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Tribune’s take on Kovarik allegations

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

We’ll skip the preliminaries that you already know and get right to the meat of the story.

In several instances, however, Kovarik’s sworn statement taken last Thursday is at odds with news reports and public comments he made while serving as deputy treasurer in Topinka’s tumultuous first year in the treasurer’s office. […]

Kovarik said in his sworn statement the [hotel loan deal] settlement was “structured in my absence” and he “was not in on part of the deal.”

But in news reports at that time, Kovarik was cited as Topinka’s lead negotiator in the settlement with the hotels’ investors. In a May 14, 1995, Associated Press story, Kovarik recalled discussing the deal with the hotels’ attorneys while he sat smoking a miniature cigar at a conference table in the treasurer’s Chicago office. […]

In his sworn statement, Kovarik also contended that Topinka ordered him to tell her press secretary to shred a list of the hotels’ investors, including Downstate GOP powerbroker Bill Cellini, that she had promised to make public. Kovarik said the order was made in a phone call from Topinka’s home to Jim Howard, who was one of her press aides.

“What do you want him to do with it?” Kovarik said he asked Topinka. In his sworn statement, he said she replied, “I don’t care. Shred the damn thing.”

But in news reports at the time, Howard said he and Kovarik alone discussed the list of investors in a meeting in Kovarik’s office. Howard did not return telephone calls on Monday.

And on, and on, and on, and on. Read the whole thing, even though they left out a lot of problems with this statement that I had in today’s Capitol Fax, wherein I referred to Kovarik’s statement as having more holes in it than Dick Cheney’s hunting buddy.


  1. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 2:35 am:

    It’s actually kind of disgusting. I was debating between Oberweis and Brady, but Jim sure doesn’t look very Governor-like to me.

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 6:24 am:

    With all this so called dirt he looks more like an operative for Blago than a serious political canidate.All of this is hurting him more than it is JBT.This is the kind of stuff that hurt this party the last time.We need someone that will bring the party together not tear it apart.

  3. - Rick - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 7:22 am:

    Agree this says more about Oberweis than anything else.

    Seriously, a fly around the state about a statement by a self proclaimes former “paramour”? Why not a fly around on a substantive issue, like corporal punishment?

    It looks personal to me.

  4. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:11 am:

    This is the way the investigation starts, they break the story of one weak link, then work up the chain. Looks like someone found a week link.

    I don’t know the merit to the allegations, but this is just the tip of the iceberg for Judy. If Obe is putting this on, what do you think Rod will find with access to all the state file and a democrate AG wanting to prove she is tough enough to be gov.

    Judy will be bogged down with this all summer. Lets get somebody else who doesn’t have the baggage.

  5. - Deadhead102 - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:17 am:

    Anybody who lived in or around Springfield can recall the published reports of JBT trying to push a deal that would let Bill Cellini out of his State loan for pennies on the dollar. To try and say it didn’t happen, isn’t that like putting your hands to your ears and saying “I can’t hear you?”

  6. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:18 am:

    You can rest assured that this stuff is hurting Judy. The next two weeks are going to be rough on the pretty little gal.

    Where are the numbers at, Nancy?

  7. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:24 am:

    Well all you JBT IS GUILTY freaks jump on and take a ride to nowhere.Obie is part of the nutty bunch we have in our party and this proves it.One nut spreading lies another nut told.Who is this guy’s proof his wife that should tell you everything.HEY OBIE LET’S TALK ISSUES AND GET OFF FROM THIS BUNCH OF CRAP THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE LIES TOLD BY A DISGRUNLED EX-EMPLOYEE AND HIS EVEN MORE DIS-GRUNTLED WIFE.

  8. - Sound Reasoning - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    So are we now to condemn Ms Topinka on the basis of unsubstantiated claims by a person of questionable character in the form of Mr. Kavarik? The record on this matter is quite clear and can be verified that Mr. Kavarik was the Treasurer’s main representative in negotiating the failed hotel buyout. Besides at the time this all occurred and was fresh in everyone’s memory Mr. Kavarik gave conflicting accounts as to the ‘shredding’ incident. Now after all these years he can suddenly clearly remember all the details in a manner that is advantageous to one of Topinka’s opponents to which Kavarik has close ties. How convenient this is for the Oberweis campaign.

