I will not vote for Brady because I do not share some (but not all) of his conservative views, but I do like him quite a bit, I think he is a strong leader, and would have no problem working hard for his election in the general.

    I will not vote for Ron Gidwitz mainly because I fear four more years of Blago’s irresponsible behavior. Plus, I’m not sure Ron is the kind of leader it takes to be Governor in this rough and tumble state, fighting the Chicago Machine. But I do think he has one of the best political (perhaps better stated as “governmental”) minds in the state.

    Besides, Brady and Gidwitz are each in the wrong race. Brady should have run for Treasurer, and each of them, particularly Brady, should think about the Senate race against Durbin, who is a bit more vulnerable than most think. Being elected Treasurer would have been a nice set up for Brady.

  29. - jechislo - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    Earlier post, “One person for sure I’m not voting for is Oberweis. I was at an event last night where Oberweis and Gidwitz both spoke. Oberweis attacked JBT pretty viciously on her abortion and gay rights views - very ugly. I’m a Brady man but I will have to tell you that Oberweis was very convincing………… ”

    I meant to say that Gidwitz was very convincing,,,sorry.

  30. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:36 am:

    ISU REP: you are distorting my points. Nothing I stated had anything to do with Judy’s stand on social issues per se: but there is a difference between being “moderate” and out on the fringe on gay issues like Judy.

    Second, there is a difference between “working” with Democrats and undercutting your own party before an election. Reagan and Jim Thompson (while he was governor) were always able to negotiate and work with Democratic leadership to push their agendas without sacraficing party unity and ticket-wide party support. Judy gives away the game before it is even played. That’s not “open-mindedness”; that’s either cowardice or stupidity.

    By the way, my “campaign”? Anybody but Judy.

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:39 am:

    “Never Judy,” that’s not quite true about “Anybody but Judy” being your campaign, considering many of your other posts under different names.

  32. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:41 am:

    “By the way, my “campaign”? Anybody but Judy.”

    Interesting. That’s exactly what the RYP hate mail says.

  33. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:48 am:

    Bubs. Do you want to talk “hatred”? In 1982, State Representative Topinka approached the President of the Illinois Conservative Union (the Illinois-affiliate of the American Conservative Union, which co-sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference (now going on in D.C., attended by thousands and keynoted by VP Cheney)) in the State Capitol. The ICU President was a middle of the road conservative who worked on the Reagan campaign. On the pretense of making a friendly greeting, Topinka approached this individual and said: “I am against EVERYTHING you stand for and will never stop fighting EVERYTHING you stand for. I want you to know that.” That is not a lie; that is the truth. So I ask you Bubs, who started the “hate” campaign? Judy or her opponents? And who should be the standard bearer of the Republican party? A unifying leader or a hater?

    Nothing in my posts is a lie. Jim Nalepa and John McNeal, for starters, will affirm everything I wrote.

    By the way, what is the evidence of Judy’s “fiscal conservatism”?

  34. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    1982, huh? Let’s see, reciting direct quotes from, what 22 years ago? You either have an outstanding memory, or a very convenient one.

    From an RYP hit piece on Topinka dated December 16, 2005:

    “I want to be clear about this - RYP will not formally endorse a candidate in the upcoming Primary for Governor. We know we have members in various camps, and that’s good. But as an organization, RYP is officially “anybody but Topinka”.

    I think we are done here.

  35. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 11:58 am:

    I have been corrected by telephone. 24 years. Even better.

  36. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:00 pm:

    Rich Miller, true, I support a candidate. But in equal measure, I oppose Topinka on the ground that she would be a disaster for the Republican Party, similar in kind to the disaster George Ryan was (and I supported Ryan in ‘98). Republicans can’t afford back to back disasters.

    You solicited comments on why one opposes a particular candidate. You did not ask that only “neutrals” submit their views. Thus, I have given you my views, and I can assure you they would be my views even if I was a “neutral”.

    In any event, you are the reporter….disprove any factual point that I made about Judy. I could be wrong about Judy not ever championing any inovative, unique policy position, but I do not remember any. Do you? (And I don’t count “Bright Start” or unclaimed property initiatives as examples: any bureaucrat running the Treasurer’s office could have done that. A Governor has to take things to the next level, i.e. Build Illinois, KidsCare)

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:00 pm:

    Let’s move along. Getting a bit too Leaderish around here. Never has had his/her say. Let somebody else talk for a while.

