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More disarray at EE campaign

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I had heard about this from the governor’s people a while ago, but completely forgot to follow up. Oops on me.

Sneed hears Edwin Eisendrath’s Dem gubernatorial primary bid may have hit a bump in the road. A big bump.

*To wit: With only 30-plus days to go before the primary, word is Eisendrath’s campaign manager Brandon Hurlbut . . . has quit!

And that’s confirmed in an EE press advisory:

Felicia Shallow Davis has joined the Eisendrath for Governor Campaign as Campaign Manager.

“I’m delighted that Felicia Shallow Davis, the deputy field director for the Obama Senate campaign and a former Chicago Police Officer with deep ties to the community, is stepping in to do this job,” said Edwin Eisendrath in Chicago.

“I’ve worked with Felicia before and she has my complete confidence,” said Eisendrath. “I thank Brandon Hurlbut for his service and wish him well back in Washington.”


  1. - Mandy - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:42 am:

    Why did he quit? Maybe he was the problem. This campaign seems like amateurs going up against professionals.

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:46 am:

    Brandon, Felicia, …, they are all a bit “shallow”.

  3. - Anonanonanon - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:49 am:

    Purrfect name for the lack of commitment to this campaign by EE.

  4. - Ill ind - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 11:21 am:

    You know, it really bothers me when all us ’self appointed pundits’ come on here and crow on and on about how bad a governor Rod Blagojevich is, how fake he is, and how much he is a part of the corrupt system and then we, the same people, crow on and about how bad EE’s campaign is, when he is the only one in the Democratic Party who was willing to put his own butt on the line and challenge the status quo. It’s really easy for all of us ’self appointed pundits’ to think that our opinion actually means something to anybody outside of the regulars on these sites, and that EE’s campaign is crap because he may not do things exactly the way we want them done!!!! Well I don’t see a whole lot of us doing anything of any importance to challenge the staus quo–not even close to the effort that EE has put in.
    We all need to grow up. We wanted a challenge to Rod, and then we all cry in our beer when it isn’t exactly the way we wanted it, like we know how everything should be done!!!

    Ill Ind

  5. - City Chic - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 11:26 am:

    It’s a new day on the EE campaign - after all, the governor just admitted that he’s actually a candidate. This after months of using taxpayer funds to campaign “under the radar”.

    Hasn’t Blagojevich’s campaign had a few changes over the years? Scofield in, Scofield out, Scofield in… Whew - I’m getting tired just watching that revolving door!

    I’m impressed that Eisendrath made the move and hired a strong, competent woman to lead the charge.

  6. - illrino - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    Speaking of campaign managers, how do the managers of the four GOP candidates stack up?

  7. - Lorenzo the Edgy - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 12:02 pm:

    Is that Shani’s mother?

  8. - illini forever - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 12:21 pm:

    I’m sure it is not easy trying to run a campaign with little, if any support from the party establishment.
    Eisendrath has to keep fighting, despite attempts by the hacks on the inside of the democratic party to squash his efforts.
    He should continue to focus on the fact that the current administration’s obsession with fundraising and its disregard for ethics have damaged the state and gotten it into trouble with the law.

  9. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 12:31 pm:

    Wait just a minute. Can one quit something that has all the energy and action of a dead cat? Wonder if Esquared even makes it to the primary? I thought all the Obamaramas were busy help TheCommunityBanker?

  10. - Not Obama Staff - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 12:34 pm:

    Obama folks are pretty unsure who Felicia Shallow Davis is and are very sure she wasn’t the Deputy Field Director.

    Hey Rich, you might want to ask some questions about that one.

  11. - Underdog Fan - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    Reddbyrd - are you just hoping that Eisendrath’s campaign is a dead cat, or are you just saying that because cats chase birds??

    Don’t count Eisendrath out. Granted, he’s the underdog. That, however, is what makes his fight all the more inspiring. To take on the establishment, keep fighting, and believe that the status quo is just as harmful as a Republican alternative takes a lot of courage. As Ill Ind said above, Eisendrath’s campaign might not be the best - but hey - he’s out there fighting for all of us at great personal risk.

