Stroger’s future
Monday, May 1, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Kristen McQueary has a good column this week about John Stroger.
Cook County Board President John Stroger is going home.
In a few weeks, he’ll leave an institutional setting and begin rehab from his 8th Ward bungalow.
No one wants to talk about it — at least publicly — but if his condition as a result of a stroke he suffered earlier this year remains the same, it is unlikely Stroger will return to the office. He is relearning how to speak, how to form words, according to his son, Chicago Ald. Todd Stroger.
His condition is so fragile that family members have refrained from discussing county business or politics with him, let alone the possibility he may have to step aside. It’s the most telling detail about his recovery: I doubt Stroger has gone a day in his adult life without talking about Cook County government until now.
Six people I talked to last week cautioned me it’s too early to talk about a replacement. It’s only been a month and a half, and stroke patients often take many, many months to relearn basic tasks.
Three others didn’t return my call, knowing the topic. The only thing more delicate than talking about Stroger’s health is talking about Stroger’s future.
His son has been gracious in answering the question that comes daily, hourly — probably minute-to-minute. “How’s your father?”
I asked Ald. Stroger last week if party leaders approached him yet about taking his father’s spot. He answered coolly: “No. Only the press asks that question.”
- Hinky Dink - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:24 am:
Stroger is not coming back. Dorothy Brown, James Houlihan or perhaps the “Iceman” Jerry Butler will take over like when Mayor Harold Washington died, Eugene Sawyer was the puppet that the regulars put in.
- Randall Sherman - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:33 am:
There is ample time before a decision must be made(probably crunch time doesn’t really come until the last part of August), a gift given to Stroger and the Democratic Party leadership by the fact that Illinois has such early primaries.
While I make no claims of medical expertise, the accounts in McQueary’s column, if accurate, do not bode well for a Stroger return.
- Idea - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:37 am:
Shouldn’t Claypool take over for Stroger. That would make the most sense.
- Goodbye Napoleon - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 9:53 am:
Idea - your name should be “dreamer” - because that ain’t gonna happen.
- Leroy - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:00 am:
This reminds me of how really old politicians were treated in another one party state - The Soviet Union.
The party is firmly in control of the situation, and is not dependent on the actions of any one man. I see no reason (at least from the party’s point of view) to fret about this. The forest preserves and the hospitals will keep on chugging along.
- THE HANKSTER - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:00 am:
Stroger is not coming back? What? Are you kidding me?? The suprise of the century!
Jesse White to president of the county, Hynes becomes secretary of state which would explain why his dad was so into the “Stroger” campaign.
- Skeeter - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:08 am:
It is amazing how Republicans see conspiracies everywhere.
John Stroger is a Party’s nominee. If unable to serve, the Party is entitled to replace him.
What is wrong with that?
If Republicans object, they have a clear alternative. They can run a decent candidate and win an election. Unfortunately for Republicans, they have not been able to do that for quite a while.
Republicans need to stop whining and start running real campaigns.
- babs - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:21 am:
Everyone I talk to expects that it is the once and future Pres Stroger. The children shall inherit all plum jobs..
- Idea - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:26 am:
Come on Napoleon, Claypool has the goods to be County Pres. You disagree?
- Dozer - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 11:54 am:
Guy & gals
My father had three strokes. The last one was much like Storger’s andleft him un able to walk, great dificulty focusing and sometimes un able to communicate.
I will spare you all the things I had to do for him, but rest assured having lived through it, Stoger is not coming back.
The real question is why are they so afraid to simply get on with the process and name a new candidate, unless all of this is trying to sort out the deals. What will the black caucus want? They thik a BC member one the primary so it is their’s. Daley will want to placate the blacks so he has an easier time of it in the primary.
The latinos will be looking for theirs, and the old ward guys will want to see what they get.
makes putting a budget together in springfield look easy.
- Merlin - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 4:11 pm:
My crystal ball says Todd Stroger will get the job if he wants it.
- Crackhead Obama - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 5:13 pm:
I suspect Stroger doesn’t have to re-learn patronage, cronyism, and nepotism. I suspect his son will have opportunities in the near future.
- Levois - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 6:19 pm:
If his son becomes County Board President, I don’t think he’ll survive long. That’s not to say he won’t have the good. I just doubt that he’s experienced.
- SenorAnon - Monday, May 1, 06 @ 10:49 pm:
McQueary is great. Rich, your forum at the Union League Club with her and the reverend is on the Illinois channel web site…