  38. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:03 pm:

    Bubs. I have never had anything to do with RYP.

    Again I ask, what is the proof of Judy’s “fiscal conservatism”? Her proposed forgiveness of Cellini debt was not one, for sure.

  39. - Jack Barnes - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:23 pm:

    Hey Never, I appreciate your comments. If she wins most of us will regret and nothing will get done in the legislature.

  40. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    Rich look like you asked a different question and are getting the same negitives and half truths.I wonder how many names are the same person trying to slander the canidate they are not backing.

  41. - NIEVA - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:20 pm:


  42. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    Never: only in the caves you Neanderthals live in is Judy “out on the fringe on gay issues.”

    I’ve known Judy for more than 30 years, and I couldn’t disagree more with your characterizations of her.

    I guess she’s “not particularly intelligent” like most Northwestern University types.

    She’s not a hater, unlike so many of your ilk. And by the way, why don’t you post under your own name, not a bunch of made-up ones. At least some of your cohorts are courageous enough to do that.

  43. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:28 pm:

    If you remove Chicago and the surrounding counties, we’re Mississippi (with no disrespect to Mississippians).

  44. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:39 pm:


    That insulting attitude is EXACTLY what people in Southern Illinois resent about Chicago– and why many of us won’t be voting for Judy.

  45. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:51 pm:

    HoosierDaddy: I’m not from Chicago, born and raised in small town, downstate Illinois. Good luck in the four more years to come. Oh, and what’s your real name?

  46. - donchicago48 - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:58 pm:

    I find it ironic that people who identify themselves as Republican voters resort to name-calling and label-tossing just like liberal-socialist bomb-throwers are wont to do. I bet they are really acting like what Teri O’Brien calls “political cross-dressers… red on the outside, but blue on the inside.” They use name-calling and labels in lieu of any meaningful discussion of issues and positions.
    If you think Jim Oberweis supports extreme views on illegal immigration, consider this:
    - in a 5/03/05 Opinion Dynamics Poll, “91 percent think the illegal or undocumented immigration situation in the United States today is a “very” serious (63 percent) or “somewhat” serious (28 percent) problem. Only 5 percent think the problem is “not very” serious and 2 percent “not at all” serious.”

    If you think Jim Oberweis supports extreme views on right-to-life issues, consider this:
    In a recent poll, 84% of Americans agreed that A man who assaults a pregnant woman and causes her unborn child to be killed should be prosecuted for assault AND murder.

    Those who call Jim Oberweis extreme instead of addressing his calls for Ethics, Government, Education, Tax & Spending, and Health Care reforms clearly seek to obfuscate his positions.

  47. - FrustratedRepublican - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 1:58 pm:

    I’m a hardcore conservative Republican, but I will NEVER support Jim Oberweis.

    He has run two, going on three, embarrassing campaigns as a Republican, and as a previous poster referred to a disaster, there is no way you can convince me that Mr. Oberweis would not end up our next Alan Keyes disaster.

    So far, he’s made headlines for his Taliban comment, his helicopter ad, having illegal immigrants working at his store, meeting with George Ryan for advice, attacking Kjellander (who very few real “outsiders” even recognize the name, and supporting reinstituting corporal punishment in our schools.

    YIKES! Like I said, I’m conservative, but I’m not blind! The major point of this primary is to elect a candidate that can defeat the Gov in November. That’s certainly not a guy as divisive INSIDE OUR own party as Oberweis. He’s the next Al Salvi, Pat O’Malley, Alan Keyes …. take your pick. They all lost because conservatives like me were horrified at the thought of them leading this state. If he were to win the primary, he’d just be the next name on that list of failed candidates, only he’ll have three losses next to his.

  48. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:04 pm:

    Hey Schnorf: I had downstate family that fought in the Civil War for Illinois. So cut it out, because I don’t like visits from ghosts, especially ones I’m related to. They make a racket with the furniture, there’s all that “Wooooooooo” nonsense all night, and then they break into my booze and start singing old drinking songs. Now that’s insufferable!

    Just trying to lighten things up around here. It could use it.

