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Question of the day

Monday, Mar 6, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Rate your own state legislators, both House and Senate. Details please, both praise and criticism. And please write only about your own state legislators, not someone else’s.


  1. - SalukiDog - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:01 am:

    Senator Luechtefeld does a good job of representing his area. He is visible in the district and able to manage the diversity of the district, which stretches from SIU to the Metro East. As an example, he took the lead on the medical malpractice issue which led to the election of Lloyd Karmeier and new legislation. Based on his last election, it appears that he has won respect from both Dems and Repubs. That’s difficult to find these days.

  2. - Wildcat - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:04 am:

    3 out of 10 - they both show up and are remain awake. I live in Chicago in a district represented by del Valle and Soto. I’ve written and faxed both a number of times (last legislative session each about 5 times) and only once received a short e-mail back from one once - I suppose I should give del Valle credit for that. When I replied to the senator (or his staff) because my question was never addressed, I never heard back (9 months and waiting…).

    Without competition in the city (whether party or otherwise) there just isn’t a need to be responsive.

  3. - The Broken Heart of Rogers Park - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:36 am:

    Harry Osterman- Sometimes good-sometimes not so good.

    Good: Last year Harry defended the lakefront with a passionate speech before the Chicago Park district when other pols were lying to us through their teeth about a proposed marina.

    Not So Good: Last year Harry sunk more money into a program called Ceasefire Rogers Park which hasn’t done much other than hold a few circle prayers for people brought down by violence on Morse Avenue.

    Most of these circle prayers were with-in a block of his office on Morse Avenue.

    Harry says he reads my website.

    Carol Ronan - Solid on Gay Right’s - Done Zip on Crime. She somehow has avoided the Broken Heart of Rogers Park.

    Carol has never mentioned my website.

  4. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:45 am:

    Don Moffitt- I really like him. I have met him once at a Casey’s gas station. Seems to be a traditional insider Republican. Decent voting record. 8.5/10

    Dale Risinger- Still a new guy. Never met him. Looks like a decent politician. 6.5/10

  5. - IL Predictor - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Honestly, if you walk up and down the streets in Chicago, do people even know their reps? I wish there was proportional representation, that way reps would have to pay attention to the “middle” instead of coasting on the extreme right and left.

  6. - Anon - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:48 am:

    Gary Hannig is a wonderful state rep who has remained visible in the district and stands as one of the most astute members on state budget issues. Deanna Demuzio on the other hand is a total joke. She is nothing like her late husband and is merely the pawn of leadership. It is a shame that local Dems did not fill that seat with a young up and comer with the same fire that Vince Demuzio had. Although I had high hopes for Mrs. Demuzio, she has consistently disappointed in her service.

  7. - Cassandra - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:53 am:

    Don Harmon and Deborah Graham. Senate and House respectively.

    I live in Oak Park, which, to be fair, is only part of their respective districts. Oak Park, which has won awards in the past for innovation and diversity, is facing very serious problems.
    There has been an increase in violent crime, property taxes are astronomical, and the elementary schools are mediocre at best despite more than adequate funding. School Dist 97 is already starting up the usual scare tactics to get another tax hike in 2007. And a suburb which
    was once a poster child for diversity is rapidly resegregating along the northeast and southeast sides.

    Graham gets a 0. She doesn’t answer her mail, doesn’t return phone calls, has an office in Oak Park but that is the extent of her presence here.
    She has brought no significant state monies to Oak Park, despite a state legislative environment of where’s mine. She has done nothing to address the problems of crime and bad schools and high property taxes here.Apparently, her limited energies go to representing Austin.

    Harmon is undoubtedly bright, and for that I give him a 2. But he hasn’t done anything to address the problems listed above either. As a local paper pointed out (while endorsing him) he is far too close to the Democratic Machine. He has a contender in the primary but Oak Park is so relentlessly far left liberal that Harmon will probably win. And we’ll all pay more taxes.

  8. - Ken Dunkin - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:03 am:

    My State Rep is a 10! He is smart, handsome, hard-working, serious, and well-respected. I think that he will likely be elected Speaker next session.

  9. - Marta Elena - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:31 am:

    Ken Dunkin-

    You forgot dedicated family man.

