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A peek behind the curtain

Monday, May 1, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Judy Baar Topinka’s new campaign manager explains the campaign’s thinking to Bernie.

McFadden said the Topinka campaign has heard estimates that Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s campaign, which had more than $15.5 million in the bank as of Dec. 31, has spent at least $6 million on television ads since January. The governor’s campaign spokeswoman couldn’t confirm that amount, but there’s no question that Blagojevich has been spending a lot on ads - many of them attacking Topinka.

McFadden said the “early onslaught of negative ads” is unprecedented, and it sets a tough campaign tone.

But Blagojevich, McFadden said, has a “tremendous credibility problem … that’s making it difficult for him to sell both his positive and negative messages right now.”

“It’s clear what his game plan is,” McFadden added. “He tried for a while to get his positives up, and polls show that didn’t work, so now he’s going on the negative side.”

It’s not yet certain what direction Topinka’s ads will take, McFadden said.

“You try to walk through these things logically, and you try to develop your messages, do your polling, do those kinds of things, and see where all that leads to, instead of just jumping in and start flailing around and throwing stuff around,” McFadden said.

“One of the most difficult challenges we have, frankly, in the campaign,” he said, “is weeding through all the messages we feel are effective against the governor and trying to find out which ones can be the most effective.

“We’re going to have to be creative,” he added, to get through the “clutter” of what will probably be a sustained ad campaign from now through Nov. 7 from the governor. Many voters already are tired of the governor’s ads, and by fall, “they may be more tired of them,” he said.

Topinka needs to show she is a “good, credible alternative,” McFadden said, and he thinks she is positioned well for that, despite the bruising GOP primary.

Topinka is a moderate, in GOP terms, McFadden said, but she can regain support from those on the political right through a “strong record of fiscal discipline.”

“If Jim Edgar can pull it off, I think she can,” McFadden said.

Topinka also is from suburban Cook County, where Republicans have to do well, he said. And “she’s with a lot of independent female voters on the issues.”

And the back and forth continues

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign unveiled another TV commercial Sunday, this time attacking state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka’s record of attendance on a board that manages state pension investments.

Meanwhile, in a dueling Chicago news conference an hour later and a few blocks away, Topinka said Blagojevich has refused to do anything to help lower gas prices, and she called for the governor to act on the issue before the Legislature adjourns. […]

The new commercial accuses Topinka of missing every meeting of the Illinois State Board of Investment, a nine-member board that manages $10 billion in state pension money.

“It’s hard to be a leader if you never come to the meetings,” Quinn said. “I think the other members of the state pension board would certainly listen carefully to what the treasurer of Illinois would say.”

Quinn also said while Blagojevich intends to propose a “pro-consumer” plan regarding gas prices after the Legislature passes the budget, the issue is a national problem that needs to be addressed in Washington D.C.

Regarding the pension board, Topinka campaign spokesman Dave Loveday said Topinka is an ex-officio member — automatically getting a seat because she is treasurer — and one of her representatives attends every meeting.

“It’s just a diversion and they knew that,” Loveday said. “He (Blagojevich) should worry about his attendance in Springfield, go to Springfield and work on the budget, work on trying to do something for gas prices.”

UPDATE: Andy Plonka satirizes the guv’s new TV ad campaign:

Governor Rod Blagojevich has another campaign commercial, this time attacking state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka’s record of attendance when she was an eighth grader in Riverside. […]

Each of the attack ads ends with a voiceover wondering, “What’s she thinking?” Future spots in the series will question Topinka’s choice of hairdresser, her parking ticket from 1987, a game of “Spin the Bottle” with Future Teachers of America club members when she was a sophomore in high school, and her involvement with the West Suburban Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority.


  1. - Sporty 41 - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    For Hot Rod to go so negative so early, demonstrates, at least in part, that he is behind in some polls and . . . that has got him nervous.

  2. - one of the 35 - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    This is the height of irony. The notoriously absent from Springfield Governor is chatising his opponent for her attendance record. Isn’t politics grand?

  3. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:18 am:

    JBT used the word “dumb’ on Blago and these ads but I think she missed the mark.Everthing I have seen about him and his group and now these ads the word to describe is probablt closer to “immature”.Do we have a record of how many days the Gov. has been in Springfield.

  4. - Gentleman Jim's Cane - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    They have this backwards. Can Rod Blagojevich pull off what JIM EDGAR did in 1994, which is pummel his opponent (also a woman) with a barrage of early, negative (and misleading) ads, and build an insurmountable lead during a year in which his party is likely to take advantage of national trends benefitting his party.

    What goes around comes around. Republicans should remember Edgar’s strategy in 1994 and stop their whining about Rod’s identical course.

