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Question of the day

Wednesday, Apr 5, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Besides spend more time in Springfield and clean up corruption, what does Gov. Rod Blagojevich have to do to win this November?


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:03 am:

    Cut a deal with Meeks.

  2. - The Broken Heart of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:18 am:

    Keep spending that “Pay to Play” money on those feel good commercials. I’m starting to get brainwashed myself.

  3. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:31 am:

    Just keep reminding voters that the Accordiangal along with Sen. Whinenburger where in charge as Illinois developed a $5 billion deficit, let Scooter and the AntiChrist run campaigns on the govt. tab and let Cellini and KJ call the shots. She did more than dance the dance with George. She would be the last person to talking change.
    Oh yeah, don’t forget to give plenty attention to Brickhead The Executioner and his post inaugural public hanging festival

  4. - LittleEgypt - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:32 am:

    Gee, this is an easy one. How about stop speaking with forked tongue. Stop treating us all like we are his daughters. Start being the kind of leader we thought we elected 4 years ago.

  5. - Lloyd Dobbler - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    (1)Hammer home the no-tax-hike pledge
    (2)link JBT to Lee Daniels, Scott Fawell, George Ryan, Tom DeLay, Scooter Libby, Duke Cunningham, Dick Cheney, Alan Keyes and any other evil, indicted Republican
    (3) Actually spend time on the campaign trail, not just scheduled appearances. He’s a likeable guy personally, but on stage he adopts his damn Elvis personna. It may be *demeaning* for a sitting Gov. to actually walk a parade, but do that and show up for the state fair at least a few days(you don’t have to go down the big slide to mess up your hair, and your kids are not in school), you know BE A NORMAL PERSON!
    (4) Spend ALL your war chest, hammering at JBT. Cause there aint no -Blago for Prez- in ‘08, no matter what your *trusted* aides say. Face it.

  6. - the original Bill - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:51 am:

    Sit back, relax, and let the professionals do their jobs….and try not to say anything stupid.

  7. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:54 am:

    59% unfavorable rating…. yeah goodluck with those feelgood commercials. When people hate you, you certainly don’t want to be seen on TV. Maybe he has a shot… just don’t get indicted…

  8. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:59 am:

    Try hiring some advisors with some experience in their fields. Get the political hacks out of IDOT and put the engineers back in charge. Open the Thompson prison. Back off the no tax hike pledge it will burn you. Even the Democrats from Madigan, down to the rank and file union guy knows Blago is spending way to fast to keep up without a tax hike. If, “The government needs to do more,” as the ads say, we have to pay more in taxes. It is a simple fact, no way around it so stop lying. Judy can hammer him with it and show the tax hike under the next governor, whether her or Lisa Madigan will be to pay off Rod’s credit cards.

  9. - the original Bill - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:06 am:

    Not quite the truth, as usual, Patriot. The no tax pledge is Rod’s strongest asset, particularly with the typical wishy washy response from Judy. The governor’s aides DO have quite extensive experience in their respective fields which will become even more evident in ‘06 and beyond.
    There seems to be some generational resentment permeating your remarks. Out with the old…in with the new!
    Bring it on!

  10. - Illinois Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:11 am:

    Don’t close any prisons…open the new ones that sit empty..and hire more staff. cut from the top not the bottom.

  11. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:15 am:

    Topinka was on Spike O’Dell this morning, and was terrific (opinion, to be sure). But it would be hard to deny that she was poised, confident, but above all GENUINE. She directly answered every question that Spike or the listeners put to her, and she came off sounding like real person, the proverbial ‘one you’d rather have a beer with.’ Rod would be wise not to understimate that stength. I don’t know how he can do it, but he needs to shake the perception that everything he does or says could be just another lie/ploy/empty promise to win your vote.

    Now, I know there will be plenty of people to jump on (I’m looking at you, Reddbyrd - Mr. Everything’s a home-run for G-Rod!) that will say this is just partisan cheerleadering and Rod is great at connecting with people and has nothing to worry about, but I think deep down, ever the most partisan Democrat has to be nervous when they hear Judy on talk radio, and compare that her to similar performances by Rod.

