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Gidwitz explains contributions to insiders

Thursday, Feb 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Is Ron Gidwitz a fool or an opportunist? Or did he truly have a political awakening that just happened to coincide with the gubernatorial campaign?

As a Republican candidate for governor, businessman Ron Gidwitz criticizes the Republican and Democratic players who he says have jointly controlled state politics for decades.

But a review of state and federal campaign finance records shows that he has been a prolific donor to some of the state’s most powerful GOP politicians, including former Gov. George Ryan, and has given to a handful of Democratic friends, such as Mayor Richard Daley.

On Wednesday, Gidwitz sought to distance himself from his fundraising past, saying it wasn’t “until relatively recently” that he understood the potential problems of contributions made by political insiders seeking deals in Washington and Springfield.

“My whole effort, for the last 30 years, was to try and get good people elected to public office who’d do the right thing by the people,” he said. […]

Records show Gidwitz has made more than $570,000 in donations to candidates and causes in the last decade, aside from another $1.7 million he’s given his campaign. He called the donations “contributions in the charitable and philanthropic sense.” He said he never sought anything in return. […]

Asked if he wasn’t helping to fund an organization he is now criticizing, Gidwitz said, “I was helping inadvertently.”


  1. - Krenzler - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    Can’t he be both?

  2. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:02 am:

    Less then a month from election. It is time for republicans to wake up and find their way to Senator Bill Brady. The rest of the candidates have too much bagage to be able to really go after the governors corrupt practices.

    The republican cannot afford to spend half the summer defending the same practices we have been critical of the governor for over the past 3 years. Rod is going to have a field day with Judy.

    Judy is the first pick of Rod, Daley, and the entire Democrat machine, that alone should make her the last pick for a republican, regardless of whether you classify yourself as liberal, moderate, or conservative.

  3. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:10 am:

    Gidwit…open mouth and insert foot. I cannot wait until this primary is over.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:12 am:

    After George Ryan destroyed the GOP in 2002, did Gidwitz comprehend that giving him a Christmas gift was a bit odd, to say the least.

    And why did the Gidster vote for Kjellander last year? He just this year figured out KJ was in the combine?

  5. - ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    Bill Brady would be as big of a disaster as Keyes, had Brady of been smart he would have run for Treasurer and then perhaps have been primed to run for governor in 8 years. Brady = a Blago landslide victory.

  6. - FrustratedRepublican - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    ISU Rep

    While you’re certainly entitled to your opinion, as we all are here, you’re equating Brady with Keyes is laughable at best.

    The only thing they have in common is they’re conservative in a generic sense, which is likely your objection - regardless of the rest of reality.

    Keyes was from Maryland, which if you’ll look at a map, is quite a bit further away from Springfield than Bloomington.

    Next, Keyes was prone to go off the deep end at nearly every public appearance or media appearance … more akin to an Oberweis than the Brady we’ve seen so far.

    Brady will take some heat for being a conservative, but that shouldn’t automatically disqualify him from having a shot against this inept governor…. especially considering what the rest of the field has to offer.

    He gladly debates on any issue thrown at him, and handles them well, while Gidwitz looks clearly uncomfortable and out of his element, Judy runs and hides on the bad advice of her staff, and Oberweis just yells “immigration” and “corruption tax!” to pay for everything.

    I think there are two electible Republicans and they’re Brady and maybe Topinka. Both will be in for a tough ride - not because of the strength of NimRod, just the size of his bank account right now.

    I suspect as more and more people see the grassroots strength Brady has statewide, these attacks will get more frequent. That’s the nature of the GOP Primary in Illinois.

    But Keyes?! Try again!

  7. - Bubs - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    He who lives in a glass house . . .

  8. - ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    It goes further beyond that Brady has no statewide appeal, much like Keyes didn’t. Brady has yet to have been elected to a statewide office in Illinois much like Keyes. If you ask people anywhere outside of central Illinois about Brady they turn their head and give you a funny look. He’s not electable for the highest statewide office in Illinois. He’s too socially conservative to appeal to moderates, MUCH LIKE KEYES, that need to be swayed to vote Republican. If Brady is the nominee there isn’t a chance, his bible belt mentality won’t play with a majority of the states population, which like it or not lives north of I-80 and is socially moderate. The Democratic base in IL is much bigger than the Republican base. I don’t know if you’re assuming that moderates will vote for Brady, because it’s anyone but Rod but the numbers just don’t add up. Like I have said before I have much respect for Brady and all he’s done for my Univeristy but i’m realistic that he does not have statewide appeal and that will be shown when the primary comes in March.

