Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Everyone take a break. You’ve earned it. If you just can’t stop, check out Illinoize. Looks like there’s a fight starting. ![]()
Mike Madigan opens restaurant
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Madigan’s new restaurant is called Hickory River Smokehouse, and man is it good. Madigan’s gonna make a mint off that place. Meanwhile, he’s still building up his customer base so get on over there and tell him I sent you. Maybe you’ll get a free something or other. Maybe not. You can fill out this coupon and get a discount, though. By the way, they also deliver and cater. UPDATE: Oops. Forgot to mention the address. 2343 N Dirksen Pkwy in Springfield. Call them at 217-528-BBQ1
Taking the fall and asking for money
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Jim Oberweis’ campaign manager sent out a final e-mail today. Mixed in with all the other stuff was a plea for money, of all things. Second, the financial costs associated with this campaign have been significant, and Jim has borne over three million dollars of that cost. Additional expenses are incurred as we close out the campaign effort. Any donation you could make via our web site or by sending a check to Oberweis for Illinois And then he took the fall for all the mistakes his own candidate made. Now, a final, final word. The mistakes made on this campaign are owned by the campaign manager. As I think of the Bradley Braves and their big basketball game tonight, I’m reminded that even in a close game, say a 38-32 game, the difference between a win and a loss is sometimes told in the turnovers. For my mistakes, for things done and left undone, I apologize. I’ll try my best to do better the next time duty calls. Classy move, but Oberweis is the one with the big mouth. He gets the blame.
More trouble at Ryan trial
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I can’t help but wonder if this new revelation was tossed over the transom by either the prosecutors or the defense in order to get a mistrial A federal judge launched an investigation into a juror in the George Ryan trial Thursday, hours after the Tribune reported to court officials that public records appear to show the man had a felony DUI conviction that he hid during jury selection.
Friday Rolling Stones blogging
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
“Out of Our Heads” is about as raw a rock album as you can find. It was a revolutionary sound, relying heavily on the blues, but with a distinct twist. Rolling Stones member Brian Jones, who died in 1969, was always a mystery to me. When I was a teenager, he became kind of an anti-hero figure to my group of friends. We were both fascinated and alarmed by what drugs had done to him in that weird teenage way when you think you’ll live forever. Check out this photo from the cover of “Between the Buttons” and look at his eyes. Scary stuff. We had always assumed, like everyone else, that Jones had died of a drug overdose. “Death by misadventure” was how the coroner put it, later memorialized in a Ted Nugent song of the same name. Now, though, a new movie is coming out that posits a different theory, that Jones was murdered. The Rolling Stones have given their blessing to a new film which claims finally to solve the mystery behind the death of guitarist Brian Jones. The movie’s website is here. Go check it out. [Hat tip: Chicagoist] UPDATE: The UK website is pretty good too.
Question of the day - insider edition
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Do you think session will adjourn on time April 7? Why or why not?
Protected: Subscribers only - Various roundups and other news - UPDATED
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Meeks still mulling
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As I told Capitol Fax readers this morning, Southtown columnist Phil Kadner had an interesting piece on Sen. James Meeks, who is threatening to run for governor. State Sen. James Meeks (D-Chicago) is “moving full speed ahead” to put together a third-party slate of candidates for statewide office in November. […] Emphasis added.
Gun ban politics
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor spoke at a campaign-style anti-gun rally yesterday and issued a call for an assault weapons ban. Missing from some coverage, though, was this important fact. Senate President Emil Jones, a Chicago Democrat, has said he doesn’t want to put vulnerable lawmakers on the spot by calling the weapons ban for a vote this spring. The article quoted Rep. Ed Acevedo as admitting that support had “softened” for the ban, but Acevedo said earlier this month that he didn’t plan to call the bill for a vote. So this was supposed to be a rally to encourage legislators to vote for a bill that won’t be called in either chamber. In reality, it was essentially a campaign move by the governor to put media pressure on Topinka, who opposes the ban. From the Tribune: Supporters shouted “Hallelujah” and “Amen” as Blagojevich criticized Topinka’s opposition to the gun control measure.
Give us a break, please
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As I figured, this is not going over well yet. Election-exhausted voters might want politicians to simply disappear for a while, but Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich is eager to start debating Republican foe Judy Baar Topinka next month. And here’s the Sun-Times lede: After steadfastly refusing to even acknowledge his primary challenger’s requests to debate, Gov. Blagojevich on Thursday sent Republican nominee Judy Baar Topinka a letter proposing they square off in 10 of the forums — starting as early as next month.
Blame game
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller First, Chicago and Cook County elections officials chided the media for being impatient about the vote count. Now, apparently, they finally understand how important this is. With ballot counting not expected to be done in Cook County until this weekend, election officials said Thursday they may withhold payments to Sequoia Voting Systems until the equipment manufacturer has fixed any problems. Whatever. This was a bonehead move on all fronts. Chicago and Cook are by far this company’s largest client, almost guaranteeing problems, and local officials didn’t spend nearly enough time training people how to handle these new machines. More here and make sure to check out this story today.
Morning shorts - UPDATED x2
Friday, Mar 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · My latest Sun-Times column: I’d get a kick booting these losers into the next state. If you’re mentioned, try to remember that we’re just having a little fun. · Oops! Road help line a tawdry hookup line · Ban on dorm smoking OKd by House, goes to gov · “To hear the 8th District congressional contenders preach it, the general election battle for the hotly-contested, Northwest suburban seat is a bout between independents.” · Committee seeks study of wind turbines’ effects on birds · Zinga update. · Another take on the 6th CD primary. UPDATES: · “Almanac of Illinois Politics 2006†includes a section on blogs · Fritchey muses about who gets Stroger’s spot. Emil Jones or Jesse White. · Political odds. · Elginites defeated. · Cook County GOP finds improprieties · The Shadow rates post-election parties. · IlliniPundit looks ahead. · I disagree, for obvious reasons. lol · Friday beer blogging. UPDATE 2: · Families with autistic children demand broader coverage for All Kids plan.