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Things that make you go hmmmm….

Friday, Mar 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

So, I ‘ve been wondering lately why Rod Blagojevich would have appointed someone from the Nation of Islam to a hate crimes commission. From what I can tell, all of the commission members had to submit resumes and other background material, so they had to have known.

The question also crossed my mind today about why he would declare a “Coalition for the Rembrance of Elijah Muhammad Day” three years in a row.

Then somebody reminded me of something that was in my very own blog.

In a letter to County President John Stroger and other officials, County Commissioner Larry Suffredin said he wants to make sure that contractor Jabir Herbert Mohammad is a legitimate minority-business operator and is not acting as a front for associate Antoin Rezko.

Mr. Rezko has been a top fund-raiser for Mr. Stroger and Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and franchises Panda Express fast-food outlets in the Chicago area. He and Mr. Mohammad have a long-standing business relationship. […]

Crucial Inc. is owned by Jabir Herbert Muhammad, the ailing son of the late Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad.

In the Blagojevich administration, it often seems like all roads lead to Tony Rezko.

UPDATE: Getting back to the governor’s three Elijah Muhammad Rembrance Day proclamations for a minute, perhaps the Blagojevich administration should be reminded about this:

Although Farrakhan has denied he dislikes Jews, it must be noted that Elijah Muhammad, whom Farrakhan has, arguably, patterned himself after, once allowed the leader of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell to address the Nation of Islam in Chicago in 1963. Indeed, Rockwell paid Muhammad what he believed to be a compliment when he called the NOI leader the “Adolf Hitler of the black man”. Not only did Muhammad allow Rockwell to speak, he applauded him enthusiastically. In response to NOI members who booed Rockwell, Muhammad chastised them, saying, “if they speak the truth for us, what do we care if they are white? …we’ll stand on our heads and applaud!”

UPDATE 2:I was asked if I could put this statement a little higher up in the blog, so here it is.


The Illinois Human Rights Commission is dedicated to the eradication of unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodation and access to financial credit.

The Commission is non-partisan and non-political. The Commission conducts adjudication and does not issue advisory opinions or take positions on matters of public debate.

All members of the Illinois Human Rights Commission have been appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Illinois Senate.

In keeping with the spirit of the Illinois Human Rights Act the Human Rights Commission does not maintain information on the religious affiliation of its Commissioners or staff. The Commission will not receive press inquiry on such matters.

Individual Commissioners come from a great variety of racial, ethnic, and religious and disability status backgrounds. They come from many professional backgrounds. Commissioners are not appointed as representatives of demographic groups or organizations. Rather, all Commissioners are appointed to implement the mission of the Illinois Human Rights Act.

“Commissioner Munir Muhammad has served on the Commission since June of 2003. He has served with distinction, integrity and humility. All of the Commissioners share my view that he has honored and advanced the purposes of the Illinois Human Rights Act”, said J.B. Pritzker, Chairman.

The Commission respectfully submits that it is a model agency: Where persons of a great variety of perspectives, who share a common goal, work together and learn from one another.


  1. - Anon - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 2:11 pm:

    You’re making a big assumption that Rezko influenced the Blagojevich administration to make the appointment and proclomation because of his connection to Jabir Mohammad. It could be true, but do you have any evidence of that?

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 2:13 pm:

    See the title of the post.

  3. - Paul Powell - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 2:24 pm:

    One question-why in the world have you media wonks been asleep on RGod for over 3 years? How much more do you need to see? Get your heads out of the sand!

  4. - Bill Baar - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 2:30 pm:

    Welcome to “Where’s mine” Illinoize.

  5. - grand old partisan - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    Anon 2:11, I don’t think you’re really following this correctly. The “assumption” I would make based on these facts isn’t that Rezko was influencing Blago’s appointments to a Commission or make proclamations about for a cause that he (Rezko) could probably give a rat’s behind about, but rather that the proclamation was small token of appreciation to Jabir for helping provide the needed minority face for Rezko’s business’s to get state contracts. The appointment is an unrelated development in this “assumption,” only tied by coincidences of timing and the involvement of an organization with the same bigoted belief system as Jabir’s.

