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Question of the day

Thursday, Mar 2, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, the roundup.

The Tribune editorial board is not happy about Jim Oberweis’ new TV ads.

If you buy all the claims in political campaign ads, you probably also believe the Swedish bikini drill team will show up on your doorstep if you swig a certain beer.

But then the beer commercials, at least, are so over the top the exaggeration is clear. Political ads are supposed to represent the truth.

Too often, though, they play fast and loose with the facts. That’s where Jim Oberweis, a Republican candidate for governor, has strayed.

Oberweis has launched attack ads against Illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, another GOP candidate for governor.

The ads feature front page headlines from the Tribune and three other newspapers. But they’re not headlines from the newspapers. They’re made up. They were never published.

One ad displays the Tribune masthead and underneath a headline that reads “Investigation into Topinka.” That headline didn’t appear in this newspaper.

And then there’s this from Bernie’s column today.

TERRY BARNICH, Topinka’s campaign manager, said he thinks that the Oberweis campaign is using a “premeditated misrepresentation,” making it look as though the ad has actual headlines.

But DOUG BOHRINGER, president of Omni, said the phrases being used, mixed with the newspaper logos, were “the most visually interesting way to attribute the information. They weren’t intended to be taken as true headlines.”

He said there was no attempt, for example, to include “the date and all the little doodads that go with the masthead” to make it look as if the pages are real.

“It’s an age-old political technique,” Bohringer said. “We’re not the first to use it. We are certainly not going to be the last to use it.”

But Oberweis admits that the ads are a mistake.

Oberweis defends the content of the ads, which is based on the news accounts, but he admits the fake headlines under real newspaper logos Is probably a mistake.

“We will in the future ads be sure (it’s) a headline or not a headline,” said Oberweis.

And then there’s this from the Daily Herald.

A handful of downstate TV stations have pulled a pair of ads by Republican governor candidate Jim Oberweis until he provides them with documentation to back up criticisms of opponent Judy Baar Topinka. Her attorney sent a letter to TV stations statewide asking for the ad to be pulled. Oberweis campaign manager Joe Wiegand said Wednesday he was putting together the required information to send to the stations.

QUESTION: Do you think these new Oberweis ads should be taken down? Why or why not?

UPDATE: The fallout continues.

The latest ads in the Republican governor’s primary campaign, which carry made-up newspaper headlines about state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, are under review by the state GOP. […]

Oberweis’ campaign manager, Joe Wiegand, said a clarification had been discussed but for now the spots will continue to air. […]

Last month, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna - in a letter to Gidwitz about one of his ads attacking Topinka - essentially urged the candidates to play nice. The state GOP is currently investigating Oberweis’ spots, said GOP executive director John Tsarpalas, but the most the party would do is wag a finger and implore civility among the contenders.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Statement by former Gov. Jim Edgar (via press release):

In the last days of a campaign, the reckless charges begin to fly and voters are looking for the facts. This campaign is no different.

I want to set the record straight.

Judy Baar Topinka has done an exceptional job as Treasurer. She is a fiscal conservative who respects taxpayers’ money and has run an office with integrity. She’s tough and she tells you the truth.

I’ve been there and I know what it takes. I know Judy and I know she is the one Republican who can beat Rod Blagojevich. I encourage my fellow Republicans to support Judy Baar Topinka and Joe Birkett. They will get Illinois back on track.


  1. - southernilrepub - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:41 am:

    NO! Keep these ads running. This fits in with his campaign strategy; pay money to destroy myself. Hoepfully these ads can remain running until next year and into 2008 so that way the Milk dufus will never run for state wide office again.

  2. - Backyard Conservative - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:44 am:

    Absolutely. Did a post:

    And did you see the story on Bill Brady helping an injured child at the scene of an accident he happened upon? Another reason to vote for Brady.

  3. - Marta Elena - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:44 am:

    I think Obi should of used the words and not the newspaper background. It is a clear mis-representation of the truth.

  4. - Goodbye Napoleon - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:56 am:

    Yes, it’s very wrong. The one thing people should expect is the truth. If you lie in your campaign, why should anyone vote for you - oh wait I forgot people don’t vote for Obie which is why he is a perennial LOSER! HA HA

    PS - Rich - Didn’t Blago do the same thing in his latest ads? I thought I saw madeup headlines from made up newspapers, like the “college gazette” never heard of it . . .

  5. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:58 am:

    I think a lot of it is blowing back in his face.Think about it this sounds like something Blago and Scofield would do and he calls hisself a Republican.I think the saying for this is “Damm I just shot myself in the foot.”