  49. - Common Sense in Illinois - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:06 pm:

    If I were a democrat, I’d have to vote for Eisendrath. I know too much about Governor Blagojevich and how he’s traded governmental integrity for unfunded populist programs. If I were a republican, I could not vote for Oberwise, Topinka or Brady because they have yet to put forth any proposals on what they would do as governor.

  50. - ISU REP - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:15 pm:

    Statistics can be thrown around to show anything you want them to show, and what may be reflective of the country as a whole certainly does not represent Illinois. I know theres many difference between Downstate Republicans and those of Chicago/Collar Counties, just like there is with the Democrats….Neither side is going to get all they want in one candidate, the most important thing is to support someone who is a viable candidate, not just some pipe dream. I know many of you may not like the choice of a Moderate Republicans who often works with Democrats, but isn’t that better than four more years of Rod? At least its a step in the right direction and is putting Illinois in a better position than it has been in for the past three years. Bickering and division will do nothing but keep Rod around, that’s truly the sad thing!

  51. - frustrated conservative - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:17 pm:

    I bet you in the next few days Senator Brady will call for Kejellander to step down! He has to try to show he is not a “party guy”. Hard core conservative (if thats what you are) I find it hard to believe that you would want JBT in instead of Oberweis, if you do I think hard core is a little much. Oberweis has come in 2nd twice not last and endorsed the winner each time and gave them money. If you use that set up with the illegal’s working in his store you are just a shill for another campaign, nobody thinks that was real. The same two did the same thing to another company in the same year. Why aren’t you angry he was set up by people breaking the law for $$$? The Illegal issue is the issue that will bring the crossovers over to his campaign in the general. If Gidwitz or Topinka knew any regular people they would know how upset people are over this issue.

  52. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:19 pm:

    Steve Schnorf:
    If you wish to spin a fact-laden anaylsis as “hate”, you are free to do so, but you lose credibility. Since Judy’s record is exactly as I stated, does one show “love” by suppressing the truth?

    I think a good example of “hate” would be the abuse I would get if I divulged my name. Judy and the establishment types, like yourself, are quite adept at character assassination and abuse of other types. Since this forum acknowledges anonymity, I elect to take refuge in it.

    Now, Mr. Schnorf, I believe full disclosure is in order for you. Your are a 20+ year bureaucrat in the Illinois state system and served as George Ryan’s budget director. Thus, your sympathies for Judy, as a fellow bureaucrat and fellow establishmentarian, are clear. Why wouldn’t she treat YOU with all hearts and flowers? You have to get outside Judy’s circle to guage her character more objectively. I have personally observed her engage in too much unkind verbal abuse and insulting behavior to give her the credit you do.

    As to the Northwestern alum bit, I knew that, and I still consider her intellectually challenged. You have praised certain Democrats as “understanding the issues” and “bright, creative, and persuasive.” Apparently, in challenging my view of Judy, you are unable to find similarly apt descriptive phrases to endorse her intellectual acumen. In 30 years, I have never known her to engage in sophisticated discussion on any subject. The “fart joke” from her first inaugural speech in 1994 is more her speed. And what did your NU degree get her? A job with the family real estate company and a later one stringing for a suburban newspaper. A government paycheck saved her from a tepid career.

    If Republicans who did not regularly participate in and support the Chicago Gay Parade, like Judy, are the Neanderthals, I think you would find that the Neanderthals outnumber the Judys by a considerable amount. By the way, the Neanderthal comment is indicative of some pretty pronounced liberalism….which is why Judy scares alot of folks.

  53. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:20 pm:

    Back to the Question:

    I am not voting for Bill Brady because as a political insider once said “the people that know him the best, like him the least”

    It has often been said in life and business to treat the custodian the same as the CEO.

    Having grown up in Bloomington, I can assure you that this is a lesson that Bill Brady never learned.

    ABBB- Anybody But Bill Brady

  54. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:24 pm:

    I can vote for Topinka, I can vote for Brady, I can vote for Gidwitz. I guess that leaves who I can’t vote for; Anthony Martin-Trigona.

