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Such a lot of weirdness to choose from

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Choosing which story to link to about last night’s debate is difficult. I think I’ll just highlight the ledes.


The race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination entered on Tuesday a bitter new realm of taped phone calls, allegations of shredded documents and counter-claims of sexist “bullying” - all during what began as a staid debate among candidates over fiscal policy.

Daily Herald:

A downstate debate among the four major Republican governor hopefuls turned into a battle of the sexes Tuesday night.


Jim Oberweis drew boos and jeers twice Tuesday when he accused rival Judy Baar Topinka of unethical conduct during a Republican gubernatorial debate where mudslinging overshadowed substance.

Lee Newspapers:

What started off as a sideshow took center stage at a debate among the four Republican candidates for governor Tuesday night.


With the Republican primary race for governor taking an aggressive turn, Jim Oberweis asked Judy Baar Topinka to apologize Tuesday for criticizing his TV attack ads while Topinka said he was trying to “bully” her because she is a woman.

This one’s not specifically debate-related, but it’s my favorite because the columnist is so nice to me in the piece. lol

Carol Marin:

Marty Kovarik creeps me out. Then again, so does Jim Oberweis.

And check out this great quote Marin got:

When I asked Oberweis spokesman Wiegand if they hadn’t taken an awful lot of knocks for this latest stunt, he had a perfect response that explains a lot about how they look at the world.

“Every knock,” he told me, “is a boost.”


  1. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:27 am:

    Once again it demonstrates what folks have really known all along … is “Oby” is out there & apparently so are a vast number of his disciples & campaign/ personal advisors. I hope Mr. Oberweis realizes he needs to leave this race ASAP. If he just stopped “campaigning” he might actually get some votes. It’s sad that political scene has come to what’s being experienced. I hope the voters remember his antics. Man, it is scary {entertaining for a while}but scary. I hope seriously that people will look at character, honesty & a solid message when voting. Mr. Oberweis ! You are NOT governor material !!!

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:31 am:

    This is what I thought that Obie and his bunch are to stupid to re-adjust their campagin once it derailed and became mired in stupidity.We have a governor like that now so we don”t need a second helping.Wanna bet when he loses he will set the election out pouting.

  3. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:37 am:

    I accept what is being said by the Oberweis campaign as “questionable allegations” regarding Ms. Topinka. What does appear to have substance to it, however, is that Judy Barr Topinka had allowed a “personal relationship” with a subordinate to have influenced her decision making while in a state elected position. That bothers me. We have already had a belly-full of that with George Ryan and his friends & family.

    I had not intended to vote for Oberweis before these “Judy Barr Topinka Revelations” came out so it is a non-event as far as Oberweis gaining my vote goes.
    As long as the accusations being made are true, I have no problem with Oberweis, Judy, or any other candidate slinging mud. Mud can be slung only if there is dirt (and water) there to create the mud in the first place.

  4. - Rick - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:59 am:

    “Every knock is a boost.” Wow. Brilliance.

    If they really believe this, I guess they think they’re helping Judy.

  5. - YNM - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:01 am:

    So Beowulf, what are you saying exactly?

    I happen to tire quickly of the nasty campaigning … I’d much rather support a candidate who stays above that, which is why my vote is for Brady.

    Many have said here before that Obe would self-destruct at some point.

    Welcome to some point.

  6. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:13 am:

    Judy needs to stay away from the “picking on the girl” thing. It makes her look weak. She’s running for Governor, she’d better learn to stand up to the big boys.

    Again, that’s Judy’s problem; she has too thin skin. When she gets backed into a corner she uses the picking on the girl comment, sour grapes comment, gutter politics comment, he’s just in la-la land comment. If the accusations are false, stand up to Jim and clear yourself.

    If she can’t handle Oberweis, she certainly can’t handle Rod and crew.

  7. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:14 am:

    To YMN: All that I am saying is that “mud slinging” is not always a bad thing if it is the truth that is getting slung. How else do the voters become aware of the facts? Maybe I am giving too much credit to the voters in their being able to discern that which is truth from that which is fiction?

    I am not sticking up for Oberweis or anyone else. But, I do not think that a blanket statement that “mudslinging is a terrible thing to have in an election” is correct either. What do we expect in the days before an election, a “mutual admiration society” among the candidates?