  10. - 105th Blues - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:50 am:

    State Rep. Shane Cultra-R IL 105. Doesn’t have an email address and is impossible to get ahold of and never responds to constituent inquiries. I had to fax him my request about his position on a specific bill last year and I never got a response or was told his position. Never see or hear of him or what he’s doing. A 1 out of 10 in my book.

  11. - 105th Blues - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:53 am:

    Now Dan Rutherford-R of the 53 IL Senate District is just the opposite of Cultra. He personally has responded to every email I ever sent him with various questions or concerns and is very accessible. I give him a 9 out of 10 for his service.

  12. - Anon for this one - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:02 am:

    Jim Watson, a bright young dude, but he’s not his own person. He strictly follows party lines, takes too much direction from local and state GOP officials. Example: the corridor 67 project in Morgan and surrounding counties. He will vote no on any construction package just because he thinks that all the credit will go to the Gov. If he can’t vote yes and spin it to make himself look good, he’s in the wrong business. People in this area are paying attention to this issue.

    Deanna Demuzio, certainly no Vince. She’s definitely more politically savvy than Watson; I assume that it is because she was around politics for so many years. She’s okay.

  13. - Darrell Democrat - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:07 am:

    Ron Stephens and Frank Watson. Since his divorce and move to Greenville, we don’t see him much in Troy (until we watch the Daily Show). Frank kicked off his reelection campaign in town, but since Jay Hoffman also represents part of the city we don’t see him much.
    Since they’re both Republicans, we also haven’t seen much in project money since Build Illinois was absorbed into the new regime.
    Overall rating: Stephens 5.0 out of 10 and Watson 6.0 since they both keep the governor on his toes.

  14. - Sandoval/Burke - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:07 am:

    My State Senator is an arrogant jerk. From the shady way he tried to run for two offices at once (Water reclamation and State Senate)to the way he tried to take credit for the Chicago Archdiocese keeping Epiphany School open, Sandoval gets sleezier and sleezier. The Tribune and Sun-Times were right on on endorsing his opponent.

    As for Burke, he only became my State Rep after redistricting. Other than the fact that I’d prefer that a Latino district be represented by a Latino, Burke is a good Rep. votes the right way and “plays well with others”. He understands coalition building and the proper way to get yoru legislation approved.

  15. - stubblefield - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:08 am:

    John O. Jones - Does what Frank Watson tells him to to, thus lacks independence. Also makes promises he can’t keep to constituents. Likely hard time getting re-elected.

    Kurt Granberg - Has lost touch with his base due to his arrogance. Will be re-elected with fence mending and because challenger lacks ability.

  16. - "Fougetttaboutit" - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:10 am:

    I gotta Skippy “Savy”ano …Fougettaboutit … sometimes ya git to really know wat dey tink of da people … a quote from Skippy bout da Fawell list he kept …”State Rep. Angelo “Skip” Saviano (R-Elmwood Park) said people ask him for recommendations and either he or his secretary would call the Springfield personnel office to put in a word for those who were qualified. ‘You usually do it just to get them off your back, that was pretty much it. I didn’t know they were keeping lists. That’s pretty ridiculous.’

    Git dem off your back …

  17. - Skeeter - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:12 am:

    Here’s a confession: I don’t have the slightest idea. In my neighborhood you just don’t hear from them.

    Welcome to Chicago. I know my alderman (Natarus — absolutely the best in the City), but the Democrats in the state house only get noticed when they fail to follow Madigan’s orders.

    I like Madigan though, so I don’t have much of a problem with that.

  18. - Establishment Republican - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:32 am:

    State Senate- Wendell Jones (R-Palatine) has done a great job representing the district for the past 7 years plus and is moving on to the private sector. Harper College Trustee Matt Murphy will be a worthy successor.

    State Rep- Sidney Mathias (R-Buffalo Grove) is somebody who I happen to be to the right of a couple issues here and there but he is a top notch legislator with his expertise on transportation just to name one, an extremely hard worker, and a very decent person who the district is lucky to have.

  19. - Dem Going GOP - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    Making fun of Ken Dunkin is a favorite thing here and in Springfield, but it’s dangerous to just laugh and ignore the danger signs. The guy really is bad news. Dunkin is often described as an “indictment waiting to happen.” From his notorious hustling of lobbyists, to giving the finger to his colleagues, to being a pariah with his peers, his utter ineffectiveness to his open indiscretions, the arrogance, ignorance, laziness, racism and anti-semitism, this “representative” will, sooner or later, tarnish the Democrat Party of Illinois.