  5. - leigh - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    I think Blago’s people are beyond clueless to try and attack anyone on their attendance at anything. Before you try to point fault at others you should make sure your own record is clean. Everyone knows the governor still needs a map and a guide to find Springfield.

  6. - zatoichi - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:55 am:

    “It’s hard to be a leader if you never come to the meetings,” Quinn said. Huh….. Is that the basic criteria that defines leadership? Does lack of meeting attendence mean lack of leadership? Does not sound like a good campaign angle.

  7. - SenorAnon - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:05 am:

    Andy Plonka lists his occupation as advertising and political ad writer. I hope comedy is just a hobby - because he really isn’t very funny (his stuff is kind of “Jay Leno” funny - and that ISN’T a compliment).

    Sadly, it’s a good topic to take off on. The potential for the funny is there. Just not done very well.

  8. - Anonymous - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    The fact of the matter at hand is, there “is” more Democrats in Illinois than there are Republicans. The ads make sense. The Governor is pointing out the fact that Ms. Topinka is a hypocrite. She complains (imagine that, a Repub who complains) about pensions, yet she, the State’s Treasure, does not even attend one Pension oversight panel. Her credibility will begin to crumble, and crumble rapidly, just like a three day old cookie that was left on a table top in a frat house after a binge weekend. Ms. Topinka will not say what or how she will help make the state more fiscally sound. I think, based on the state budgets over the last three years, that the Democrats have actually done a remarkable job. Although most agencies have lower numbers of personell, their budgets have increased to meet the demands of the public. Can it be better, of course; all things can always be better. Nonetheless, while inheriting a $5 Billion dollar defecit, the state is moving in the right direction. I would say that Illinois’ priorities are fundamentally sound. Our priorities are pretty much, let me make sure I say it write, “pretty much moving toward the Lord of Life’s social justice declarations”, feed the poor, heal the sick, care for the orphans and widows, you all get the point. The Republicans try to cut and slice the “Bible” up into an agenda that makes the “Mr. and Ms. Religion, but in reality, if the Lord of Life were to come down to the earth, He would probably be pissed because he would, 1. not be breathing clean air. 2. he would be called names, “Liberal, Communist, Socialist, etc., etc. Therefore, to all of the people out in the internet world, do not give up hope and keep your faith alive because if you believe in what the Gospel “commands all to do” you know you are doing the right thing.

  9. - Anonymous - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    One other thing. What does it matter if the Governor is or is not in Springfield 24/7, as long as the job gets done. As for 1 of the 35, is he or she one of the people who was fired because he or she was a “Republican Hack” who was in “management?” I am assuming that you are. Looking back at all the negative things you folk have said about this governor since then, it is a good thing that you all did get fired because you all sure do seem to me that you would do whatever you can to make the Gov. look bad. Oh yeah, are you the one who was a Warden and had a GED and can only find a job as a handy man now.

  10. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:37 am:

    All of your Blago -is -God people that is on here as anonymous.Why is your guy six points behind and falling.

  11. - steve schnorf - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:49 am:

    Why so nasty so early in the day? As a Republican, I happen to like the Governor’s priorities. I don’t like that they are being initiated only to be paid for by pension borrowing and other one-time revenues because we can’t afford them right now under our current revenue structure..

  12. - Bluefish - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:38 am:

    Anon - thanks for reminding us that there are more Dems in this state but don’t forget that at least 30% of us are sick of Blago’s nonsense and are going to vote against him this November. For you to say he is doing a “remarkable job” tells me you are only listening to his press releases and not paying attention to the long-term realities that Illinois faces. I don’t want my kids and grandkids to be paying the long-term debt Blago is leaving behind so that he can look good in future national compaigns.

  13. - Anonymous - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 12:09 pm:

    Topinka doesn’t show up?

    Let’s see what time Blah-Blah arrives at his 1:00 PM scheduled appearance the IL Assn of County Officials meeting. How late will he be?

    Tick, tock. Tick, tock…

  14. - Anonymous - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 12:17 pm:


    Your prose is as clear as your idol’s.

  15. - scoot - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 12:33 pm:

    These are really cheesy ads run by the Blago campaign…very “un-gubernatorial.” Maybe Judy won’t have to campaign to win this election..just let Rod continue to fall apart.

  16. - Shallow Pharnyx - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 1:19 pm:

    He does not need to be in Springfield 24/7, nor does he need to be in Chicago 24/7- he needs to be on the job at LEAST 8/7. He can’t even do that! Let’s see, he can be found jogging, showing up uninvited to film ads at an elementary school, hobnobbing in California with an excessive number of Illinois State Police. Ya know, he said he was too busy governing the state (Illinois, I think he said) that he could not debate Eisendarth, what is his current excuse for not completing the budget on time? Was he working with the GA when they were available or just when it was convenient for him? He has proven that he is not willing (or capable) of governing the state on a daily basis. Let him run as Lt. Gov and work his part time hours. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  17. - Old Timer - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 1:45 pm:

    just wondering:

    What was Quinn’s ISBI attendance record?