  8. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:56 am:

    Nice to hear Topinka has backed away from her first defense. Topinka told Chicago reporters that they never shred “anything” in the Treasurer’s office.

    Which of course raises the question: “Why do you own a shredder”?

  9. - Marta Elena - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 7:56 am:

    B Hicks-

    I agree with you. She does need to stay away from the ‘picking on a girl’ thing.

    Speaking of the girl thing, did anyone notice that she wore less makeup during the debate?

  10. - ISU REP - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:21 am:

    I’ve said it once and i’ll say it again…. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY Milk Man!!!

  11. - Sound Reasoning - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:46 am:

    It doesn’t appear to me that Ms Topinka ever “allowed a personal relationship with a subordinate to have influenced her decision making while in a state elected position” as was previously stated.

    Documented facts show that after Ms Topinka was made aware of the ‘shredding incident’ she promptly made that information, which was supposedly on the shredded document, available to the public. Ms Topinka never attempted to cover up for her subordinate nor was she ever originally involved in the shredding incident based on eye witness accounts from the time this event occurred. Plus this accusation was all based on the statements that Mr. Kovarik gave to the Oberweis campaign. Since those statements were made several individuals that Kovarik named have come forward to refute his account and have threatened lawsuits against him if he does not retract those statements. Even Kovarik’s statements themselves conflict with one another to the extent that it discredits anything he has to say.

    Another incident in which Ms Topinka did what was right by the taxpayer and a professional thing to do was in her handling of the events surrounding the revelation that Mr. Kovarik had originally hidden the extent of his tax troubles from her. Once the depth of his problem was brought to her attention she promptly asked for his resignation.

    How does either of these incidents show that Ms Topinka’s decision making was ever influenced in any manner other then that which was professional and correct for the State of Illinois?

  12. - FrustratedRepublican - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 8:55 am:

    It’s episodes like this that have led to my screen name here. Nobody expects a campaign without attacks or “vetting” of the candidates, but Oberweis last night finally went all the way off the deep end. Insinuating remarks about another candidate’s sexual preference without just coming out and saying it is not only chicken@#$%, it’s far below the standard we should hold for those wanting to be our nominee for governor in this state.

    Oberweis basically told the press last night, “I heard this about Judy” but when asked if he could prove it’s validity, he told the press poll that that’s their job?! Huh?!!!! C’mon, Jim! That’s bush league and possibly the most amateur thing you’ve done this campaign - and that’s really saying something!

    Marin got it absolutely right. This was a desperate act by a desperate candidate going down in flames. Every knock is a boost? A boost for Blagojevich maybe.

    Maybe Oberweis WAS right on one thing. Maybe this is a two-person race. But now between Topinka and Brady - not himself. Brady was the only one that looked the part last night and acted like a governor in the questioning afterward.

    Maybe the good in this is that Jim Oberweis will embarass himself SO badly, he’ll never be able to run for as much as dogcatcher again.

  13. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    It’s true… Jim Oberweis is Andy Martin… I hope we never hear from him ever, ever again after this primary.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    Obie is a goof.
    But why hasn’t anyone asked Judy why she hired her boyfriend to be her deputy and that the boyfriend clearly had issues that made him unfit for guarding the public fisc.
    Carol Moseley Braun didn’t get off so easy on the Kgosie Matthews issue.

  15. - Maroon - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    “Every knock is a boost.”
    That’s an interesting strategy. If Oberweis is viewed as being THE alternative to JBT, then that’s good for him in the primary. Sure, he may get knocked, but people are talking about him and building his name ID.

    Assuming JBT’s vote share is capped at 40%, Oberweis needs to win 2/3 of the remaining votes. The only way that happens is if the race boils down to a JBT vs. Ober match. Naturally, if non-JBT votes are split then she will handily with a plurality.

    Perhaps this trashy back-and-forth between JBT and Ober could lead to an opening for Gidwitz and/or Brady? They could position themselves as clean, sane alternatives…

  16. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    After the election the state Repub committee should ask for this lunatics membership.It’s his kind of thinking that got Blago in and it is his lunatic fringe that will probably get him re-elected.The boost they imagine is the wind hitting them in the face from the free fall off the cliff.For the parties sake the rest of the canidates should ban together and chestize him.

