Strange reactions
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Watch this CBS2 video of the governor’s strange reaction when asked what the state can do about high gasoline prices. · After you’re finished with that, head over to Jim Leach’s blog for this weird back and forth with Judy Baar Topinka about whether she thinks President Bush is taking the nation in the “right direction.”
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Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller First, the setup: One bumper sticker handed out in 2000 by a group critical of then-Gov. George Ryan may have best summed up the public’s often cynical view of Illinois politics: “Our governor is a bigger crook than your governor.” Do you think Illinois is the most corrupt state in the nation? Why or why not? And what should be done about it?
Congressional stuff
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Rush blasted: An Englewood community center founded by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), a key player on telecommunications legislation, received a $1 million grant from the charitable arm of SBC/AT&T, one of the nation’s largest phone companies. · McSweeney may have goofed: Republican 8th Congressional District candidate Dave McSweeney put himself in an unusual political position this week. Newly-nominated congressional candidates tend to play it safe politically, staying above the fray in internecine conflicts. Not McSweeney. He waded into the battle over who’d become the next Lake County Republican Party chairman. McSweeney backed Tom Gooch, the Cuba Township highway commissioner, over Dan Venturi, the Lake Villa Township supervisor. McSweeney’s guy lost, and McSweeney loses a bit of face as a result. With even House Speaker Dennis Hastert admitting it’ll be an uphill climb against Democratic U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean this fall, McSweeney needs every Republican vote he can get. Risking the ire of Venturi backers definitely did not follow the political playbook. I asked McSweeney Friday to explain the unorthodox move. He said he “made some phone calls for†Gooch. Loyalty, it seems, was the reason. “It’s not a question of looking weak, Eric. Tom was one of my original supporters,†McSweeney said. “He was there Day One for me.â€
Guv: “Stay tuned” on tollway leasing
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Is the guv really thinking about leasing the tollways? Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Monday he’s waiting to see how Indiana’s experiment of leasing its toll road fares before deciding whether to act on a suggestion to do the same for the suburban tollway. What do you think of this idea?
Morning open thread
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · State awards $10 million for stem cells. More here and here. · Topinka pumps plan to cap state sales tax on gasoline. More here. · I hope he wins this case so we can finally open up this process, but I’m not sure why he’s bringing it: Parole officer sues to get report criticizing how he got his job · They’d have more money if they stopped raiding the Road Fund: The escalation in oil prices is affecting virtually all aspects of how Illinois road-building companies bid for and carry out construction jobs, and the likely upshot for motorists is a delay in some much-needed projects because money will run out, experts say. · Remember Mongo? His owners were so mad at how they were treated (the guv called their daughter a cheater) that they’ve taken their case to the appellate court and won: Mongo the steer wins on appeal · Editorial: Prison plan shouldn’t be hard cell · Brown: 11th Ward election high jinks have John Daley crying foul · Sneed: No names · Your turn