Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 16, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m told that Governor Blagojevich has a new 60-second TV ad up about education and jobs. Rate it here if you’ve seen it. UPDATE: His campaign website is here. The ad isn’t up yet, but keep an eye on it today. The guv has a press conference planned for this UPDATE: I’m guessing that since he has a fly-around scheduled for Monday that he finally announces his candidacy on Sunday. We’ll see. UPDATE: The ad will be on the governor’s campaign website tonight, I’m told. UPDATE: From the AP. Gov. Rod Blagojevich will formally announce his re-election campaign this weekend with a two-day, eight-city tour of the state. UPDATE: I’ve asked the campaign to reconsider its decision to post the ad on the web tonight and instead make it available much earlier. We’ll see. Meantime, here’s Topinka’s new ad. Discuss as well. UPDATE: If you’re not in the Chicago area or in the Springfield/Champaign/Decatur market, you can probably quit looking for the ad on TV. Doesn’t appear that they’ve bought anywhere but those two markets. UPDATE: From the Sun-Times. Acknowledging to viewers that he has “ruffled feathers and had some rocky moments,†Gov. Blagojevich launched his re-election campaign today with a round of television commercials that tout his tax, healthcare and education policies but makes no mention of the federal investigation dogging his administration. And the AP: “I’m a little older and hopefully wiser, but one thing hasn’t changed. I’m as committed as ever to work for you. Thanks for the chance,” Blagojevich says in the ad UPDATE: Edwin Eisendrath press release: “Today a coal industry lobbyist who moonlights as the governor’s spokesman tells us the governor was running for re-election. In fact, he’s running for cover. Just like George Bush, who loves a good photo op, the governor is opting to avoid his record and hide behind his special interest funded ads. Next thing you know, Pat Quinn will have to shoot someone!” Eisendrath said.
- Sir Topham Hatt - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 9:02 am:
“Getting Things Done For People”? Sounds like a concierge, not a governor. Why the need to specify “for people”? That seems even easier to mock than “getting things done,” which is a poor slogan to begin with.
- anonymous - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 9:12 am:
He sure knows how to play the education, balanced-budget, healthcare, jobs, and child cards. Too bad most of it is purely rhetoric and unproven. And boasting of a balanced budget, of which he is so proud, is purely disingenuous. I never thought any responsible fiscal policy would include selling-off assets and using savings to fund day-to-day expenses. It’t it time we live within our means and start paying off our obligations. After all, our current bonded obligation is north of $20 billion.
- Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 9:18 am:
“Getting things done for people”, a euphemisim for Pay to Play?
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 9:39 am:
Sorry to not answer the question, Rich. But I just wanted to add some food for thought: If the Governor has been “too busy governing” to campaign up until this point, what does that say about the attention he’ll pay to governering after he formally announces? Is he saying that his duties for governor will either become minimized or take a back seat after that point?
- Krenzler - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 9:39 am:
It was a very good ad, he made fun of himself for “ruffling feathers” etc. This ad will play well, GOP needs to watch how the bash each other in the primary if they’re going to have any chance whatsoever of winning in November.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:00 am:
Has he ever announced that he is running for re-election.
- Phocion - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:02 am:
I was also struck by the “ruffling feathers” part, which lead into the Governor’s assessment about having “grown” in office. Very grown up of him, for a change. I just hope he’s sincere, for a change.
- Never Judy - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:19 am:
Rich, this is the second time you’ve been behind the curve. The ad ran on Chicago ABC7 TV after 8 am. It was indeed a very good, very high quality ad. In addition to the self-effacing “ruffled feathers” remark, Blago admits that he has “matured” over the last 3 years and learned much. It trumpets many Blago programs, which, if you want to live in the People’s Democratic Socialist Republic of Illinois, you would like. Excellent ad, full of BS, but excellent ad.
- Never Judy - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:20 am:
By the way, Judy-lovers, the Blago ad beats Judy’s hands down.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:21 am:
Yeah, he’s grown in office….he’s gone from a freshman to a sophomore.
- Karl - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:43 am:
The Topinka ad isn’t that good at all. If that’s their best product, it would be a long night on the 21st of March.
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:46 am:
Anyone want some sour grapes to go with all of that red herring. sit back and watch how the real pros do it!
Bring it on, if possible.
