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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m often asked what sort of people comment on this blog. The truth is, I’m not quite sure. Some are Capitol Fax subscribers, some are insiders, some are obviously not.

So, without “outing” yourself in any way, let’s hear from you about what you do. Are you an “insider” or an “outsider”? Any details would be interesting.

UPDATE: I should point out that most people who read this blog don’t comment, and the vast majority of those are “insiders” in one way or another. This question is for those who do comment, either occasionally or regularly.


  1. - Doug Dobmeyer - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:44 am:

    Well Rich, what am I - a veteran insider focused on reforming Illinois into what it can and should be while bringing more power and fairness to the poor.

  2. - the Patriot - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    Outsider, big surprise…

    Attorney in a non political related field. Just wish more people would take the time to educate themselves on what is going on with our state and nation.

  3. - Skeeter - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:00 am:

    “Skeeter” is a complete outsider. My actual involvement is pretty limited, and is rarely more than attending events and writing checks.

    My last serious involvement in a campaign was the 1992 Dem. Presidential Primary (Clinton — I spent a few months at the dump headquarters across from City Hall doing whatever needed to be done) and I did some minor volunteer work (mostly focused on obtaining signatures) in 2004 for General Clark.

    The focus of the work that I have done is to move the Democratic Party to the right, and in candidates like Clinton, Clark, and Bean, it looks like the Party is moving in the right direction.

    The actual “Skeeter” is a two year old German Shep.

  4. - Go JBT - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    I’m in government PR. Not quite an insider, but I see enough.

  5. - TrueBlueandThankful - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    Hardball, bare-nuckle, silver-back guirilla Democrat who loves and has a zeal for the Lord (probly could be considered, The Religious Left); “social justice, social justice, social justice;” a military veteran, with a Master’s Degree; in addition, “BOO”-”a union member,” ie., a state employee (for about a decade).
    I usually always use my TrueBlueandThankful, but sometimes I get in a hurry and do not take the time to put in; therefore, sometimes appears as anon. I just love to debate; it’s fun! I hope people in here have fun. I believe “blogs” can be fun, a good place for inside-state politics insight, and it can be entertaining. Have fun! Do not get all worked up. It’s not worth it.

  6. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    Great question, Rich. Can you post the results in some format by category ? This would be a valuable tool to allow commentators here and on Illinoize to know their audience.

    Possible categories:
    declared GOP/Dem/Libertrn/Green/Indepdt; resident of Cook Co/ Collar Co; Central IL/Southern IL/Western IL;
    employer - local/state/federal employee, private sector, campaign, etc.;
    occupation: [see list of occupations at Illinois Job Bank @ ]

  7. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:26 am:


    “He possessed, however, that persistent inquisitiveness which for journalists and lawyers is an end in itself.” — ‘The Spy Who Came In from the Cold’ by John le Carre

  8. - Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    I was a Rauschenberger insider when he was running for gov. When he switched to lt gov, I really never saw much of anyone from the campaign again…. Now I am just a casual observer of the hilarious thing we call Illinois politics.

  9. - Shallow Pharnyx - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:29 am:

    I cannot go into great detail or I will “out” myself. I worked on the inside under the last 2 administrations, voted for Blago, and witnessed firsthand as his people were placed in positions they had no clue how to manage. This frustrated many excellent state workers and they left. The brain drain has placed a real hardship on the state. A lot of what is left are emloyees just biding their time til retirement or the next buyout.

    I have a professional degree and license. I worked in a sensitive area of the current admin and did not like what I saw or was requested to do. I am still doing non-profit work but enjoying it much more.

  10. - Conservative Republican - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:32 am:

    Politics: Insider

    Combine: Outsider

  11. - bored now - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:33 am:

    i generally consider myself retired. i sold my tech company in florida to a bigger tech company (somewhere else) and moved here to illinois. i’ve done political consulting throughout my life, almost exclusively at the statewide level. had done one campaign here in illinois before i moved here way back in the 1980s.

    i’m obviously not an insider here in illinois (which is what rich is asking). my focus in politics here is in training, data capture and gotv. i seem to make people nervous…

  12. - TrueBlueandThankful - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:38 am:

    The inside dope has a small blurb on his site about who is “blogging” these days.

