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Sounds like a good cause…

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Maggie McClain is a House staffer who is heading to Uganda this summer to help build an orphanage for kids whose parents have died of AIDS.

There’s a fundraiser tonight at Floyd’s. Tix are just 5 bucks. 8 o’clock.

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Support House Bill 1944 – The Electric Consumer Protection Act

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department

(The following is a paid advertisement.)

The 1997 electric restructuring law wisely created a transition period in which rates were frozen to protect consumers until competition developed.  This rate freeze was originally set to expire last January.  But in 2003, the General Assembly extended the freeze for two additional years for a very simple reason: There wasn’t any competition. 

While residential customers could theoretically choose another electric supplier, there weren’t any companies willing to offer service to residential customers, so the General Assembly extended the rate freeze.

But now it’s 2006 and residential customers still don’t have any choice. Nothing really has changed. And because nothing has changed, it’s only fair and consistent that we continue to support affordable electricity prices.

Under our current rate structure, both Exelon/ComEd and Ameren have record profits, record earnings, and a record share price.

Exelon/ComEd, in fact, is the most profitable electric utility in the entire US and is actually cutting rates in other parts of the country like Pennsylvania.

Exelon/ComEd is to electricity what Exxon Mobil is to oil. Any claims to red ink are simply a red herring.

Let’s stay the course and continue to support affordable rates for customers who literally have no other options. Vote Yes on HB 1944 (#1).

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Caption contest!

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

(Suggested by a commenter.)

UPDATE: For additional daytime fun, check out the (I assume unofficial) Rod Blagojevich for Governor blog!

UPDATE: We have a winner. Actually, there are three winners.
Shelbyville wrote:

Seriously I thought that was a picture of Topinka. I must be losing it.

To which North of Shelbyville replied:

Shelbyville, don’t feel bad. I glanced at the picture and also thought it was JBT! It wasn’t till I read the caption about preschool that I looked again and realized who it actually was. That was weird.

I had to chuckle at those two.

Then there was 47th Ward, who wrote:

“Governor Rod Blagojevich (right), pictured here congratulating Dep. Gov. Bradley Tusk, launched his re-election campaign Sunday contending his administration has matured a great deal and learned a lot in three years.”

Gotta love it.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, read the whole story. Here’s an excerpt:

Under a bill that could be debated in Springfield as early as today, patients would be allowed to possess small amounts of marijuana - which advocates say helps pain sufferers, but opponents say would open the door to legalized pot.

The bill, sponsored by state Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, was passed 6-5 last week by a Senate committee. That is the first time such a bill has advanced that far in the Legislature.

The bill would allow patients with prescriptions to grow up to 12 marijuana plants or possess up to about 2 grams of it. Cullerton said those allowances would not usher in fully legal pot. […]

Several groups, including the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association, all oppose the bill. Even medical use is too much, they say, because pot is a harmful, addictive drug. […]

“It’s a very frightening situation,” said Judy Kreamer, president of Educating Voices Inc., an anti-drug organization based in Naperville, Ill. Children would be the ones most hurt by medical marijuana, she said. “We don’t want to be giving kids the message that this is safe, that this is medicine.” […]

Kreamer said the temptation was too great for people to sell their excess marijuana, which “devastates” the lives of people who use it. Compared with the small number of people who’d be helped by medical marijuana, it isn’t worth the risk, she said. She said Illinois would become like California, which has thousands of marijuana “dispensaries” and where, she said, “addicts” run rampant.

No hyperbole there.

Anyway, sorry for injecting my opinion, but now it’s your turn. Do you support Cullerton’s idea? Why or why not?

And, as a bonus question, do you believe that marijuana “devastates” the lives of those who use it?


Not as much as you think

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Daily Herald has a good story today that lays out the pitfalls of the governor’s proposed education budget.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich has proposed adding $400 million to the state’s multibillion-dollar budget pie for education, but lawmakers say once his pet programs are funded, suburban schools will be scrambling for financial crumbs.

Included in the added spending is $45 million for new preschool programs the governor wants and $10 million for his plan to reduce elementary grade class sizes. Plus, the governor already promised $100 million to help Chicago public schools.

That quickly drops the total to $245 million before lawmakers even consider how to plug the money into existing programs. Once funding recommendations from the Illinois State Board of Education are added, the original $400 million for preschools through high schools quickly evaporates.