- Goodbye Napoleon - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:56 am:
wow, that website is awesome
seriously, the website was so good it made me think I liked him until I clicked back here
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 11:07 am:
Of course his ad and website are good. He stuffed his pockets with dirty money to be able to pay for it. George Ryan had nice ads, too. You people are easily impressed and easily fooled — even after history shows the pattern.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 11:23 am:
“Ibenidiot,” one more comment like that and you’ll be banned from even accessing this website.
- Lloyd Braun - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 11:37 am:
Am I crazy or is it a big coincidence that the campaign announcement is scheduled for Presidents’ Day?
- Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 11:54 am:
Well, I started to view Judy’s ad. Got to say that she was a cute little girl. After watching the ad so long, though, it got to be like being on a plane next to someone who wants to tell you their whole life’s story during the entire trip. “Flight attendant, bring me a bourbon, now!” Anyhow, I hope Judy’s team can do better than that.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:01 pm:
The entire truth of this governor is on ILLIONIZE.It is called the TOWER OF BLAGO.Read it and your will realize where this bunch is trying to take us.
- SenorAnon. - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:02 pm:
No you’re not crazy…not crazy…perfectly sane.
OK, that’s my take on Seinfeld, Lloyd. But my guess isn’t that it’s “President’s” day - but it is a holiday…
Gosh, DOWNSTATE, read the post (unless your comment preceded the update).
- Rum - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:09 pm:
Judy is going to have an uphill battle going head to head w/ Blago on a large public stage. Camera operators break out your soft focus lenses. Also Judy, wash out that filthy mouth of yours w/ soap, that’s no way for a lady to behave!
- Rick - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:14 pm:
Thought Topinka’s was good-to the point, and had a simple, concise message.
Wounded 11:54- No little girl or drawn out life story there. Judy looked good, though.
Haven’t seen Blagos yet, but no doubt his hair will feature prominently.
Pingback » Blog Archive » Blog Roundup - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:15 pm:
[…] Gov. Blagojevich is finally going to announce he’s running for re-election. I know, I’m shocked, surprised, stunned too. […]
- Tony Soprano - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:40 pm:
JBT ad is great.. Rod can make as many ads as he likes but he still cant run or hide from his 54% disappoval rating! HAHAHA
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:48 pm:
Two fact checkings:
1) The actual ad is called something like “Now she’s running for Governor.” The other video someone mistakenly referred to is just a bio piece done by a tv station available for website visitors to watch.
2) Brady said Judy wouldn’t take a pledge “…not to raise taxes….” I just watched the Andy Shaw clip.
- Webguy - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 12:56 pm:
C’mon Judy… You’re vision for Illinois is not to raid the pension funds? I mean, it may be good policy, but who cares?
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 1:02 pm:
Never Judy,
Don’t worry its never gonna be Judy.
Bring it on, if possible.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 1:09 pm:
Why do you Blagomaniacs want to down Judy when it is your guy that will break 3 all time state records.1. spending 2. borrowing 3.massive unpaid debt.and he done it all by hisself.
- Carmella - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 1:13 pm:
Tony Soprano…is there anything Topinka does that you haven’t praised? That ad is far from good, like she did in the debate, she looked annoyed and bothered.
- Randall Sherman - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:01 pm:
Blagojevich is still a gutless coward who is hell-bent on driving control of state government back into the hands of the Republicans for another couple of decades. MARK MY WORDS… If Rod Blagojevich is not stopped on March 21, he will sink most of the Democratic ticket with him in November. That is because tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of Democrats will willingly vote for Republicans just to insure the politcal cancer that is Rod Blagojevich and his cronies is removed from the Illinois body politic.
So it’s either Edwin Eisendrath on March 21, or the “Democrats for (insert name of GOP Gubernatorial candidate here)” gears up on March 22, and the Democatic Party in Illinois gets a butt-kicking on November 7.
- Tony Soprano - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:03 pm:
Carmella - Ya betta recognize..