  9. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:26 am:

    If you think Bill Brady cannot win, I suggest you take a look at the Peter Fitzgerald Election map. A conservative republican can win enough down state to wash Chicago if he has crossover appeal to conservative democrats. You will see on March 21 the alarming disatisfaction with the governor the southern IL democrats have in EE’s numbers. He will not win. But if a southern IL democrat would rather vote for a Chicago Dem then the sitting Gov, how far of a leap is it for him to vote for a pro-2nd amendment, pro-life, pro-family values guy from Bloomington.

    The Republican downstate margin will be greater then normal in November if there is a family values conservative the D’s can get on board with. The will not leave the party for Judy. She can’t appeal to them economically or socially

  10. - ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:54 am:

    If you’re suggesting that Illinois is the same state as it was when Fitzgerald was elected I would completely disagree. I think JBT’s crossover appeal is much better than Brady’s. Purely for the fact that if you haven’t noticed Illinois is a pretty blue state and is far from conservative on most social issues. While the downstate margin might be higher that still isn’t enough votes I know Southern IL likes to think its more electorally important than it really is but the numbers aren’t on its side. Moderate Republicans simply will sigh and perhaps not even vote…while swing voters in general who are more socially liberal will be completely turned off to Brady. I never understood how social conservatives can make the argument they are for less government when in fact their campaign of “family values” is more government. Who is Brady or any politician to say this is what’s “morally” right. We should be governed by those who respect the role of government via the Constitution and the law, not the bible.

  11. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    So, in short, ISU….she’s a Democrat.

    I think Bill Brady’s social conservative values are being blown out of proportion here by the knee-jerk moderates that can’t stand the thought of a conservative governor.

    What I’ve seen in this primary, albeit with a couple of gaffes you would use to end his candidacy, is a guy that’s not ashamed of his religion. So what?

    He’s not advocating overturning Roe v. Wade his first day in office, or the other reactionary accusations coming from the left. And his Intelligent Design mistatement he’s explained as allowing local school boards to decide what’s taught in their schools. If that’s ID, fine….if not, fine.

    I personally think Brady can appeal to Reagan Democrats simply as an honest guy that stands up for what he believes in, and doesn’t hide from it. He’s also the only guy that’s come out with detailed plans on pension reform, property tax relief, ethics reform AND motor fuel tax relief. And he’s picking up support from state legislators and local officials and organizations all over the state. He has momentum right now.

    I think he’s being underestimated, but that may be just what he wants. In any case, we’ll know in a few weeks.

  12. - ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 12:15 pm:


    Blown out of proportion…have you looked at his website he has conservative this and conservative that posted all over the place. I’d hardly call Judy a democrat because shes moderate on social issues. She’s ahead of the curve, the old boy wing of the party is dying out. Us young bucks care less about social issues and more about fiscal ones, how are we going to pay for you aged baby boomers is much more a concern to me than whether homosexuals can get married or if a woman can have an abortion. If were supposedly the party of less government who are we to interfere in peoples personal lives. I’m not saying I’m for gay marriage or for abortions, I just do not think that is a decision that the limited resources of government should waste their time with. The only time I hear conservative Republicans wanting the government out of their lives is when it comes to their firearms otherwise that think its ok to legislate morality instead of handling the real issues. The socially conservative Republican is moving from the core of the party to the fringe, like it or not my generation puts more emphasis on tolerance and understanding and perish the thought, actual governing.

  13. - Lefty - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 12:16 pm:

    Isn’t “knee-jerk moderate” an oxymoron? Just asking.

    Also, as a scientist, I have to state that any intelligent, thoughtful politician worth voting for should be able to poke around the ID “debate” and understand that the reason we are where we are in medicine and agriculture (the more straightforward topics to understand) is because evolution works. ID is utter nonsense as a science, and if our children are going to be “taught” it in school then we should all go out on the porch and wait for India and China to take over. It won’t take very long.

  14. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 5:39 pm:

    ISU Rep is correct, Judy Baar Topinka technically is not a Democrat, although the fact that she’s endorsed and worked to elect Democrats should earn her an honorary title. :-)

  15. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 7:58 pm:

    This Peter Fitzgerald stuff makes me want to puke. His millions only bought him the Senatorship because Braun screwed up so bad. His minions sing his praises because he went around badmouthing anybody who tried to accomplish anything. Not surprisingly, he was one of the most ineffective legislators the State has had in decades. The only thing anybody can point to as an accomplishment was the appointment of a good U.S. Attorney. As much as I disliked Braun, she at least accomplished things for her base. When this spoiled millionaire saw that his ineptitude would result in his election defeat, he bailed.

    By the way, forgive me for having voted for this millionare loser.

  16. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:12 pm:

    So, YDD, if Judy was in the Democratic primary running against GRod and EdWIN, who would you vote for?

  17. - sftransplant - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 3:12 pm:

    ah…chicago politics. Gidwitz is not only an opportunist, but he’s crooked as all get out. trying to privatize the City Colleges while his own offspring attends private school…riding on success of Helene Curtis, which poisoned the river. yuck!

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