  55. - IL citizen - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:24 pm:

    Blago’s done some stupid things and he has let us down in many respects. He’s quirky, geeky, socially awkward and looks weird too. He’s a typical politician like every governor in the country. But he’s also had the backbone to do some truly progressive things for the right reasons to benefit the people of the state and not just political career. One thing that keeps hitting me in the town of Springfield where I live is that we’re all a bunch of conservative and nasty people. We’re unhappy here or at the very least we lead unfulfilled lives. It’s just natural to blame the unhappiness in our lives on the governor, and if you work for the state, blame it on the boss.

  56. - FrustratedRepublican - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:37 pm:


    That’s where you guys just don’t get it. Even conservatives in Illinois want a chance to win. That’s why Oberweis has never been, nor will every be an option for a significant portion of what should theoretically be his base. Besides, many of us are not convinced his “conservativeism” is based in ideology rather than political expediency. After all, he ran as a moderate just four short years ago.

    The prospect of a loss in November and four more years of Rod, while painful, would at least wipe the slate clean of the Topinkas and Oberweises that keep the IL GOP clinging to the failures of the last several election cycles.

    Swing away. It doesn’t change the validity of what I’m saying, whether it sinks in or not.

  57. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:44 pm:

    If he wanted to ban gun ownership, that might be a legitimate reason for many people to oppose the Governor. But, I don’t think I’ve ever read of him proposing or supporting that.

  58. - ISU REP - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:58 pm:

    Failures of Topinka?! I don’t recall the last time she lost an election. As for Oberweis, hes much like Gidwitz a wealthy many with nothing better to do with his time than to try and put the party in a deeper rut than it already is. Stick to business, leave government to those who know what their doing.

    I really can’t see anyone who is unhappy with Rod tolerating another four years of him. Then were going to have to put up a candidate against presumably Lisa Madigan, I’d rather have an incumbent in there than to try and have to face that political machine .

  59. - Dumb Ol' Country Boy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 3:05 pm:

    Not Obie–why does he want to be an elected official???? Has ran 2 now 3 times, and is a multi-million aire. He does not represent me, and the majority of Illinois Voters, same with Giddy, I believe these two are after power. Blago…well, where do I begin, I’ll sum it up like this. This Govenorship was nothing but a stepping stone for bigger and better things for him.I want someone who is in it for THE JOB, THE PEOPLE, FOR THE GOOD OF THE STATE. Brady would make a great gov. but not known throughout the state, yet. But I believe he is the up and coming rising star. JBT is the only canidate that can beat Blago, she is not a party “yes” person, what a relief. She is there to do a job, and thats what I want!!!!! Even though I do not agree with all of her beliefs, she is there for the people she represents.

  60. - NIEVA - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 3:39 pm:


  61. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 3:43 pm:

    HoosierDaddy; Although this is off-topic, I looked back at your comments and mine and believe that I owe you some additional clarification

    When I said that makes us Mississippi, I didn’t mean in any derogatory sense, such as bumpkin or uneducated.

    I meant
    1) we become a small state population-wise, like Mississippi
    2) we become a relatively sparsely populated state, like Mississippi
    3) we no longer have any great economic engine, like Mississippi (casinos? tourism? hunting and fishing? agriculature?)
    4) we lose two of our three great universities, leaving us with one, like Mississippi
    5) we lose our great museums (actually, there are some very good museums in Jackson, so Mississippi might be ahead of us on this one)
    6) we lose all our great medical schools, and our world-class hospitals
    7) our median and per capita incomes plunge

    and on and on

  62. - Bubs - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    Hey Schnorf:

    Thank you. My booze is now safe.

  63. - frustrated conservative - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 4:15 pm:

    “Stick to business, leave government to those who know what their doing.” ?????
    What does that mean?
    JBT is good at spending other peoples money? She was a journalist for gods sake how does that make her any better then someone who built a financial company from scratch and is now worth 1.9 BILLION, or ran a fortune 500 company? She has been on the public payroll for over 20 years, she will retire with a pension of over $150,000 a year. She will live on the taxpayers dime for the rest of her life.
    She never said a word about the 5 billion dept that George ran up. Now we are in dept up to our eyes and she has been the treasure for how long? Blago is a professional politician. Look at the shape of the state! Corrupt and broke! Maybe it’s time to try someone who knows how to run a business.

  64. - Anon Tax Guy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 4:24 pm:

    I know it’s off topic, but Schnorf what about the University of Illinois? Millikin isn’t the only “great” university downstate? :-)

    By the way, you need to spend more time in Springfield, or if you are spending a great deal of time here these days I congratulate you on your good health, or you would have realized that Springfield has a darned good medical school and the hospitals are top-notch as well.

