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Dueling press releases

Monday, Apr 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller


State Treasurer and GOP nominee for Governor Judy Baar Topinka today called on Governor Rod Blagojevich to get to work on easing motorists’ burden from escalating gas prices. While Blagojevich has had time to shoot campaign commercials and host lavish fundraisers, he hasn’t lifted a finger to help motorists.

On June 18, 2001, candidate Rod Blagojevich blamed the sitting Governor for doing nothing on gas prices when prices were $1.99 a gallon – he even described the problem as “lethargy.” Now as Governor, Blagojevich can’t find the energy to do anything to help the public on gas prices.

“He’s hiding behind TV commercials and not doing his job,” Topinka said. “He’s not in Springfield working at the Capitol, and taxpayers are now paying for the legislature to go into overtime. He says he doesn’t have time to file his taxes, and won’t disclose them even though in the past he’s received family income from Tony Rezko. Now, with prices for gas rising more than a dollar higher than when he complained, the absentee Governor is nowhere to be found.”

“I support taking a look at easing the burden on motorists. One idea I talked about today was suspending the sales tax on gasoline when prices reach $2.50 per gallon. That may work, or perhaps there are other good alternatives. But clearly we need some leadership on this and Rod Blagojevich is nowhere to be found.”


Topinka Rhetoric: She “supports stem cell research”.

Topinka Reality: Topinka won’t take action to make stem cell research a reality in Illinois.

While she says she supports the concept of “stem cell research”, she does not support Governor Blagojevich’s work to make stem cell research actually happen in Illinois.

Governor Blagojevich has shown leadership in helping Illinois overcome President Bush’s strident opposition to stem cell research. While Governor Blagojevich worked to fund $10 million in stem cell research in the state budget, Topinka has said that she has an “objection to Governor Blagojevich’s recent action.” She also ignored the Governor’s letter asking her to support the State of Illinois in a lawsuit challenging the state stem cell research plan and she refused to sign a letter send by all other state wide elected officials that called on lawmakers to pass legislation funding stem cell research.

From Alzheimer’s to heart disease, stem cell research represents real promise to millions of Americans and Illinoisans struggling with serious illness. Supporting something in theory doesn’t provide hope for people suffering from disease. Governor Blagojevich has taken action on stem cell research; Treasurer Topinka is offering more excuses and double-talk. […]

Today’s questions for Judy Baar Topinka: Will you stand up to President Bush and fully support the stem cell research grant program announced today by Governor Blagojevich? Will you join Governor Blagojevich in fighting the lawsuit filed to stop this important research?


  1. - Nice Suit - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 2:16 pm:

    Unfortunately, the Governor is failing to worry about the issues that affect his constituents today…gas prices are affecting everyone negatively (except for the execs at Big Oil–wonder how much it costs to gas up the SUV he rides around in, not to mention the lead/trail cars)

    This is one instance where Rod needs to ditch the perceived national issue (hammering JBT on stem cells) and do something about what affects the people of IL.

    Touting E-85, while great for farmers and the environment still isn’t that readily available for use in most cars…he needs to go after the root of this issue, and not dwell on the feel-good, huggy initiatives he’s already backed…

    You know, like actually taking a hard stand on gas prices.

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 2:18 pm:

    Thia is really going to hurt when it hits 4 bucks a gallon this summer and he has the state so far in debt he needs this extra money to cover his screw up.Cmon Gov. lead,follow or get the hell out of the way.

  3. - Mike Flannery's "what?" - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 2:43 pm:

    My first thought: Topinka’s press release is relevant. Blago’s is not. Why is he making a stink about stem-cell research right now? Topinka actually provides atleast a bare minimum solution. Wake up, Gov. You are in big trouble.

  4. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 3:07 pm:

    The nerve! The sitting treasurer won’t do anything about Stem Cell Research? Where are here priorities as treasurer? I will write an oped about this as soon as I finish the letter about my dog cathcer not doing anything about people speeding up and down my street!

  5. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 3:21 pm:

    Yawnomania ‘06
    If this keeps up Rip Van Winkle will be the new mascot for the Illini Nation.
    The last time Illinois tried to do something about gas prices the refiners and marketers had to sew bigger pockets on their pants to hold the extra cash. AccordianGal needs to her boy, Karl Rove, to wake up and swing into action.
    Maybe Brickhead The Executioner can announce some public hangings for station operators who raise prices over $3 per gallon

  6. - Big Mike - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 3:22 pm:

    Wumpus: Topinks is running for governor and if you would read the release it clearly says she WONT do anything for stem cell. It does not say anything about her not being a good treasurer because she does not support science. I am not sure what you are talking about.

  7. - UPSTATE - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 3:31 pm:

    When exactly is a good time to worry about stem cell? Tell the people who are suffering from cancer or Parkinsons that we can’t help fund research on finding a cure for them because gas prices are too high.

  8. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 3:32 pm:

    Reddbyrd it’s not JBT and Rove that’s 6 points behind and sinking it’s Blunder Boy so I would say hey they have a plan and he has stupidity.

  9. - grand old partisan - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 4:05 pm:

    Thanks reddbyrd…..always great to start of the week with a good, hearty laugh.

    I mean, you’re not serious, right? You don’t really think that voters consider the rising cost of gas to be a “yawn” of an issue, do you? You don’t really think that people will find it odd that the Governor who is promising a state funded solution for every other problem in their lives doesn’t seem to be “getting things done for people” at the pump, do you?

    By the way, it’s ‘accordion’…..with an ‘o’

  10. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 4:06 pm:

    Yeah Redbyrd, blame the local entrepenuer/owner operator/franchisee.