  13. - Pat Hickey - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:43 am:

    I ’M nobody! Who are you?
    Are you nobody, too?
    Then there ’s a pair of us—don’t tell!
    They ’d banish us, you know.

    How dreary to be somebody! 5
    How public, like a frog
    To tell your name the livelong day
    To an admiring b(l)og!

    E.Dickenson said I could use the above - me ‘n her is tight.

  14. - Mongo - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:59 am:


    am active in providing Members of the General Assembly with information about issues that affect my occupation and enjoy the give-and-take of how this all gets put together…

  15. - southernilrepub - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:03 am:

    a student, had some in/outside experience for a short time, now just a watcher

  16. - Peoria Gridrion - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:06 am:


    Public Affairs and advocacy for an Illinois non-profit.

  17. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    I am a insider and worked hard to get here. I hold degrees from Universities in the US and Europe. I studied public administration in two languages and cultures. I have no party affiliation and was awarded my positions through competative fellowships and scholarship programs.

    To get here, I had to endure socialist anti-US floggings in foreign and domestic universities by “enlightened intellectuals”. I have learned there is no other country more tolerant, open, or free as ours. I studied other governments and discovered how socialism ruined economies and turned citizens into dependants. I am seeing how Western Europe is dying. I watched how the Netherlands rotted into a twisted Hieronynus Bosch nightmare. I have friends leaving their countries because they have never found a job, despite multiple Masters. I have been taxed at over 50% of my wages, while illegally working on my student visas.

    When I hear naive professors pushing obsolete social policies as solutions for tomorrow, smear the US to demonstrate their open mindedness, and crap on the very society that made them rich, I want to see them move outside the US and expose them to reality.

    I started a family, so my focus is building a home. I am very happy to be in plain safe “Vanilla” Illinois. If you haven’t already, count your blessings living in this great place at this great time!

  18. - gojbt - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    I noticed above someone else uses Go JBT, as I do. I’m an outsider (administrative state worker)who is not very involved in politics but am interested in this run for governor. Enjoy reading this blog - Rich does a good job.

  19. - The original Bill - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:32 am:

    I don’t know how to answer the insider/outsider question but I am not and never have been employed by the state of Illiois.
    I agree with vanillaman on one(and probably only only one)thing. I also love this state and am very happy to be here. This is a great place at a great time and the future looks so bright I gotta wear shades.
    I spend too much time on politics and on the blogs which means I should probably try to get a real life one of these days… Maybe after the election.

  20. - Shelbyville - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:33 am:

    Former insider. Was a spouse of a chief of staff.
    I am a conservative and was once the youngest precinct committeeman in IL.

    I don’t take politics too seriously, anymore.

  21. - THE HANKSTER - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:39 am:

    convicted convict, now serving three life terms but its federal prison so I have internet, tv, personal chef, and a yoga instructor.

  22. - Anon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:43 am:

    I relate to True Blue & Thankful. I’m “religious left,” military vet, local government official an hour or so away from Springpatch.

  23. - Truthful James - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:50 am:


    advisor on financings to schools and cities. heartbroken because of the corruption in Illinois politics on both sides of the aisle. have lived and worked overseas (Europe and Asia) and from Washington D.C. to Hawaii. Hold an MBA and have done further graduate work in municipal finance.

    Born in the last year of Hoover, went to College under Truman and Eisenhower.

    We are for the time being the unipolar power, but our political spoils system is crippling both the State of illinois and the country. We are fast destroying our ability to compete in the 21st century world economy. If that happens we will become a very expensive third world country.

    Firmly believe that the functioning family is the most efficient political unit, providing most services which in their absence have to be provided by government. We destroy that true base at our peril.

