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New EE ads

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Edwin Eisendrath has posted his three new TV ads on his website.

View them there, rate them here.

UPDATE: AP now has a story.

A Blagojevich spokesman calls the ads silly distortions that are sad and irrelevant.

UPDATE: Governor Blagojevich has two new ads up. One’s about education standards and his college tax credit plan. The other is about healthcare.

Watch them both here and then rate them below. We’ll continue this tomorrow. (Hat tip to a commenter.)

UPDATE: Comments closed. See Thursday’s post.


  1. - He's Joking Right? - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:02 pm:

    He Must be Joking

    I seriously hope he didn’t pay good money, his mother’s money to make these commercials

    They are very comedic…

    In a Really bad way

  2. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:04 pm:

    I don’t think these are nearly as bad as his last one. But that’s just me.

  3. - Annony - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:04 pm:

    Ad #1 - “Who has two thumbs and is desperate to an iota of credibility to this campaign? ::points at himself with thumbs:: This guy!!!”

    Ad #2 - Ad number two using a picture of Dick Cheney. Careful Eddie, Dick’ll show up at your northside condo and bust a cap.

    Ad #3 - Funniest campaign ad I’ve ever seen. If he juggles the cainsaws, I’ll vote for him for sure.

  4. - Bill - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:05 pm:

    The third ad is actually pretty good if he cut out the chainsaws and the goofy laugh at the end. it was tight in the middle and would have been more effective had he not had the goofy aspects of it.

  5. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:11 pm:

    I think they are decent in terms of production–the problem is at this late date he is trying to introduce himself and attack in the same commercial. That’s tough to do–if people don’t like you and you are attacking the first time they see you, it creates a negative impression.

    Given how late it is, he may not have a better option.

  6. - snowscape - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:12 pm:

    I agree with Bill that the third is probably the best, but it’s still disappointing that his only claim to the state’s top office is that he hasn’t been indicted. He’s offering no vision, no plan, no promises, not even a biography. With three spots, I’d have hoped for more.

  7. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:13 pm:

    He’s alive! Where’ve you been, Larry?

  8. - Ann - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    I think the commercials are GREAT! He is going after Blago and I sure hope he gets him!

  9. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:28 pm:

    Fixing my damn desktop which Microsoft sabotaged
    Trying to stop the water pipe that broke in the apartment above us from creating indoor rain.

    IOW, lots of swearing.

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:30 pm:

    Standard Microsoft response: Get a Mac.

    Can’t help with that apartment thing. Bummer.

  11. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:36 pm:

    Guess who Dick Chaney invites quail hunting next time.There not to bad but he needs to talk issues and answers.

  12. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:38 pm:

    I think Archpundit is right. It’s all attack. He says nothing about himself other than he’s not Blago. That’s why you need to do more than 2 weeks of ads if you’re an unknown. You need to define yourself as an alternative.

  13. - Common Sense in Illinois - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:49 pm:

    I always wondered who was Official A…and the chain saws are too priceless.

  14. - Sharad Kumar - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 4:00 pm:

    Ridiculous. Horrible.

    A case study in how *not* to get elected.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 4:49 pm:

    I think that they are actually pretty good, though the Cheney stuff was unnecessary. Wish they would have started a month ago though. When are they going up Rich?

  16. - Bolder Illinois - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:00 pm:

    These ads seem to be saying that democratic voters should think about whether they want to vote for an incumbent whose administration has such serious legal and ethical issues. Hmm. Is that asking too much of people? Hope not.

  17. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:10 pm:

    Vote for me, Clark W Grizwald. He used a pretty good photo of Rod for the ads. I would have at least used the goofy one that is alway in the SJR.

    Otherwise, nothing new. I can get the same message from Finke on Sunday mornings.

    Edwin’s toast!

  18. - Mandy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:11 pm:

    He should of run them in December or January. It seems like he never thought it through too well…

  19. - Chicago girl - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:15 pm:

    I am not sure if I am impressed with the ads because they (finally) exist, or if I really like them. That being said…I think the third one was the best. I think it is important to remind voters in Illinois why they need to get out and vote, and that we all are responsible for our elected officials. I agree, though, that the goofy laugh at the end should be cut.
    Anyway–more important than whether or not I like the ads is–will I ever see these ads anywhere except for on the website???

  20. - INADAZE - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:19 pm:

    Are you people ever happy…this site is becoming like talk radio, your team is winning but you’re still gripping! The ads are GREAT! They give the voters a clear choice between what we have now in Rod and what we could have with Edwin…let’s see, a governor ducking questions from reporters, has no idea who he has appointed to important committees, making his friends rich with pay to play politics vs. Edwin Eishendrath, who turned around the Chicago Housing Authority(got is’s first clean audit in more than 10 years)and yes, he’s not under investigation!!!He wants to fund schools and turn our economy around! What’s the matter with having a clear choice—-

  21. - Walking Wounded - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:20 pm:

    I thought the chainsaw ad was ‘da bomb. Mandy is right, though….it sure would have helped to get the message out a few months ago.
    Heck, I’d even consider pulling a Dem ballot this primary, just to give him a vote!