    One fact that keeps getting overlooked is once the Treasurer was made aware of the incident she ordered the public release of the list of names. Everyone likes to insinuate that this ‘shredding incident’ if it in fact ever occurred was to protect Bill Cellini. Let’s not forget that there were 80 investors, both Democrat and Republican, in these hotels and Cellini was but a small part of those investors.

    I for one do not find the hotel deal to be that bad to begin with. If the deal had been allowed to go through then the state would have had 10 million dollars to invest and draw interest as it now stands to this date the state has made no money whatsoever on these hotels. This is the same type of arrangements that banks and financial institutions enter into every day in order to write off bad debt. It is considered sound business practice in the private industry. Once again 25% of something is better than 100% of nothing!

  9. - Backyard Conservative - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 8:54 am:

    This Oberweis accusation looks very suspect, given the credibility of the accuser. I don’t know if the underlying transaction is legitimate or not, but JBT is entirely too cozy with business-as-usual in this state.

    But Oberweis once again illustrates his judgement is suspect and that he is not governor material.

    Republicans have only one decent choice and that is Brady.

  10. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    I want to see if Obie becomes a team player or a sore head loser after the primary.If anything this has hurt his primary chances.

  11. - Remember when... - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:42 am:

    Does anyone remember inauguration day ‘95??? JBT was sworn in with her late father, her son Joe, and Marty K. by her side. (a little unusual for just a staffer.) I would say that Marty K. was a little more than a just an employee.

    While it is suspect with Obie bringing it up, what else can we expect in the waining days of this GOP primary. Wouldn’t it be funny to see Team Obie come up with this videotape of January 1995???? Now that’s when the IL GOP was a happy united team!

  12. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:43 am:

    The problem that makes this a lose-lose for Judy is “Mr. Kavarik was the Treasurer’s main representative” even is she says he has not credibility and can’t be trusted it brings her judgment into question.

    Let me get this right Judy, Kavarik has credibility problems and can’t be trusted, is that why he was entrusted by You to handle the taxpayers money? Tough sell, who is she going to have help her as Governor? I hear Kenneth Lay may have some free time on his hands?

  13. - Bubs - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:44 am:


  14. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 9:47 am:

    Old Jim Oberweis
    When will you ever learn
    When you go negative
    You just crash and burn

    You’ve run two times
    And just cannot win
    When you lose this time
    Will you be running again?

    So on March 22nd
    When politics is still just a dream
    Do us a favor, Mr. Milkman
    And stick to your ice cream

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 10:03 am:

    Hmmm… guy with IRS troubles gives a statement ostensibly to help the political fortunes of a millionaire out of the goodness of his heart. Will this turn out to be a case of Follow the Money? Is there money to follow?

    Another brilliant move, Jim. Keep trying, buddy, you’ve still got plenty of money left to blow. I’m sure your kids are thrilled.

  16. - Limerick - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 10:08 am:

    The voters will always soon tire,
    Of campaigns that wallow in mire.
    Why not digress
    To how things can progress
    It beats trying to win with a liar.

  17. - Sound Reasoning - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 10:48 am:

    Let’s examine some points concerning this matter. Somehow we are to believe that no matter how this incident turns out it is a loosing proposition for Topinka because after all she is the one that entrusted Kovarik to handle this entire matter.

    When Topinka found out about the alleged shredding incident she immediately made the list available to the public. How is this using bad judgment? It appears based on that action she did the correct thing instead of trying to cover it up or defend the actions of her employee she laid it out for all to see.

    Once it became evident that Mr. Kovarik was not being truthful in his accountability of his tax problems Topinka asked for his resignation. Once again Topinka did not attempt to cover it up in order to protect a friend. She did what was right in the interest of the Treasurer’s office and the State of Illinois. How does either of these two examples show her to be anything less than forthright in her professional conduct?

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:05 am:

    You make the mistake of assuming everyone analyzes this whole thing like you. Remember, much of the voting public sees and remembers “Topinka accused of ….”; “Treasurer questioned on hotel deal” or other such not-so-great headlines if they’re about you. As is often the case, it’s much easier to throw an accusation out there - no matter how erroneous - than to defend it. Usually damage is done. Often the facts can only temper the damage - not eliminate it…. probably what Mr. Oberweis was banking on, not considering how high this whole disaster would drive his own negatives at the same time.


