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Thursday, Feb 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I wonder if the staff played a little prank on the boss, or whether they’re all just this inept. Apparently, Gov. Blagojevich didn’t know that his recent interview with “The Daily Show” was for a comedy bit.

Talking with Post-Dispatch editorial writers on Wednesday, the Democratic governor said he went into the interview believing it was a serious report about Illinois’ emergency-contraception debate. Blagojevich said he had never watched “The Daily Show,” and didn’t know what it was when he saw it on his schedule.

“It was going to be an interview on contraceptives . . . that’s all I knew about it,” said Blagojevich, who laughed about the episode. “. . . I had no idea I was going to be asked if I was ‘the gay governor.’”


  1. - Krenzler - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:12 am:

    Ok, if his staff didn’t prepare him for the Daily Show, then that’s a HUGE failure on their part.

  2. - Ex-Newfie - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:12 am:

    Surprise, Surprise, again!! This poor excuse for a public servant knows two things for sure. Where his hair brush is and how much is in his warchest. Period.

  3. - Isn't that Cheryle's job? - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:35 am:

    It’s hard to believe that the Governor didn’t know what “The Daily Show” was, and even harder to believe that the staff didn’t tell him about the nature of the show…

  4. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    Rich, I’ll take “Inept” for 500, please. My guess is that GRod thought he was getting an opportunity for more free national news coverage. He got it, just not in a good way.

  5. - ISU REP - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    Ah I love Rod a little bit naive mixed with a dash of incompetence sprinkled with a healthy dose a hair gel, that’s our guv ladies and gentlemen…hopefully not for too much longer.

  6. - Former MC - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:20 am:

    He knew what it was about. His staff is far too media savvy not to know.

  7. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:43 am:

    Can’t you guys take a joke?
    ISU, keep working hard and you will have a phd when Rod finally leaves the state house for the white house.

  8. - Just Observing - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Perhaps he’s saying he didn’t know because of all the flack(sp?) he caught afterwards for being too busy governing to announce his candicacy but not too busy to have fun on the Daily Show. This would be his excuse. Just wondering.

  9. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:06 am:

    This only shows that he has no touch with reality.

  10. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:06 am:

    Not that it still isn’t a staff screw-up, but the Daily Show has been known to mumble the name of the show when they call and allow the person at the other end to believe it isn’t TDS. I mean, at some point Ali G didn’t work anymore either.

  11. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:07 am:

    No, Bill, we’re very tired of Governor Blago-Joke. BTW, is your boss ok with you surfing blogs at work? Just curious.

  12. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    I am the boss and no I don’t care. In fact, I encourage myself to be politically involved. I guess that you must work the night shift.

  13. - Wayne - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    So if I mumble the name of my cable access show I can get an interview with the Governor? Schwing!

  14. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:24 am:

    Cmon now guys you have to admit they were asking the right questions.

  15. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    Doggone….Bill, you sound like a state worker!!

  16. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:32 am:

    No I’m not. Years ago I made the decision to earn an honest living.

  17. - Reilly's Brother - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:35 am:


    They knew it was “The Daily Show,” there was no mumbling. Nice try to cover up for the staff. No, it was plain fear of Rod going ballistic if he indeed didn’t know that he wouldn’t be taken seriously, as the reason that they didn’t inform him.

    More likely, when it played out that he looked silly, he plead ignorance and threw his staff under the bus.

    Happened before, will happen again.

  18. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:37 am:

    Let’s play guess Bill’s job.Now he is a boss, He does not care and he defends Blago.Wait now Wait oh yea I got it he has to be a Blago appointee.Oh kidding Bill.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    OK, that’s enough. Bill has a right to post here, even if he is part of the taxeating class.

  20. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 10:53 am:

    Thanks, I think.

  21. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:06 am:

    Taxeating class? *Ouch* O.k….truce.

  22. - Darrell Democrat - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:20 am:

    > “Gov. Blago’s office.”
    “We’re with The Daily Show and would like an interview about the order to fill Plan B prescriptions.”
    “Sure. We can pry the Gov. away from Springfield for a few hours and meet in Chicago to make it easier for you.”
    “Thanks. We’re looking forward to meeting him. How do you pronounce his name again?”
    “We can cover that later.”
    “OK. See you soon.”
    “Gov… we’ve got some national media wanting to interview you.”
    “Sweet! Can we do it here?”
    “No… it has to be in Chicago.”
    “Damnation! I’ve got work to do here!!”
    “But it’s national TV sir!”
    “Well…. OK. What show was it again?”
    “Um… it’s a daily cable news show.”
    “Sweet… maybe it’s Keith Olberman. Set it up.”
    “Yes Sir!”

  23. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:44 am:

    Big deal. The guy can’t do a comedy show.