    Based on what we’ve seen, I don’t think I’d confuse Brandon Hurlbut with a competent campaign manager. He lacked the courage, spirit, and fighting drive necessary for this game. Perhaps he was trying to relive his glory days with Glenn Poshard?

    Eisendrath deserved better - and now has it.

  12. - Lorenzo the Edgy - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 1:15 pm:

    Let’s be honest. The only way Eisendrath could have a dream of winning is if Blago gets indicted, and that ain’t happening because there’s only a month left until the primary, and Fitzgerald isn’t going to drop a bombshell right before a primary because he goes out of his way to make sure that it doesn’t look like politics are influencing what his office does.

    Thus, the only thing Eisendrath is now is a way to measure the size of the anti-Blago vote in the primary.

  13. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    Maybe they all sat down and looked at that web site ad and said.Man that’s terrible.

  14. - Obama Guy - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 1:26 pm:

    I worked in the field on Obama’s Primary Campaign, and I don’t know who that is. It’s possible that she came on after the primary, but they didn’t do much field then.

  15. - ESquared is a Square - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 1:32 pm:

    Here’s my question to you all: Who do you think would do better in the March 21 primary, Edwin Eisendrath, or just a line that said “Not Blagojevich”?

  16. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 2:59 pm:

    Felicia Shallow Davis is a former police detective and apparently an outstanding young chef who has won European scholarships and graduated last year from the cooking school where Eisendrath is Dean. She sounds like a wonderful, dynamic young woman. But I’m not sure that she has the right skill-set to manage a large-state gubernatorial campaign.

  17. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 3:10 pm:

    Whats her relationship to Obama’s campaign. Everyone I’ve talked to doesn’t know her.

  18. - ESquared is a Square - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 3:33 pm:

    I have a feeling that deputy field director just means that she went door to door for him.

  19. - Illinois Insider - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 3:43 pm:

    Brandon is back to his law gig in DC. As someone who worked with Brandon in a previous incarnation, I liked him, but there is no way he was up to running by himself a successful gubernatorial campaign. Dorothy Brown was a cakewalk/coronation. I bet he was lured with promises E^2 would spend millions of his dad’s money and just found out now after Rod’s ad started airing that was not going to be the case. This is my hunch. Anyone else have a hunch ? Fako ? u know ?

  20. - Bass Man - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 4:23 pm:

    Regardless of all the who-ha over this guy leaving or this gal coming to run the campaign, the telling statement is still from this sitting Governor who will not debate prior to the primary. This tells me he has a lot to hide, and little answer for his own party’s opposition candidate. His problem is going to be not being prepared when the real debates come prior to the general election, since he’s given up this chance to perfect his spin…er, message.

  21. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 5:25 pm:

    Bass Man,
    Thanks for your concern but I think the Gov will be ready when the real campaign starts.

  22. - Paul Powell - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 5:38 pm:


    The only debate RGod will be doing before the general is before a jury. If you all can’t see that one coming, better get out of the batter’s box.

  23. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 5:53 pm:

    Well, whoever the campaign director is, and whether they worked for Obama or not, really doesn’t matter. EE is a huge long shot.

    But the rich urban ultraliberals and other libs Dems who have been bemoaning the dishonesty and corruption under Blago have a choice. They can vote for Eisendrath and send a signal that they
    want to attack the coorruption problem in this state. Clearly, EE is sounding all the right liberal notes, so if they don’t vote for him, what are they saying? The end justifies the means and no matter how corrupt Blago is, he is ok because he’s doing what liberals want him to do, showering money on the schools, developing more social programs, encouraging illegal immigration into Illinois and so on.

    If there is a large EE vote in the primary, Blago (and Stroger, and Daley) might take notice.
    If there isn’t Blago and Tusk et al will know that as long as they do the bread and circuses and patronage routine, they can get away with anything.

    A note to the EE campaign: check out your staff resumes. Look what just happend to the Radio Shack guy. And questions about Ms. Davis’ vitae
    are a distraction you don’t need.

  24. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 6:08 pm:

    While you’re checking out Ms. Davis’ vitae, also ask her to drop that middle (maiden?) name. I’m sorry, but having a campaign manager who officially goes by the name “Shallow” is a bit too much political honesty for me.