  17. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Is there a contest between Blago and Obie to see who can say the most silly things? Some of the stuff that pops out of these guys mouths is scary.

  18. - Schiznitz - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    Obie crapped on the floor then threw it at Judy and said it was legitimate “mud” that was in the campaign.

    This is silly. What the Obie people don’t realize it that Topinka has been in office for over 20 years with a squeaky clean record. The only thing getting soiled is Obie’s pants.

  19. - Schiznitz - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:45 am:

    “Every knock is a boost” is the Alan Keyes method of losing elections by record margins.

    It is interesting to see how these Hail Mary’s just blow up in their own faces.

  20. - Sound Reasoning - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:47 am:

    Once again people believe what they want to believe if it fits their own agenda. So far the only person that has stated Mr. Kovarik was Ms Topinka’s boyfriend has been Mr. Kovarik himself. This is a man that is a documented liar, tax dodger and is being threatened with lawsuits if he doesn’t retract some of his statements so how can he be believed.

    Besides how does anyone know that he was hired based on his personal relationship with Ms Topinka? Prior to Topinka becoming Treasurer Mr. Kovarik was her Chief of Staff and individuals that knew him in that capacity at that time found him to be a capable administrator. When Ms Topinka became Treasurer it would have only been natural to appoint someone to that position that had shown sound administrative capabilities in the past.

    It’s quite obvious that Mr. Kovarik wasn’t extended any preferential treatment once it came to light the depth of his tax problems. When the Treasurer discovered this she immediately asked for his resignation.

  21. - Not So Fast - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:06 am:

    If Kovarik is a “tax cheat” as JBT claims, you would think she would have disassociated herself from him immediately after learning about it (assuming she didn’t know all along). But she apparently thought highly enough about him to use her house as collateral for a loan to pay his back taxes off. So someone is not telling the truth here. The fact that she took out this loan on his behalf (and let’s face it, people don’t jeopardize their homes for casual acquaintances) supports his claim that they were romantically involved. And note she doesn’t deny that they were an item — no doubt because it can be proved. It is noteworthy that when she was sworn in as treasurer, she was surrounded by her father, her son, and Kovarik. Sounds like a member of the family to me.

    I’m no fan of Oberweis, but he raises legitimate points here. And she is definitely playing the gender card. Because he threw mud at her, she claims he has a problem with women and likes to bully women. So the people who threw mud at Jack Ryan have a problem with men and like to bully men?

    The fact is that JBT uses her sex as an excuse to avoid tough questions any other candidate would be expected to answer. When asked whether she had a romantic relationship with Kovarik, she replied that that is something a “woman” doesn’t discuss, like her weight and true hair color. So a man can discuss his personal life, but not a woman? And it is sexist to suggest that all women are so vain that they will not discuss their weight or true hair color (and by implication, age).

    There is a double standard here. If a bachelor treasurer hired his bimbo girlfriend to be his deputy, the media and the public would be all over him. How is this any different? Was he the most qualified person for the job, or was he being rewarded for his bedroom antics?

  22. - Tony Soprano - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:28 am:

    Brady and JBT > Obie and Ronny

  23. - Rick - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:38 am:

    Hey, Not So Fast, you’re doin’ a lot of “assumin’”.

    Personally, I think that Judy is right here not to discuss her personal relationships. Jim O wants her to, and she won’t give him the satisfaction. If Judy doesn’t want to play Obie’s game and comment on personal relationships, you can’t force that to mean that Kovarik’s accusation is right.

    You can think, hope and pray that it means Kovarik is right, but sorry, you can’t use logic to come to that conclusion.

    BTW, if Kovarik is as right about his relationship claim as he was on the non-state employee or his previous statements to the media, LOL.

    Crash and burn, man.

  24. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 11:45 am:

    Some good points were made here by “Not-So-Fast”. Judy is not going to hold up to Blagojevich. She won’t make it to Round Three. She cries foul whenever she is criticized by anyone. The Illinois GOP needs a “winner” and not a “whiner” to go up against Rod Blagojevich. She can’t seem to stand up and defend herself. Instead, she runs off the stage at debates or asks Jim Edgar for help. “Mommy, Jimmy called me a name again. Make him quit, mommy.” She is a lightweight being sent into the ring against the heavyweight contender.
    Guess where the smart money is going to be placing their bets in November.

