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New EE ads

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Edwin Eisendrath has posted his three new TV ads on his website.

View them there, rate them here.

UPDATE: AP now has a story.

A Blagojevich spokesman calls the ads silly distortions that are sad and irrelevant.

UPDATE: Governor Blagojevich has two new ads up. One’s about education standards and his college tax credit plan. The other is about healthcare.

Watch them both here and then rate them below. We’ll continue this tomorrow. (Hat tip to a commenter.)

UPDATE: Comments closed. See Thursday’s post.


Tonight’s debate

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Andy Shaw just told me that ABC7 will be carrying the debate tonight on the Internet live at 7pm. It will be on TV at 10:30.

I just checked the website and they have something up about it, so go here at 7pm and watch the debate.

Consider this a debate open thread.

UPDATE 1: Supposedly, we’ll be able to find the debate link somewhere on this page.

UPDATE 2: Ron Gidwitz just reported loaning his campaign another $830,000.

UPDATE 3: Anyone else having trouble with the Internet feed? The audio and video don’t appear to be synced properly.

UPDATE 4: Same opening statements as last night.

UPDATE 5: Everyone seems so “reasonable” so far. I gotta figure it heats up, though.

UPDATE 6: I’ve met Ron Gidwitz on a few occasions, and he’s so personable and at ease with himself in person. He has such a hard time on TV, though. With all that money you’d think he could have hired a better debate coach.

UPDATE 7: Just in case you’re wondering, I was told today by somebody at ABC7 that since there has been no very recent polling, the League of Women Voters believed it had no choice but to invite Andy Martin to the debate.

UPDATE 8: Last night’s Channel 20 debate moderators aggressively enforced very strict time allotments, and that seems to have spooked Ron Gidwitz tonight, who appears to be abiding by the letter of the ABC7 time rules by abruptly cutting himself off mid-sentence.

UPDATE 9: This has happened before when the debate was staid and the press conference afterwards got insane.

UPDATE 10: Civil, fairly informative, decent debate. Apparently, Oberweis decided he shouldn’t pull another stunt like last night. Chicago is the bigtime and a lot more people will watch tonight’s debate than last night’s. Two meltdowns in a row would have been too much. Still, the press conference awaits. I had the opportunity to go, but just couldn’t. Now, I wish I was there for the after-bang.

UPDATE 11: I just talked to a reporter pal who’s at the debate. Apparently, none of the journalists have much of a lede yet, but they intend to get one at the press conference.

UPDATE 12: Apparently, Oberweis didn’t say anything controversial at the press conference. That overwhelmingly negative coverage today must’ve gotten to him.

UPDATE 13: Illinois Review has some of the few memorable lines from tonight’s debate.

· Internet columnist/candidate Andy Martin said: “Judy Topinka says she’s ‘not one of the boys.’ She’s the bad girl that hangs out with the bad boys.”

· Jim Oberweis said the placing of candidates onstage — from left to right: Topinka, Martin, Gidwitz, Oberweis and Brady — reflected the candidates’ “conservativeness:” “Judy is on the far left, Bill Brady is on the far right, and I’m just right of center.”

· When asked if a bill to ban abortions were to make it to the Governor’s desk, would he or she sign, Judy Baar Topinka said she “still believes in a woman’s right to choose.” “I’m not going to move us back to the 50s,” she said. “I’m not going to throw women under the bus, uh huh. . .”‘

UPDATE 14: If you’re blogging about the debate, or you see someone else has, please post a link in comments.

UPDATE 15: Apparently the biggest “news” out of the debate and post-debate press conference was when all candidates were asked if Gov. Blagojevich should disband his hate crimes commission. According to a reporter I talked to, Bill Brady said something like Blagojevich was choosing his black supporters over his Jewish supporters.

UPDATE 16: The AP story is up.

Republican candidates for governor played nice Wednesday night during a television debate where they disagreed about whether to ban abortion and how to cut money from the state’s budget.

UPDATE 17: At 9:25, ABC7 was starting to put up links to segments of the debates on this page. What this means is you should be able to watch the debate on your own schedule.

FINAL UPDATE: Comments closed. See Thursday’s post.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Let’s imagine, for a moment, that Illinois has a deportation law and you’re in complete control.

Which person would you deport first? Just one name, please, but explain why.