    Laughing at Dunkin is not a responsible thing - it’s just minimizing and rationalizing. Ken Dunkin is toxic. The Dem Party had better put up someone against this thug next time around, or he is going to smear the party elders because of their tolerance for this train wreck.

    It’s unbelievable that no one took him on this time. Dunkin has got to be the worst legislator in decades. Quite a proud legacy for Jesse White and the Democrat Party.

  20. - Brock Rockenhammer - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    Senator Pam Althoff of McHenry County is a fairly new, very active senator. But what she lacks in political experience she makes up with an energetic style of representation. When was the last time you called a district office hoping to voice your opinion to a staff member and the Senator answers and talks about the issue with you for 15 minutes–who needs “political experience” anyway? I’ll take real representation over a crusty, experienced politician any day.

  21. - respectful - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:38 am:

    Sen. Millner is more energetic and visible in district than his predecessor. He also works with the majority in the Senate to get things done.

  22. - 23eyes - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    Senatoe John Millner is an extremely bright legislator and will be a major part of the GOP in a few years. Statewide ambitions are not his style, but he will be “drafted”. Always returns a phone call and wears great looking glasses!

  23. - Northwest Side Dem - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    Don Harmon is my state Senator. He’s a smart guy, and I might have considered voting for him despite his toadying to pretty much every one of Blago’s government spending and fee increases because I understand that a first-term senator who also wants to push through his own legislation needs to do things like that.

    However, the way that he has conducted himself in this election has been shocking. One would think that as someone with over $250k in the bank, he’d be able to afford some independence, but rather we see the exact opposite. He’s become one with the machine in the Wards and in the suburbs and he’s endorsing their pet candidates without regard to their qualifications. Not only that, his supporters have been taking down Michael Nardello’s signs left and right, and Harmon has said absolutely nothing to stop them. I don’t think he’s authorizing these dirty tactics himself, but he should realize that he’s as good as the company that he keeps and denounce and dissociate himself from these dirty tricks.

  24. - Tyler - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 12:05 pm:

    I’m a Democrat who’s moved to rural Texas and somehow I’m getting better representation here than I would be at home, where I vote absentee and deal with Parke and Rauschenberger on the ballot every Election Day. Those guys are doing me no favors whatsoever…although in a few weeks, I might not have to deal with the latter.

  25. - 48th Warder - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 12:57 pm:

    Carol Ronan’s heart seems to be in the right place, but she seems to be a little too beholden to the regulars, even though she’s been in office going on two decades. She also seems to have been ‘baited and switched’ by Blago (weren’t we all), and now seems stuck w/ her earlier choice.

    Osterman just seems to be waiting around for Mary Ann Smith to give-up the ghost, so that he can take his mother’s old seat, and though he’s WAY out of touch with his newer, more progressive, constituency he at least appears to give more than lip service to service. Although this is a state office blogpoll, I must mention Mike Volini, the ward Dem. Committeeman, who seems really out of touch with the ward, as well as extremely ineffective. I expect that he will be the first to go.

  26. - Unhappy near Uptown - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:13 pm:

    Ronen’s so far up Rod’s behind, she can look out of his mouth. She is a phony and a sell out. McKeon’s my Rep, and while I think he is weak, I won’t go after a guy while he’s down.

  27. - ndpotus - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:17 pm:

    Sen AJ Wilhelmi–Great guy and a fantastic legislator. I have been to a few events with him and he is incredibly responsive to constitueants. He also is very good and finding a middle ground to help as many constituenats as possible. Watch for him to go places…

    St Rep Jack McGuire–Jack has been in the House for 12 years or so and is still responsive to his constitueants and always works for their best interests even if that means standing up to Madigan and the Madigoons…


  28. - ANON - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:29 pm:

    The only time my (appointed not elected)state senator, Mike Jacobs, takes his size 12 shoe out of his mouth is to change feet. He is a disgrace to our district and state.

  29. - Fritchey is Poor Quality - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:34 pm:

    I absolutely hate John Fritchey. He is knee deep in real estate patronage with his Father-in-law (Alderman Banks). He is arrogant without reason. And does nothing for his constituency, only to furhter himself.

    If there was anyone with half an organization, he would be booted to the curb. The sooner he is gone, the better.

