SurveyUSA poll released
Wednesday, Feb 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller SurveyUSA has released its monthly tracker of gubernatorial job approval ratings. Gov. Blagojevich’s 41 percent approval and 54 percent disapproval is about the same as last month. More details here. UNRELATED UPDATE: Don’t forget about Illinoize.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 10:53 am:
He dead. JBT will probably win the nomination, and then Blago is cooked unless he can convince people using all his campaign cash…
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 12:29 pm:
Try as he might, he cannot joke or dodge his ways out of those numbers
- Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 1:20 pm:
Wow! Great budget speech should boost those #s bigtime. Meantime the GOPs(as in MOPEs) truly defined themselves with the juvenile heckling. And they wonder why they lose all the time.
Can’t wait for AccordianGal & BrickheadJoe to talk their mumbo jumbo
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 1:49 pm:
We are about 21 billion in debt and he says he got rid of a record defecit.This speech wasn’t nothing more than trying to buy 4 more years and when the true math comes out his numbers will go lower.
- Just Saying - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 2:23 pm:
The More Illinoizie becomes a RW Sounding board as it is..
The More we will not rememeber it
- downstate democ - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 4:32 pm:
I have been saying this all along. Look at the numbers, which numbers do not lie, G.Rod is awesome on paper. The fact of the matter is he took 30 years of Republican rule and fixed their mess ups in less than 3 years. He has contributed far more to the pension than any other governor before him and people like jbt find ways to manipulate others to further there agenda. Four more years is inevitable
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 4:44 pm:
Ground Control to Major “downstate democ”. Take you protein pill and put your helmet on.
That little $22B debt load item must have disappeared in all the borrowing that needs to be paid back.
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 4:55 pm:
Thank You zatoichi.To qoute a wise person”ILLINOIS IS A FISCAL TRAIN WRECK THAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 4:58 pm:
The good news for Blagojevich and Democrats is that 40%+ of voters consistently identify themselves as Democrats, compared to only 25% GOP. That split in the electorate makes it next to impossible for Blagojevich to loose, provided he spends his money and his time wisely to solidify his base. His policy and budget priorities over the last six months appear geared to that.
There are still minor worries about the economy, but all signs are that the Illinois job market is on the rebound.
Unless he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Blagojevich will be re-elected. And let’s not forget that Topinka is currently under investigation for corruption, so she’s not likely to get much mileage out of that issue, even if she is lucky enough to squeek through the primary (i’m betting against her).
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 5:07 pm:
YDD, that’s the third time you have touted an “investigation.” What are you basing that on, besides wishful thinking? If it is the Santos thing, you are a few years behind.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 5:21 pm:
Hey Downstate Democ, Rod hasn’t fixed problems in 3 years and there haven’t been problems for 30 years. There were 4 years of Ryan in which the state budget increased dramatically… and what has it down since Blago has come into office? It has gotten worse. There are no problems that have been fixed. Blago won’t even recognize problems as being such. He spends his time thinking up ways to be popular, which is why he is not popular. Giving out “free” preschool. Do people really believe they don’t pay for it? It’s called taxes. Free preschool is a load. I know it’s a load. Really, the democrats know it’s a load. And the ones who don’t know it’s a load are the crazy leftists. Just like the crazy right thinks Oberweis can win statewide. So we will just see what those 40% dem voters do… Hopefully they will vote in 30 more years of GOP control… like they did before…
- B Hicks - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 5:32 pm:
Louies Leather: That first comment of yours was pretty deep. Did you figure that out all on your own?
As usual, pretty little Judy didn’t look too gubernatorial sitting there with her cup of coffee.
If she only had a big Virginia Slim hanging out of her mouth.
- Walking Wounded - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 5:48 pm:
Hiring more people, promoting new programs, all the while keeping the budget in order. What a guy. Remember,…the high courts have already determined that expounding “puffery” in this state isn’t illegal.
- natural redhead - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 6:10 pm:
Don’t beat Judy up about her bottomless cup of It’s public knowledge has had chronic back pain for years, and the meds she uses to manage it give her dry mouth, so she needs to have something to drink handy all the time. Attack her for her track record or her policies if you want, but it’s dirty pool to make fun of a person’s medical condition.
- B Hicks - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 8:23 pm:
It’s getting ugly out there for pretty little Judy.
- scoot - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 9:20 pm:
Blago has no clue on how to fix the states budget problems. He has been in office 3 years know…and it’s time to start taking the blame. Hey a 10th casino….we coulda did that three years ago….but I wanted to get all those meaningless flu shots and ripp the state board of education. He’s handing millions out like it’s candy.
- ISU REP - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 11:07 pm:
I love these Dems who kiss the ground Blago walks on…that just once again shows how messed up this state is. That a politician who is mediocre at best is hailed as the savior of illinois, get real the only ones benefiting from blagos are his campaign contributors. As far as JBT, i’m pretty sure she smokes marlboro reds, shes just that kind of lady and wouldn’t you need a cup of coffee to make it through all that b.s. I don’t think I could stay awake listening to pie in the sky promises that just so happen to occur in an election year.
- Tony Soprano - Wednesday, Feb 15, 06 @ 11:55 pm:
B Hicks - If thats all you got then Judy will definately win. LMAO
- B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:02 am:
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:27 am:
After more reading a lot of this all they have planned is one time payments.Example the casino license IF SOLD is a one time payment of 100 to 200 million.Now he wants you to believe that it will pay-off a debt that is several billion.His staff is planning on a lot of ifs to pay the state’s bills.Ifs do not pay bills and the 3 or 4% revenue growth is a drop in the bucket compared to what this bunch has borrowed in the last 4 years.You know the saying “if your aunt would of had #$@^% she would of been your uncle.