Protected: Campaign roundup - Check today’s Capitol Fax for the password (Use all upper-case)

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Such a lot of weirdness to choose from

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Choosing which story to link to about last night’s debate is difficult. I think I’ll just highlight the ledes.


The race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination entered on Tuesday a bitter new realm of taped phone calls, allegations of shredded documents and counter-claims of sexist “bullying” - all during what began as a staid debate among candidates over fiscal policy.

Daily Herald:

A downstate debate among the four major Republican governor hopefuls turned into a battle of the sexes Tuesday night.


Jim Oberweis drew boos and jeers twice Tuesday when he accused rival Judy Baar Topinka of unethical conduct during a Republican gubernatorial debate where mudslinging overshadowed substance.

Lee Newspapers:

What started off as a sideshow took center stage at a debate among the four Republican candidates for governor Tuesday night.


With the Republican primary race for governor taking an aggressive turn, Jim Oberweis asked Judy Baar Topinka to apologize Tuesday for criticizing his TV attack ads while Topinka said he was trying to “bully” her because she is a woman.

This one’s not specifically debate-related, but it’s my favorite because the columnist is so nice to me in the piece. lol

Carol Marin:

Marty Kovarik creeps me out. Then again, so does Jim Oberweis.

And check out this great quote Marin got:

When I asked Oberweis spokesman Wiegand if they hadn’t taken an awful lot of knocks for this latest stunt, he had a perfect response that explains a lot about how they look at the world.

“Every knock,” he told me, “is a boost.”


It never stops

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Sun-Times has a good roundup of the latest developments in the hate crimes commission fiasco.

A fifth member of the commission, attorney Alan J. Spellberg, plans to resign to protest Claudette Marie Muhammad’s continued presence on the panel and her reluctance to apologize for the Nation of Islam leader’s remarks, which critics have called anti-Semitic. […]

Word of Spellberg’s resignation came as Muhammad, the Nation of Islam’s minister of protocol and a top Farrakhan aide, took to Chicago’s airwaves to explain why she won’t repudiate her leader’s assertion that “Hollywood Jews'’ promote homosexuality and other “filth.'’ […]

On Monday, as the story began attracting attention across the country, Blagojevich declined to say whether he had spoken to Muhammad after Farrakhan’s speech. He also would not answer whether his continued backing of her is tied to concerns over alienating African-American voters, who are vital to his winning re-election. […]

Meanwhile, the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, an umbrella organization representing 46 Jewish groups, praised those who quit the commission.

Read the whole thing.

Even Lt. Governor Pat Quinn is piling on.

“I think she should resign, and if she doesn’t resign the panel ought to be disbanded,” Quinn said Tuesday night. “The purpose of the commission is to bring people together and it’s clearly not serving its purpose.

“Personally, I think Sister Muhammad has had ample time to repudiate the anti-Semitic remarks of Louis Farrakhan and she’s not doing that.”

But Rick Garcia of Equality Illinois continues to defend Muhammad, and he seems to have good reason.

Garcia said he attended the Saviours’ Day speech at Muhammad’s invitation, following the February commission meeting at which Muhammad suggested the panel ask the governor for a proclamation welcoming the Gay Games to Chicago in July. […]

“If I did not know Claudette Muhammad, if she didn’t sit across the table from me, I could easily say, ‘Get rid of her,’” he said. “But I know her. I wish that she had had a stronger statement about Minister Farrakhan’s remarks. But I just go back to this: I have never, ever heard her say or seen her do anything that is antithetical to the mission of this commission.”


Not happy

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Belleville News-Democrat wonders if the Dems know where Springfield is.

In a current TV campaign ad, Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he’s older and hopefully wiser after four years in office. However, he still hasn’t figured out that Springfield is the seat of government in Illinois, not Chicago.

Today, Blagojevich’s Democratic buddies in the House are holding three budget appropriation hearings not in Springfield but in Chicago.

Republican Rep. Ron Stephens, a member of one of the committees, is livid: “It is just too inconvenient for the governor to travel to Springfield to attend these hearings. He is the one who chose to live in Chicago, when a beautiful governor’s mansion lies empty here in Springfield.”

Springfield is the state capital for a geographic reason — its central location. A lawmaker from the metro-east or even deep Southern Illinois can drive to Springfield for a hearing and back on the same day. A hearing in Chicago, however, virtually necessitates either an overnight stay or a plane trip.