  30. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:37 pm:

    Sen. Ed Maloney and Rep. Kevin Joyce rub elbows with their neighbors and work in their interests.
    No agendas; no doctrines; no posturing; no rhetoric; just good effective legislation.

    Kevin Joyce’s recent measure to monitor the drivers of Ice Cream Trucks is understated elegance in good government.

  31. - West Side (OK, Suburbs) - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:44 pm:

    Harmon’s solid. He’s one of the smartest legislators I’ve met, and he’s as down to earth as they come. The criticism’s a little over the top.

  32. - Bucktowner - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 1:51 pm:

    1:34, are you nuts? You may hate him but it’s clear he’s not your Rep. Fritchey used to be my Rep. He works his district like nobody’s business, is involved in almost every major issue in Springfield, and is one of the best we have in the House. He is unbeatable in his district, and for good reason. Hard work beats an organization. Hard work and an organization beats all. Take your personal gripes and attacks somewhere else.

  33. - Bill Baar - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 2:22 pm:

    He did the live blogging Q&A… that alone scores big with me.

    She has a good webpage with her positions on current bills.

    I don’t agree with them on everything but accessible and responsive.

  34. - Kankakee Dem - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 2:38 pm:

    Lisa Dugan: Great improvement over previous Reps. Looks out for Kankakee very well. I’d give her a solid B.

    Debbie Halvorson: Most poweful Senator we’ve had in my memory. Doing a fine job. I fully expect her to be elected to a statewide office at some point in the future. Solid “A”.

  35. - NIEVA - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 2:38 pm:

    I give Brandon Phelps a seven out of ten,he is pro second adm. and is helpful when you need him. Gary Forby on the other hand I rate a two. Forby is as close to being verbaly illiterate as a man can be. He has no speaking ability what so ever. You must be able to speak and get your message across to the people you work with.

  36. - Northwest Side Dem - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 2:41 pm:

    Harmon is a bright and decent guy, but the way he’s selling out to the machine and not stopping his machine supporters from taking down his opponent Nardello’s signs is very upsetting. I don’t see how not stopping goons who support you from doing old dirty tricks is any better than doing the tricks yourself.

  37. - Oak Parker - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 2:44 pm:

    Calvin Giles - The worst legislator in Springfield. He insults his constituents by not returning calls or responding to letters, awarding Illinois General Assembly Scholarships to out-of-district individuals, failing to previously file his campaign disclosure reports on time, AND failing to file his D-2 for the second half of 2005 prior to the filing deadline even after he settled his fines with the State Board of Elections to remain on the March 2006 primary ballot. This guy is absolutely worthless.

  38. - Team Sleep - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 3:06 pm:

    I think Poe and Bomke do a nice job. Bomke is an especially good elected official and both he and his wife are super-nice, down-to-earth people.

    After reading most of these comments, why do we even have state reps and senators? It seems as though most of them do nothing for their various constituents. I realize that our state reps and senators have limited staff and resources but never responding to letters and ignoring your constituents is a shame.

  39. - Beowulf - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 3:16 pm:

    Senator A.J. Wilhelmi is a decent young guy. He has been responsive to my questions and opinions even though I am from the opposing GOP Party. I like him. Most people in Will County do. The only change that I have noticed since he was elected, is that the cost to attend his fund raisers has gone up. He has been hanging around Rod too much down in Springfield is what I attribute this fact to.I hope that it is not a sign that he is “forgetting” the little people that originally got him elected and is now concentrating mainly only on the larger campaign contributors. I only hope that he does not become a “lap dog” for his own Democrat Party leaders and their wishes down in Springfield. I will vote for him again.

    Jack McGuire-Democrat representative from Will County is a decent guy and is accessible to his constituency. My only criticism of Jack is that if his Party says to jump, he reflexively asks, “How high?” I would probably vote for someone else if the Will County Republicans ever offered a decent candidate to run against him.
    Will County used to be solidly Republican but the demographics and the political power in Will County has been changing. More and more people are moving into Will County from Cook County in order to get out of there. Most of these new residents are overwhelmingly Democrats.