  25. - Tony Soprano - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 12:05 pm:

    Beowulf - You are right.. the GOP already has a ‘whiner’ Rauchenwhiner

  26. - Dem Voting R - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 12:54 pm:

    I find it interesting that those who wanted Judy to ‘fight back’ and ’show some spine’ so recently now claim she is ‘whining’ when she fiercely defends herself against Obie’s attack plan. I’ve been watching this campaign waiting to see the honest, shoot from the hip Treasurer I’ve come to respect. And I was proud of her for refusing to shake Obie-wan’s hand. After all, who knows where it’d been?
    But I’ll repeat what I’ve said here before. The Repubs in this state seem bent on self-destruction. The only candidate benefitting from attack ads on Judy is Blago. Congrats, Obie and Giddy - you may have just given us for more years of press-conference-rag.

  27. - Right Wing Republican - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 12:57 pm:

    So the questions are: will Obiewon de-evolve so rapidly that he comes in fourth, is Brady coming up fast enough to squeeze by a Gidwitz / Topinka split of the “moderate” primary vote, and where will Obiewon’s votes go?

  28. - Not So Fast - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, Rick. When a politician gives a canned response like “I don’t discuss personal matters” or the old chestnut “I won’t dignify that charge with a response,” it means that the charge is true. Why wouldn’t she deny the romance unless it’s true? Do you think if Scott Fawell claimed that he and George Ryan were romantically involved, Ryan would say that he doesn’t discuss personal matters? And please explain why she borrowed against her house to pay his taxes. Will she do that for anyone who works for her?

    JBT and her supporters are trashing this guy. But if he is such an obviously seedy character, why did she place him in positions of trust for so long? That would mean she is a horrible judge of character and therefore unfit for office. It’s like Ryan trying to discredit Fawell; he was satisfied with his character when they were in cahoots, but once Fawell flipped on him he was suddenly a lowlife who could not be trusted. Maybe we should look into JBT’s other staffing selections and shudder to think who she will appoint if elected.

  29. - Sound Reasoning - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:09 pm:

    Whether Ms Topinka was romantically involved with Mr. Kovarik or not isn’t even the point in all of this. They were both single at the time and he was already her Chief of Staff so no laws would have been broken and obviously, as he was already her Chief of Staff at the time, he didn’t gain in his professional position as a result of it.

    The accusations that some have made are that Mr. Kovarik received preferential treatment from Topinka as a result of that relationship (if in fact it even existed). Obviously this is not true unless you can assume that being asked to resign from your position is somehow receiving preferential treatment. Whether she mortgaged her home or not to assist him in his time of need makes no difference either as that would have been her personal property and personal business completely unrelated to her professional duties.

    There has been absolutely no proof of any kind that any ‘quid pro quo’ existed from any relationship. So far no third party verification has stepped forward and we have only the word of an individual of unsound character.

    The bad point in all of this is that Oberweis has successfully diverted all attention away from the important points of this election and that is what he would do for the state if elected. Unfortunately Ms Topinka has been forced by Oberweis to respond to his erratic accusations so even she can not concentrate on getting her message out to the electorate either. Oberweis is playing right into the hands of the current Governor and his quest to maintain his stranglehold on the State of Illinois. It’s a sad day for the Republican Party where a candidate such as Oberweis can lead the party into self-destruction especially at a time when the current Governor is so vulnerable.

  30. - scoot - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:12 pm:

    Jim Oberweis: get back in the helicopter and do not come back. thanks

  31. - A Carpenter says - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:17 pm:

    Knock, knock, knock on wood. A wooden head.

  32. - Abraham Lincoln - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:20 pm:

    I feel sorrow for the entire state of Illinois. There will be plenty of people who will be holding their noses as they cast their vote in November, regardless of how the Reblican primary turns out.

  33. - Central IL Stater - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 1:42 pm:

    I love the comments on here they are great.

    Dem Voting R: Yeah you want to hear the straight from the hip shooting, but I think what you don’t want to hear is her saying it’s because I’m a woman that they are hurting me.

    What she should have tried to say is “Listen, here’s what I want to do for the people of Illinois. Because that’s what the primary is about? To find out our positions and choose the best candidate. Then let’s get on with it and stop dredging up the unsubstantiated past and get on with defeating Rod.”