  25. - Marta Elena - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 6:57 pm:

    Ditto on the resume. I have spent nearly 3 years on my master’s and wrapping up my thesis. (vent on) I HATE it when people lie about their education on a resume (vent over) And it is definitely a good idea to drop the middle name. Draws the wrong kind of attention to the EE campaign.

  26. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 6:58 pm:

    Esquared doesn’t have a chance in the world, which is very unfortunate. However, progressives do have someone to send a message to the machine, and that Alexi Giannoulias. The election between Mangieri and Giannoulias will be close, and it will give those that want change a voice.

  27. - yoddlebean - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 8:14 pm:

    Rich Miller? Do you… actually think you’re a journalist?

  28. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 8:26 pm:

    Remember, EE doesn’t have to win. It just has to be something of a squeaker to get the Dem establishment’s attention.

  29. - world peace - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 8:45 pm:

    We deserve what we get in Illinois-another loser governor (this is getting to be a pattern). Illinois can’t find one good democratic candidate and we can’t slate any qualified Republicans who are united or viable alternatives to run for governor-sorry Judy. As one of the most fiscally irresponsible states in the US (probably #1) our children and theirs will pay for the current mismanagement (primarily the pension boondogle). All Kids. BS!

  30. - Fighting Ennui - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 9:23 pm:

    She can drop her middle name when Milorad Blagojevich starts using his real name… and what does that middle initial “R” stand for in his name, anyhow?

    Maybe it’s “arrrr”, since his rule has been so piratical. That would explain why he went back on all his first campaign rhetoric about buisness as usual and clean government and not balancing the budget on the backs of workers… he could just say… “Hello?!? Pirate!”.

    (Pirate’s Code? More of a guideline, really…)

  31. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:05 pm:

    Some of you people are way out there. Edwin’s campaign is falling apart. His campaign manager quit, for Gods sake.

    Don’t count him out yet?
    This is just what his campaign needed?
    It’s a new day for the EE campaign?

    On the other hand, we have the five boobs on the Republican ticket looking anything but Gubernatorial.

    Oh my God; I’ll bet Rod is sitting back, feet kicked up, enjoying a cold Miller Lite.

    Hey Buddy and Henry, bad move!

    P.S. Paul, the federal charges thing has kind of lost it’s bang. Find something else.

  32. - Paul Powell - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:18 pm:

    B Hicks:

    There are 14 ACTIVE federal investigations ongoing right now into RGod and his band of merry men. Lost its bang huh? In your dreams! It will all come down between May and July. As I have said before though, it would be poetic justice for RGod to have to serve another term to watch him work more miracles with the budget. If he wins the primary I may even vote for him just for the fun of it. And who cares if the campaign manager quits? All you experts have decided who is going to win on both sides in March so why even have an election? At least I don’t get paid to prop up a particular candidate and you surely are not slobbering at the mouth for free are you?

  33. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:25 pm:

    How many does JBT have?

  34. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 10:32 pm:

    Thin skin.

  35. - six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 11:19 pm:

    The headline for this post confuses me.

    I never saw “array” in the EdWIN campaign, so how could we now have “disarray”?

  36. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 06 @ 11:59 pm:

    Yeah, using Edwin instead of Ed is about as smart as if Blago used Milorad instead of Rod

  37. - SenorAnon. - Wednesday, Feb 22, 06 @ 11:48 am:

    The name thing, with Blagojevich…isn’t a little old? RGod? What’s that.

    And you with the Milorad…I think everyone knows he’s Serbian. No one’s reading your sad little posts (every day) and thinking “WHAT! HIS NAME MIGHT BE MILORAD!!…NOW HE’S LOST MY VOTE!!!”


  38. - Illinoisan at Heart - Sunday, Feb 26, 06 @ 2:53 am:

    I know both Edwin and Felicia. Wow, he is really stretching for good people. I was involved in the EE campaign very early on, and left shaking my head and stunned at (1) Eisendrath’s narcissism. (2) That his whole base was white, upper-middle-class (3) Eisendrath’s inablility to listen. He was one of those Crackberry addicted candidate’s who had nothing to run on but “integrity”. Easy to have integrety when you are using all your own dollars to run your campaign. Anyway, I am not one bit surprised that the campaign is a farce. Ah well.

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