  6. - Beowulf - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:58 am:

    Poor Jim Oberweis. He is surrounded by well-meaning but incompetent campaign people that are rank amateurs when it comes to running a campaign.
    If anybody should be mad at this event, it is the Chicago Tribune. They are probably having their corporate attorneys looking it over as I type.
    Oberweis was a big enough individual to admit “I screwed up”. What he forget to say was the word “again” but it is no big deal. He is a passionate candidate and that is what attracts people to him. He reminds me of that character in the old movie called “Network” that said, “We’re mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore.” My kind of guy!

    This little political mess-up will pass and soon be forgotten. However, it DID get him a lot of additional free campaign publicity. Way to go Jim!

  7. - No Peotone Airport - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 9:00 am:

    I’m more interested in seeing who will be first on the air to attack Oberweis with ads that feature REAL headlines from stories about his fake ones. He’s handed his opponents a gift-wrapped opportunity.

  8. - the Patriot - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    The Trib should just change its name to the JBT Daily. They are just creating more reasons for their endorsment of her because she is the most liked candidate by Daley and the chicago D’s. Right Mr. Mell.

    If the Trib would do unbiased reporting and give us the facts about Judy Obe wouldn’t have to resort to this. Media has no room to complain when they pick and choose who they will go after with no objectivity. The Trib is more to blame then Obe. At least he admits he is biased against Topinka, it is much worse for media to pretend to be objective we they are not.

  9. - Rick - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 9:31 am:

    It’s almost a wash. I’d probably lean to taking them down, as they’ve served their purpose of making a fool out of Oberweis.

    On the other hand, the broadcasters do need to earn the million bucks Jim wasted on this buy.

  10. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    Oberweis should make the call regarding these ads, and no one else. We see blantantly misleading ads all the time. Whats different here is that ineffective products can be pulled when discredited without regard to time, but during campaigns, there is a deadline, so misleading ads cannot go through the same slow process. For campaign ads, there has to be another set of standards to combat ads like Oberweis’.

  11. - Anonalingus - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:10 am:

    Keep them, an old political advertising technique will have a negative effect on Obie’s campaign.

  12. - Bubs - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    Should he? In decency, yes, but decency and the Carpentersville 831935crowd parted ways a long time ago.

    Will he? Not a chance, unless the Tribune and Post-Dispatch lawyers make him do it. And they just might.

  13. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    As usual, the Oberweis slogan for all his campaigns, “Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.” You remember his ad for his last run for U.S. Senate in which he flew over Soldier Field. The Oberweis for U.S. Senate Campaign was threatened to remove the ads using the Soldier Field image or the campaign would be sued because it did not have permission to use the image it their ad. Clearly he has once again been misguided and has stooped to new lows in his desperate quest to be elected to any office. The more he campaigns for various offices the closer he comes to destroying any chance he will ever have of being taken seriously.

  14. - Bubs - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:37 am:

    On second thought, when you run an ad that accuses your opponent of trying to shred a document that she PUBLICLY RELEASED 10 years ago, you should have enough brains to pull the ad before she jams it right up your farkenschnoggel.

    So I guess this is a test of whether Jim Oberweis has enough horse sense to be Governor.

  15. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:44 am:



  16. - Anonalingus - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 10:50 am:

    There is no excuse for this either, but I love the music.

  17. - Goodbye Napoleon - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:04 am:

    Who created that site? In the name of honesty and disclosure, someone needs to put a name on that site.

  18. - Anonalingus - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:08 am:

    Looks like some right-wing wacko group- is an informational project organized by concerned citizens in Illinois. It is not affiliated with any political party or candidate or any public policy organization.

  19. - The Col is dead - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:29 am:

    The problem with this whole thing is the adds are correct! Everything in them ,as confirmed by Andy Shaw, is true. The Hotel story was and is known by people who pay no attention to insider politics. As a matter of fact the day Judy announced The Daily Herald said
    “Weaknesses: Topinka’s long tenure means she has ties to former Gov. George Ryan, whose corruption trial verdict could come down during the heart of the primary campaign. She also has the liability of trying a decade ago to settle a bad state hotel loan in Springfield with some politically connected GOP insiders.”
    What here is new? Where is the lie. Was there a shredding charge? Yes in 1995, Hotel Deal? Yes This is the combine trying to hold on.

  20. - Bubs - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:37 am: is the brainchild of Peter LaBarbara, the head of Illinois Family Institute, a pro-family (but really just anti-gay) group. They are closely affiliated with Carpentersville. JBT was at the groundbreaking for a new building for the Center on Halsted, a gay community center in Chicago, so LaBarbera is attacking her right and left.

    It’s a hoot! I looked at the Center on Halsted website, not knowing much about it, to find that the Center provides counseling, fights domestic abuse, and promotes health. Such wicked, wicked people!

    Plus, it appears that JBT is really out on a limb by being at the groundbreaking. The corporate sponsors for an upcoming fundraiser for the Center include the following Satanic Entites:

    American Airlines
    Bank of America

    I certainly hope that LaBarbara calls for fire and brimstone to decend upon these corporations before they are all cast into The Pit.