  12. - Bass Man - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:51 am:

    Promote his anti-violence games legislation…oh, sorry, unconstitutional…Umm, accelerate road building to create more jobs…oh, sorry, he pilfered $700 million from the road funds, and can’t match new federal dollars without his “jobs” bill…er, uh, promote his efficiency in state government initiative…oh, sorry, many of his appointments aren’t sure what the acronym of the state agency they work for actually means…Ummm, I dunno…keep up slick campaign adds that show him getting out in the public, with real people saying how great he is (paid of course), and for god sake DON”T debate…just let the election happen, maybe then he’ll just squeak by.

  13. - rich miller fan - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    Hey Rich, how about asking your loyal bloggers a question of the day, of , if you were new to Illinois or Chicago politics and wanted to get active with a view to run for political office, whith what organization or what politican should you consider joining with to succeed?

  14. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    Continue to breathe. Also, in order to win his heart will need to pump blood from now through November.

    If he manages to do both of those, he will win easily.

  15. - phocion - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:05 am:

    Skeeter’s wrong.

    Have a stroke.

    Then have Neil Steinberg write a crass column about it.

  16. - SalukiDog - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:49 am:

    Rod has a serious issue with trust, and I believe it is a much bigger issue than he (or his advisors) think. He needs to try to reconnect with voters across the entire state, which may be very difficult considering once one has lost trust with people, it is very difficult to get it back.

  17. - Shelbyville - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    Persons within the inner circle cannot possibly know the problems that the govenor faces downstate. Cook, alone is not going to re-elect him.

    Meet with the precinct people and listen to the common guy. All the money in the world won’t re-elect him if he doesn’t do a 360 with the little guys.

  18. - ron - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    topinka 52% blago 46% other 2% election results. blago’s attempt to drive up negatives on topinka will fail. when an incumbant has a 52% disapproval rating, he needs to talk about positive things. most elections are won by the candidate perceived as projecting the positive message.

  19. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    Hey to Mr. Grand Old Party. Thanks for the request to provide some independent analysis of the AccordinanGal w/ Spike.

    The interview I heard had a lot of stuttering, promises of MORE Money for school, MORE Money for nursing homes, worries about cooking the books — like that did not already happen under Uncle George :)
    To bad Spike did not ask how we pay for all this stuff, but hey he’s just a DJ w/no music.

    She also seemed to promising a state tax hike to help some wealthy homeowners from the western suburbs who think the property taxes are too high on their million dollar houses.
    There was also the tired old whine about not living in the Mansion. She will. Yipee. Maybe there can be weekly polka parties with Cellini and KJ.
    And then there was the rant about the government workers pensions and how the law mandates we pay them. That goes over well as many in the private work force get zip, zero nada

    As usual, the interview looked like another Homerun for GRod
    Thanks for Asking And Have a Great Day

  20. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:25 am:

    According to Zogby/WSJ, even with high negatives Blago still leads by six. The ILGOP has been so bad at being a political party that they will not be able to knock off Blago. That’s what you get when you turn your party over to people like Stanek, Obie, Brady, Kjellander, and Syverson.

  21. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:25 am:

    About the only thing that will save him is making a deal with Satan.Translated it means STICK A FORK IN HIM HE’S DONE.

  22. - The original Bill - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:30 am:

    The latest poll that Rich reported on had Rod doing pretty well downstate. Maybe it is you who needs to get in touch with the “little guy”.

  23. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Right now, he can’t win. He is coming up short with the majority of voters. He is going to have to pull Topinka down or hope she fumbles to get back in the game. He has millions to libel her and will use every penny. She will probably fumble now and then, but we will have to see how severely or how well she bounces from them. Blagojevich’s resume is chocked full of amateur mistakes, rookie stupidity, and unprofessional behavior. His liberal promises of eternal health and happiness isn’t believed anymore.

    The stuff the Democrats are throwing at Topinka is pathetically laughable. Few voters are going to believe that there is anything new or nasty they don’t know about after 12 years of Judy. Voters have known Topinka longer than they have known Blagojevich. She has the statewide edge in governing and campaigning experience.

    My advice to Blagojevich stays the same as the QOTD during his primary run - keep your nose down, work as governor, shut your mouth and pray she screws up. Right now, you are second best in comparison, but you might just pull it off if she loses luster in seven months. Keep promising free services and money to every voter, and keep blathering about the miracles of government run programs magically creating millions in savings. Hope liberals don’t realize they are being hypocritical and sexist when they bash moderate female candidates hoping to break through barriers for their sisters in order to support a dim witted white Chicago machine alderman’s son in law.

