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Blagojevich has problems with Meeks and Jackson

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

As I told Capitol Fax readers this morning, Gov. Blagojevich is taking hits from both Sen. James Meeks and Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Power concedes nothing without a demand,” [Meeks] says, quoting Frederick Douglass. “And the African-American constituency, we have not placed a demand on the Democratic Party.”

Meeks cites the $40 million World Shooting Complex in downstate Sparta as an example of a project that received state funds because its supporters are perceived to be swing voters.

“Three hundred million dollars went to Republican pet projects to get their support on the budget,” he says, after offering a blessing over our meals. “Nine million dollars went to a meth clinic in Southern Illinois. But we’ve got crack, cocaine and heroin on the North and West Sides. Where are those clinics?”

And then there’s this

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. believes Gov. Rod Blagojevich is trying to derail the proposed Peotone airport project.

“He wants to appease Daley,” Jackson said of the governor and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. “He doesn’t care if the project gets done.”

Jackson, D-Chicago, made his statement Friday at a Herald News editorial board meeting. He also said the governor keeps telling all of the parties vying for control of the airport what they want to hear.

“He’s telling (Senate Majority Leader) Debbie Halvorson one thing. He’s telling (Will County Executive) Larry Walsh one thing. … He’s telling me something else,” Jackson said. “He means to keep everybody fighting so it doesn’t get done.”

Meeks also had another interesting thing to say, by the way.

“You’ll have Judy Baar Topinka, who believes in abortion and gay rights . . . and Rod Blagojevich, who believes in abortion and gay rights,” says Meeks, who opposes both. “Theologically, politically, for the white conservative voter, I’m their guy. I have their philosophy.”

Except that he’s anti-gun, which could be a big issue for the Right if he gets into the race.


  1. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 12:43 am:

    And the build-up goes on. Meeks’s use of the media serves him very well. How… predictable. Soon, there will be a great “meeting of the minds” between the white democrats and the black democrats. Then, who would guess, Meeks drops out and endorses Rod “Roddy” Blagojevich. Suddenly, without reason (ha), Blago is doing everyting Meeks wants… Because, what is another campaign promise? Come November, it is just another vote….

  2. - Thinkingman - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 1:56 am:

    I get what you’re saying about the right and guns, but Meeks might win the vote of people with a Jill Stanek mindset for whom abortion is the only issue, and that is not an insignificant part of the electorate (less than 10%, but still significant).

  3. - Marta Elena - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 6:26 am:

    I think we found our third conservative candidate!

  4. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 6:26 am:

    Both will get a back room deal if one has not already been made.Meeks might be out there picking up votes to turn over to Blago at some prescribed time to make it look like a drop out by him instead of a back room deal.Don’t believe everthing you see in an election year.

  5. - Joe Sixpack - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 6:31 am:

    I support Rev. Meeks.

    For years, critical services have been starved of resources. Now many are at the breaking point. It’s time to reverse the cuts and restore public services.

    I’d support him in whatever run he wants to make.

  6. - Pat collins - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:14 am:

    How can be be worse than a man with the nickname Gun ban Rod? This RWE would vote for him

  7. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:26 am:

    JoeSixpack I’m afraid if it comes to state services and satisfing the African-American community for votes you will see state services totally shut down.It is already hard to get anything done and he is wanting to use a lot of out of state no bid contracts to fill the gaps.

  8. - ISU REP - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:34 am:

    Yea sure…more services for everyone!!! Let’s be like Europe where they take half your paycheck, I mean what do I need the money for…Those two college degrees don’t entitle me to anything I’ve worked for and it’s not like I have bills to pay….I stick by the saying that there is no such thing as a free lunch…We have budget problems already the last thing we need to do is add more services we can’t pay for, unless the average worker wants more taken out of there check for someone else….

  9. - Backyard Conservative - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    Here’s my post:

  10. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:49 am:

    Blago is giving this stuff to anyone out of state that will send money for his campaign why not let Illinois people do it.Now we find out that Iraq veterans can’t find work at home.Sounds like a good deal to me instead of out-sourcing we keep the jobs here hire veterans who will pay their share of taxes.

  11. - Cassandra - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:57 am:

    The Rev can send his his petition folks over to my house tomorrow. We’ll sign. We are not only in the anybody but Blago camp but he is not pushing an income tax increase, implying that needed resources can be found for education within the current state money pile. This is far better than JBT’s refusal to make a no-tax pledge or Blago’s championing of middle class and illegal immigrant welfare programs which will inevitably lead to an income tax increase whatever he says.

  12. - AverageJoe - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    If Meeks wanted to make a run for it, he should have don eso under the Democratic banner. You know, the one he ran for state Senate under. Unless he’s suggesting that a JBT governorship wouldn’t be so bad.

