Guv’s Inspector General opposes reform bill
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Rep. Fritchey wonders what the heck is going on.
So I’m looking through the latest supplemental calendar and I come across HB4572, which has had its deadline for passage extended. This is an interesting bill that deals with some of the secrecy issues that have been raised by Ethics Commission Chairman Scott Turow and others, although it still leaves a lot of issues unresolved. […]
According to the analysis, one proponent has stepped out in favor of the bill - the Executive Inspector General of the Treasurer’s Office. At the same time, only one entity has come out against the bill - the Executive Inspector General of the Governor’s Office. Go figure.
Here is the summary of the bill:
(i) Allows an Inspector General to disclose the name of a confidential source to employees of the Inspector General or Ethics Commission who need the information for proper performance of their employment functions;
(ii) Allows a law enforcement agency, an ultimate jurisdictional authority, an Ethics Commission, or another Inspector General who received information from an Inspector General to disclose the information to their employees who need the information for proper performance of their employment functions;
(iii) Allows the subject of an Inspector General file or report to request, in writing, a copy of the report and gives the ultimate jurisdictional authority discretion to release a redacted copy of the file or report;
(iv) Makes it a Class A misdemeanor to intentionally disclose the name of an individual providing information or reporting alleged misconduct (except to employees of the Inspector General or Ethics Commission); and
(v) Makes it a Class A misdemeanor to disclose information contained in an Inspector General report if the person disclosing is an employee of an entity receiving information from a report in order to perform their job or the person who was the subject of an investigation who received a redacted copy (with an exception for disclosing information to a personal attorney or union representative).
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:17 am:
Talk about bureaucracy…no wonder our economy is struggling to support all this busywork.
Just encourage whistleblowers to do it annonymously or through trusted media, like Rich, so there’s less risk of secret sources getting out.
- Randall Sherman - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:09 am:
This just shows what a phony Gov. Elvis is.
- ONE MAN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:56 am:
This can be expected. The office is ran in secrecy in order to protect the corrupt officials in Blagojevich office.
The Executive Inspector General reports to the Governor’s office and it is probably the Office of the Governor who opposes this as it will out a lot of corruption that has been hidden under the table since the former Executive Inspector General was appointed and then fired in July of 2005.
James Wright, the current Executive Inspector General should step out of this. He is a former federal prosecutor and he know better.
Despite, the Governor’s wishes to conceal, hide and cover, James Wright know that there are federal laws being violated and to open the offices to public scrutiny opens up Pandora’s Box.
Eugene “Geno” Brown Jr., Founder
One Man Can Make A Difference Foundation
- Anon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:51 pm:
The Inspector General’s office of Governor Blagojevich is a joke. It is a political tool although perhaps not as bad as Vrstouyras the Vlach gypsy.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 7:32 pm:
Whatever happened to Z Scott; what did she do in her tenure; where is she now; and why hasn’t she been talking?