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“Topinka Watch” launched

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

UPDATE: The Topinka people say that when she was in the state Senate Topinka “voted one time to move a bill on the temp increase to the House because the House was playing games with them. All Senate Repubs did. She voted against all the tax increase bills that became law.”


Let the negative campaign begin. From a Blagojevich press release.

The Blagojevich for Governor campaign released its first “Topinka Watch” today, the beginning of an ongoing series that will highlight State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka’s record of misleading attacks, distortions, and policy failures.

“It’s hard for voters to keep up with Judy Baar Topinka’s attacks and distortions, but we will work to set the record straight. She is hiding from her record of failures and inaction and is resorting to silly personal attacks. We believe voters deserve better and we will hold her accountable for her actions,” Blagojevich spokesperson Sheila Nix said.

The first Topinka Watch sheds light on a false claim on Topinka’s campaign website. As a State Senator in 1991, Topinka voted to make a 20 percent increase in the state income tax permanent. Yet, her campaign website claims that she “voted against all income tax increases.”

“Judy Baar Topinka does not want voters to see the clear contrast with Governor Blagojevich when it comes to taxes. She voted for a 20 percent increase in the state income tax while Governor Blagojevich held the line on taxes despite inheriting the worst budget deficit in our state’s history,” Nix said.

Topinka Watch will regularly detail the false claims and distortions of the Topinka campaign. In recent weeks, Topinka has flip-flopped on whether she wants President Bush to secretly raise money for her, has criticized Governor Blagojevich for late Medicaid payments while she personally delays the release of millions in Medicaid dollars and has failed to explain her record of votes against seat belts and child safety seats.

“With Judy Baar Topinka, the gap between her rhetoric and reality is as big as the budget deficit her friends and allies left for Governor Blagojevich. We hope Topinka Watch will help voters keep an eye on the facts,” Nix said.

They even have a nifty new logo:

The only problem is, their e-mail announcing Topinka Watch had this in the subject line: Rob Blagojevich Press Release

I didn’t know Gary Forby was working for the campaign.

UPDATE: It appears the photo in the guv’s new logo was taken from Jake Parillo’s website. Wonder if there’s a copyright problem? Here’s the original.


Ryan (?-Illinois)

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Is this nitpicking by liberal media critics or a disturbing pattern?

But in reporting on Ryan’s conviction, news outlets repeatedly failed to inform viewers that he is a Republican. As noted by blogger Joshua Micah Marshall, an April 17 “web exclusive” Time article by staff writer Eric Ferkenhoff omitted Ryan’s party affiliation but managed to highlight that of current Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, whose office is also under investigation […]

The network news shows each briefly mentioned the conviction during their April 17 broadcasts. But in doing so, neither NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams nor CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer informed viewers that Ryan is a Republican. On the April 18 edition of NBC’s Today, news anchor Ann Curry also reported the news without mentioning Ryan’s party.

Numerous Fox News hosts and anchors similarly ignored Ryan’s party affiliation during their April 17 reports on the conviction. They included Juliet Huddy, Martha MacCallum, Page Hopkins, and Harris Faulkner. CNN anchor Zain Verjee also failed to identify Ryan as a Republican during the April 17 edition of CNN’s The Situation Room.



Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I hadn’t watched the entire CBS2 report on the back and forth between Blagojevich and Topinka over the Ryan fallout. But some commenters pointed out Mike Flannery’s reaction to one of Gov. Blagojevich’s statements and so I headed over there.

It’s priceless. The photos here are two screen shots of Flannery’s reaction. Go watch the whole thing. The transcript isn’t online, but I’ve reproduced it here.

BLAGOJEVICH: When news broke about the license for bribes scandal, I’m not gonna take credit for it, but it was very easy for those of us who were in other political parties to criticize that. I’m not asking for any credit for that.

FLANNERY: What? Exactly what does Gov. Blagojevich mean to be claiming there? I don’t recall him speaking out when the first reports surfaced 13 years ago of illicit fundraising in then Secretary of State George Ryan’s office. The dilemma for voters, of course, is that neither did Judy Baar Topinka.