  22. - Mandy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:28 pm:

    Can we all agree on one thing. Almost no one in this state is voting for EE, they’re either voting for or against Blago. We know nothing about EE. We don’t know what happened at the CHA when he was there. We don’t know what he stands for other than he’s not the current Guv. Why can’t we all just admit that and then get on with it.

  23. - YNM - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:36 pm:

    i thought they were pretty good … i like the “make me governor, i’ll make you proud” tag … and i like his line about there only being one person who can clean up politics in illinois …

    much better than his previous.

  24. - better - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:52 pm:

    It’s easy to be a critic. The chainsaw ad wasn’t too bad. The chainsaw part was wierd, but the rest of the message was good. Take out the goofy part at the end and add a line about what he’ll do for schools, etc. and it’s a pretty good ad.

    The 4 more years ad started good. After he says Democrats should hold to a higher standard, he should cut the rest and again talk about what he’s going to do for schools, seniors, whoever. The Cheney picture is unnecessary.

    In the first ad, I like that he talks about what he’ll do. The public official A message isn’t bad. Again, no need for the Cheney picture.
    I like the choice message. I agree no one is necessarily voting for him, they’re voting against Rod, so choice is good. The more I watch this one the more I like it.

    Not perfect, but these are definitely better.

    Which one goes on TV?

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:54 pm:

    All 3

  26. - HoosierDaddy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:01 pm:

    All in all pretty good. He does what he should have done six months ago– compare Blago to Ryan.

    The part I didn’t like? Cheney. What is this? We get Sandy Whatserface attacking Judy despite the fact that she’s not running against Judy and now EE attacking Cheney…. new trend in politics… attack your non-opponent.

  27. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:04 pm:


    No we can’t agree. There are really voters out here who are voting for EE. We like his message and truly believe he will turn things around .

  28. - the wonderboy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:05 pm:

    I actually thought they weren’t bad. Not a lot of bells and whistles, but make a solid and consistent statement.

  29. - Puffery Police - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:32 pm:

    Finally, they are posting the spots in more than one format so I can actually see them, should have been doing that from day one.

    They are not bad spots. The last one is nice. I also liked the tag line that says WE, the voters, are the one that can change things.

    I think tired spots are the ones with overly dramativ doom music, fake Don LaFontaine-imitation voiceovers and a lot of stupid stills where the enemy is in black and white with a goofy expression and the hero is in color looking holy. Where newspaper headlines are taken out of context, or sales points are made to look like newspaper headlines and actual attributions are too small to see or not posted on screen at all. Where checklists of made-up “facts” and biases are listed like they were true . Where the copy says “official A will eat your babies and poop on your graves”. Where the copy makes suggestive disparaging remarks like “his brother is a philatelist seen masticating in public.”

    And what’s tired is a spot with someone dressed up like a nurse saying the governor has done all but cured cancer and citing for proof empty promises and programs that haven’t even started operating yet. Those spots are tired-looking. MMM, I’m sleepy all of a sudden…

  30. - Political Hack - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:35 pm:

    The Hack likes them. And not just because they are negative (reason enough). Voters will respond to them. It is clear they are research driven, but 3 ads over 12 days and only $1 million is not going to do it. It would take over 3000 gross rating points to burn those puppies in and that would cost E squared more than $2.2 million statewide. You have to remember, they have made a calculated decision to have voters vote against Rod and not for EE. I know the do-gooders don’t want to hear this, but in political research, that is almost always (damn near 94% of the time) the reason incumbents lose. Not because of great challengers, but because the public hates the incumbent. Don’t think Eddie has done enought to win, but he has made it fun.

  31. - girl friday - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:01 pm:

    I enjoyed them. I thought they were pretty good.

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:03 pm:

    ArchPundit is right, you never want to be delivering your own negative attacks if you can avoid it.

    Atleast the chainsaw ad is different, and I kind of liked it. But the ads are way to similar to one another. If your going to spend three times on production, get three ads that have the same message, but a different look, feel and delivery for each, so they reach three different audiences.

    There’s also way too many insider references; if you said “Public Official A” to voters, 99% wouldn’t know what the heck you’re talking about. Remember, only 1% of the public knows what a blog is — the “normoids” live in a different world than us “abnormoids”.

    95% of voters won’t recognize Cheney from his photo.
    80% won’t recognize Ryan.
    40% won’t recognize Blagojevich, even with his trademark hair.

