New poll - UPDATED
Wednesday, Apr 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
The AP picks up my poll story from yesterday.
[A] new poll showed the two about even in the governor’s race. The poll found 44 percent of registered voters supporting Topinka and 41 percent backing Blagojevich, with a margin of error of 4 percentage points. […]
The new poll also asked voters about the possibility of state Sen. James Meeks, the black minister at a major Chicago church, running for governor. It found that the race remains essentially tied if he runs: 40 percent for Topinka, 38 percent for Blagojevich and 7 percent for Meeks.
The telephone survey of 600 registered Illinois voters was conducted March 30-April 1 by The Glengariff Group, a Chicago research and marketing firm. It was not commissioned by any of the campaigns.
The entire poll can be found here. (.doc file)
UPDATE: Besides the gubernatorial numbers, the poll also looked at the secretary of state and treasurer’s races.
· Jesse White - 59% (56 without “leaners”)
· Dan Rutherford - 28% (26 w/out leaners)
· Alexi Giannoulias - 38% (35 w/out leaners)
· Christine Radogno - 27% (24 w/out leaners))
· Undecided - 33%
- southernilrepub - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:49 am:
I have you all figured out!!! Save money from not getting the old school subscription and waiting 24 hours to hear it here. The numbers are interesting, (1) would have thought that Meeks ID would be higher than that with members of the Afr-Am community. (2) could be potentially good for JBT a lead, however still with in the margin of error, this lead could be similar to a post convention swing for a Pres. candidate. (3) Suprised by the LOW and I mean LOW numbers for Rutherford. (4). Radagno needs to do serious work for her race, because it looks as if no one knows here not even the party regulars.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:53 am:
I wouldn’t bet on that assumption, southernilrepub. Lots of things from the Capitol Fax will never be published on the blog. I’m only releasing this poll because the AP picked up the story today.
- southernilrepub - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:53 am:
Come to think of it, it looks even better for JBT because there were 9% more Demos identified than Repubs.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:01 am:
Wow… I feel so untrendy with my Rutherford bumpersticker…
- T.J. - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:10 am:
Giannoulias-Radogno: scary, scary stuff.
- Veritas - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:53 am:
Looks like Rutherford’s much vaunted statewide run is a flaming wreck.
- Sporty41 - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:51 pm:
From a Republican perspective . . . Don’t get all to excited/dissapointed about the Rutherford/Radogno poll numbers. Neither had a primary and neither has spent any money.
Pulling 28% and 27% percent respectively without any real campaign is a respectible starting position.
On the other hand, the fact that Blago, White, and Gia have had either an incumbancy, a primary, or both, means that they are, or at least should be on the forefront of the general population’s mind. Ergo it is not surprising that each lead their respective polls.
If I was blago, I would be concerned and would not want the trend to continue.
Otherwise, it ain’t where you start, but where you finish.
- Veritas - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:37 pm:
Rutherford has been preparing himself for this race for a number of years. If he can’t poll better than 28%, even this early, I don’t think he has a chance.
- Beowulf - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:18 pm:
The GOP had to come up with somebody that was willing to “walk the plank” and sacrifice themselves by running against Jessie White. Team player that he is, Dan Rutherford raised his hand and said, “I’ll do it.”
Who doesn’t like Jessie White? I am a Republican and I like Jessie White. Why try to fix what ain’t broken? After having George Ryan as Secretary of State, Jessie didn’t have a tough act to follow as long as he didn’t give licenses for bribes.
Dan Rutherford is a nice guy but he is running against a nice guy. One that Dan has even said that he likes. Count on Jessie remaining Secretary of State in November.
- Walking Wounded - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:04 pm:
Jessie White is a such “nice guy”
who has no clue on how his office is being run. It’s all pay to play; no different than when George Ryan was the Secretary. If the voters decide to retain White into office, knowing how corrupt the staff and Inspector General is, then they deserve the type of service they get. I’m very tired of seeing the corrupt, political hacks who are placed into sensitive positions in this office. You all get what you vote for.