But so what if the taxpayers have to pay extra for mileage, hotels and other travel expenses for some lawmakers and staff members who will travel from Springfield? This is more convenient for Blagojevich.

Older? Definitely. Wiser? Obviously not.

Sorry for the complete clip. It was just too good to pass up. Go visit other things at the paper.


Mo’ money

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Krol has a decent roundup of campaign finance reports here.

As the governor primary campaign winds down, two-thirds of the candidates are dipping into their own pockets, appealing to well-heeled parents or taking out bank loans to bolster their bottom lines.

The spending never stops.

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Morning shorts

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Your moment of Lincoln Zen.

· Weinberger explains his vote. Good stuff, but, Dan, cross-post it at Illinoize.

· Mark Brown’s George Ryan trial prediction.

· Man, talk about nitpicking.

· Crane backs Salvi for his old seat.

· Zuccarelli rallies the troops.

· Congress could nullify 200 state food laws.

· Sneed asks if the guv is a brick short of a load.

· Might wanna change that headline.

· Illinois officials try to stop Kenosha casino.

· Cindy Richards wants the guv to abandon his tax freeze pledge.

· Hiram writes a good post about Eisendrath.

· Lindy Scott picks up endorsements.

· Gay Games causing quite the ruckus in Crystal Lake.

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Tonight’s debate

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Illinois Chamber and the NFIB are hosting tonight’s GOP governor’s debate, but if you’re not in Springfield or Champaign you’re out of luck.

The debate will be broadcast this afternoon from 5-6pm on WICS-20 (Spfld) and WICD-15 (Champaign). It won’t be on the Internet and is not being made available for rebroadcast to other stations.

ABC-7 in Chicago will air another debate tomorrow night at 10:30 pm.

Use this as a debate open thread.

UPDATE: WHOA! Isn’t it illegal to record a private phone conversation in Illinois without consent? Oby says he has tapes of Kovarik-Topinka calls. Bombshell… and backfire?

UPDATE 2: Oberweis may have misspoken. He clearly said recordings or tapes of conversations (plural), but I think they only have one voicemail, which isn’t much. He sure looked sleazy when he said it, though. And he was booed by the audience.

UPDATE 3: The AP story is up.

Jim Oberweis drew boos and jeers twice during a Republican gubernatorial debate Tuesday when he accused rival Judy Baar Topinka of unethical conduct.

One of their opponents warned that the attacks and counterattacks are weakening the Republican Party.

Coverage always follows conflict.


If the glove doesn’t fit….

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve thought for a few weeks now that George Ryan’s trial was taking a familiar turn. Prosecutors spending way too much time making a very complicated case in fear or at least in anticipation of the defendant’s “dream team” of lawyers. Defense putting on a fairly straight-forward, relatively quick rebuttal. This is from defense attorney Dan Webb’s statement to jurors today.

George Ryan’s lead attorney told jurors today that federal prosecutors “realize this case is in trouble” because they simply cannot prove the former governor ever took a bribe or a kickback.

The widely anticipated argument opened with attorney Dan Webb telling jurors that Ryan has endured “seven years of hell” as his life was ripped apart by federal investigators.

Despite hundreds of interviews and the presentation of 83 witnesses in the trial, the government never turned up one person who saw Ryan take money to influence his decisions, Webb said.

“(Prosecutor Joel) Levin said whether he was getting any money or not was just the icing on the cake. I say that it is the cake,” Webb said, his voice filling the courtroom as he spoke.

Not quite the brilliant poetry of Johnnie Cochran’s summation, but I can sure hear an echo.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Do you belong to any group, union, association, business, etc. that lobbies the General Assembly? How well do they perform? Details, please.


Not going away yet

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Governor Blagojevich refused yesterday to take detailed questions about his hugely controversial hate crime commission appointment.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich wouldn’t discuss details Monday of how he appointed a Nation of Islam official to a state hate crimes commission or whether the two have talked about her views on race and tolerance.

Four members of the Gov.’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes have resigned rather than serve with Claudette Marie Muhammad, chief of protocol for Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Asked about the controversy, Blagojevich said Muhammad is not responsible for any racist remarks Farrakhan has made. “I do not believe in guilt by association,” the Democratic governor said.

But Blagojevich turned and walked away when reporters asked whether he has spoken to Muhammad or whether he regrets appointing her to the commission. Earlier in the day, he left an event without answering any questions at all.

