Friday, Apr 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s way past time for the Illinois State Board of Elections to provide some clear and cogent and complete rules for the replacement of Congressman Lane Evans on the November ballot. There is just way too much confusion out there about how to proceed and this wouldn’t have to be endlessly litigated if the SBE would just do its job. For instance: The Democrats need to settle the issue of who gets to vote at their nominating convention. Don Johnston, the17th District committeeman and co-arranger with committeewoman Mary Boland of the convention, contends only precinct committeepeople elected March 21 get to vote. Rock Island County Democratic Chairman John Gianulis thinks votes should go to committeepeople to be appointed later this month to fill the many vacanies that exist — up to 50 percent of the posts may be vacant. Then there’s the question of how proxy votes will be handled. The replacement election is a party matter, but the state must exert some oversight and direction. So far, the Board of Elections has only managed to confuse things. They need to get it together now.
- Dave - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 8:36 am:
This all would have been avoided if Evans had just told everyone that he had no intention of running back in December. Then there could have been a primary and this would have all not happened. I suspect that he knew he was going to do this (a la Lipinski in 2004) and this is just a big scheme to put one of his flaks on the ballot. I hope it blows up in his face.
- Randall Sherman - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 8:49 am:
Since Congressman Evans got ill after the December 19 filing deadline (given as evidence his absence from House votes starting in February), Dave’s comment would seemed to be flawed.
As for the original posting regarding the confusion as to the inability of the State Board of Elections to provide the needed oversight regarding the naming of Evans’ replacement on the November ballot, this stems from the numerous shortcomings in the Illinois Election Code, which is all too often a reactive document, stumbling from one crisis to another before a matter is rectified.
Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government
- Lincoln Lounger - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 9:23 am:
State law gives political parties wide latitude in determining their rules. It’s up to the Democratic Party of Illinois as to how to proceed. I’m sure Speaker Madigan couldn’t care less since it doesn’t affect the Illinois House. It’s not the State Board’s fault that the legislature writes crappy laws.
- Vote Watcher - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 9:28 am:
Is part of the delay waiting for the canvass certification, which can’t legally happen until today? If the votes for replacing him on the ballot will be cast and tabulated by the “new” precinct committeemen elected March 21, all results on those elections are still “unofficial” until the certification.
Not to mention that the district borders run through partial counties and just determining which precinct committeemen will be eligible to vote will be a complicated process.
I didn’t think that “appointed” precinct committeemen got any say in the matter.
If the replacement vote occurs after the County Conventions on April 19, and appointed committeemen get a voice in the vote, then it might be a race for County Chairmen to slot people into those precincts.
Although I don’t think appointed committeemen get a voice. I certainly couldn’t imagine a committeemen who lives outside of the district and gets appointed to a precinct inside the district getting to vote.
- decatur's lincoln - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 9:59 am:
End the good ole boys from Rock Island lock on the control of the 17th Congressional District. They not loyal Democrats just look at when Poshard ran for Governor. They back Rod but not the man that could have saved Illinois.
We need a new kind of candidate like former Mayor Chuck Scholz of Quincy or Macon County Auditor Amy Stockwell. Proven winners and outside the Rock Island machine fights.
- QC - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 10:15 am:
Apparently the selection has been made but the name won’t be released until next week. Anyone have any inside info on this.
The one mentioned i don’t see even wanting to take it is Brunsvold.
- CarthageMatt - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 10:32 am:
I think If Stockwelll, Scholz, Sullivan work together they will have the votes for one of them to win. John G is going to be hurt badly if he loses 1/3 of his committeemen.
- FX - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 11:31 am:
Madigan will care when he loses his dem seat that Rep. Boland holds now. Boland is actively campaigning for this congressional ballot appointment. He plans on running for both congress and state rep then appointing someone to his rep seat (I have heard his wife) if he is elected to congress on the ballot. He beat his republican challenger last election - but not by much for a long term incumbant in a strong dem area. The challenger is running against Boland again. People in Rock Island county won’t like him running for two seats simutaeously. So Madigan better pay attention.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 11:33 am:
Boland can’t run for two offices at once.
- anon - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 11:56 am:
For those keeping track, another potential candidate has pulled his name out of contention: Paul Mangieri of Galesburg will endorse Evans’ choice of successor: http://www.register-mail.com/stories/040706/MAI_B9FI7ABL.GID.shtml
- Anonymous - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 12:18 pm:
I believe Mr. Evans must be very ill to leave office at the end of this term and leaving everything in upheaval over his seat.
- anon - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 12:52 pm:
As the saga continues, the Rock Island County Chairman who doubles as Blago’s patronage god says he’s got the guy who will get the appointed nomination, and will announce him next Thursday:
- Barbie - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 12:58 pm:
read this one
- anon - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 1:03 pm:
John G is a jerk and thiks he can control the whole process. I think it should be decided by the committee people not by John G. Why him? There are other counties in the district besides his. This is just like him. Lets push for progressive people not the old school candidates like John G wants
- inquiring mind - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 1:18 pm:
There is a federal provision that allows an individual to run for two federal offices at the same time. Some state law allows candidates to run for two offies at once, as long as one is statewide.
- The Underground - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 2:02 pm:
If John G. thinks that the non Rock Island Chairmen and Committeemen will accept Phil Hare he is sorely mistaken. The only way he will build a coalition is with a candidate from outside Rock Island County.
anon 12:52 pm
“Blago’s patronage god” is a good statement and the reason most are going to do just the opposite of what John G. wants.
- with a rebel yell - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 2:07 pm:
Mike Boland has already been chosen in RI county by the precinct co-chairs Don Johnston and Mary Boland. It’s a done deal and all been sealed with a handshake and a promise for the future for Don,a kiss and state rep appointment for Mary.
Next week we will officially hear who John G. has picked as the chosen on from RI County (and trust me it’s not Boland).
Then the RI County civil war will begin.
Prepare for battle!
- anon - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 2:14 pm:
Good point Underground. John G has not exactly been dolling out a ton of jobs to chairman. I think most of them stay in Rocky so why is anybody else going to help him.
- calhounsnow - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 3:05 pm:
John G is a bully. We need an open process. The old days are over.
- 17th Inspector - Saturday, Apr 8, 06 @ 12:41 am:
Rich, I appreciate your comments…. but the SBE can’t issue rulings where there is no statute to support these things. Illinois law needs to be more specific about vacancies in nomination. The same was true in ‘04 when we got handed “the best and brightest” in the form of Alan Keyes.
- demwhonor - Sunday, Apr 9, 06 @ 3:30 pm:
Just so I’m clear. John G. gets to fill vacancies in the precincts. He argues the new appointees should get to vote for Evans’ replacement. Then he will endorse a candidate to replace Evans next week. John G. should do his job as a chairman and appoint to fill the vacancies. He should stay out of the process from there.
- Jobe - Monday, Apr 10, 06 @ 10:30 am:
I hear that there is so much interpretation about how to proceed with this mess. There is even argument now regarding the ability of those people filling precint vacancies to even cast a vote in the process.
- Green - Wednesday, Apr 25, 07 @ 7:52 am:
Hi Sam! Photos i send on e-mail.