  19. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:15 am:

    Obie is the Person Of The Month for the More Money Than Brains Society.

  20. - Bubs - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:39 am:

    Anon 11:05 a.m.-

    Your post raises the interesting question of whether certain Judy-obsessed backers of Oberweis even care if Jim Oberweis loses, so long as Topinka loses as well.

    Case in point: The FTN site has a piece praising Wegman’s recent radio ad, in which she attacks Topinka, who is not even a candidate in Wegman’s race.

  21. - Tim - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    This is what happens when you have a man who dressed as a chicken running your campaign…and an ex-JBT staffer. They’re vision is clouded by their own hate, and they’re not serving their candidate well at all..Oberweis should fire them and move on.

  22. - Bubs - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 12:38 pm:


    This is starting to look like the Keystone Kops. From the St. Louis Post Dispatch:

    A week after being criticized for ads that matched newspaper logos with made-up headlines, gubernatorial candidate Jim Oberweis’ campaign on Monday played the same game, displaying a newspaper reporter’s byline under a newspaper for which he never worked.

    At a news conference in Peoria, dairy magnate Oberweis displayed an oversized newspaper story with the Chicago Tribune nameplate but credited to a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter. The campaign later said the mixed-up names were a mistake.

  23. Pingback » Blog Archive » Roundup (3/7/06) - Tuesday, Mar 7, 06 @ 12:40 pm:

    […] Rich Miller on Oberweis’ new best friend, former Topinka aide Marty Kovarik: “[T]hey left out a lot of problems with this statement that I had in today’s Capitol Fax, wherein I referred to Kovarik’s statement as having more holes in it than Dick Cheney’s hunting buddy.” He’s referring to this Tribune article, but it appears that once again, Oberweis cannot help himself; he’s got an unhealthy compulsion about attacking Topinka with fabrications. To Oberweis supporters: Are you proud of how he’s conducted his campaign over the past few weeks? If so, why? […]

  24. - Deadhead102 - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:01 am:

    If the State isn’t getting any money from the hotel loans, why not reposess the building? The Ramada in downtown Springfield would make a great State office building! We could then bulldoze the Stratton Building and have some nice green space where it stood.

  25. - Dem Voting R - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    Anonymous at 11:05 is, unfortunately, correct. ‘Treasurer accused of…’ sticks in the mind of the casual voter. The details are followed only by those who already know who they’re going to vote for. This affects the ‘undecideds.’ Maybe they’ll stay home this time and let those of us who follow the candidates make an informed decision. Elitist? Who, me? Nah. Any fool can vote - even Obie-wannabe.

  26. - Anon - Monday, Mar 20, 06 @ 2:42 pm:

    If you want to find out about the hotel deal, all you have to do is to read the Appellate Court case wherein involving Quinn, the former treasurer. This litigation came about because under the 1990 rewrite of the original 1982 loan agreement, the investors only had to pay back the State if they made a profit. When you take it all out in salary, there never will be a profit. The rewrite, however, required the accounting firm that the investors used to supply a letter of assurance that the numbers were valid in a form acceptable to Quinn. The investors tried about 8 times to get the proper “form”, and finally asked for injunctive relief to prevent the “default”. During this time Quinn negotiated to shed the Quinn deal. You can learn this if you read Freeman’s dissent in the Supreme Court case brought after Ryan sirred the pot.

    The deal was an inherited deal left over from Quinn. According to the Sup Ct opinion, Topinka negotiated a far better settlement than Quinn had. Freeman was upset that Topinka did not try harder to overturn Attorney General Ryan.

    It just goes to show you that we should not allow people with no real world experience to make decisions. Quinn could declare a default, this is true, but he could never win the foreclosure. Topinka needed to get out while she still had the leverage from the Quinn appeal that was up for rehearing. Ryan’s valuation was a foreclosure evaluation, while the real valuation was the paper. The book value of the paper on the books was a lot less than Topinka was to get. Also remember that when Topinka came in, she took 3/4 of Quinn’s staff with her including the attorney’s working on this case.

    You might also note from the Appellate Court Case that the “investors were required to supply a list to the State Treaurer.” This list could easily have been obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Kovarik’s charge is ridiculous.

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