Read it all.


News from the (Congressional) front

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

This is the sort of comment that makes so many people leery of Democrats.

Tammy Duckworth’s status as a war veteran probably is a political liability in the 6th Congressional District Democratic primary, opponent Lindy Scott argued Tuesday.

“Tammy has sacrificed a lot for her country. So perhaps in a general election there would be some support there because of her patriotism,” said Scott, when asked if Duckworth’s stint in Iraq is a liability among liberal voters in a suburban Democratic primary. “In the primary, perhaps it is a liability.”

Wow. Just wow.

Moving right along, 8th District Republican hopeful David McSweeney either showed some real guts this week, or stupidity. I’m not sure which.

Congressional hopeful David McSweeney took a walk into the proverbial lion’s den Tuesday, offering himself up for a bruising round of questioning on the radio talk show hosted by his leading opponent’s husband.

The on-air meeting between McSweeney and former state lawmaker-turned-radio talker Al Salvi started civilly enough, but ended with McSweeney accusing Salvi of “trying to distort my position” on abortion

Salvi — who himself ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate and Illinois secretary of state — is married to Kathy Salvi, one of McSweeney’s five Republican primary opponents in the Northwest suburban 8th Congressional District.

Read the whole thing.

Duckworth, by the way, has a new cable TV ad. You can view it here.


“Bankers bank on Topinka”

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

This always happens. Candidate proposes ethics reforms, and the media goes on the hypocrisy watch.

If Judy Baar Topinka’s ethics reform proposal was already law, the state treasurer and front-runner in the Republican race for governor might find her campaign significantly shorter on cash.

A Tribune analysis of her three terms in the treasurer’s office shows Topinka has received at least $500,000 from banks, their political action committees and individuals listing banks as their employer. Some of the donations came from banks that have had millions of dollars in contracts with her office.

Topinka also received donations from banks that do not have contracts but benefit when state deposits are sent to their institutions from the multibillion-dollar portfolio she has managed since being elected treasurer in 1994.

The benefits to Topinka’s campaign fund have come even as she has accused Gov. Rod Blagojevich of running a “pay to play” administration that has yielded him a steady stream of campaign contributions.

Fair hit? Yep. Will we see more of this? Bet on it.

UPDATE: Ron Gidwitz press release:

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Ron Gidwitz will hold a press conference today, Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 11 a.m. at his campaign headquarters at 57 W. Grand, Third Floor, to talk about pay to play politics and the sweetheart deals that contradict Judy Baar Topinka’s new message of reform.

UPDATE 2: Dave from the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform makes an addmittedly good point in comments.

I’m not so sure this is a fair hit. I don’t see any conflict between saying “I will play by the rules”, and “I think the rules ought to be changed.” […]

This kind of “gotcha” journalism is part of why reform doesn’t take hold; it fuels cynicism without advancing dialogue and instead plays into the hands of those politicians who are oppose reforms they see as an encroachment on their power. I don’t fault Rod Blagojevich for calling for contribution limits while not limiting his current contributors, and I don’t fault Topinka for calling for change while playing under the current rules, either.


Morning shorts

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Trib reports on Eisendrath staff shuffle.

· Crain’s has a backgrounder on the legislative fight over a pending ComEd rate hike.

· The gift that keeps on taking.

· US Supremes refuse to hear Illinois newspaper case.

· Marin: Judy’s turn to cry.

· All Illinois nuke plants to be inspected.

· Fewer seniors buying Canadian drugs.

· More later.

· The Jobs Coalition has a new poll. But, man, are the questions ever slanted.

· Forensic accountant hired by George Ryan attorneys says the IRS blew it.

…federal authorities did not consider legitimate sources of cash, including Christmas money gifts Ryan received from his government employees, reimbursements from his political campaign fund and grocery shopping at Jewel. When the Ryans wrote checks for more than $100 at the store, they may have gotten cash back with their purchases, Charnetzki said.

Ryan had access to nearly $86,000 in cash sources from 1996 to 2003, he estimated.

· I love these bikers.

· Virginia proposes “laziness tax.”

· Bart the police dog examines the Ryan trial.


Welcome home, Jerry!

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I was just told that my great pal Jerry Clarke is back safe and sound from a long tour of duty in Iraq.

Thanks, Jerry, for your service. It was above and beyond.