  40. - Illinois Democrat - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 3:16 pm:

    I have Watson as my Senator. All he does is complain about Rod. Although sometimes the complaining is vaild, he does it in such a way that he comes off as a whiner and angry. He also seems to have forgotten that he was in office to help the corruption of the past continue for several years. He sure wasnt complaining then. I give him a 6 because he does try to take care of his district. Stephens is my Rep and I give him a 1. He really complains alot and is nothing but a Watson puppet. I have heard him interviewd many times and have never heard him be positive. He tries to make everything political and constantly blames the evil “Chicago Democrats” for many of the states ills. Stephens, like Watson, has also served a long time and doesnt seem to recall that he was silent when corruption went on in the past.

  41. - black eye constituent - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 3:43 pm:

    Kevin Joyce is my rep and he will fight for you in Springfield or in Tinley Park. He kicks ass, really.

    Ed Maloney is my Senator. A man of few words, but he does a great job. I think more politicians should speak less and work more like Ed does.

  42. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 3:50 pm:

    If Mike Jacobs, 4th generation politician from East Moline, is any measure of the quality of IL politician, it is no wonder this state is constantly embroiled in financial and corruption scandals. He needs to go as quickly as he came. And he can take his pork packing plant with him. There is enough pork here in the Quads!

  43. - Randall Sherman - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 4:07 pm:

    I have the misfortune of having Governor Blagojevich’s top toady in the General Assembly (Carol Ronen) as my State Senator. I don’t expect anything positivie out of her, since she was an uncooperative b@#*% when I was her precinct captain for five years in the 1980s, and that’s exactly what I and the good people of her district get from her.

    As for my State Representative, Harry Osterman (the son of the late 48th Ward Ald. Kathy Osterman, who was known as “Miss Piggy” by her opponents), I guess he is better than Ronen (only because you would likely be in prison if you were worse), but not by much. Harry got the post when Ronen moved up in mid-term after Art Berman quit on us (thanks for nothing, Art!), even though his biggest “accomplishment” was helping snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory in managing the runoff campaign for Helen Schiller’s opponent in the nearby 46th Ward.

    I am pleased to report that I took advantage of the early voting today, and I didn’t vote for either of these two. It’s just too bad that they are running unopposed.

    So as far as I’m concerned, I have no representation in the Illinois General Assembly, at least as long as I remain where I live!

    Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

  44. - HoosierDaddy - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 4:17 pm:

    Roger Eddy R-109 is popular with the locals. He’s got a good head on his shoulders and seems to be good at reaching across the aisle on issues that are important to his district. He’s spread a little thin representing eight counties, but I think he’s doing a good job.

    Sen. Dale Righter is very accessible. Don’t know as much about him, but I know he returns phone calls, and that’s a big plus.

  45. - Fritchey is Poor Quality - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 4:19 pm:


    Fritchey sucks. PERIOD. Can you tell me that self-serving patronage pimp isn’t an arrogant SOB. He goes around at candidate forums and states “I know I’m going to win”. What an annoying little man who gets real estate deals from his uncle.

    I detest Fritchey to the core of my being. He is the worst type of Chicago connected legislator. We need more Obamas.

  46. - Bucktowner - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 4:54 pm:

    Now I know that you don’t live in the district. In the interest of full disclosure, I still do volunteer work for him even though I now have Collins. There have been NO candidate forums this cycle since both Cullerton and Fritchey are unopposed. Funny how you hate him but the community groups all like him. Wonder why all the good government groups like working with him too? Must be because he’s got them on the take also :) Or maybe it’s because of his record.

    You can disagree with him all you want, but he’s got a better record than 95% of his colleagues. Go shovel your BS somewhere else. (And don’t you have anything better to do than to detest a State Rep to the core of your being? Lighten up.)

  47. - Southwest Dem - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 5:04 pm:

    I’m a very politically active Dem from the Southwest Side… That being said I have no idea what my reps in springfield are ever doing. Maggie Crotty and McCarthy never communicate with anyone in the district. I never seen anything in the paper about them on issues, and when I have sent things I get no response. If someone really organized agaisnt crotty, she could be beaten here.

