Veterans get the short end of the stick
Friday, Feb 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Two stories on sub-par treatment of veterans:
A state union says an estimated 100 veterans are waiting to get into the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy, even though 160 beds sit empty because of staff shortages.
Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) also claims in a report released Wednesday that:
* Veterans at the Quincy home are bathed just once each week, according to a bath schedule obtained from the home. When staff is really short, residents miss their scheduled weekly bath.
* Incontinent veterans are not checked often enough to promptly change soiled diapers.
* The Illinois Department of Public Health’s most recent inspection report, conducted in October 2004, indicated that the facility “failed to complete treatments” for bedsores on two of the three residents checked in one living unit.
* Workers voice concerns over a higher risk of “elopement” — when an unsupervised resident leaves the facility. A recent example ended in tragedy in October when resident William Gilson was found dead in nearby Cedar Creek, where he had apparently wandered unnoticed.
* Understaffing prevents the timely and regular provision of physical and occupational therapy to veterans who need this care.
* Licensed practical nurses often are required to pass medications on floors where they don’t know the veterans. The combination of overwork and lack of familiarity increases the chance that residents will inadvertently receive the wrong medication or an incorrect dose.
* A shortage of kitchen and support staff causes meals to be prepared late and delivered later, sometimes cold.
* Frontline workers say there is no time left to give veterans personal attention, and they fear that lack of staff and too much overtime lead to a higher risk of injuries among both residents and staff.
AFSCME also noted staffing shortages and inadequate care in veterans homes in Manteno and LaSalle. The report said the state’s fourth veterans home in Anna appears to have adequate staffing and does not have the same degree of operational problems that the other homes do.
And this one:
State Senator Gary Dahl, R-Granville, labeled as unfounded the state’s contention it is difficult to find nurses to staff military veterans homes.
“The fact they’re having a hard time finding nurses is hogwash,†Dahl noted. “The problem is with the amount of time it takes the state to hire a nurse.â€
Dahl said 14 to 20 beds are empty at the La Salle Veterans Home in La Salle today because of lack of staffing, even though the state plans to break ground this spring on an 80-bed addition to the facility.
The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs noted Wednesday the money is there to hire more staff, but finding nurses is a problem.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 7:00 am:
Now Rich you know the governor is moving heaven and earth for us veterans.Hey he said so.I heard a rumor that he ducked the veteran hiring preference again.
- zatoichi - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:02 am:
Maybe the reason they cannot find nurses is due to pay and working conditions. All the Labor statistics showing the shortage of nurses is very real and has been for several years. Projections often talk of 20%-30% shortages for years to come. When medical groups start giving hiring bonuses just to get specific specialties they must do that only because they are generous. Nurses are in demand and can get good salaries in a competitive market. There is a hot market in foreign trained nurses coming to the US because of the shortage. Why work at Quincy, regardless of how much the vets deserve good service, when you can get a better job elsewhere?
- Lori - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:10 am:
Maybe there are only “republican” nurses applying for the jobs.
- Truthful James - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:32 am:
This is a terrible thing. I would hope that each locality might organize voluntary efforts to assist in such care — perhaps through the local service organizations. But I fear that AFSCME would not let them do that.
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 8:58 am:
How we treat our elderly and sick speaks of how we are as a nation. Hubert Humphrey, that wonderful servant, had thoughts on this same subject. Shame on us for letting this happen in this day and age. Those in positions of authority should have to see one of their family members suffer like this. Only then will it change. We can find 3 million dollars to help a multi-millionaire democrat build a worthless baseball stadium downstate but we can’t find the money to take care of those who have served their country. The whole bunch should be ran out of town on a rail! When will the “spin” start on this scandal involving some of the best men and women in this country that are the reason we are able to be free to this very day?
- Cassandra - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:00 am:
I think Lori has got it right. For the Blago admin, party loyalty is all. If the nurse can’t make the right Democratic noises and promise undying fealty to Blago re-election, I bet his or her application goes into the do not hire pile.
- can't imagine - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:32 am:
It is my understanding that the state is not living up to the commitment to vets for educational opportunities. Many community colleges are having to eat the lack of tuition reimbursments because the state is only paying 5-10% of the money promised. Schools like Prairie State, Lincolnland etc are really hurt by the lack of payments. They have 3 options;
1- ask the vets to pay
2- drop out of the program and not offer educational opportunities to vets or
3- eat the cost.
any comments????
- inish - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 9:56 am:
How about eliminating some of the “ham” in Cook county. This gov certainly found $1 million for 80 students in a rented building- but people who were made a promise by our government should get a short shift? Yes, there is a nursing shortage. Perhaps the cost cutting measures should be on the administration side and not cuts that directly effect the patients. This state is fast becoming an embarrassment.
- Randall Sherman - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 10:11 am:
I would like to make this statement with all due respect to Roy Dolgos, Blagojevich’s Director of Veterans Affairs (also a Vietnam Veteran and someone who I would gladly support for Alderman of Chicago’s 49th Ward were he to make the bid next year). Any veteran in this state, any family member of a veteran or any true friend of the veterans of this state (I like to think I qualify in the latter catagory) who votes for Rod Blagojevich should have their heads examined! The governor and his cronies seem to have the “give the vets lip service and then screw them” act that President Bush and his administration have seemingly perfected.
We don’t need this. Blagojevich must go, and go now!
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 12:36 pm:
It looks like (the lack of) Lt. Gov Quinn’s veterans programs are going to be one of the Republicans best issues.
Pat + POA = screwed veterans. Now that truly is a new way of doing business.
- Anon - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 2:05 pm:
Anonymous 12:36 p.m.,
Does AFSCME blame Quinn for the problems or the Governor who actually runs the Department of Veterans Affairs?
Despite no statutory authority over veterans issues, the Lt. Gov. has done admirable work on behalf of veterans and military personnel since he took office.
If that is not enough for you, then maybe Governor Eisendrath will give his Lt. Governor, who will be Quinn since Quinn is running unopposed in the primary, authority over the Department of Veterans Affairs.
When Governor Eisendrath screws up then maybe you can blamn Quinn for that too.
Keep the blame where it belongs, on Blago.
- WARDOG - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 3:07 pm:
Veterans Affairs Director Dolgos, even though a Vietnam Veteran, ran a parking garage and it is rumored he owns one just down the block from the VA office in Chicago–how convenient. Ms. Crump is there because Mayor Daley wanted to get rid of her and asked Blago to give her a job. With this being the top executives in Illinois Veterans Affairs–How do you expect the veterans to be treated. As always, it’s all about the money. Believe me–I’ve ssen how Blago works, up close.
- SenorAnon. - Friday, Feb 10, 06 @ 5:45 pm:
The previous was a free political advertisement.
- Retired Sgt Dale Peters - Friday, Mar 3, 06 @ 8:07 pm:
As the Republican Head Of Veterans For Progress I will say that the Replicans of the State Of IL. have not done a thing for veterans in this State the Democrats have done more in the last two years then the Republicans have in the forty years they ran the State .Talk about issues look at the President budget for 2007 .Do you hear one Republican say why are they forcing 3.1 milion veterans out of their earn health care by blood an the service to Our Country.Yes it is a issue for the Republicans now every veterans is waiting to hear from you.Go to veterans march 2006 an see the truth