Tuesday, Feb 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
I use the Almanac of Illinois Politics all the time. It’s an indispensable tool of the trade.
The new edition is now out and the publishers asked that I let you know where you can get your own copy. That way, the next time your local paper tries to make you believe that an area legislative race is hot, hot, hot, you can see for yourself that the incumbent’s party won the last statewide race there by 40 points.
From a press release:
Since its first edition in 1990, the Almanac of Illinois Politics has been a leading source for information on the key players in Illinois government. This widely popular publication is considered an invaluable resource by legislators, governmental staff, lobbyists, reporters, teachers, students, and citizens.
The Almanac of Illinois Politics — 2006 is available for $45 plus $3 postage and handling. Contact Center Publications/Illinois Issues, One University Plaza, Mail Stop HRB 10, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL 62703-5407. For information, call 217/206-6502. Or visit our Web site.
Let’s make this an afternoon open thread. Illinois politics only, please.
Also, don’t forget about Illinoize. A great place to visit.
- ron - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 1:45 pm:
let’s hope next year the governor’s name listed in the director reads judy topinka.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 2:02 pm:
Thanks to AccordianGal and her posse the only change needed will be State Treasurer Paul Mangieri!
- Darrell Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 2:36 pm:
I would order a copy, but the address is too long to fit on my envelope.
- Mike's Used Sport's Section - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 2:49 pm:
$45? Are you kidding? I have the 2002 edition and the names are mostly the same. I think I’ll just keep my old one and use that $45 for a nice stogie for my guy.
- Darrell Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 2:50 pm:
Actually I went to the website and found many books on clearance sale! Two bucks each!
- Southern Illinoisian - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 4:00 pm:
Slightly off-topic, Rich, but I noticed the “paid advertisement” on the blog home page that precedes this thread doesn’t indicate who paid for it.
Shouldn’t the ethics of fair disclosure require you to post that these are advertisements “paid for by [so-and-so]”?
One could make the assumption that it’s paid for by the same folks running the “” ads, but just the same, why be ambiguous? What’s there to hide?
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 5:46 pm:
Is it true that over the weekend, Bill Brady, will driving to a campaign event, witnessed an auto accident and was the “first responder” on the scene to find a child thrown from the car, tearing off his shirt to staunch the child’s head injury? I heard the child is doing ok. If this story is true, wow!
- anon - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 9:09 pm:
To follow up on Mike’s Used Sports Section …
I hear ya.
So long as Madigan’s still speaker, does the surround supporting cast really matter?
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 10:12 pm:
I’m increasingly troubled, and have been for several years, that Springfield is becoming more and more like DC, bound up in a partisan gridlock. Fewer elected officials seem to really want to address, much less solve, problems.
Instead, they want to score partisan points, embarrass their enemies, curry favor, not offend anyone except their enemies, talk in banalities, etc.
It is sad. There are so many basically good people there, but where is the leadership? Where are the heroes and heroines? Who is willing to say,”I don’t care if it beats me, but here’s what we’ve got to do”?
I’m not trashing individuals here; not the Governor, not the Speaker, not the Senate President, not the Republican leaders. No one wants to be a kamikaze if it isn’t going to get the problem solved, and that’s unerstandable. I’m talking about the system. It seems to have gone seriously astray.
How are we going to deal with the budget deficit, the pension problems, local school funding, assault weapons vs gun control, health care, you name it? If it’s hard, we appear unable to do it.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 10:33 pm:
The funny thing is, we’re supposedly bound up in partisan gridlock, and there’s only one party that controls the state! How can that be?
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 28, 06 @ 11:22 pm:
Thanks for making Steve’s point, sicks. I mean six.