  48. - Youth Gone Mild - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 5:09 pm:

    I consider myself very lucky, I got Skip Saviano and Don Harmon as my Rep And Senator, they balance off each other well, I am a moderate, so I am glad that Saviano is not an hard right Republican

    And when it comes to Constituient Service, I am getting a much better shake than I got with Cronin

    My Little one had to a Report on their Legislators and I have to say both of my guys in Springfield were very accessable to the little one

    and then Don Harmon saw my little one at the River Grove Fair and when she introduced herself to Sen Harmon, he actually seemed interested and talked to her even though the Report was 6 months before

    I can’t go wrong, I truly can’t

  49. - Cubhater - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 5:10 pm:

    State Rep-Frank Mautino. You can’t ask for a better person to represent you. A+ Can’t remember anytime he didn’t return a phone call, or do what he told you he would do. Respected by me and everybody I know. A real stand up guy, an asset to the General Assembly!
    Senate- Gary Dahl. The book is still out on him, don’t see or hear from him a lot. It is hard to replace a guy like Pat Welch. Pat was also a stand up guy who did a whole lot for the people of this district, missed greatly here.

  50. - Not My Issue - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 5:35 pm:

    I don’t live in Fritchey’s district, but I give him tons of credit just for doing his blog. It obviously takes a lot of time and backbone to do it, and he’s willing to publicly stake out a position on things. Wish my Rep did one. I would have voted for him for Treasurer based on his blog alone. Arrogant Reps sit back and do nothing, Fritchey doesn’t strike me as that at all.

  51. - respectful - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 6:16 pm:

    I agree with Not My Issue about Fritchey, and I’m not a Dem. He’s the first Illinois legislator with a blog. He’s bright, hard-working and effective.

  52. - Making The Wheels Turn - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 7:15 pm:

    Chris Lauzen:

    7.25 out of 10.0

    Wasn’t originally that impressed with him, but think better of him after having an opportunity to talk to him & some staff people. He’s really thinking hard & smart about what’s happening in this rapidly growing area, and what needs to happen in the future. Lauzen has the ability to rub other Republican pols the wrong way because he’s smarter then they are, but that truthfully looks to be because he really is smarter then they are.

    Pat Linder. Not impressed, but I’ll give her a 5.25 out of 10.0. I tend to look at her as a tree stump. Sits there and tries to look intelligent, but I guess it’s better to do that then open your mouth & decide the issue.

    I happen to know that a number of our state reps & senators in both parties out here don’t have much respect for Kane County government, and that by itself shows me they know what’s going on behind the scenes.

  53. - Schiznitz - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 9:51 pm:

    I have to agree with “Fritchey is Poor Quality”. While I wouldn’t quite state it that way. Fritchey does come across as pretty obnoxious. Also, being the nephew of an Alderman just reeks. I could do for a change in that seat.

  54. - Beecher Bobcat - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:17 pm:

    Both legislators go out of their way to listen to consituents of both parties. Dugan has done a nice job of learning the personalities of our district. She has been a strong advocate for small business and education. Halvorson is stuck between a wall and hard rock on the 3rd airport issue but is managing it well. If it wouldn’t cost her key African-American votes I’d like to see her blast Cong. Jackson for his ego-driven Abraham Lincoln Airport ideas. Halvorson also does extremely well responding to legislative ideas proposed by local governments.

  55. - Bucktowner - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:25 pm:

    So the AG is the daughter of the Speaker, the Comptroller is the former Assessor’s kid, Ramey is Pate’s stepson, McAuliffe took his dad’s spot, Osmond her husband’s, Demuzio her husband’s, Phelps his uncle’s, Jacobs his dad’s - and you go after Fritchey based on who his wife’s uncle is and whose ward isn’t even near Fritchey’s district? Get real.

    How about looking at his record and what he has done since 1996? Or the fact that his constituent service response is loved in the district? Or that he is one of the few Dems left with any independence? And one of the few willing to speak out on tough issues? Or is that too inconvenient for you to argue on? Stupid comments like yours bring down these whole discussions.

    You think he’s so bad, run against him and see what his constituents think. I’ve seen his poll numbers and they border on being amazing, even more so when compared to those of some of the other electeds in the area. He works his ass off as a Rep, and takes a pay cut to do it. He could be the next Treasurer and walked away from it. Yet you go after him.

    If you don’t like him for personal reasons, that’s fine, but try to make an intelligent reason for it.

  56. - Stan Corder - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:31 pm:

    Until this past month, I was priveledged to have Frank Watson as my state senator. He is a bit more conservative than I, but he returns phone calls, he tells you what he believes in, he asks for all sides of issues, and fights for his constituants. I have been able to watch him “in action” in crowds- and he just has incredible charm and the ability to connect with people. He is easily our favorite elected official- a 9.5 on the ten point scale.