    John Filan is a member of the State Retirement Systems Board. His attendance record: Zero. He sends designees like JBT does to ISBI. What’s the difference?

    Why has the ISBI started making less money than SURS and TRS since Rod’s people took over?

    Questions, questions…

  18. - potomac fever - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 1:56 pm:

    Check out the Gov’s attendance record when he was in Congress, it appears that he was MIA a good deal of the time when he was home campaigning for a job he wanted that was closer to home, so the people of the 5th Congressional went without representation but he got a job closer to home–a home office with security detail

  19. - leigh - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 1:57 pm:

    I think it is time to do another IP search on these anon Blago supporters. Wanna bet where the search will lead:)Just hope there not on state time.

  20. - SalukiDog - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 2:09 pm:

    It is ironic that GRod attacks JBT for not attending meetings considering he is MIA on a regular basis when the legislature is in Springfield, budget meetings, etc

  21. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 4:52 pm:

    Leigh 1:57 p.m.,

    Gotta love this website. 99 comments out of 100 bash the Governor, but that poor 1 person who dares speak his or her mind for - rather than against - the Governor must be exposed and outed. I agree that too many people post anonymously, but its funny that you pick on the single person who praises the Governor. There are far, far more people who post far, far more inflammatory, lazy, unintelligent rants.

    Further, I disagree with Rich’s policy of publishing the IP addresses of commentators, and I’ve explained why in other posts. (Short version: either publish the IP addresses for every comment every time, or keep it to yourself. To be fair, the policy must be uniform and consistent.) However, this is his website, which he runs responsibly and fairly, and he sets the policies.

  22. - ChicagoDem - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 6:45 pm:

    Please enough with the Governor’s ads attacking Topinka…I see them only backfiring in the long run…when the commentator states ‘what was she thinking’ only leads me to say ‘what are they thinking.’ Frankly, our hosehold is getting tired of the attacks. Let me rephrase…maybe continue the negative attacks…but, please if attack they must…why not run new ads.

  23. - Norseman - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 7:15 pm:

    Plonka hit this dead on. These petty ads just beg the comparison.

    It’s also amusing to see the Blago sycophants explain the meaning of the attendance ad. If you have to explain the ad, then it doesn’t work. The “are they thinking” crowd may regret the ad now that the media is bringing up every ex-officio position held by the Governor. Of course, he doesn’t attend the meetings.

  24. - Papa Legba - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 8:17 pm:

    I have always been of the opinion that Blago and gang are some of the most stupid people to be running anything bigger than a lemonaid stand, then I ran across this nugget from WQAD about Hot Rod,

    “The Democratic governor has never attended a meeting of the University of Illinois board of trustees or the Toll Highway Authority. He is an “ex officio” member of both bodies.

    Blagojevich’s latest campaign ad criticizes Republican Judy Baar Topinka (bar toh-PINK’-uh) for not attending meetings of a pension investment board where she has “ex officio” status.

    Blagojevich spokeswoman Sheila Nix says it’s not hypocritical for the governor to criticize Topinka while skipping meetings himself.

    She argues Blagojevich helps set policy by appointing the university trustees and the tollway directors, so he doesn’t need to attend meetings. Nix says Topinka’s only way to influence the investment board is to show up and take part.

    Hello Rod. Didn’t think people took attendance at meetings, huh? Yes, attendee’s names do end up in the meetings minutes, duh! That’s what minutes are for, among other things.

    Crud, that excuse from Nix is the worst one I have heard since one of my employees called in late because they ran over a goat, in Chicago. How stupid do these people think we are?

  25. - Disgusted - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:45 pm:

    Anon 10:29: I sincerely hope that you’re not a “Democrat hack” in “management.” That could explain why you are blogging during normal working hours.

    We bloggers don’t have to “make” the governor look bad. He does it all by his little ol’ self, with some help from the neocon wannabees he surrounds himself with (ya hear me, Lon and Brad?)

    And don’t try to make it look like state workers are all uneducated hicks. There are plenty of highly educated people going to work each day for the state of Illinois, with never a kind word of appreciation or a warm handshake to show for it. But they can’t move up in the ranks because those higher position jobs are filled by the Blagojevich campaign teenagers and syphophants.

  26. - Disgusted - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:47 pm:

    OOPs - That word would be synchophants.

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