- Tony Soprano - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:12 pm:
A little off topic but here it goes… So i’m drinking some milk this morning.. I love chocolate milk but hate all the calories.. blah blah blah.. I buy a gallon of Carb Countdown milk by Hood. Only 5g carbs, 5g fat, and 8g protein while only 90 calories per serving.. and it tastes delicious (unlike most healthy things)!! Then I wonder why Obie Won Konobi could never figure out the marketing and profitability advantages of such a great idea (carb/calorie craze.. HELLO???)since he is such a business man.. If he cant figure out the dairy business then he sure isnt going to figure out state govt!! ok.. now back to my waste management work…
- SenorAnon. - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:36 pm:
…well Randall, at least your pimping for Edwin Eisendrath’s doomed campaign hasn’t made you irrational and alarmist.
- Pat collins - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:41 pm:
You have to admire RodB’s discipline. And he’s still calling the plays, too. A little humble pie (very little) and a lot of “here’s all I’ve done for you with NO tax hike”.
He is really positioning himself to do well in a national primary for 2008, or (and much more likely) as a good VP candidate to appeal to the base while the main one goes center.
One wonders who is more relentless in their emulation of Clinton, Rod or Hillary?
- ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 2:55 pm:
I am neither a fan of Bill or Hillary Clinton, but they are both exceptionally bright people. One wonders if Rod spent too many days on the beach while at Stanford and suffered one too many cases of heat stroke. The pure and simple isn’t bright, hes a mediocre politician at best. Which makes it sad that Illinois didn’t have a better choice and that the Republican candidate wasn’t even an option, until now. This might be the only shot the Republicans have at making a dent in the Democratic stranglehold.
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:01 pm:
ISU rep,
Go back to class and pay attention this time!
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:03 pm:
Eisendrath will do or say anything to try to get on TV except spend his own and his family’s money. Even he doesn’t think he will win.
It’s sad
- CHS - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:08 pm:
Watch For Eisendrath’s first TV ad. I hear it is upbeat and positive. Don’t count him out yet!
- ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:11 pm:
I guess bill brady has nothing better to do but write on capitol fax! Besides what does it say when your professors who are democrats don’t even like blago…that’s pretty bad!!!
- northside - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:16 pm:
I am not a fan of Blago AT ALL, but the new ad is great. Insiders, step away for a moment and put yourselves in the shoes of “Joe Voter,” this ad speaks right to him and makes Blago look the the kind of executive that the average guy he wants in office. The “ruffeld feathers” comment and “gotten a bit wiser” line was perfect. The Blago people have the money to spend, and judging by this add, they have so far spent their money well. Eisendrath is done, had a chance to hit the airwaves but went with an internet campaign, guess the private school guy forgot about the digital divide in our state. The GOP is done because too much venom will be unleashed by the right wingers. Unfortunatley it looks like 4 more years of Blago unless the US Attorneys have any say.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:18 pm:
It makes me laugh when people start talking about Blago and 08.The National Democratic committe has a lot more to choose from than people like him.He is here because of his father-in-law,the Chicago machine and the downstate people that was tired of the Ryans.He has thrown a lot of them under the bus so he does not have that support so he is going to try buying his way back in with all these election year give aways.He will not be on the national scene because the scrunity is to great plus he isn’t re-elected yet and there is still on going investigations.Too much baggage and I love it.
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:34 pm:
The Manilows and the Pritzkers may be able to buy a candidate and Randall on the cheap but they will have to pay real cash to get that ad on TV> OOOOOO I forgot ….the internet!
- EvanstonBoy - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:35 pm:
How did Ann Richards get her picture on the home page of G-Rod’s website. Might be bad karma, since I believe she lost her last race to GWB in Texas
- CHS - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:40 pm:
Bill…watch the TV.
- INADAZE - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:46 pm:
Don’t count Eisendrath out. If everyone is so sick and tired of Blago let’s get our tails to the polls on 3/21 and vote for EE. He is in this race because he wants to and can make a difference. He cares about this great state and would make a great governor, so let’s give him the chance
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:53 pm:
OK……OK Eddie supporters
Let’s say just for argument sake that by some strange chance he wins. ANY of the Repub zeros, even gidwitz, would beat him.
The real truth is that Rod is the only Dem that can (and will) win. He has done such a great job governing this state that there is no one that has a chance. The Speaker, the President,all of the Dem county chairs including downstate, everyone knows this is true. It will be a clean sweep for the Blue and everybody who is paying attention except Randall knows it.
- Suspicious - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 3:59 pm:
Pat Quinn with a gun? Now that’s scary. Maybe scarier than the Vice President with a gun.