    I hate giving out free advice, but at the end of the day, none of it matters to Edwin Eisendrath, because he’s still going to lose this race, he’s just going to lose it a million bucks poorer.

    The GOP debates and the George Ryan trial are a great reminder for Democratic primary voters that Rod’s not so bad after all.

    Rod may come off as the kind of kid you would have punched in the nose back in your schoolyard days, but his temperment is far better than the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse heading the GOP ticket. Yesterday’s debate should have been called the Punch & Punch & Judy & Whine Show.

    And as much as my friends at the Chicago Tribune editorial board like to gloss over the differences, there’s a chasm between what George Ryan is on trial for and what even the Governor’s worst critics accuse him of.

    Kass’s recent Ryan column should be required reading for the Tribune Editorial board and anybody about to accuse Blagojevich of “Business as usual.” Yes, we can and should demand more from the Governor, but things are a heckuva lot better than they used to be.

  33. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:04 pm:

    They weren’t too bad, pretty good actually. But what is the deal with the Cheney photo in #2?

    At least with EE on the ballot state employees can still appear loyal by pulling a democratic primary ballot and have the choice to NOT vote for Blago but someone else. I bet it will feel goooood.

  34. - Edwin Rules - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:09 pm:

    I liked them. ‘Nuff said

  35. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:12 pm:


    Here’s an old one for you. “There you go again…” I think you have the Rod/George thing backwards. Blagozo has screwed up the future of this state more than anybody in the previous 26 years before him. Things are better now? Lemme change my pants. You made me laugh so hard I peed them.

    When the indictments come out, GRod/POA will be buried under so much paper he will need to get new shoe lifts just to see daylight.

  36. - Nancy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:49 pm:

    Sounds like a brilliant strategy to me. Hit the airwaves in the last two weeks when people are really paying attention; run a interesting ad–certainly alot different than everything that’s out there—and also prevent blago from hammering back with all those millions (he can’t spend 20 million in 12 days can he?) Eisendrath sounds like he outfoxed everybody.

  37. - CHS - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:00 pm:

    I like the ads. Edwin Eisendrath is a a refreshing change. Last night at the Edgar County Dems candidate forum, a very informative local couple was representing Eisendrath. They did a terrific job sharing his visions for the state ,especially in regards to education. Blago was over in Effingham, but he chose not to come on over to Paris. It is time for a change….I’m voting for EDWIN EISENDRATH!

  38. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:17 pm:

    I liked them. Didn’t get the Cheney pics though…

  39. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:18 pm:


    Heard about Blago ducking and running from the media while he was in Effingham. Pretty typical..
    Let’s see how he ducks and runs on March 22nd!!

  40. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:45 pm:

    He should have hired the guys that did Ventura’s commercials.

    Judy is probably happy about this.

  41. - Old Elephant - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:04 pm:

    They’re not bad. I don’t know if he can buy enough time to get in the race at this point, but then again, my sense is Blagojevich’s support is very, very shallow and any credible alternative could hurt.

    I’m actually hoping he doesn’t win, because he would be a much more formidable opponent for the GOP nominee in November.

  42. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:08 pm:

    Why aren’t you talking about that new BLAGO ad that just aired tonight? Lots of hair and too much talk about programs that he can’t pay for.
    It wore me out!!!!!

  43. - Vincent Van Blago - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:08 pm:

    The Effingham thing was just sad. He comes hours late, and his posse of state and local officials outnumbered the crowd that showed up. It was fun to see his hair helmet frolic in the breeze, it looked like a hula dancing bear was on his head. He wouldn’t take questions from the media saying he was in a hurry to leave, then spent what seemed like forever autographing some kid’s picture of him. The local press was very limp, no TV people asked him anything, only the local radio guy had the guts to even try. The TV cameras left even before Blago finished talking. That was probably a combination of being too close to deadline plus Blago had nothing new to say, and no answers to the tough questions.

  44. - Zatoichi - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:23 pm:

    Thought the ads were pretty good. Simple to the point, Main points come across. The music seemed computer gamey, but OK. No substance statement just an attempt to seem different. At least he is not apologizing for growing in the job and thanks for the opportunity. Do spinning plates come next?

  45. - CrossOver Dem - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:25 pm:

    The EE ads–if anyone ever sees them–do what he needs them to do. They let people know there is someone else they can vote for other than His Hairness. ABR — Anybody But Rod –and I think there are a LOT of them (us) out there! Do I think EE will beat Rod in the primary? No, unfortunately, I don’t. But I’ll bet he’ll pick up a good number of votes, enough to make Rod nervous! If he runs them downstate he’ll get a big boost! Go Edwin! I don’t know much about what you stand for, but you are NOT ROD, which goes a long way with me!