  24. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:42 am:

    Reddbyrd, thanks for the counterpoint…..and the good laugh (that was “independent analysis”?).
    I also find it funny that you talk about the “same old whine” by Judy while rolling out equally stale whines about George Ryan, Cellini and KJ (didn’t KJ’s latest allegedly shady deal come as part of a contract with Blago’s administration?).
    And, please, tell us more about her “promising” to raise taxes…..what I heard was, it would be a “last, last, last, last resort.” I’m sure glad that tolls & business fees don’t count as “taxes,” because Rod sure raised the heck out of those. Bottom line is that my pocketbook is lighter, with more of my money going to the state coffers than before Rod took over……but at least it’s not because of “taxes!”
    Sorry to distract from the QOTD like that, Rich. Just couldn’t let that hang out there unanswered. I’ll go ahead and post a quick link to the interview on Illinoize, and Reddbyrd and I (and anyone else who is interested) can continue this discussion there.

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 10:59 am:

    Skeeter, that Zogby interactive poll is completely worthless.

  26. - not voting for him - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:01 am:

    The governor has been MIA in my county. For him to win, he’ll have to get out and shake an awful lots of hands. I don’t know what polls show him ahead anywhere. Someone is pulling an April Fools Day joke. Caller ID does exist downstate and in Forgottonia. If it isn’t a number I recognize, I don’t answer. I don’t think I am the only one. I dare anyone to go to the city of Duquoin (for example) and poll the people on the street and get the real numbers. ZERO

  27. - Veritas - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:45 am:


    Get a clue. How well was the party doing under the likes of George Ryan, Lee Daniels, Bob Kjellander, JBT as party chair and now the soft spoken and often forgotten Andy McKenna? Conservatives haven’t had the opportunity to run things yet. Let’s allow Judy to lose this one so we can start with a clean slate next time around.

  28. - Veritas - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:49 am:

    Blago wins this one by keeping Meeks out of the race, forcing Judy onto the defensive and sticking to issues that divide Topinka from her base.

  29. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:01 pm:

    AccordianGal told Spike that the mansion is empty and under her reign it would be open
    Don’t tell that to GOP Rep. Brent Hassert who is havibng lunch over there right now with the Bolingbrook High School girls basketball team!

  30. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    What a disappointment it must be for Rep Hassert, to not be deserving of one of your trademark little nicknames there, Reddbyrd.

  31. - The Hankster - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:41 pm:

    Blagojevich needs to make this election about Topinka and not about him. If he is able to do that, and having the war chest he has he should be able to, he will win. If I want him to or not, I would bet the farm he wins. Topinka is weak and without being able to compete with the Governor’s funds, she can not win. This is why you don’t see considerable national support coming in to Topinka.

  32. - Levois - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:57 pm:

    Learn how to be a governor and stop with the constant campaigning. And quit thinking about becoming president.

  33. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 12:58 pm:

    Say what you what about George Ryan and JBT, but they won elections. Looks like Ryan is going to walk this week, so I will take that record over the extremist wing that wants to take over the ILGOP any day. Does anyone really doubt that if Jim Edgar would have run for gov. again, he would have won? The far right has never won statewide, ever. They are just not good at the whole “get people to vote for you” thing.

  34. - Randall Sherman - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 1:09 pm:

    Stuff the ballot box… otherwise, he’s a loser.

  35. - Veritas - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 1:28 pm:


    First you need to decide which topic you’re discussing:

    1) A leader’s ability to create a self-sustaining grassroots organization.

    2) An individual’s ability to win election.

    If I remember correctly, George was a one termer who knew he couldn’t win in 2002.

    JBT built herself a grassroots network of state employees during her tenure as Treasurer. That, and decent job performance, has made it easy for her to win re-election to a down ballot office.

    Neither of them were able, or really even tried, to build a functioning grassroots aparatus out of the Illinois Republican Party. Unfortunately that trend continues under McKenna. The state party has no ability to effectively electioneer; their current “director of field opperations” doesn’t even have campaign experience.

  36. - IEA member - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 1:31 pm:

    Rod could certainly pick up a lot of support with the teachers’unions by actually doing something to fix the school funding crisis we are facing… AND fund the Teachers Retirement System!

  37. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:05 pm:

    Let me just make a comment about the obvious bias in the bloggers. Many say that Rod has no chance, many say that Judy has no chance. Although I may have a bias toward Judy, it is always bad news for an incumbent to be down before the campaign season really begins. Many challengers are happy to be within 10 points of the incumbent. Now matter what your bias, this is bad news for Rod Roddy Blagojevich.