    I know what “Looserweiss” says is hurting, her - you can see it in her face - however, she needs to take a deep breath, say what she’s for and drive on. Go cry at home let it out and face another day. Isn’t that how most of us do it? Or go kick the couch - I don’t care, but you always try to stay composed. I know that Looserweiss isn’t making that easy.

    I think this will backfire in that Judy will get the sympathy of many women and some men.

    As for the alleged relationship between her and Kovarik, it doesn’t really belong here in this debate. If she did go out with him or have close relations with him - it does make you wonder about her taste in men, but it doesn’t have anything to do with her political views.

    I don’t support Looserweiss or Judy in this election - but I know Judy is a nice person and so is her family even though I’m not supporting her.

    Ron Gidwitz was trying to leap out of the way of the mud last night, but could help it - he ended up giving in to his unwise nature and criticizing Judy for basically being a crybaby.

    Bill Brady (I know, you’ve heard it from me before), has been the best here and the most adult. I think he’s truly troubled at the turn of events in this race and the bickering in the party. I hope his message of unity rings throughout Illinois. I just wish in one debate he would explode and say STOP IT! OKAY JUST STOP IT! This isn’t helping us get elected, it’s helping us self-destruct!!!

    T minus 13 days until election - what’s going to happen next?

  34. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:34 pm:

    Okay, for all of you Judy supporters: If you still think that this stuff isn’t hurting her, you, my friends, are living in la-la land. This is damaging her significantly. At the same time, it’s not doing Oberweis much good. Both Jim and Judy look like idiots. Gubernatorial material, please. And what about this gem:

    “Only Ms. Topinka’s current confidant Nancy Kimme can be said to have a relationship nearly as close as that between Mr. Kovarik and Ms. Topinka.”

    I’d say that by next Monday, it’s a Brady or Gidwitz race. Gidwitz would have the best chance because he has the most money to spend.

    He aint done yet, people.

  35. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 3:42 pm:

    After reading the defense of JBT by Sound Reasoning, I felt like I was in the Federal Building listening to Dan Webb give his last minute defense wrap-up of George Ryan. There is some great irony here.
    I am not meaning any disrespect toward the arguments Sound Reasoning used because he/she may be 100% correct in their argument. It just seemed so funny and eerily reminiscent of Dan Webb telling the jury that although it walks, talks, and swims like a duck, actually it is an ostrich and the the jury was coerced by the prosecution into believing this preposterous duck story (or duck tail).

  36. - scoot - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 4:05 pm:

    B Hicks that was some of the worse political advice I have ever heard. Whatever it is you do …keep on doing it(stick to the day job). Just admit it, you are worried that JBT will win the whole damn thing.

  37. - Rick - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 4:40 pm:

    Hey B Hicks, that over the top quote you gave is from Oberweis’ press release. Remarks like that do more damamge to him than to Judy.

    Be that as it may, you have already revealed yourself as pro-Blago. I must say you are consistent working to get the weakest opponent nominated in the Repub primary.

  38. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 5:14 pm:

    Yeah, that’s what I’m doing…. You honestly think that this stuff isn’t hurting her?

    I’ve said it several times, I hope she wins, she would be the easiest to beat.

    Hey scoot, sounds to me like you’re worried. She can’t beat Blago, and you know it.

  39. - Central IL Stater - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 6:01 pm:

    We all know it’s not only hurting her but hurting EVERYONE RUNNING. I hope that Judy comes out and knocks ole Looserweiss out. Maybe that’ll teach him. If she’s going down in flames, she might as well have fun.

    I know she won’t do that. And I know that Gidwitz won’t win either.

    And what all this does is mess up everything for everyone else running - Thanks Looserweiss.

    I hope the debate can be viewed on the website later. The dial up at home is really slow and I can’t get to the website until maybe tomorrow.

    Can’t wait to hear the comments. This has been a lot of fun! Thanks all, goodnight for now.

  40. - scoot - Wednesday, Mar 8, 06 @ 10:11 pm:

    B-Hicks Lol….your a funny guy or gal. Not worried one bit about Blago, why should I be? He has more indictments then people on his hate crimes commission……good night folks!!

  41. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Mar 9, 06 @ 8:13 am:

    Well, perhaps JBT will only get the votes of those of us who have ourselves made a mistake in a personal relationship at some time in our lives. I wonder how close to 100% that is?

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