    I know it may seem stupid, and it is. But that’s sort of the point. In trying to do favors for the friends of his political sponsors and letting his staff blindly reach out to any group from which he thinks he can squeeze a few groups, Blago has put himself in a position of repeated endorsing a racist, intolerant belief system. It may not be criminal, but, again, that’s not the point. It’s just stupid, and it shows what an absolutely pathetic excuse for ‘leader’ Blago really is. He’s just a pile of money and a hairdo who has had an extraordinary of good luck. Check out my post @ for more on that.

    Illinois deserves better than this. Thanks to this, and his brilliant Daily Show performance, our state is a laughing stock with an embarassment of a governor. I mean, can even Oberweis be much worse?

  6. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 3:16 pm:

    This is really grasping Rich. It does make you go “Hmmmm,” but let’s all take a deep breath. CROE has probably gotten both the city and county to write “proclamations.” Big deal, lots of odd-ball groups get these too. They mean next to nothing and they get signed on the auto-pen by the dozen.

    Rezko is connected to lots of people, it doesn’t mean he got Sister Muhammad appointed. Munir Muhammad operates all over the place, and that doesn’t mean he’s a Rezko operative. This subject is uber-emotional at the moment and while this makes for interesting reading, it also seems like piling-on to me.

  7. - Proud RINO - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 3:26 pm:

    Paul, Paul, Paul…..are you saying the media hasn’t been covering this? If you are, you couldn’t be more wrong. Do a google search, see for yourself.

  8. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 3:55 pm:

    I think there needs to be more research on the role of Luanner Peters on this issue. She was directly involved in the nomination, and also has a negative past in Washington, D.C.

  9. - James T Kirk - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    This is a valid story/question that the Governor has got to answer. I think this is a story that the internet really helped to uncover so congradulations to Rich and all the Blogs, the “Real” media is doing catch up on this story.

  10. - JohnR - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:13 pm:

    Seriously, sometimes I wonder what goes on in the minds of all you blind Blagojevich critics.

    You all too easily have latched on to some fictional story, based on a random coincidence, as proof of his corruption.

    I mean - isn’t the simplest explanation the most likely? That the history of the Nation of Islam movement is closely associated with the city of Chicago. That during black history month, it is not that surprising that politicians recognize the leader of that movement.

    I think at worst, it is pandering. You may disagree, and think that this is some scheme to keep Elijah’s son happy in order to keep him as a front for Tony Rezko’s businesses so Rezko can receive state contracts.

    But I think you give him too much credit. And Rich, you can’t hide behind that title and say it is a disclaimer. That is just dishonest.

  11. - Proud RINO - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:19 pm:

    JohnR, sometimes I wonder what goes on in the minds of all you blind Blagojevich apologists. You all too easily hae latched on to some fictional image of this inept leader.

  12. - ONE M.C.M.A.D - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:19 pm:

    Rich Miller, have you got the title of investigative reporter? You should be one!

    It appears that you might have nailed down why the staff person who appointed the NOI member to the Commission has not stepped forward. The Governor has not informed the public of which one of his staff members appointed Ms. Muhammad to the Commission. All we know is that it wasn’t him and that he did not know about it until the newspapers reported it.

    Back to one of my previous comments:Whose running the Office of the Governor?

    If it wasn’t the above as outlined in the post, then which staff member appointed her to the Commission and why hasn’t the Governor made a public statement about why his staff keeps him in the blind on important issues.


    At least Ms. Muhammad communicates with her leader!

  13. - This is crazy - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:24 pm:

    From the governor’s own proclamation: === I, Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor of the State of Illinois, do hereby… encourage citizens to recognize the organization’s nineteen years of service to Illinois citizens and their ongoing commitment to ensuring the legacy of this influential African-American leader.===

    and.. === Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah Muhammad continues to be an invaluable institution===

    What the heck was he thinking?

  14. - Establishment Republican - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:25 pm:

    This has a television ad written all over it.

  15. - JohnR - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:25 pm:

    Proud RINO -

    I almost spit out my drink when I read your post. Thanks for the laugh.

    Blagojevich apologist, heh.