Looks like the Tribune missed one

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

UPDATE: I bumped this to the top because I think it’s by far the most important story of the day…

There was something about that jury foreperson which rubbed me the wrong way while I watched the press conference clips on TV. The Sun-Times confirms my suspicions today. And after bouncing a pro-Ryan juror for not telling the whole truth on her questionnaire, I certainly hope this important story is taken seriously by Judge Pallmeyer.

The foreperson of the jury that convicted former Gov. George Ryan has sought orders of protection, but failed to disclose them as required.

Failure to disclose legal histories got two other jurors bounced, and sources say the defense will likely ask a judge to throw out Ryan’s guilty verdict because of foreperson Sonja Chambers’ misleading answers on a sworn jury questionnaire.

Chambers, a Bolingbrook resident, doesn’t have a criminal record but she has a history in civil courts in DuPage and Will counties, including filing orders of protection. However, she checked “no” on her questionnaire when asked if she had ever been involved in any lawsuit or court proceeding as a plaintiff, defendant, victim or witness. Records show she has shown up in court or had involvement in court proceedings on various occasions. […]

Also, Chambers’ estranged husband was arrested just outside of Chambers’ home on a warrant in October of 2004 for failing to appear in court on a driving with a suspended license charge. He pleaded guilty to that charge and got 12 months of supervision.

Chambers indicated on her questionnaire that neither a close friend nor relative had ever been charged with a crime and she said “no” when asked if she, a spouse or significant other had ever been personally interested in the outcome of a criminal case.

Also, Sneed reports that Chambers has lawyered up.

I wonder why the Tribune never got around to looking into Chambers’ past? They were so diligent in helping bounce those other two jurors (one of whom was apparently a Ryan holdout, despite Chambers’ insistence to the contrary), but why not Chambers? Looks like we need yet another explanatory article about how the prosecution had absolutely NOTHING to do with its stories.

UPDATE: Mark Brown has more.

UPDATE: Can case be overturned due to juror issues?


Morning shorts

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m putting this at the top today because it’s so late and I’m trying to generate a few more comments on these posts. You should consider “Morning Shorts” to be an open thread to discuss whatever Illinois political topics you wish, not just limited to the stories listed.

· Neil Flynn has a new book coming out soon.

· No FutureGen for Southern Illinois, but other state sites still on list.

· Study: Uninsured children often Latino

· Former Gov. Edgar Weighs In On Ryan Verdict

· Animal Farm:

Obama said he’s spoken with political protégé Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic state treasurer candidate, about controversial loans to a man with ties to organized crime. Obama said he told Giannoulias within the past week to review the loans at his family’s Broadway Bank and to hold a news conference to explain the situation in great detail. Obama endorsed Giannoulias, an early financial supporter of his 2004 Democratic U.S. Senate bid, in the treasurer primary March 21 and appeared in ads for him. The issue is a sensitive one for Obama, who is the Senate Democrats’ point person on the pending ethics reforms.

· Editorial: A tale of two airports

· Brothers to assist Lane Evans

· Politicians see Ryan’s conviction as a call for change

· Marin: Andrea Lyon is a true believer

· Poshard: ‘A long time before state can shed’ image

· Hispanics press Daley for clerk job

· Illinois Providers Criticize State For Launching All Kids Program Without Addressing Unpaid Medicaid Claims


Question of the day

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve been asking this question in Capitol Fax for the past couple of days, so I figured I’d put it to you here.

Should newspapers that endorsed George Ryan in 1998 now apologize to their readers for not believing the allegations against him at the time?

The Sun-Times already has come clean twice (text in subscriber-only section), as have others. But should the rest of them now explain why they ignored the media reports at the time and endorsed Ryan anyway?


Can a corrupt man still be a good man?

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Everybody has been slamming George Ryan this week, but Kristen McQueary has another take.

It wasn’t greed or naivete or ego that brought down George Ryan.

In many ways, it was heart.

The expected reaction to the guilty verdicts is triumph. Ryan victimized “we the people.” We’re supposed to clink our glasses and feel deeply satisfied.

Why don’t I?