    As for Jesse Jr., was there a bigger political loser than him? Let’s see: alienate black voters by supporting Claypool? Check. Back two candidates against incumbent pro-Stroger commissioners who get trounced at the polls? Check. Continuing to push Peotone as the panacea for the economic ills of southeastern Cook County, even though the airport would be located in Will County? Check. While Meeks’ position may be of some concern, I don’t know if having a problem with Jackson is the worst thing in the world.

  13. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    Once again all Meeks wants to do is draw as many votes as he can away from JBT and then find an excuse to drop out and suggest to his people that they follow Blago.It’s the old smoke and mirrors thing.Sorry Mr. Meeks one snake{Blago} in this race is enough.I agree with an earlier posting if he was serious he would of ran in the primary.

  14. - Levois - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 9:42 am:

    I like Meeks. If I could I’d sign one of his petitions. I think this would be a mistake, but I truly believe he has what’s right in mind.

  15. - ISU REP - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 9:59 am:

    Cassandra: Maybe you need your memory refreshed…(The governor has told me he is working on some things to increase school funding,” Meeks said. “And I’m willing to listen if someone comes up with a proposal that will increase school funding by $6 billion.) That 6 billion is going to be reached how? More creative book keeping like Rod? Maybe they should start in the City and cut the bloated salaries of aldermen in half…that would save them 2.5 million, clearly that’s a small amount but it’s a start…

  16. - can't imagine - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 10:17 am:

    The Gov has already sold out to the black vote. Look at the $million to the church. The Illinois Veterans Grant program which provides $ to Vets for education tuition is only paying the colleges 5% of he tuition this spring as there is no money. Community colleges are having to absorb the lost revenue, while the Gov continues to run for office. Another example of a promise not lived up to.

  17. - Marta Elena - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 10:47 am:

    Average Joe:

    Senator Meeks ran under the Honest & Integrity Party a couple of years ago - not the Democratic party.

    As far as JJR supporting white candidates - I applaud him - he has supported white mayoral candidates in the past. The Shaw brothers used to throw that whole ‘race’ thing in previous elections. But when it comes down to it - it doesn’t matter what color skin you have. I’m from the South Suburbs of Chicago and we have both white and black leaders in the community.

  18. - No Peotone Airport - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 11:19 am:

    This is unbelievable. For the second time in a week, I’m confronted with a compelling reason to support the Governor for re-election. (The first time was the night of the Primary, when early returns fueled speculation of a possible Oberweis victory.)

  19. - 3rd Ward - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 1:01 pm:

    Honesty and Integrity,
    Meeks is an independent who may have the formula to shake up the two party system in this state. A black candidate with strong social justice credintials appealing to anti abortion and anti gay conservatives instead of white north side liberals. Even the Republicans tried to paint JBT and Rod as the same candidate.
    Meeks will run strong with African Americans, pick up the teachers union and possibly other unions who are disgusted with Rod. Draw on the reformers from both parties
    remember campaign finance reform and term limits often come from the Republican smaller less intrusive government crowd.
    And then pick up some of the right wing.
    Anyone following the Jesse,Meeks South Side South Suburban politics will no that their appeal crosses racial and party lines

  20. - Bubs - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 1:04 pm:

    As I recall, Meeks was recently quoted along the lines of “I haven’t heard anything yet that would cause me to abandon my campaign.” As if the buyer had simply not offered enough . . . yet.

    There will be a deal, all right. Rod has no choice, and the Rev. and Jesse, Jr. know it. The tasty morsels of that deal is what the purported “Meeks Campaign” is all about.

  21. - Veritas - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 2:09 pm:

    If Meeks jumps in he gets the black vote, JBT gets the white dems mad at the governor and Rod is left without a base. End result, Judy wins with or without conservative support. I’m telling you folks, this general election IS the democrat primary everyone said was missing from the campaign.

  22. - These are our choices? - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 2:41 pm:

    I am very curious about what Meeks is really up to after the last day of session last year and the LBC revolting and almost derailing the budget.

    But if he really is going to run as an independent though I think it’d be great if he runs his entire slate filled with failed tax swap promoters.

    Rev. Gov. James Meeks
    Lt. Gov. Rick Winkel
    Sec. of State Jim Edgar
    Comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch
    Treasurer Ralph Martire

    Not sure who to slate as attorney general though…

  23. - Bill - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 6:49 pm:

    How about Dawn Clark Netsch for AG?

  24. - Pro-Life Action League Supporter - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 8:21 pm:

    If Rev Meeks does indeed run and needs help circulating petitions, fundraising, coffees, etc. he should contact our office at 773-777-2900.

    We’ll be more than happy to help!

  25. - Filling out the Cabinet - Monday, Mar 27, 06 @ 10:42 pm:

    And how about Hollywood Hendon as Director of Human Rights?

  26. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 28, 06 @ 9:45 pm:

    I think I can safely say that if Blago caves into JJJ regarding the Peotone airport, he will get ZERO support from the Will County Democratic organization. In fact, I guarantee you will see Democratic committeeman with JBT signs in their yard.

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