  38. - The Hankster - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:12 pm:

    Lovie’s Leather: It is bad for an incumbent to be that close, in fact, when an incumbent loses he/she is usually not strong in the polls from the start. However, it is not true that an incumbent USUALLY loses when they start off close in the polls.

  39. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:26 pm:

    Sure they do. I guess my experience would have to do more with the legislature. But I don’t know why state-wide would be much different. Aaron Schock is a state rep now. He barely won, but Ricca Sloan started out with decent numbers and a decent reputation with the unions. And what about Tom Daschle? Here is the headline from a poll taken April 2nd 2004 by Zogby: “Daschle getting narrow nod over Thune (48.2% - 42.6%)” That is a more than 5 point lead in an early poll. Daschle led a majority (though not an outstanding majority) of the race. Blago’s numbers aren’t even as good as Daschle… and Daschle is actually likeable. There is my evidence, Hankster… take it or leave it…

  40. - The Hankster - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:33 pm:

    Ill leave it, I can site more cases where it was close to begin and the incumbent won rather than the other way around. Anyone can find some cases that show this or that but the general trend is that a close race does not mean the challenger wins, thats wrong and if you would look at ALL the close races you would see that.

  41. - HERE'S YOUR ANSWER RICH - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:36 pm:

    he needs to clean house in his own house. he needs a new chief of staff, deputy governor and deputy chief of staff for communications and a new inspector general. speaking of which, haven’t heard anything from BT or CJ in weeks. what are they doing hiding? better yet, have never heard anything from JR about anything ethical nor unethical.

    by the way GEORGE did it, ROD should follow suit.

  42. - A LITTLE OF THE SUBJECT - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 2:46 pm:


  43. - frustrated GOP - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 3:33 pm:

    How about saying I’m sorry and I won’t do it again to dad-in-law and settling the family feud. (probably too late for that, some sins just aren’t forgiven I’m guessing, there goes all of those workers on election day) Then, well, a new staff would be a start. Not publishing your appereances to keep the Feds from serving you will also help, of course they wont think to look at the Mansion. Oh sorry that was excluded.

  44. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 3:50 pm:


    1. It’s a bit early for “national support” to be flowing in, don’t you think? Those two recent polls (the real ones, not the Zogby) may well give her a big boost in that department.

    2. I do think you are correct about incumbents pulling their fat out of the fire, but I think the “conventional wisdom” has less effect here for one reason: both candidates are well known to the voters.

    It’s the same reason why Obie’s smear campaign had small effect. The primary voters already knew Judy (love her or hate her), and had their opinions on her pretty well fixed. (Note that she never jumped around much in the primary polls.) On the same basis, Blago’s money is indeed impressive, but not as awe-inspiring as some might think, used either for him or against Judy.

    This race will be won and loss by (1) outside events, and (2) one or two key issues. It will not be won on salesmanship.

  45. - REFORMCHILDSUPPORT - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 3:52 pm:

    Rod Blagojevich has to answer how and why and when did the name of the Illinois Department of Public Aid changed to the “Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services”.

    Rod Blagojevich also has to answer why he didn’t issues a press release to inform the public of the name change.

    Rod Blagojevich also needs to answer why the Illinois Department of Public Aids’ “Healthcare and Family Services’” website fails to contain a press release about the same. The May 9, 2005 press release for IDPA was the last time IDPA was referred to as IDPA. The June 28, 2005 IDPA “IDHF” press release is the first mention of IDPA, now Healthcare and Family Services (HFS)

    I think this goes past corruption. It bypasses the states’ legislature and fails to inform the citizens of the state.

    IT TIME TO START TALKING ROD BLAGOJEVICH! or Rod in co. can explain it all to the Honorable Rebecca Pallmeyer.

  46. - Been Around - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 3:53 pm:

    He might try learning something about State government.

  47. - girl friday - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 4:07 pm:

    Good point ‘Little Egypt - 7:32′. I originally supported Blago and what a disappointment it has been.

    Three cheers for “the Patriot – 7:59’; IDOT is a cesspool of unqualified political hacks who go around trying to create work that makes them look important. While in reality all they are doing is moving paper from one destination to another.