To make up for this lousy photo, the drinks are on me.


More disarray at EE campaign

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I had heard about this from the governor’s people a while ago, but completely forgot to follow up. Oops on me.

Sneed hears Edwin Eisendrath’s Dem gubernatorial primary bid may have hit a bump in the road. A big bump.

*To wit: With only 30-plus days to go before the primary, word is Eisendrath’s campaign manager Brandon Hurlbut . . . has quit!

And that’s confirmed in an EE press advisory:

Felicia Shallow Davis has joined the Eisendrath for Governor Campaign as Campaign Manager.

“I’m delighted that Felicia Shallow Davis, the deputy field director for the Obama Senate campaign and a former Chicago Police Officer with deep ties to the community, is stepping in to do this job,” said Edwin Eisendrath in Chicago.

“I’ve worked with Felicia before and she has my complete confidence,” said Eisendrath. “I thank Brandon Hurlbut for his service and wish him well back in Washington.”


Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I wrote in the Capitol Fax today that I found it a bit strange that the male Republican gubernatorial hopefuls have a habit of attacking Judy Baar Topinka when she’s not in the room, but clam up when she’s around (except for a brief to-do during the debate yesterday with Jim Oberweis).

Why do you think this is? Do you think it will change?


Unsolicited advice

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m not sure that either of these points help showcase the governor’s new contention that he has learned hard lessons, matured and is growing into the office.

With Elvis’ “Blue Suede Shoe’s” blaring over the sound system, Governor Rod Blagojevich walked onto stage with his wife Patti and daughters Amy, and Annie to officially kick of his re-election bid. […]

He was also about 30 minutes late to his own re-election rally.

Clinton ditched the saxophone for his re-election bid. Blagojevich might want to consider dumping Elvis and start showing up on time. At the very least, they should adjust the schedule to his reality.

Add your own unsolicited advice below.

UPDATE: Pete Giangreco says in comments that the story quoted above is in error. The governor was not late to any of his events Sunday. So, he’s got that going for him. But let’s go ahead and continue with the unsolicited advice.

UPDATE: The reporter stands by his original story. So there.


Morning shorts

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Did anyone else find it odd that the Illinois Federation of Teachers announced its endorsement of Gov. Rod Blagojevich on a Saturday during a three-day weekend?

· The blogger behind the Elginite blog has a couple of great news feeds devoted solely to Elgin happenings. I’m a big fan of news feeds, as you’ve probably figured out by now, and this is a fantastic idea for micro-politics bloggers.

· The Post-Dispatch had a story yesterday about an Illinois political fundraising event in Arizona and ran an editorial calling Gov. Blagojevich “Lord Bountiful.”

· Best satire of the past week. Blagojevich introduces his pizza franchise.

· DuPage tries to win back Republicans who took Democratic ballots.

· The Tribune appears to be moving towards a 24-hour a day coverage cycle. Before, they’d wait until early morning to put big stories online. But yesterday at noon they had a story up about the GOP gubernatorial debate, and then updated it at 7:18 with a full story. At 5:30 they posted a full story on CUB’s efforts to fight a ComEd rate hike. At 8:27 pm, they ran a piece about how Bob Kjellander no longer represents The Carlyle Group. And at 10:20 pm, they had a story up about how car dealerships are fighting a new law in Springfield.

· The Decatur Herald & Review gives a thumbs down to Gidwitz ad. “Hard-hitting ads are fine, but they should be based on facts.”

· The original headline on this article was “Republicans Smear Blagojevich During Debate,” which I thought was weird. It was eventually changed to “Republican Candidates Lash Out At Topinka’s Ethics.”

· Was Mike Lawrence muzzled? Sure looks that way.

· Two Illinois congressional races make Larry Sabato’s “Dirty Thirty” list of the most contested US House races in America.


* Today's quotable
* The Internet is forever, Rodney
* Edgar Fellows Class of 2024 unveiled
* Uber Partners With Cities To Expand Urban Transportation
* Governor Pritzker endorses Kamala Harris for president (Updated)
* Mayor Johnson's actual state ask is $5.5 billion, and Pritzker turns thumbs down
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Pritzker, Durbin, Duckworth so far keeping powder dry on endorsing VP Harris (Updated x7)
* Biden announces withdrawal from reelection (Updated x3)
* Yesterday's stories

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