    What would you rather have:
    1) A gov. that provides health care for all Illinois children but can’t make a joke, or;

    2) A gov. that tells Illinois children it is their own damn fault they were born to poor parents, but can do great stand up?

    I love the Republican response here: “Sure the guy funds health care and early education for children, but in a very pro-life way, we hate him.”

  24. - Cassandra - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:45 am:

    Only the guv’s media staff know what they told him, but if they didn’t warn him about the Daily Show, they should be fired for incompetence.

    And, since he’s not Obama, they most definitely should have told him not to appear.

    My bet…they did tell him, but, not being that bright, he was sure he could handle it.

    Turns out….he couldn’t.

  25. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 12:46 pm:

    Wait a minute skeeter, I think many of us would disagee, the gov can do a comedy show, It started the day he took office and hopefully ends in Jan.

    He did not “fund” healthcare and early education, he pushed through haphazard schemes with absolutely no indication where the money is going to come from. He may have passed legislation, but this governor has funded nothing except his campaign fund since being elected.

  26. - theguvsfriend - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 12:51 pm:

    Here’s what happended!

    During the time that the Governor did the comedy show, he had been missing in action for a few weeks. Every news interview was turned down and no one could interview the Governor as he was ducking “Ethics Questions”.
    Walter Jacobson, Fox News Perspective, did a Perspective on “WHERE IS THE GUV?”. He stated in his perspective that he had been contacting the Governor for the past two months to speak with him about Healthcare, etc.

    His staff saw this comedy show as an opportunity to bring him out of the crunches in a humorous manner in a more casual than political interview so he still appears on national “television”, just not an interview with the local reporters who still want to know where his Ethics lie.

    Bottom line, the Governor and his administration were trying to demise the ethical questions that everyone wants to ask. WHERE IS THE ETHICS?

    I beleive that he did not know that it was going to be a comedy show and his administration did not inform him (they are so brilliant). After all, they figure an interview is an interview right? Just not with them locals that want answer right before the primary.

    Someone mentioned the Governor firing some of his staff who played a role in this………..Are you kidding?

    Rod R. Blagojevich will either be indicted or fired, or impeached first before he’ll get rid of a staffer.

    After all he has testicular verility.

    P.S, I wonder has the Governor or his administration taken a trip to the Dirksen Federal Building room 2119, I have.

    Since September there have been some interesting developments that could land the Gov and some of his staffer to this building.

  27. - Another consideration - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

    Who cares if he knew about it. The point is that many people in their 20s might now have a vague idea who is because they saw him on their nightly news program. At the same time, all the GOPers are stumbling over themselves to get onto the network news programs that people under 30 no longer watch, not including readers of The Capitol Fax.

  28. - Darrell Democrat - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:24 pm:

    I still can’t believe they didn’t identify Ron Stephens as a representative, just a pharmacist. BTW, I’m 38 and have watched the Daily Show religiously since before Jon Stewart took over.

    The networks still have news shows?

  29. - Establishment Republican - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    Doesn’t Blago ask questions? Didn’t he ask what kind of show it was or what network it would be on? Wouldn’t Comedy Central maybe offer him a hint? He just does no homework I take it and is completely inept. Or, he is just lying about all this. This all seems pretty minor but it is very symbolic of what kind of Governor he is and why Illinois will be far better off with him out of office.

    Now for the Pete Giangreco excuse of the day…….. We know he is out there.

  30. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:39 pm:

    Being on the show probably translates to about 20,000 favorable votes. Every little bit helps here in this low tax, high services, state of Illinois where business prospers because of the state’s low, flat rate, loop-hole filled income tax.
    Isn’t it funny that it is always the rich guys who are whining about the business climate. Did they all inherit their wealth like Gidwitz?

  31. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:01 pm:

    Blagojevich has a pattern of being an anti-populist snob, above everyone and holier than thou.

    He claims not to have followed his age group’s musical acts, instead he loves Elvis, “the King” popular before Rod was born. He claims to have never seen one episode of “The Simpsons”, although the show has played continually for over 17 years. Now he claims to have no clue what “The Daily Show” was or why he was even appearing on it. You see, popular culture is beneath him, unlike the rest of us.

    When sharing the stage with an award-winning Illinois student at the Abraham Lincoln Library, he felt the need to mention that he became governor although he, unlike her, was a poor student. He willingly admits to having flopped in constitutional law in law school. You see, he is magically intelligent, unlike the rest of us.

    He appears late to most of his functions. He even appeared late to the Demuzio funeral. He arrives by helicopter, like a sovereign being from heaven. He has the largest entourage, the longest limo fleet, and the prettiest hairdo. Unlike you or I, Rod is more important than a corpse, or your time.