    I also had the misfortune to have Kurt Granburg as my state Rep. I really dislike anyone who when he talks to you, is *always* looking over your shoulder to see who else is there. He returns calls if and when an election is near- and if and when it suits him. He will buy you a drink if he sees you in a bar. His staff is pretty good. He rates a 2 on the ten point scale.

    I haven’t met my new state rep or senator- but I have seen signs of their existance.

  57. - Former Minion - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:38 pm:

    I was assigned to Fritchey when I was on staff and will say that the man is far from obnoxious. He treated everybody better than most any other Rep did. He is very confident, and that could be why people think he’s arrogant. But I don’t know anybody who could say that he was ever rude or unhelpful. He also spent more time helping colleagues with their bills than any other Rep I worked with. Good guy.

  58. - Near West Side - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:41 pm:

    Art Turner is my rep. He’s responsive and interested in the issues and an all around great guy.

  59. - Snafufu - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:47 pm:

    People here are getting NASTY. Time to change the subject? I am going to post about JBT’s former lover….much more interesting……

  60. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:48 pm:

    Let’s stay on topic, please. lol

  61. - logo - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 10:52 pm:

    Sen Bill Brady is a greta guy. He works hard and is a very consistent conservative vote.He does have a lot of support from his State Rep Dan Brady-no relation. Brady is running from Governor and would make a great one.

  62. - Anon in Aurora - Monday, Mar 6, 06 @ 11:48 pm:

    I have the fantastic luck of being represented by Fab Five member Chris Lauzen. He does return calls, but he’s so plastic. Although he has had as much luck statewide as a certain bearded state senator up north a bit, Senator CPA’s proven hard to beat in the GOP primaries for state senate. Pity us hard-working people of Aurora.
    I fare better with Pat Reid Lindner, who is both accessible, relatively down to earth and *gasp* a fairly moderate Republican. Do they still make those?
    I’d prefer Linda Chapa LaVia who has lots of passion and promise, but such is life in the ‘burbs.

  63. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 12:32 am:

    I agree w/Cubhater’s opinion of Frank Mautino. He’s a genuine regular guy and one who takes his responsibilities and constituents’ issues seriously. A

    Gary Dahl is a freshman who hasn’t had the time to establish ma track record, but looks promising. He gives back his legislator salary to the state, BTW, and has become involved in local issues. Pat Welch may have been beloved by some, especially seniors, but he ignored the warning signs that his own people were giving him about complacency during the last election season, and it cost him.

  64. - Sen-38 / Rep-75 - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 12:32 am:

    Dahl / Gordon
    Senator Gary Dahl (R-Peru) — Donates his paycheck to a different chairty every month. Nice gesture, too bad he didn’t have the touch of a common man. Aloof, poor public speaker, offers little to no new ideas for his district.
    Overall: D

    State Rep. Careen Gordon (D-Morris) — Attractive young legislator. Won in a district where all the pundits thought for sure she had no chance. Constantly traveling the district and speaking to residents. Responds very quickly to mail and phone calls. Good grasp of the issues. Maybe even a “Rising Democratic Star”
    Overall: A

  65. - Tom DeLay's Mom - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 1:29 am:

    Ken Dunkin - absolutely worthless, corrupt, lazy, self-serving, pompous, no-talent bottom-feeder. I am ashamed to be this stooge’s constituent. This guy has GOT to go…terrible.

    Mattie Hunter - nice smile and friendly disposition - but not much else…

  66. - Belden Ave. - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 1:31 am:

    Get your hidden adgendas out of the blog! Fritchey is one of the best legislators in the House. I could see how he may rub some people the wrong way, but he works hard for the district and is easy to get in contact with. I also staffed him and although we didnt always see eye to eye I know he would help me in a split second. As far as Randy Sherman going after Harry O’s mom. SHAME ON YOU! I saw you on Frank Avila’s public access show and you have got a face made for NOT BEING OB TV! Harry is a northside guy who DEEPLY cares about his neighborhood.

  67. - LaSalle - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 4:30 am:

    Dahl 38th - Can’t seem to understand how a freshman Senator in the minority has no stroke down in Springpatch. Has to stick to gimmicks like donating his paycheck to charity. Far as I can tell that’s the only thing he’s brought back to the district.