  16. - skeptical - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:29 pm:

    how about another big coincidence. Rezko’s hunger to develop along the south lakefront seems to coincide closely with the Nation of Islam’s drive to acquire property there. See recorder of deed records properties along South Shore drive and east. Many were bought, allowed to foreclose and bought again for a song. Oh yeah, Mrs. Blago plays the real estate game too doesn’t she?

  17. - grand old partisan - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:33 pm:

    JohnR –
    Perhaps you are right. Maybe Illinois is simply in the grip of a “culture of coincidences”

    Seriously thought, even if it is just about pandering, does that make it right? Ask yourself: How much heat did Bush take for visiting Bob Jones University? How much heat did Trent Lott take for musing about how much better the country would be if the Strom Thurmond had been elected President? And no one is even saying that Blago is a closet segregationist, or that he should be run out of office simply because of this incident….as the Democrats charged against Bush and Lott respectively.

  18. - JohnR - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 4:47 pm:

    Look at my post - I never said it was OK if it was pandering. I just said that it is more likely pandering than some fictional 4-way scheme to accomplish… I don’t even know what.

  19. - Paul Powell - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 5:19 pm:

    Proud RINO: Of course I know the media has been covering THIS, we get that a day or so late down here in the sticks. My question was where has the media been with this governor on all of his blunders the past 3 years? This is just one of many and they are just now catching on.

  20. - Anon - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 6:04 pm:

    So tell me: does this mean that the governor or the legislature or any other elected official or body cannot make proclamations in the name of people or institutions that may run afoul of some interest group? What about Catholics? Hey we can find anti-semites in their past (and present…um…Father Pfleger) Fundamentalist Christians? Not too good on the gay rights thing, you know. What about holidays? Columbus Day isn’t without controversy. Probably should stay away from those parades. One can praise good works of and individual or organization without endorsing all their teachings. This is beginning to smell of a witch-hunt. And a racist one at that.

  21. - These are our choices? - Friday, Mar 10, 06 @ 7:44 pm:

    “Rezko is connected to lots of people, it doesn’t mean he got Sister Muhammad appointed.”

    You’re so right 47th ward. Why would the Blagojevich administration worry about who Tony Rezko thinks should sit on meaningless, feel-good commissions? Team Blago has its hands full making sure Tony’s friends are placed in positions of power in the administration heading agencies like Central Management Services and the Department of Employment Security as well as the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

  22. - Paper Trail - Saturday, Mar 11, 06 @ 12:02 am:

    Two observations: Anybody can get a proclamation done for just about any reason, you just submit a request. The Governor’s people spit out dozens a day, and any legislator can get one cranked out about as easy to take to their podunk local town hall meeting to recognize some local for their inspirational niceness. They are considered cheap and easy party favors to hand out to those people easily impressed by auto-pens and fancy calligraphy. They carry no actual weight of law, they are merely puffery. Like they used to make a big deal of reading telegrams aloud at family functions like weddings.

    Second point, reading the info Rich posted, it seems we need to find out who in the senate rubber-stamp approved the appointment without complaint or comment.

    I think it’s pretty clear the whole concept of the commission was never taken seriously by any of the governmental figures involved, it was an empty, throw-away Public Relations exercise from the start, so no wonder some idiot underling got tasked with handling it. It says volumes about what Blago and Emil Jones think is important.

    Best to abolish it and create a new body while the public scrutiny is still sharp, to make an effective organization instead of a coffee klatch club.

    Oh, but that would take people that actually care.

  23. - Anon - Saturday, Mar 11, 06 @ 1:34 am:

    Off-topic, but since people seem to be interested–here are the results of a St. Louis Post Dispatch Poll of statewide likely voters:

    Blago 61%
    EE 26%

    Topinka 36%
    Oberweis 25%
    Gidwitz 19%
    Brady 11%

    For the general, Blago leads Topinka by 7, Oberweis by 18, and the others by more. The poll was taken after the hate crime commission story broke and after Oberweis made his shredding allegations against Topinka. It doesn’t seem like either of those stories is having much of an effect. Bottom line: Blago is in; Topinka is in good shape, but she doesn’t have it sewn up yet.

  24. - HoosierDaddy - Saturday, Mar 11, 06 @ 1:52 am:

    Oh…. I thought that picture was Dr. Phil. Oh well.

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