  46. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:29 pm:

    I got here late and couldn’t view Eisendrath’s ads. I was able to see the Governor’s though. The first was OK, the second all I could think of was that he was wearing the same tie in every spot, but the third was absolutely Clintonesque (as in Bill, not Hillary). If the Governor’s team is listening, go with number 3.

  47. - Roy Slade - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:13 pm:

    The ads for EEE were good- obviously the third one was the best. People like humor in their ads- and the message of “whom do you trust” or “my opponent- the blago- soon will be in deep crap”.

    The ads for the governor were predictable- political puffery at its finest. “Look at me- I have solved all the problems facing the state”. Except for, that “how to actually pay for it” thing.

  48. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:46 pm:

    The reason EE keeps pulling out pictures of Cheney in his ads is that Cheney’s approval rating is astronomically low. Nevertheless, I don’t think it works. Most people won’t recognize him in this context, and it will seem like a non sequitor to the ones that do recognize him.

  49. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:14 pm:

    Papa Legba -

    If you’re whole election strategy for Jim Oberweis is to hope that Blagojevich is indicted, why not just go home?

    Let me just point out that the prosecutors are painting a picture of George Ryan who took bribes for his own personal gain — as much as $137,000 in bribes from just one person. According to prosecutors, the Ryan team was liberating state equipment and relocating it to the campaign office, and doing campaign work on state time was the norm, not the exception. State employees were being strong-armed into making political contributions to their boss. And George Ryan ordered his internal inspectors to ignore, perhaps even cover up, the fact that state employees were funneling bribes into Ryan’s campaign coffers in exchange for rigging state exams, leading to the fiery death of six children.

    Now, I realize that Rod Blagojevich has been accused of doing favors for campaign contributors (which, let’s be honest, if it is a crime, probably every politician in America would be locked up), but I don’t think he’s been accused of anything even remotely resembling what Ryan is on trial for. In fact, I don’t see any real difference in how Blagojevich raises money and Governor Edgar raises money, except ten years later the public has higher standards and is paying closer attention, right? Or did I miss something during the MSI trial?

    Again, don’t get me wrong, I think the Governor has a long, long way to go in keeping his promise to reform government, but I do think he’s made substantial progress. But I don’t think you can completely blame the politicians when we ask them to operate in a system of unlimited contributions, unlimited spending, and unlimited influence.

    That’s why I agree with Andy Martin and Sen. Brady that we should either publicly finance all elections or at the least place reasonable caps on contributions, although rather than banning contributions by all corporations and unions, as Brady suggests, I think we should look at limitations on out-of-state donations.


    As for Blagojevich’s ads, I thought they were pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. They don’t say his name nearly enough, which is just as important as putting it on the screen. They should be able to say Governor Blagojevich atleast six or seven times in the ad space, I think they got two. And both lacked a closing tagline, something I thing is important.

    But, they do a great job of putting real people on the screen defending Rod’s record. The ads are obviously designed to appeal to women, a demographic Rod would love to lock in early, and he’s flat out ignoring EE and focusing on November, while Republicans are busy beating themselves with brick bats. The contrast is helpful.

  50. - Paul Powell - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:39 pm:

    Hey, I am for EE with or without the ads! RGod has tarnished the democrat party and is on the road to disaster with the feds. We need to cut the crap and vote this clown out March 21. The ads were extremely well done and I think will resonate with the voters who are looking for anybody but Rod. I know a lot of democrats most of them can’t stand the guy but won’t say much about it. I think they will speak volumes on election day. This one goes down to the wire.

  51. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:57 pm:

    No ad can be as bad as Sandy Wegman’s radio ads, but EE’s first two of this threesome are awful. Seriously, the director and the writer must have decided that they needed to get these wrapped up by lunchtime because it seems that no thought or planning was placed into any of the spots. And he’s spending $1 million for a buy? What a waste of money, although not as bad of a waste as Jim Oberweis’ last three races. ZING!

  52. - Tony Soprano - Thursday, Mar 9, 06 @ 1:05 am:

    Is that the best Blago can do with all that money?

  53. - Schiznitz - Thursday, Mar 9, 06 @ 1:07 am:

    The Blagojevich Ads were done very professionally, yet I found myself not believing a word. It just seemed disingenous. And when Rod himself spoke, I felt like taking a shower. Something about him gives me the sense that he represents the worst type of public official.

    I can see how Daley, Madigan and the other “good” democrat legislators can’t stand him. Maybe its punks like Giangreco that are crafting too-slick for Rod’s integrity. Beautiful commercials but not credible. Puffery.

  54. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 9, 06 @ 1:20 am:

    One thing about Eisendrath’s commercials that I found odd was his use of the term “this guy” over and over again, even referring to himself. I don’t know why, but that just struck me as weird. Sort of like one of those star athletes who refers to himself in the third person. What do other people think?

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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