  68. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 7:25 am:

    An update:
    I now know who my state rep is. Her name is Lovana “Lou” Jones. She sent out a mailer letting us known she is running for re-election. This is the first I’ve heard of her. My understanding is that she lines up with Madigan, so she’s fine by my me.

  69. - Anonanonanon - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 7:55 am:

    Karen Yarbrough - tough, honest, smart. One of the best legislators I’ve seen in action. She deserves another term. A+

    Kim Lightford - Despite what the papers say, she’s a lightweight’s lightweight. Wouldn’t know where the state capitol is unless you drove her there. F.

  70. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:14 am:

    I must say that I think our new local Senator Mike Jacobs is doing a wonderful job for our community. As a working mother of 3 I truly am grateful that he is working hard to keep my children here in the area by being aggressive and working hard for change. As a Freshman he has pushed hard to get WIU in the QCA, as well as working to bring jobs, and trying to better our community. Its nice to have such a young fresh addition that is willing to look forward at progress. Lord knows the area could use a little change!!!!

  71. - TM - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:53 am:

    My state rep. Beth Coulson is a true public servant who knows and represents her district better than most in the General Assembly. While she represents a district that is solidly Democratic, yet she realizes that her constituents are more concerned about the quality of the person than the party, which is why she has the support of so may Dems in the district. She doesn’t pander to the masses like many of her colleagues on both sides of the aisle who need so much to be loved. Finally, she appears to be very happy as a State Rep. she doesn’t look to have her eyes on the next office, which adds to her effectiveness.

  72. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 1:03 pm:

    Can we please get Randall Sherman a ladyfriend? Maybe that would stop him from being such a classless peon.

  73. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 1:30 pm:

    Constituent services are important to the people. I contacted Lisa Dugan about a problem my Mom was having and she resolved the matter to our satisfaction. I don’t live in her district but my Mom does and she has never contacted her rep for assistance in her life. We both appreciate Lisa Dugan’s attitude and performance.

  74. - ANON - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 2:11 pm:

    I noticed that Anon at 11:14 ended her post on Mike Jacobs with “Lord knows the area could use a little change!!’ Exchanging the son for the father is a change to be sure but in this case a change for the worse.

  75. - Old man Malcom - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 6:05 pm:

    John “no” Jones, gripes about the Gov’s budget but does not apply the same principles at home.Those in the know will get that one. Four years ago he promised 100k to three diferent schools and a squad car to a small community in Marion county but…where’s the beef? He’s says the Gov holds up all his projects but most people down here don’t believe GRod spends that much time on Jones to even keep track of what he promises. This is the same flip flopper that voted against Illinois First but then traveled his house district handing out what he called ” discretionary funds”. A .01 out of 10, but will rate himself whatever Watson says to.

  76. - Cuban - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 6:10 pm:

    My State rep. is Susana Mendoza, who is such a hard worker and so dedicated to her district! She always makes it a point to talk to her constiuents about important votes coming up in Springfield and has really helped improve our area and are schools!I moved into her district from Evanston, and have definetly seen our area become a future Bucktown! I hope she stays around, but I am afraid she will be asked to go up for bigger offices in the Future!

  77. - Mendoza for Congress - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 6:20 pm:

    I have to say that the most wonderful,intelligent,insightful and charasmatic State Rep. in Springfield has to be my own State Rep. Susana Mendoza!
    Her offices is always avaiable to help us and others, even if they don’t live in district. She always gets back to people and to her constiuents and what I really like about her is that she is really,really smart!
    She is very caring and helpful and just a true public servant!
    She was voted recently by a Washington Think Tank as ” a person/politician to know “, and I truely believe that she will be the first Hispanic in Illinois to be elcted Statewide!

  78. - Fearless Freep - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 7:29 pm:

    Dave Winters 8/10. Excellent constituent service; he votes right on the issues. Pretty good communication; he has “grown” into the office. Comes across as a little arrogant. When he has had serious opposition, he has been a hard campaigner

    Dave Syverson: 3/10 A buggy eyed weasel. Highly overrated in terms of his effectiveness. Starting to become an “out of touch” insider. But Dave lucks out as he never has opposition and he has a very weak opponent this time.

  79. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:36 pm:

    It’s so interesting that all of a sudden, there are two posts about Mendoza! Only ten minutes apart! Written just the same way! Way to go! They look real legit! Mendoza in ‘08!

  80. - anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:56 pm:

    It’s time for McNeil to run for the Illinois House!

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