    Back to the topic, I would find it virtually impossible to support Oberweis if he were to somehow win the nomination. Right wing zealots scare me. I don’t know much about Brady. I believe Gidwitz would be capable of governing well, but I just don’t see that he has any chance of being elected. I like Judy. Judy is not one of the reactionary, evangelical, right wingers that more and more seem to infest the Republican party these days.

    As for Blago, I can envision no circumstances under which I could vote for him. The mean-spirited cynicism that has permeated his administration from day one has turned me off of him completely. The man is engaging in person, but from the first day of his adminstration his staff have attempted to play the people of the state for fools. He has come up with goofy idea after goofy idea over the last 3 years that are designed to garner favorable press coverage. (See my anon tongue-in-cheek postings of yesterday of 20 or so of his “ideas and innovations.”) He and his minions seem to be of the opinion that most of the public are nitwits and will never understand that his handling of the budget and state government in general has been nothing more than a shell game.

    No matter who wins, the spring of 2007 will be “interesting.” Someone is going to have to clean up the wreckage of the fiscal train wreck that will occur by then. In the words of the great Lake Forest, IL philosopher Mr. T, “I pity the fool” who wins the election.

  65. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:07 pm:

    Let see:
    Can’t vote for:
    ChopperJim cause we don’t need 16th century thinking in the 21st century
    Marcia’sBrother cause candidates who can’t even on the pollster’s questionnaires are really sad
    RonnieG cause he makes bad ads
    AccordianGal cause she picked BrickheadJoe
    Esquared cause he really wants to back to cooking school

  66. - tough guy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:11 pm:

    e2-What is with this guy?
    JBT-George Ryan lite
    Obie-Way out of touch with mainstream ILL
    Gidwitz-Just isn’t connecting
    Brady-Love a guy who keeps a Porsche with his second home in Florida. That connects well with middle class people in ILL. At least we wouldn’t worry about him spending all his time in Chicago!

  67. - Never Judy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:13 pm:

    Steve Schnorf
    You are wrong.

    In your lame attempt to justify your idiotic comment about Illinois being no better/different than Mississippi (home of Neanderthals, I presume?), you got it all wrong.

    Illinois has a population of 12.713 million (M), making it the 5th largest state by population. Mississippi is no. 31 in rank. If you subtracted from Illinois the population of Cook Co. “and its neighboring counties” (Will, DuPage, Lake, Kane, and McHenry, a wide swath with many non-Chicagoans), Illinois would have approximately 4.383M people. At that size, it would rank 24th in population, in the top half and much larger than Mississippi (at 2.8M). Moreover, at 4.3M, Illinois would be larger than Utah, Idaho, and Connecticut, for some examples, which you may consider small, but I would not consider insignificant in economic, social, and other factors. Better yet, if you applied your criteria to our “bigger” neighboring states, Missouri and Wisconsin (less their biggest urban population centers) would be smaller than Illinois without Chicagoland, as you define it. It seems that Indiana would be only slightly bigger than Illinois, using the same criteria. So with 4.3M, your hypothetical Illinois, which would still contain Archer Daniels Midland, John Deere Co., Caterpillar, some of the best agriculture in the world, U of I, SIU, NIU, and the Lincoln Museum (in your hometown), would still be a significant player in the national scene.

    So you do not seem to be able to count and analyze as well as Neanderthals. If one of those Neanderthals become governor, I will advise him not to make the mistake of bringing you back into the state’s budget department, a goal you seem to be anticipating with a Judy victory.

  68. - ChicagoAnon - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:16 pm:

    Steve Schnorf: Maybe you have spent a lot of time in Springfield? Are you the same Steve Schnorf who was the Director of CMS under Ryan?

  69. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:17 pm:

    Actually, Steve, we have met. I think I already knew you are downstate. Anyway, for reasons of security with my political clients, I am not going to post my real name on this site.

    Clarification on your comments accepted. I took them as an insult, and perhaps should not have. I would say that without Chicago, we would resemble Iowa, as Royko believed.

    Anyway, if I could figure out a good way to post you my real name privately, I’d do it.

    Best regards.