But not as scary as this state representative with a gun….
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 4:03 pm:
Since when did Blago become Mr. Teflon? Do any of you think there won’t be attack ads on the gov and his stellar stewardship? You all act like all of the candidates running for office will be leaving “Official A” alone to tout his accomplishments he has racked up the past 3+ years. Anybody could run a new ad a day profiling Blagos screw-ups since he took office. That boy has not done a lot of positive things with his opportunity in Springfield. Oooops. I meant in office, wherever that may be.
- B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 4:35 pm:
He shoots…..HE SCORES!
Next issue, please.
- scoot - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 5:24 pm:
I believe this administration has read: HOW TO BALANCE A STATE’S BUDGET FOR DUMMIES- 3 years in a row. Keep borrowing man! your awesome! nice suit…better yet great hair day. What a joke
- Webguy - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 5:30 pm:
ISU REP: I don’t like the personal attacks on the board, but I think this is what Bill was referring to: “One wonders if Rod spent too many days on the beach while at Stanford and suffered one too many cases of heat stroke.” Only Rod went to Northwestern and Pepperdine, not Stanford. And, in any case, Stanford doesn’t have the Southern Cal weather like Pepperdine does.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 6:41 pm:
To get rid of puffery, pull a democratic ballot and vote for Eddie. Then vote for the candidate of your choice in the general.
- B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:00 pm:
It’s fun to watch you guys hit the panic button:
He’s done!
He’s toast!
It doesn’t matter what he says or does.
54% disapproval ratings, it’s not even going to be a race.
He’s a criminal!
Fitzgerald is going to slap the iron bracelets on him, himself.
AFSCME hates him.
It doesn’t matter which Republican candidate ends up running against Rod in the general. In the end, I’m sure the best man will win.
- Tony Soprano - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:15 pm:
The ‘best’ man can’t win when he is in prison… Blago aka “Public Official A”??? Inquiring minds want to know…
- B Hicks - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:21 pm:
I think I heard someone recently say: If that’s the best you got, he’s DEFINITElY going to win.
Ring any bells, anthony?
- State Mope - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:50 pm:
As a Dem and a state employee, I’m doing what Anon suggests: voting in the primary (Dem) for the 1st time in 28 years and voting for Eddie!
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 7:59 pm:
Public “school” for 3 and 4 year-olds is nothing more than taxpayer subsidized day care.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 8:03 pm:
With a 54% disapproval rating for Blagojevich you don’t have to hold your nose and vote for Judy because you think she is the only one that can win because anyone can beat him. So vote for someone that shows real leadership and passion for the job as Governor that will pull us all together as a party and a State.
- Paul Powell - Thursday, Feb 16, 06 @ 10:50 pm:
To Bill:
IF RGod wins the primary, and that is an if down here, you can rest assured that at a minimum his campaign committee gets indicted in June or July which freezes his campaign money. Going down the tube first will be high ranking staffers of his and well known lobby pals. The whole point is he should not even be having a primary. Good God we waited almost 30 years to get this office and look what he has done. He is so Dan Walker it is not even funny. He has picked a fight with every group in the state, teachers, cops, firemen, veterans, legislators, Hynes, White, L. Madigan, you name it. That is why the jerk has a primary and being a die hard democrat I am happy that we have a choice this March. If he would have just governed instead of looting the place we democrats would not even have to make a choice in March. We had a chance to really change business as usual and HE has failed us miserably, that is why we are having a primary. Having his eye on 08 is so laughable! Do you think somebody like Obama might be in the way on that idea? L. Madigan, Obama and others are not able to endorse an incumbent democrat governor for fear of what is coming down the pike. Who wants to endorse RGog and then a few months down the road here come the feds, then what? Hynes, L. Madigan, Obama, White, they don’t want their pictures flashed all over the state and nation with someone like RGod who is in deep do do. I say dump the guy and lets really show voters that democrats can govern safely and honestly. I’m voting for EdWIN, but you already knew that. I started out 4 years ago a big fan of RGod, he carried my precinct huge in the primary and general. He has disappointed a huge amount of us down here and forced us to look elsewhere for someone who will really change business as usual. I’m not trying to change your mind at all, just letting you know where a lot of folks down here are coming from.