  21. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    That story you linked does not say that the spots were a mistake. Andy says it but Oberweis does not!

  22. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:58 am:

    While the stoptopinka website claims to not be affiliated with any candidate or campaign, the site is being pushed quite openly by Matt Barber, an operative on Oberweis’ staff. LaBarbara tries to give cover by saying “some supporters of BIll Brady” like the site, but no one I can find on the Brady campaign is publicly or privately (as far as I can tell) recommending the site as Oberweis’ people are.
    fake headlines in tv ads
    bring back the electic chair
    bring back corporal punishment in our schools

    What a guy. There are actually real people that think he’d make a good governor?!

  23. - Rick - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:59 am:

    A Peter (no kidding) at Illinois Family Institute (no kidding) has been taking credit for it. And Oberweis is promoting it.

    It’s beyond irony. Nothin’ these people won’t stoop to in the name of ‘principle’.

  24. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 12:01 pm:

    I am a Democrat and I have no problem with that ad. If Topinka doesn’t like the ad then she should not associate herself with the parade. Also, regarding “pride” parades, gay columinist Dan Savage sums them up best:

    My problem is with the dishonesty of the pride parade and that’s what I write about. I do think pride is idiotic and counter-productive as an organizing metaphor for gays and lesbians. As an annual rallying cry it’s played out and it’s dead and it speaks to a gay experience 40 years ago, and so much has changed for us and I just don’t think it’s relevant any more. And not only is it no longer relevant—it’s backfiring. It’s so out of step with our lives and the way we lead them, that we look ridiculous marching under that banner, and it hands people who don’t like gays and lesbians a stick to beat us with. Like the Bill O’Reilly quotes, “Don’t run down the street in high heels and a bra and then tell me it’s about liberation and politics,” when you’re acting like a jackass in public.

  25. - Rick - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 12:16 pm:

    RD, what part of “probably a mistake” don’t you understand.

    Gotta love that endorsement of his own ads.

  26. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 12:17 pm:

    Do you also know there is a gay teen center there? Is that OK as well? The fact is the Treasurer came up with millions of dollars for the center! Is that also ok? Some of us don’t think so. If you or JUDY don’t then we can see the difference between you from the urban areas and the rest of the state. Tax payer money to a gay clubhouse should never have passed the General Assembly

  27. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 12:22 pm:

    He said because of the reaction of the Tribune. Have you never seen adds with headlines from inside a story? None of the other papers have editorialized against this but the Tribune. There RINO was hit with their words and it pissed them off BFD. I wish they were as careful of the JACK! papers.

  28. - Bubs - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:00 pm:

    Wrong again, RD. Can’t you Oberweis guys get anything right?

    Topinka provided a link deposit, a program that allows the Center to obtain bank loans at a reduced interest rate. LaSalle Bank is providing the loan, so go hate them.

    As for the teens, I assure you that there are gay teens in your own community. Better go hurry to lock your doors and windows, before you get their cooties!!!

    I reason I like Topinka is that she is compassinate. They are just young people, after all. Being a teenager is hard enough on its own. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have the added burden of being gay, when you didn’t choose to be. I sure they could use someone to talk to about it.

    So go find some compassion of your own somewhere.

  29. - the wonderboy - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    So now that The Milkman has made his typical mistakes, when do his supporters admit that he has no chance and call for him to bow out of the race? All I have heard for the past two months is how Brady will prevent The Milkman from winning, but it’s looking more and more like The Milkman will actually be the one who may prevent Brady from having a shot.

    Let’s compare:
    Oberweis makes news by backing and releasing ads that have lies.
    Brady makes news by earning endorsements of state legislators and helping a child in an accident.

    I don’t know…seems like Brady is the type of guy people would want to follow and trust…The Milkman, not so much.

  30. - the wonderboy - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

    By the way, Bubs….great post at 1:00 p.m. I tend to agree with your position on compassion and I think we need more people to have the same opinions.

  31. - Bubs - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

    Note to self: Never blog-type and talk on the phone at the same time.

    Wrong again, RD. Can’t you Oberweis guys get anything right?

    Topinka provided a link deposit, a program that allows the Center to obtain bank loans at a reduced interest rate. LaSalle Bank is providing the loan, so go hate them.

    As for the teens, I assure you that there are gay teens in your own community. Better go hurry to lock your doors and windows, before you get their cooties!!!

    A reason I like Topinka is that she is compassionate. They are just young people, after all. Being a teenager is hard enough on its own. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have the added burden of being gay, when you didn’t choose to be. I’m sure they could use someone to talk to about it.

    So go find some compassion of your own somewhere.