  24. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:58 am:

    38, male, Forest Park. I keep a blog. I was in the Navy. I worked in DC for an advocacy organization. I’ve run for local office. I write a column for a local newspaper and have incorporated material I’ve read on Capitol Fax into a column.

  25. - EmoMatt - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:08 am:

    I’m an insider that will occasionally crawl into bed w/ anyone. I pay attention to the gossip around the capitol. Please check out my website.

  26. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:09 am:

    I probably fit into the “gadfly” category. I’m pretty independent as far as politics is concerned. I’ve done volunteer work for a Democratic candidate for Guv, Republican State Reps and County Commissioners.

    I’m in my early fifties, and have three school age children. I’ve worked as an engineer, project manager, private high school science teacher, Public school substitute at over 14 schools, and a college instructor.

    I’ve worked in consulting for the Chicago Public schools and CHA, as well as the power and petrochemical industries, so I have some “small knowledge” about energy policy and solutions.

    I also have seen the culture of poverty first hand in the projects and schools in really rough neighborhoods. You really can’t understand the culture of poverty until you walk through Altgeld Gardens after dark or are the only white person walking through an open air drug market in the middle of a high rise public housing project.

    I’ve learned that working in corrupt and inefficient public systems need not make a worker for those systems corrupt and inefficient. I’ve never “greased the way” for a politically connected contractor, and always managed contracts in the public sector the same way I would for a private client. My public clients knew better than to ask me to engage in “shenanigans” because they knew I wouldn’t play ball.

    You’d be surprised how many managers in government really want to do the right thing, and will do so as long as someone like me is there to take the heat for playing it straight.

    I’ve gotten into this really annoying habit of checking out contracts, reading the actual acadenmic test reports, and trending progress of our local schools versus cost. I question boards to the point where they refuse to answer questions, but I make them more careful about “exaggerated” public claims they make since I make it a practice of getting the truth in the papers when they lie and cheat.

    I’ve run for local office three times, and lost each time. I’ve learned that networks, organizations, and special interests win elections. Qualifications, understanding of the issues and having solutions is virtually irrelevant to most voters.

    If they vote at all, it’s most likely that they vote for the candidate closest to themselves in ethnicity.

    I’ve met many political candidates for high office in both parties, and have learned to “smell a rat” very quickly.

    I’ve yet to meet a successful politician in Illinois who wasn’t primarily acting out of self interest. I’ve met good, honest candidates, but they’ve always been beaten at the polls.

  27. - anon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:11 am:

    I am an association exec, former gov’t employee with 4 statewide campaigns - both inside and outsider.

  28. - Go JBT - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:15 am:

    Either the alien invasion is more widespread than I’d originally thought, or Shallow Pharynx used to work in my agency.

  29. - Walking Wounded - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    Twenty-plus year State employee. Had to have a particular education and go through many tests and interviews to get my job, so I’m not the normal political hack hire. Have watched the constitutional office I work for morph from highly intelligent, motivated workers into inept, “my chinaman got me this job” political employees. I’m one of those who Shallow Pharnyx has referred to, biding my time until retriement.

  30. - doggydoc - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:27 am:

    A veterinarian, an outsider now, from city government.

  31. - Sycophants Unite - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:31 am:

    Interesting that no one has owned up to being an outright high-powered, well-heeled, for-profit influence peddler/lobbyist. C’mon, speak-up. We know you’re out there.

  32. - Noah Webster - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    Lovie’s Leather, “Rauschenberger insider” is an oxymoron.

  33. - Grubnednarb - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    I am an progressive,liberal, lakefront Democratic Party activist/volunteer - loosely affiliated with three different party organizations on the lakefront - Lincoln Park, Rogers Park,and Evanston.

    I am political amateur, but a fairly professional, sophisticated political volunteer.

    I have an extensive public service background primarily in the federal civil service, but I haven’t been on a public payroll since 1994. I would have liked to join the Blago administration in a middle management capacity, but it hasn’t worked out to date.

    Residential/voter turnover is extremely high on the lakefront, so my partciular specialty/niche in local politics has become voter registration.

