This just in… NO BUDGET MEETING TODAY - and afternoon shorts
Friday, Apr 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · The governor and the two Democratic legislative leaders will not have a budget meeting today. No future meetings are scheduled. “The Speaker wasn’t available,” said a spokesperson for Gov. Blagojevich. Madigan is still meeting with his members to see what they want from the budget. Madigan’s spokesman said that Madigan and staff would be in Springfield on Sunday and would be available. Check back for updates. UPDATE: I should point out that the governor had invited both Senate President Emil Jones and Speaker Madigan to his office today to negotiate budget details. This, of course, does not bode well for getting the budget done any time soon. There are just three full scheduled overtime session days left before Passover. UPDATE 2: From a Blagojevich spokesperson: (I) wanted to let you know that the staffs are still crunching numbers and the leaders will get together sometime next week. We feel like we made some progress this week and that after several discussions, the leader’s are not that far apart. We look forward to coming back next week and making even more progess and getting to a budget that works not only for the Governor and for legislators but for people. Meanwhile, here are a few afternoon tidbits. · Don’t bother reading the story at this link, but make extra sure to watch the video. CBS2 had a little fun with Topinka’s “weasel eyes” comment. · Tuition might rise again. U of I trustees will consider increase · Here’s another one I missed this morning: The overwhelming support in Springfield for an open primary election has motivated Sam Cahnman to take the initiative statewide.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 1:00 pm:
I heard alot of people say Illinois needs an open primary and now maybe we will get one.
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 1:37 pm:
Oh my golly, no meeting!
Now GRod will have to buy another three day ticket to back to Springfield. And to think he gave up Opening Day!
Hope he had a nice run
Go Cards!
- Minion - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 3:29 pm:
good for Sam. I always liked the guy. he always sort of struck me as the Rodney Dangerfield of Springfield politics. He still is a longshot, but hopefully he has found an issue to take him to the House floor.
- Gregor Samsa - Friday, Apr 7, 06 @ 4:53 pm:
Maybe this is the year, if Sam can surf this thing all the way in. It makes me angry to think our soldiers are bleeding and dying in foreign lands so the people there can vote without any fear or intimidation, and in Sangamon county nobody wants to vote in the primary because they fear job reprisals. That is the most un-American situation I can imagine, it is intolerable and MUST be changed!
- Max Maxwell - Saturday, Apr 8, 06 @ 7:25 am:
Question of the Day nomination: How many kids have been signed up for the All Kids insurance program? It seems that this information is not publicly available. The word in Springfield is that almost no one is signing up and the Gov’s people are hiding the numbers. Anyone know the true story?
- Jack O'Bunny - Saturday, Apr 8, 06 @ 8:39 am:
“budget that works not only for the Governor and for legislators but for people.”
Maybe a ‘budget for the people’ ought to be the primary consideration; not the other way around.
- OrangeCrush - Saturday, Apr 8, 06 @ 9:26 pm:
Kate Clements has a good story on House Repubs bashing the Dems w/ anonymous robocalls.