  32. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:32 pm:

    You see if we don’t agree with you we are stupid and worry about coodies. What is compassionate about a clubhouse? You act as though it is a home for unwed mothers for gosh sake. If Judy is so proud of this who cares about the stupid website. Is anything on the site made up? Is that all from the parade or not?

  33. - Marie Carnes - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:34 pm:

    Sorry for being a little O.T. here, but I just want to go on record.

    I live in Springfield. Until this campaign season, we have never seen political signs on our public boulevards or park district parks until someone in Oberweis’s campaign decided to put his signs there. Apparently, I’m not the only one who is disgusted by this, since most of the signs have been stomped down.

    If anyone from the campaign is reading this, please come and get your signs ASAP (in the Bunn Park area). Thank you.

    And thanks, Rich.

  34. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:43 pm:

    Much ado about nothing, if the Tribune actually said these things, who cares if it actually appeared as a headline.

    The Tribune conveniently ignores the truth when it doesn’t serve their political agenda, they are hardly the best referees in this case.

    One wonders if this shouldn’t be a function of the bipartisan State Board of Elections?

  35. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 1:59 pm:

    To “Peter L…” who was just deleted. One more like that and you’re banned.

  36. - Sign guy - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 2:39 pm:

    Are you saying I have to go back to Bunn park and put more signs up? Thanks for the heads up!!!!!

  37. - Limerick - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 2:39 pm:

    Jimmy sent Judy some grief,
    But everone’s starting to beef.
    He created a mess
    When he ripped off the press.
    Jimmy’s ship has just hit a reef.

  38. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 3:03 pm:

    Just saw Judy’s tv spot. Taking on Oberweis and Gidwitz. What did Judy say last week? You don’t shoot at a dead duck. Numbers dropping Judy?

  39. - Papa Legba - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 5:43 pm:

    On my. A political ad that is misleading. What are the real differences between Obie’s bogus headlines and Blago’s commercials touting a program that essentially doesn’t exist, except on paper? You know, that AllKids thing that isn’t funded, and probably won’t be. Just to name one of his “I’m for the people… accomplishments.”

  40. - B Hicks - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 7:28 pm:

    She’s weak, and it shows. First Andy sends a letter, now Jim, the dude that cried like a baby at his farewell speech is talking tough. She needs to stand up on her own.

    The next 3 weeks are going to be brutal. Obie is going to make sure that if he doesn’t win the primary, Judy will be broke when it’s time to take on Rod.

    Maybe GW will loan her some $$$

  41. - scoot - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 8:38 pm:

    JBT isn’t hiding behind anyone. Unlike Rod who hides from the press, his opponent EE, the general assembly, Oh and most importantly his $$$$$!! Who’s weak here? JBT will have the bling after this spring….don’t act nervous yet.

  42. - duggie southern illinois - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 9:46 pm:

    Yes I think these misleading ads should be pulled. When I saw them for the first time I thought they were headlines in large bold print of that newspaper. Then tonight I saw the news and found that it was just another lie to make Judy Barr Topinka look bad to the public. If you have to lie and try to pull the wool over our eyes like that, then you won’t have my vote. The Republicans need to stop throwing mud at each other and tell us what you are going to do different to help this great state we live in. I’m sick of hearing the same song over and over. Aren’t there anyone out there running that may have new ideas to put our state on top again?

  43. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Mar 2, 06 @ 11:20 pm:

    Just a reminder that the guy in “Network” who said “mad as hell and not going to take it” was nuttier than a fruitcake.

  44. - The Conservative - Friday, Mar 3, 06 @ 6:54 am:

    I think I hear the air leaking from the Obie air ship. The problem is Three of the Four Republican candidates for Governor all have a lack of ethics. Only one candidate seems above the mess. Topinka has Ryan history, Obie, well we see how ethical he is, Gedwitz, the slum lord. Brady on the other hand stops to aid a boy in a car accident, taking the shirt off his back to stop the bleeding. Brady has refussed to get in the gutter with the others with campaign tricks. He is standing tall in a crowd of midgets. The only ethical thing for Obie to do is bow out and support a real leader and gentleman. Leadership cannot be bought it comes through in times of crisis.

  45. - anon - Friday, Mar 3, 06 @ 4:54 pm:

    they should start to to “impress” upon oby to leave the race……….politics isn’t for everyone & apparently not for him . let the conservatives make a real choice in bill brady.

  46. Pingback Helo Jim in NW Cook to dish on immigration « Illinois Reason - Tuesday, Oct 30, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    […] So one is left to wonder whether or not 14th CD Candidate Jim “Helicopter” Oberweis — known for his serial exaggeration, FEC fines, superfat ice cream and pandering induced flip-flopping — and his con buddies like former Democrat Tony Peraica are going to talk about real solutions or simply spew a bunch of hateful, anti-brown people rhetoric during their upcoming Women’s Republican Club forum on immigration in Wheeling. […]

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