    P.S. I’m pro-Brady, but realistically. If he loses, I’ll back whoever the party nominates. And it won’t be Martin!

  70. - Papa Legba - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:23 pm:

    Okay. Once again, here is a lesson in government for those of you who just have to keep saying JBT helped spend Illinois into debt.

    Now this is from the Illinois Constitution -

    The Treasurer, in accordance with law, shall be responsible for the safekeeping and investment of monies and securities deposited with him, and for their disbursement upon order of the comptroller.
    (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    I don’t see anything in there that indicates the Treasurer can spend state money as he/she sees fit.

  71. - INADAZE - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 6:23 pm:


  72. - Norseman - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 6:48 pm:

    Papa, save yourself the trouble. These neanderthals don’t care about facts.

  73. - genxpundit - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:11 pm:

    not brady. he’s smarmy.
    jim is smart and a nice guy.

  74. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:38 pm:

    Steve Schnorf said:

    When I said that makes us Mississippi, I didn’t mean in any derogatory sense, such as bumpkin or uneducated.

    To many people north of the Mason-Dixon line, “Mississippi” has a very derogatory connotation when used as a comparison with other states, for a variety of reasons most of us know. Why not a more northern example like Iowa, which would compare in climate, agriculture and population to an IL with Cook/collars removed.

    I meant
    1) we become a small state population-wise, like Mississippi

    Illinois would have a million or so more than MS if Cook/collars were removed.

    2) we become a relatively sparsely populated state, like Mississippi

    The “ring around the collar” counties (Boone, DeKalb, Kendall, Grundy and Kankakee) would prevent that, as they are booming with no end in sight. However, IL already has sparsely populated and losing population counties such as Gallatin, Calhoun and Alexander.

    3) we no longer have any great economic engine, like Mississippi (casinos? tourism? hunting and fishing? agriculature?)

    Like Caterpillar, Diamond Star, John Deere, Chrysler/Belvidere, or one of the top corn/sotybean producing states in the US?

    4) we lose two of our three great universities, leaving us with one, like Mississippi

    Many Mississippi State Bulldogs and Southern Miss Golden Eagles would dispute you on that. At Ole Miss, the Confederate flag still has a prominent role in the culture of the university, much more so than the other 2. And many Leathernecks, Salukis, Huskies and Braves from your own state would dispute you on the other side.

    5) we lose our great museums (actually, there are some very good museums in Jackson, so Mississippi might be ahead of us on this one)

    Hey, we’d still have that great new Abe museum!

    6) we lose all our great medical schools, and our world-class hospitals.

    I’d just as soon go to St. Francis in Peoria than many Chicago-area hospitals. Don’t SIU and U of I have medical schools of some note?

    7) our median and per capita incomes plunge

    So does the average cost of living. Many people are escaping to the exurbs and downstate because they can get twice the house for the money, as well as lower property taxes. And with an electronic telecommuting economy, many people who could afford to live anywhere would choose the new IL, and many who could barely afford to live in Chiburbia could find decent income and affordable living would also choose the new IL.

  75. - Carpentersville D-bag - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:16 pm:

    I’ll not vote for JBT, because Jack Roeser pays my salary and funds my websites.

  76. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:22 pm:

    What about the part of Illinois south of the Mason-Dixon line. However, Iowa could also be a good comparison also, at least for the middle third of our state.

  77. - Limerick - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:23 pm:

    The folks on the FTN dole,
    Claim “Reform” as their noble new goal.
    But they don’t give a hint
    Of a little fine print:
    It’s all to put them in control.

  78. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:29 pm:

    To Never Judy Part I, 9:48 a.m.: So you would rather have a nominee that lies to you, huh?

  79. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:32 pm:

    On another note: I am sick of tired of people saying they aren’t going to vote for Topinka because she allowed our state to get into such a fiscal mess. Those people obviously don’t know what the role of the Treasurer is. The Treasurer’s job is to invest the state’s money (bonds and the such). The Treasurer has no voice in how the money is spent, or how much of it is spent. That is completely the role of the Governor and the General Assembly.

  80. - steve schnorf - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:40 pm:

    Actually, property taxes on residential property are pretty reasonable in Chicago compared to many places downstate, and yesterday I saw gas out by Midway at 2.29 and I paid 2.22 to fill up in Bloomington later
    last night. Cigarettes are awfully expensive up there if you are a smoker. Oh, well.