  48. - bbishere2 - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 4:34 pm:

    The Gov. made another good showing three weeks ago after the tornadoes hit Springfield, telling all of the state workers downtown to stay home if they’re not “essential personnel” - well, that sure sounds good - but - being a state worker that works downtown, I’ve never heard or seen such a listing of just who is and who is not “essential” - another great PR stunt by Rod. I heard of a certain manager being taken to task for not evacuating those non-essential employees from the building he works in by the governor’s office. Seems the Gov. doesn’t like his orders being superceded by underlings.

  49. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 4:51 pm:

    Unlike AccordianGal & Brickhead The Executioner, Brent did not get a nickname because he is a pretty decent guy
    Good night

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 5:18 pm:

    1. Democrats: I’m for better schools, better jobs and better health care.
    2. Independents: I’m not George W. Bush.
    3. Democrats: Judy Baar Topinka is George Bush.

  51. - Friendly Advice - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 5:23 pm:

    Let the General Assembly pass it’s modest budget. They are trying to save you from yourself.

    Send Tony Rezko and John Wyma as far aways as possible. I would fake their deaths if I could. I’m sure they are very nice guys, and I don’t believe they did anything wrong, but a cloud of scandal seems to follow them whenever they walk into a room. They may be your friends, but this isn’t personal.

  52. - Dundee - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    He needs to hire the Kane County Conservative Coalition.

  53. - Mixtec - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 5:47 pm:

    Get rid of all the Republican holdovers that are not working up to their responsibilities on purpose in order for the administration to look bad.

    Hire top advisers that are from Chicago or Illinois instead of personnel from California and NY.

    Work with the General Assembly on both sides of the aisle.

    Be on time for events

  54. - NIEVA - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 6:31 pm:

    Buy himself a couple of assult weapons and go down to Sparta a do some shootin with the boys. Fill all of the vacant jobs statewide. Move to Springfield and live at the mansion.Give Meeks the six billion he wants to take care of all his cronies in Chicago.Keep running that ad that says he is going to create six billion jobs.

  55. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 7:45 pm:

    To win? He needs to do what he will do: propose state funding of health care initiatives that Judy will oppose — including access to contraception. Propose new education and pre-school programs that Judy will oppose. Present himself as the only mainstream candidate on issues important to Illinois voters.

    To govern? Rod needs to start acting like a governor and not a campaigner. There is no evidence he will ever understand this, but I am betting he will get four more years to try.

  56. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:06 pm:

    He needs to ride in an open convertible in the next Chicago Gay Pride parade with his arm around his father-in-law, Dick Mell. This will show that he is an equal opportunity panderer. In his free hand, he should be holding the flag of Mexico to show his solidarity with the plight of the millions of illegal immigrants. Maybe Dick Mell could wear a large sombrero?
    To really score points with his fellow Democrats, he could have Edwin Eisendrath driving the convertible that he and Dick Mell are riding in. This would show that they are all now back to being one big happy family now that the Primary is over with.

  57. - cynically anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:04 pm:

    He can stop making state employees put together statistics and data on programs and services that have benefitted the African American and Latino communities over the last three years just as articles pointing out his falling from favor with those communities are appearing on a daily basis. Especially at a time when they (employees) are being forced to take another one of his mandatory ethics tests - put together by one of his campaign contributing pals.

  58. - anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:30 pm:

    Campaign up and down the downstate 96 counties, which is the critical 40% swing vote in the general election. If he doesn’t he risks putting up Netsch-like numbers downstate (mid-30’s) which makes a win all but impossible.

    Hire damn good campaign people in every region downstate to help keep him competitive.

    Do some bus tours of downstate to generate excitement.

    The city will go for the Governor, the collars will go for the Treasurer. It’s all about downstate.

  59. - Ex-Newfie - Thursday, Apr 6, 06 @ 5:09 am:

    To Ryddbird, Original Bill, Skeeter, et al: Partisanship is so foolhardy in this campaign because your and my grandchildren will be paying for the Governor’s incompetent fiscal performance for decades to come. The state is bankrupt now, almost as much as the federal government and we haven’t even seen many of his big ideas come to fruition yet. God help us all if he wins. We’re going to need it.

  60. - Mellster - Thursday, Apr 6, 06 @ 11:23 am:

    Fix the roads in Illinois and in Chicago and Cook County!We have larger and larger pot holes throughout Cok county and state roads!If he can’t do that, then forget about everything else!

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