Morning shorts
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Kos on Illinois Congressional races: I heard more than one person call Dan Seals “the next Obama” (talk about heightening expectations!). Seals is running against Rep. Mark Kirk in the IL-10. His race hasn’t garnered anywhere near the attention (or controversy) of Tammy Duckworth or Melissa Bean, but the locals think this one can be a stealth winner. · Tom Cross: “I don’t think either party has the high ground on ethics right now…. We both have our credibility problems with voters. I think it may be a wash for all candidates.” · My syndicated newspaper column: Democrats and Republicans working together? Not in Springfield · Finke: Work ethic a campaign issue · Tribune: The two candidates trying to succeed U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde in his traditionally Republican west suburban district clashed publicly for the first time in the general election campaign, stepping on what is typically perceived to be GOP philosophical turf: tax cuts.
- The original Bill - Tuesday, Apr 18, 06 @ 7:53 am:
Nice column, Rich! Fair and accurate.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Apr 18, 06 @ 4:38 pm:
I read the Trib story and saw that Roskam is bringing out all the tired ol’ debunked BS about tax “relief” and “Woe is me the Estate Tax”!
Creating a crushing deficit (to the tune of 3+ trillion dollars) does not provide any “relief” to my kids or grandkids who will be saddled with it for years.
And Roskam might want to pay attention to the facts: only 3% of families were affected by the estate tax as recently as ‘02. I highly doubt all 3% of those families were in DuPage County. (And I dare any conservative to name a single farmer or small business owner whose children lost anything when they passed on… Can’t do it, can you?)
While certainly no one enjoys paying their fair share shouldn’t it be obvious there’s no such thing as a free lunch?
Who does Roskam think pays for everything that makes America what it is? The Chinese?
Roskam’s full of malarkey.