Blagojevich said last week that he didn’t realize he had appointed a Nation of Islam official until learning about it from news reports.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Defamation League reports an increase in hate crimes against local Jews.

The Anti-Defamation League of Chicago is reporting a rise in anti-semitism.

The group says it has received numerous complaints about harassment and vandalism within the last two months.

In one case, vandals painted swastikas and gang symbols on the walls of one of the city’s oldest synagogues.

In west suburban Hinsdale, three high school students are facing hate crime charges for painting anti-semitic messages on a wall near the Hinsdale Central High School’s athletic field.

UPDATE: Muhammad understandably chose a sympathetic venue for her first major interview since the story began, WVON radio.

Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad spoke publicly for the first time since four members of the Governor’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes resigned last week rather than serve with Muhammad.

“For those who try to condemn me because of the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s remarks … which were perceived by some as anti-Semitic, it’s ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous,'’ Muhammad said on WVON-AM.

“Perceived by some as anti-Semitic”? Um, wow. Doesn’t sound like she distanced herself much there.

Whatever the case, I’m glad she’s finally talking. Now, if she would just talk to the rest of the media maybe we could all put this thing behind us, one way or the other.

Oh, and the governor needs to answer some questions as well.

UPDATE: Forgot to link to my newspaper column on this subject. Here’s the conclusion:

The result of all of this is inflamed tension between black and Jewish legislators, who are usually natural legislative allies, and deeply hurt feelings within the Jewish delegation itself, which is now divided between ideological foes of Farrakhan and ultra-partisan supporters of the governor.

All of this over a backwater commission that was so unimportant that the governor didn’t even bother to activate it for almost three years, and which nobody ever heard of until last month, and whose only purpose is to write a report that nobody will ever read.

Thanks, governor. Great job.


UPDATE: Kadner has more.


Tribune’s take on Kovarik allegations

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

We’ll skip the preliminaries that you already know and get right to the meat of the story.

In several instances, however, Kovarik’s sworn statement taken last Thursday is at odds with news reports and public comments he made while serving as deputy treasurer in Topinka’s tumultuous first year in the treasurer’s office. […]

Kovarik said in his sworn statement the [hotel loan deal] settlement was “structured in my absence” and he “was not in on part of the deal.”

But in news reports at that time, Kovarik was cited as Topinka’s lead negotiator in the settlement with the hotels’ investors. In a May 14, 1995, Associated Press story, Kovarik recalled discussing the deal with the hotels’ attorneys while he sat smoking a miniature cigar at a conference table in the treasurer’s Chicago office. […]

In his sworn statement, Kovarik also contended that Topinka ordered him to tell her press secretary to shred a list of the hotels’ investors, including Downstate GOP powerbroker Bill Cellini, that she had promised to make public. Kovarik said the order was made in a phone call from Topinka’s home to Jim Howard, who was one of her press aides.

“What do you want him to do with it?” Kovarik said he asked Topinka. In his sworn statement, he said she replied, “I don’t care. Shred the damn thing.”

But in news reports at the time, Howard said he and Kovarik alone discussed the list of investors in a meeting in Kovarik’s office. Howard did not return telephone calls on Monday.

And on, and on, and on, and on. Read the whole thing, even though they left out a lot of problems with this statement that I had in today’s Capitol Fax, wherein I referred to Kovarik’s statement as having more holes in it than Dick Cheney’s hunting buddy.


Protected: For Capitol Fax subscribers only - full Kovarik statement and other campaign updates

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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6th District open thread

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

We haven’t had a good knock-down, drag-out here for several days over the 6th Congressional District race. Let’s start it off with a recent Lynn Sweet column on the low turnout at a recent Duckworth event.

It was snowing Sunday afternoon, and cold in north suburban Roselle, so I concede upfront that the weather impacted the turnout at a “family fun festival” campaign event for Democratic congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth.

There is a saying in politics: If you want a big crowd, book a small room. The classroom in the basement of a Roselle Park District building at 555 Byrn Mawr had space to spare.

During the course of more than an hour, no more than 20 adults showed up, not counting Duckworth staff and children, and I may be overestimating the size of the crowd.

It’s not that the Duckworth campaign did not try to round up folks; I was hanging around her storefront headquarters in a Lombard strip mall Saturday afternoon, and I listened as about six volunteers spent hours making calls to drum up a Sunday audience.