  81. - 6 Degrees of Separation - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:42 pm:

    What about the part of Illinois south of the Mason-Dixon line.

    So. IL has never reminded me much of Mississippi, in culture, economy or geographical features. And I have spent extensive time in both states. It’s more like MO, below I-70. Although Alexander and Pulaski counties, IL could probably pass for Bolivar County, MS on a movie set.

  82. - Another Limerick - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:50 pm:

    An organization Roeser started
    Thought they’d teach JBT a lesson that smarted,
    But their man, thought a stud
    Was really a Milk Dud
    And the fools and their money soon parted

  83. - Limerick - Saturday, Feb 11, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    Not bad!

  84. - NIEVA - Sunday, Feb 12, 06 @ 3:14 pm:


  85. - Rich Miller - Sunday, Feb 12, 06 @ 3:22 pm:

    Try not to use all caps, please. Makes it look like you’re shouting.

  86. - steve schnorf - Sunday, Feb 12, 06 @ 4:20 pm:

    Never: most Republicans in Illinois (and most Republicans in Cook County) don’t march in any parades in Chicago, so I guess if that’s your crterion, I suppose Judy is out of the Republican mainstream. If you mean she doesn’t hate gays, I hope that doesn’t put her outside the Republican mainstream.

    My observation is that accepting the reality of abortion but supporting restrictions on it, being opposed to gun control, and supporting the death penalty probably puts her slightly to the conservative side of the mainstream of the party.

  87. - Never Judy - Monday, Feb 13, 06 @ 9:33 am:

    Steve Schnorf:


    Go to the biggest Fourth of July Parades, Labor Day Parades, St. Patrick’s Day Parades, and Memorial Day Parades in the Chicago area and you will see them PACKED with Republican office-holders and candidates. Past Cook Co GOP Chairman retained a float for the County org’s use in parades. Past Congressman Harris Fawell (you know, your pal Scott’s uncle) had a parade committee to manage his regular parade appearances. Your parade premise is as incorrect as your “Illinois is Mississippi with a big city” premise.

    Of course, there IS one famous anti parade Republican:

    (Paraphrased from an older Tribune story)

    Q: “Now that you are retired from office, is there anything in politics that you don’t miss?”

    A:”Yes. I always hated parades. I can’t stand them. I never understood what people see in parades….”

    The interviewee? Your hero, Gov. George Ryan. Nuff said.

  88. - NIEVA - Monday, Feb 13, 06 @ 11:15 am:

    Sorry Rich, I am a lousy speller and typer.

  89. - steve schnorf - Monday, Feb 13, 06 @ 1:23 pm:

    Never: read what I said (if you can) and your response; see if you can find the disconnect.

  90. - Never Judy - Monday, Feb 13, 06 @ 5:24 pm:

    Schnorf: I read what you wrote on Sunday. Most of it was Topinka campaign cant, and issue positioning typical of Rick Garcia (i.e., there is no valid reason to oppose gay rights legislation, therefore, opposition to such is “hate” motivated), and I saw no point in responding to it.

    But you clearly recognized the problem in Judy positioning herself as a “mainstream” candidate given her many years of participation in the Gay Rights Parade, which suggests more than simply a commitment on “rights” issues but also support of certain lifestyle and culture agendas. Although many Democrats embrace the Parade, Judy has been sometimes the only Republican to march in that Parade. So you see how she has already positioned herself well outside or well to the left of the center on the general subject of homosexuality in our culture.

    Sensitive to this exposure, you attempted to minimize the significance of the point by suggesting that “Republicans don’t march in Parades”. As I wrote earlier, the opposite is true: Republicans march in parades frequently. So historic Republican avoidance of the Gay Parade, and Judy’s support of it, is significant. Frankly, I believe she is now dodging issues related to homosexuality…I can’t imagine her saying no to Equality Illinois as Governor when it comes to legalizing gay marriage and the like. Her reliance now on the talking point “Gay marriage is now illegal in Illinois” is simply a dodge. She did the same on the issue of abortion as a legislator (something you don’t seem to know).

    Yet I don’t perceive the disconnect… if there is one, it is a function of your vagueness, not of a lack of acuity on my part.

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