    He doesn’t work in the state capitol and doesn’t stay in the governor’s mansion. He isn’t just another governor, you see.

    For all this man’s campaign charm, he will need every campaign dollar to remind us why he ever got our votes. Since his election, he has made sure to offend as many people as possible. After all, who are we? We are not a governor like he is!

  32. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:19 pm:

    VM; I’ve never seen this Governor in a limo (nor the last two). Where am I missing this?

  33. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:22 pm:

    Vanilla Man;
    What would you prefer:
    1. A gov. who provides health care and educational opportunities to all Illinois children, or
    2. A gov. who is a nice guy.

    We is not running to be your best pal. He’s running for gov. to help us and our children.

  34. - WARDOG - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:23 pm:

    Regardless of what anyone says or thinks about Blagos little scit on the Daly show, it made a total embarrassment even more for the people of Illinois. Howdy Doody Blagojevich ought to stay off TV, period. Oh, and Bill-Where you dropped on your head when you were young?

  35. - NumbersGuy - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:33 pm:

    make that the last three Guv’s with no limos. (unless you count those godawful ‘77 Checker Cabs repainted dark Blue from early Thompson as “Limos”)

  36. - theguvsfriend - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 3:32 pm:

    Another consideration - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:08 pm:
    “Who cares if he knew about it. The point is that many people in their 20s might now have a vague idea who is because they saw him on their nightly news program. At the same time, all the GOPers are stumbling over themselves to get onto the network news programs that people under 30 no longer watch, not including readers of The Capitol Fax.”

    Rich there you have it. From the tone of the response from Another Consideration, who seems to know somethings, has insuated that he did not know about it and then they included “The Capital Fax” must be a “Friend of Blagojevich” staffer.

    The question is:


  37. - theguvsbestfriend - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 3:35 pm:

    - Establishment Republican - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    In response to your last statement, see

    - Another consideration - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

  38. - THEGOVERNORSWAKEUPCALL - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 3:39 pm:

    - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:01 pm:

    Maybe he needs a humble wake up call!

  39. - theguvsfriend - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 3:42 pm:

    Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 2:22 pm:

    “We is not running to be your best pal. He’s running for gov. to help us and our children”.

    This is interesting! You state “we is not running”. Are you running for Governor with the Governor? and if you are shouldn’t your statement be “we are not running for Governor”?

  40. - Establishment Republican - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 3:51 pm:

    Skeeter, yeah and that Mussolini sure made all the trains run on time too. Now, Blago isn’t Mussolini ( he has better hair for one) but that seems to be your point, that the kind of person somebody is really does not matter as long as they are good on the issues. Needless to say, many Illinoisans have a lot of difficulty with Blago on the issues too.

    Why not have a Governor who is both a reasonably decent gal (guy too I guess) and who has the maturity and the sense of mission to get positive things done for people instead of just demonizing opponents, picking fights, and looking out for his own ego. And needless to say, doctors provide health care, not Governors, (with the possible exception of Ernie Fletcher in Kentucky)

  41. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 4:21 pm:


    First, I believe that providing health care for all Illinois children is an accomplishment.

    Apparently you do not care about health care for children, so you do not see that as an accomplishment. We differ on that issue.

    Second, I believe that early education is a great way to enable children to escape a life of poverty. Since Illinois Republicans like Brady think that “intelligent design” is “science”, it is clear that Illinois Republicans do not believe in education. So we differ on that issue.

    Sure Illinois Republicans have a problem with him our gov. You see, he is genuinely “pro-life.” Illinois Republicans like to talk about “pro-life” but that only extends until the time the child takes its first breath. After that, they could not care less.

    In short, I agree with what you said. We do differ on the issues. Of course, I note that Illinois Republicans thought Alan Keyes was a good idea for Illinois, so I am not all that concerned with the views of Illinois Republicans.

    On behalf of all Democrats, I urge you to keep the course you are on. Nice work so far! Working together we can make sure that we have a Democratic gov. and expanded Democratic majorities in both houses. Thanks for your efforts on our behalf.

  42. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 4:36 pm:

    Well said. you and B Hicks are my favorite bloggers and my heroes!

  43. - Establishment Republican - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 4:51 pm:

    Skeeter, you miss the point.

    I know that you might think that we Republicans are cruel, heartless people, but we actually do all want such things as health care for children, education, etc. I am sure we just take a different approach as to the best way to accomplish such goals. That is what elections are for. There is no reason to get into a policy debate here since I am sure that we are both pretty partisan people who are not ever going to convince anybody of anything. So let’s leave it up to the voters. That is the great thing about a democracy.

    What my point though, is that a Governor can be somebody that people feel good about on a personal level and also be someone who can get things done that will benefit others.