- Bill - Friday, Feb 17, 06 @ 6:12 am:
Geez Paul,
RGOD, as you call the governor, is an honest man who would never do anything unethical, let alone illegal. If some one in his administration has done something wrong I am sure that the governor would be the first to say lock him up and remove him or her from their position as soon as legally possible.
That being said, the governor has done his best under extreme fiscal restraints, to institute and support programs that address the needs of the working class citizens of Illinois. Health care, education, taking care of our seniors, making college accessible to low income families, and so on.
The days of pandering to the rich and special interests in this state are over and I think that the RGOD has the best record of any governor in my lifetime. He has changed business as usual and judging from the unfavorable reaction from insiders has rocked a quite a few people’s worlds.
The governor has supported the wineries, ethanol production, prisons, and other economic engines downstate in an effort to boost the economy and better the quality of life for downstate residents without resorting to meaningless pork projects which the state can’t afford.
His jobs bill is crucial to the downstate economy and I would urge you and everyone else to support it. Remember the governor can only propose and the legislature must pass. We will need some repub votes on this one.
I don’t agree with the governor or any other politician or elected official on every issue but in the overall picture Rod Blagojevich has been a true Democrat and deserves reelection. The people of Illinois will acept nothing else.
Go ahead and vote for Eddie if it makes you feel better. I know that you and all other true dems will be there for the Gov in the Fall. We will still be here after Nov.
The best is yet to come.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Feb 17, 06 @ 6:36 am:
Bill and what function do you perform on Blago’s re-eletion comittee?
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Feb 17, 06 @ 7:08 am:
Blago says he will not debate Eisendrath hoping this will make Eisie look like he is not serious.Two things one it has not been to long ago that the press reported that there would not be a Democratic primary and 1 out of 4 votes is serious.If anything beats Blago it will be his ego.On anther note I finally figured out who Blago looks like.If you still have some old Christmas albums dig them out and get Blago’s press release picture from this speech and look at the Chipmunks album. Look real close at Alvin.Perfect match.
- Paul Powell - Friday, Feb 17, 06 @ 8:11 am:
Are you that far out of touch? RGod has been terrible to corrections and he has flip flopped all over the place on wine makers. I am neither, but surely you are not so blind that you cannot see how bad he has been to these two, or at least that is what all of them say down here. The capital bill, thats full of great ideas and all, but show me the money. Where does the money come from to pay for all of this? He has doubled our debt in this state borrowing more than Thompson, Edgar, & Ryan put together and from what every financial publication in the nation says put Illinois at a huge financial risk. Thats not me talking, it is only an observation by financial experts. If mounding up huge debt for future generations to pay is what being a democrat has become perhaps I won’t be there in the fall. To assume that folks who are disappointed at the direction RGod has taken this state will be on board in the fall is a huge mistake. Seriously I don’t even think he will be in the race come fall. Either EdWIN will take him out by a nose or the feds will destroy his administration. If he comes out and says lock up all in his administration who have looted the place, he will have basically nobody left to run the show. He surely can’t be that stupid, well, maybe he can! I know I am biased against the man for the reasons I have listed and many more but you surely are a first cousin of his or an uncle or a high ranking campaign official to make the statements you made. I have no agenda other than to voice my disappointment in the fact that we had an opportunity to change business as usual and we have only made it worse. Time to get the hook out and get this guy off the stage. He is in a self destruct mode and if left alone, he stands a chance of taking some or all of the rest of the ticket down in the fall with him. I do enjoy your arguments though, just don’t know where you see any good in this administration.
- Reagan Democrat - Friday, Feb 17, 06 @ 7:50 pm:
Saying he’s “ruffled feathers and had some rocky moments,†is like the capitan of the Titanic say he made some of his passengers take a little swim. This guy has no shame
- evil terry - Saturday, Feb 18, 06 @ 9:59 am:
Bill- you need to stay away from the edge of all cliffs. I am worried for you, man, because you are truly going to be disappointed when you governor gets the cuffs put on him. (On second thought, I am sure that you will blame the “Republicans/ US Attorney/ President Bush, etc.” for all that has happens to you and your boss).
I only hope that he and GRyan end up in the same jail cell! If they get sent to the prison that I work at, you can be certain that we will take good care of them.