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 5:03 pm:

    She missed her opportunity to promote E-85 and biodiesel, as well as electric hybrids (considering IL produces 50% more electricity than we consume) to keep dollars in the IL economy instead of sending them overseas.

    Fortunately, there’s plenty of time left in the campaign to refine the gas message.

  12. - Old Timer - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 5:15 pm:

    That wouldn’t be the first time JBT used gas as a speech topic, as any of us recall..

  13. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 5:24 pm:

    GOP thanks for the update
    Apparently you were dozing when AccordiOnGal’s Mentor,Uncle George, tried this stunt a few years ago. All the coins went to the refiners.marketers. Illinois Drivers Got Zip Zero, Nada.
    Thanks for the chance to tie AccordiOnGal to George. Now let’s explain how she has no ideas and why stem cell research is bad

  14. - Ms. Manners - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 5:32 pm:

    Remember, mean spirited nicknames do nothing to promote wonderful, capable candidates. If your candidate is great, a negative nickname is not necessary to remind voters that their opponent is not the best candidate. Those nicknames also do nothing to promote the civilized discourse that we all want.

  15. - Old Elephant - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 6:13 pm:

    It seems like an amazing coincidence that the Blagojevich campaign just happened to issue a press release on stem cell research on the very day that the state was announcing $10 million in taxpayer-funded grants for stem cell research.

    I hope reporters (and prosecutors) start asking about the timing. Could there have been some illegal coordination going on between the government side and the campaign side?

    George Ryan is going to prison, in part, because he used state resources to further his campaign. The timing of these two announcements raises serious questions about the degree to which campaign and governmental activities are being coordinated by the Blagojevich team.

    If that’s happening, it’s illegal and the Attorney General has a responsbility to investigate.

  16. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 7:16 pm:

    Am I just cynical, or does this have something to do with the thousands of dollars in campaign contributions that Topinka has raked in over the years from Big Oil?

    Why should we divert millions of dollars from education and health care to subsidize Big Oil even further? Did Topinka miss the headlines about Exxon surpassing WalMart as the most profitable country in America, with $36.1 billion in profits in 2005, the most ever recorded?

    By the way, Big Oil’s profiteering isn’t just hurting drivers. According to some researchers, 20% of U.S. petroleum is consumed in the manufacturer of fertilizers and pesticides and bringing food to market, so farmers are paying as well. Everyone is going to see the cost of food going up soon, if they haven’t already. How’s Topinka going to fix that one?

    What we need is a progressive corporate tax policy on Big Oil, as John McCain suggests, not more giveaways that encourage bad behavior.

  17. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 7:40 pm:

    YDD JBT isn’t the governor how is he going to fix this.Blago hasn’t read the paper yet so he doesn’t know that gas is 3 a gallon.Sorry guys but she got him good today while he was bragging about himself she scored with the voters.Now let’s see she was 6 points and after today maybe 8 or 9.

  18. - Max Maxwell - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 9:15 pm:

    The “government side” and “campaign side” are both to be found at the CMS communications office. Ask anyone who works there.

  19. - highland - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 9:27 pm:

    hey reddbyrd, maybe the “doughboy” jay hoffman can help blago out of his mess. I am sure he has some creative legisla….oh, wait, if the trial lawyers did’nt come up with it, the doughboy won’t be promoting it.

  20. - Bubbling crude - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 10:08 pm:

    On the stem cell thing, it fits right in with Blago’s other empty promises. Take the credit up front that it whas already come to fruition, when that’s not the case at all. The Rod Squad love to lay it on thick that this is going to cure more people than lourdes any day now, and stupid conservative nutjobs are standing inthe schoolhouse doorway or holding monkey trials or someshuch thing. And the reality is, the research is as yet inconclusive, with ALL the scientists themselves denying any immediate cures, saying any “cure” is still years, perhaps decades away. Meanwhile, there are more than one kind of stem cells, and more sources for them than just from fertilized human embryos. I agree those are legitimate and less morally ambiguous areas of research that should get more study and soon. But I would have done the legislation openly and in the light of full public scrutiny, not under the table the way Rod did it.

    As tot he gas thing, Topinka has him dead to rights: Rod should not have shot his mouth off so much the last time, and now he’s backed himself into yet another rhetorical corner. Gawd, I wish those ten debates would start happening, She’s going to mop the floor with him…

  21. - anon - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 10:23 pm:

    Obama, Blagojevich seek probe into ethanol availability

    Jan. 27, 2006

    (AP) — Illinois officials want the federal government to investigate whether oil companies are keeping gas stations from offering ethanol-based E-85 fuel.
    Gov. Rod Blagojevich and U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., have both asked for investigations.

    Blagojevich sent a letter Friday to the Federal Trade Commission requesting action on “potentially illegal policies by major petroleum companies that discourage the sale of biofuels.”

  22. - Bubbling crude - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 10:51 pm:

    Listening to Roe on WLS today, he said there are only 2 of the 600 ethanol-equipped Illinois gas stations in Chicago. You would think ADM would want to see more of their product used where it would do the most good.

  23. - Anon - Monday, Apr 24, 06 @ 11:58 pm:

    Supply and demand.

    There isn’t a great demand because not all cars can run on E85. Once more cars can use E85, you’ll see more stations with pumps that have E85.

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 25, 06 @ 12:18 pm:

    Flex fuel engines are standard on a bunch of GM vehicles and more planned for future years. The other day E-85 was $2.50, while gas was almost $3.

    600 stations is amazing, considering there were only about 200 just a few years ago. This is great news for IL’s farmers and economy!

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