To me, the case is not that tidy. There was no Colonel Mustard with the revolver in the dining room. Prosecutors laced together a corruption case against Ryan that spanned many years, hundreds of conversations and a thousand interpretations. Those who testified against Ryan faced a perilous fate from the federal government, had they refused.

Even the simplest synopsis of the case raises questions in my mind: Can a corrupt man still be a good man?

This was not an elitist who flaunted wealth. He was a grandpa from Kankakee with a pudgy wife. The spoils often referenced — corporate jets, premier sports tickets, Jamaican vacations, steak dinners — don’t strike me as ostentatious. He was the governor of a major state. Your average state lawmaker is privy to the same recompense, and congressmen, more.

One of the personal checks shown to jurors as part of the “spoils” was a $1,000 boost for his daughter. One of his kids apparently married a bum who liked to gamble, and so Ryan helped them when he could. What father wouldn’t?

Ryan’s co-defendant, Larry Warner, insisted on paying for the band at Ryan’s daughter’s wedding. There were vacations among friends in Jamaica.

Think of your own life and the people with whom you would surround yourself if elected governor: I’d sure like my best friend from high school, now an attorney, to provide trusted counsel. What if she owned a timeshare in Mexico? Would I have to pay her for my room-and-board? It seems a bit absurd.

Read the whole thing.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Sun-Times; Ethics; Ryan React; Senate Schedule; Bad Timing (use all caps in password) UPDATED:

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Scott Fornek picked up on something yesterday that a lot of people missed.

Gov. Blagojevich repeated it over and over Tuesday, saying Republican rival Judy Baar Topinka “didn’t lift a finger” to stop the scandals of former Gov. George Ryan.

If that sounds familiar, it should.

The Northwest Side Democrat used the same political strategy — and the exact same phrase — four years ago against his GOP opponent. […]

In 2002, Blagojevich lambasted his GOP opponent, former Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan, for not investigating the outgoing governor. He used the “finger” mantra in television commercials, interviews and joint appearances — five times in one debate alone.

“[Jim Ryan] didn’t lift a finger to investigate the biggest scandal in Illinois history,” Blagojevich said in one 2002 debate.

Read the whole thing.


Let’s polka!

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

As I mentioned in the Capitol Fax today, that video of Judy Baar Topinka dancing the polka with George Ryan has become a favorite hook of Chicago reporters this week.

· Daily Herald:

Of all the obstacles Republican governor candidate Judy Baar Topinka faces in trying to win this November, perhaps none looms larger now than a piece of videotape.

The footage features the Illinois treasurer dancing the polka at a state fair with Gov. George Ryan, who was convicted Monday on all 18 counts in his federal corruption trial. The tape provides her opponent, Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, with a powerful image to use this fall in what so far has been a close contest in the polls. […]

Blagojevich campaign spokeswoman Sheila Nix said the campaign had “no immediate plans” to start airing a similar ad. His camp might not have to in the short term — TV newscasts are featuring it in the wake of the verdict.

· John Kass:

Topinka ran away from her friend Ryan, something a loyal Tugboat Annie wouldn’t have done, and now says she has no friends in politics, but that she does have two dogs.

“It has an effect on all politicians,” she said of the Ryan conviction. “I think the public gets very sad about it all and thinks all politicians are bad.”

Especially if they’re on video, dancing a polka with a felon.

· CBS2:

Though she once danced a polka with him, and they sometimes campaigned together, Judy Baar Topinka insisted Tuesday that George Ryan was an occasional ally, but not a friend.

Etc., etc.

And Topinka’s response:

“I dance the polka with everyone,” she said. “I think people realize I dance with everyone. If there’s polka music and there’s someone around, I will dance with them. I’ve made Vice President [Dick] Cheney dance with me.

“You’re ruining my dance card,” she said to reporters. “Everybody is going to be so fearful to dance with me that they’re going to be in a commercial, I’m not going to have any polka partners.”

Are reporters making too much of this? And how do you think Topinka is handling the issue?


Morning shorts

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

back in a few…

UPDATE: Today’s morning shorts has been moved to this post.


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