This is a 6th District open thread. What’s going on lately?

(Updated to add the name “Lynn Sweet” because somebody in comments actually claimed that I had lifted her column and used it as my own without attribution, even though I never even hinted that it was mine and there was a link to her column in the original post. Ridiculous.)


Oberweis talks about ending FOID card system

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m surprised it took him this long.

Republican governor candidate Jim Oberweis sought to bolster his 2nd Amendment credentials on Sunday, telling visitors to a gun shop near Rockford that he would explore a repeal of the state’s firearm owner’s identification card law. […]

“I’m not sure what real purpose it serves,” Oberweis said of the FOID cards, which are required to buy a firearm in Illinois and require a card holder to undergo an initial state police background check.

“Why do we need them?” Oberweis asked later. “Most states don’t have them. You can use your driver’s license.”

He also said background checks of gun purchasers were “reasonable” but said he felt “satisfied” with current gun laws. Oberweis’ fellow conservative in the race, Brady, has already called for a repeal of the FOID card law.


Guv hasn’t met with GOP leaders in weeks

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Republicans are complaining that the governor is cutting them out.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich will need Republican support for his $3.3 billion school and road construction plan, but he hasn’t been seeing GOP lawmakers personally to work things out. […]

Patty Schuh, Senate Republican spokeswoman, said it has been over a month since the governor met with Senate Republicans.

It has been six weeks since he met with House Minority Leader Tom Cross, said spokesman David Dring.

At the same time, Blagojevich has held a number of press conferences promoting his plan, including one Monday in Rochester, where local school officials have been waiting for state funding to build additions on to the elementary school and high school, replace the junior high school and build a performing arts center. […]

Blagojevich spokeswoman Rebecca Rausch said staff members have been meeting with various Republicans to work out the details.

That rally in Rochester resulted in this news report.

Governor Rod Blagojevich asks high school students to urge lawmakers to pass his capital improvements bill. Blagojevich says his $3.2 billion dollar capital bill includes money for school construction. In 2002, the state promised Rochester schools more than ten million dollars to build new schools, but the district has yet to receive the money. Even if lawmakers don’t fully fund the governor’s capital bill, Rochester is first on the list to get whatever money the legislature appropriates.

UPDATE:The rally also produced this priceless Doug Finke lede:

Unable to get enough grown-ups in the General Assembly to approve his construction bond program, Gov. Rod Blagojevich asked for help Monday from people too young to vote.


Morning shorts

Tuesday, Mar 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Ron Gidwitz has a new TV ad, and it’s pretty good (wvx file). The ad touts his strong Tribune endorsement.

· Is a compromise brewing between the CTA and Citgo? The CTA turned down an offer of millions of dollars worth of free diesel from the Venezuelan-owned company, but there may be progress, according to CTA Tattler. “Essentially, CTA staff is suggesting that the CTA give Citgo 200,000 30-day passes — $15,000,000 worth — in exchange for $15,000,000 in cash.”

· Safe for work nakedness (mov file). Tim Davlin is just one of those featured in this funny short film from Grace Uncensored.

· OneMan comes up with a spiffy new TV ad concept.

· Aurora to lazy residents: Tear down those Christmas decorations! (Hat tip: blog)

· Here’s one I missed from the other day, “Driver card for illegal immigrants rejected.”

· 8th Congressional District Repubs split on how to handle immigration.

· Churchill plays up his experience in 8th District race.

· Internet political donations are soaring.

· Ryan trial roundup.

· Republican lieutenant governor candidate Sandy Wegman has a new radio ad in which she attacks not her opponents but gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka. It’s a must-listen. (Hat tip: Family Taxpayers Network)

· Life in the Tribune’s DC “superbureau.” (Hat tip: fishbowlDC)

· I agree. This is pretty cool.

· The Decatur Herald & Review’s Letters to the Editor Blog is still going well. Very well. Go check it out. More newspapers should be doing this while they continue trying to figure out how to convert their old media staff to new media. It makes sense.

· CTA workers authorize strike.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Feds, Illinois partner to bring DARPA quantum-testing facility to the Chicago area
* Pritzker, Durbin talk about Trump, Vance
* Napo's campaign spending questioned
* Illinois react: Trump’s VP pick J.D. Vance
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Yesterday's stories

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