    Your point seemed to be that it has to either be one or another and only an egotistical, arrogant, and maybe even corrupt Governor can help the children but I am saying that its not an either or proposition and in fact somebody who is not guided purely by ego, arrogance, and who is not likely to be indicted on federal corruption charges might actually be in a better position to get things done….. for the children.

    The point that you seemed to be making is really not much different than that of George Ryan’s defense attorneys who think he should be acquitted of corruption charges that relate to his actions as Secretary of State because as Governor he stopped the death penalty and a guy from MASH likes him.

    Goodbye for now…. I think. I have to get back to work…. for the children.

  44. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 4:57 pm:

    Puffery hasn’t provided any health care to any kids yet. The program hasn’t started. Just like counting jobs, saying that health care HAS BEEN provided when in fact the program hasn’t even started is an other gimmick to make Puffery look good.

    Secondly, Even if hair do didn’t know what the show was about before he went on the show, he shouldn’t have done the show. He came off looking like an idiot.

    20,000 votes, Bill? Get real and quit smoking dope.

  45. - State worker - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    Next he will be PUNKED!…bet he hasn’t seen that show either.

  46. - WONDERING - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 6:16 pm:

    hmmmm…what’s wrong with a gay Governor?

  47. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 6:32 pm:

    He knew and was briefed by his staff. While they can govern their way out of a paper bag, they are excellent in political promotion. Governor Puffery simply blew his lines.

  48. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 6:34 pm:

    Oops - typed too quickly - I meant “can’t” govern.

  49. - These are our choices? - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 8:31 pm:


    How is this appearance going to generate even ONE favorable vote for Blagojevich, let alone 20,000?

    First of all, the audience NATIONALLY for The Daily Show on any given night is only about 1 million people so who knows how many registered Illinois voters even saw the episode where he appeared,

    The segment where Blagojevich was featured was very short and people watch The Daily Show for entertainment and not information so it is unlikely that any voters who didn’t already know about the emergency contraception rule learned about it through this program and were more predisposed to vote for Blagojevich after hearing about the program through the Daily Show.

    Blagojevich appeared defensive, dumb and aloof in the interview, which reinforced negative perceptions of him in voters who do not plan on voting for him and did not win over any new voters who did not hear of him before.

    And this week Blagojevich also forfeited any “well he’s a good sport” credit that may have come his way from Illinois voters (especially young and ill-informed college-aged voters) who are devoted Daily Show fans now that he’s insisting he had never seen or heard of the show before consenting to the interview. It shows he is at best out of touch and at worst a big, fat liar trying to save face.

    The best Blagojevich can hope for from this Daily Show appearance is that it is forgotten.

  50. - notgonnavoteforLipinski - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 9:38 pm:

    I swear I remember an article or a blurb during a news conference right after the taping in which Blago said that he knew it was a “fun show” but any chance to get the word out about Illinois’ contraception law would be worth it. I actually think there was a link on Illinoize or Domicile when the Daily Show was originally going to run (remember it was bumped the first time).

  51. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 23, 06 @ 11:16 pm:

    I am pretty sure he knew it was a “fun show.” What I don’t think he knew was that it was a “tongue-in-cheek” show, a “fake” show. I think I read someone commenting here or on another blog, don’t remember who, that some of the questions asked of him were far more absurd than what they aired (like asking about women’s body parts). If that is true, then he seemed like a good sport. He played along a little and joked enough with those questions that he didn’t look awkward enough for them to air it. Remember, they are looking for the most awkward shot of you they can find.

    It is funny that all the other gov candidates and their partisans talk about how the show “lampooned” and “ridiculed” him and his policies. I don’t know of anybody who watches the show regularly who thought he came off as badly as you all say. At worst, they think he just “didn’t get it.” Most just laughed along like they always do to a really funny comedy show.

    But sometimes… you can be both laughing at and with someone at the same time. Even if they aren’t in on the joke.

  52. - Been There - Friday, Feb 24, 06 @ 3:31 am:

    Let’S be real here for just a second. You dont accidently do an interview with a national program without briefing and decision aforethought. I would also say, if the the Gov doesn’t even personally know what the daily show is, is reason enough to conclude he is out of touch (or a fibber) and certainly incapable of governing if he is that naive and foolish to understand where he is spouting off.

  53. - anony2 - Friday, Feb 24, 06 @ 4:04 pm:

    No matter what, blag-j-o comes off like a goof. He did when the show appeared, right after it and now CONTINUES it so he gets more goofy press, see Breitbart or even Drudge, who picked this up. Apparently, any press is better than no press; hope he remembers that when the grand jury is over.

    And regarding all ‘his’ new programs, folks, he’ll be long gone (hopefully not Washington DC) by the time the payments come due. Nobody can be against helping poor kids, but someone’s gonna (IL taxpayers) have to pay the bills.

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