    I don’t subscribe to Capitol Fax because I don’t have regular access to a fax - dont even have a land-line.

    I think Capitol Fax fills a real void for political junkies who like to know what is going on behind the scenes - the traditional media outlets just scratch the surface. Since I can’t subscribe, I started reading the blog regularly several months ago for a daily dose of politics.

    Attended and marched at the end of the May Day immigrant rights parade - I found it very uplifting. it really was a very festive and patriotic event! Being a political activist, my favorite sign was Hoy Marchamos Manana Votamos. (No Habla Espanol, so I may have have botched the spelling up.) Loosely translated, ” Today we march, tomorrow we vote.”

    Similar to Mr. Nobody, I am pretty much and anonymous foot soldier in lakefront grass roots politics. I am casually acquainted with a number of elected officials because of my volunteer activity, but for all practical purpose I am more of an outsider than an insider,despite all my political volunteer work.

  34. - Common Sense in Illinois - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:40 am:

    I’m an insider…have been for 30 years.

  35. - Pat Collins - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:43 am:

    Ultimate Outsider. I put fear into corrupt officials everywhere.

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    Born and raised in Glenn Poshard’s district. I vote conservative - not an easy thing to do these days in Northern Kane/S. McHenry Co.

    I have two small children, and work in private industry. I have travelled extensively in Asia.

    Ran for office 3x, lost all three. John Diefenbaker is a hero (he lost a ton of elections before winning one)

  36. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    I do legislative affairs for a national professional association headquartered in Chicago. I did a few internships in IL government and politics while in college, and have done RNC volunteer deployments in swing states during the last few election cycles. I’m looking forward to staying home for this election and the next, however.

  37. - Cassandra - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 12:08 pm:

    Suburban housewife.
    Work background is international aid work and social work but I am now retired.
    Politics are independent (I am strongly opposed to the war in Iraq for ex) but I agree with the Repubs more than the Dems on domestic issues.

  38. - ndpotus - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 12:51 pm:

    I am future insider. I am a college student at IL State University and very involved in College Democrats on the state and campus level. I am also originally from Will County, so I do know alot about Will County politics and occassionaly get the low-down from there…

  39. - Scott Cisek - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 12:57 pm:

    I post here once in a great while, but I come to this site whenever my schedule allows it. I jumped from sales to politics last cycle. In 2004, I worked in a D.N.C. fundraising office in Chicago until September of that year when I traveled to organize some GOTV efforts in Minnesota. Since then, I helped on a few other campaigns here and there. I am currently working like Santa’s little elves to get Michael Bond elected to the Illinois senate up here in the 31st district.

    Does that make me an “Innie” or an “Outie”?

  40. - Anon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:11 pm:

    Former Legislative Staff, Springfield
    Former State Employee, Springfield
    Current Government Affairs Director for National Association, Chicago

    Makes me a glutton for punishment!

  41. - bullwinkle - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:14 pm:

    retired state worker 30 years, no political connections, started reading the capitol fax from a friend and found out about the website,
    i like having multiple opinions about how and why legislation is done. I believe the only way to understand the legislation is to have opinion from both sides and then you can make your own decision on the subject.

  42. - independent - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    Hi: I am a independent who works for a social service organization. I think politics is an interesting spectator sport, I follow it and not “real” sports.

  43. - Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:20 pm:

    Outsider: worked a few Cook County campaigns; once shook hands with Ketumile Masire, former President of Botswana; hardly know anyone at the Oxford Federal Correctional Institution.

    Engineer who will be sworn in as member of the Illinois bar later this week. Want to improve the reliability of the criminal justice system by introducing something like statistical quality assurance. Which is one way to annoy lawyers without trying very hard. Been meaning to start a blog on this.

  44. - leigh - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    Outside with friends on the inside.

  45. - frustrated GOP - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:41 pm:

    Suburban outsider in local govt. with friends that used to be inside. I used to be in Springgield a few times a year, now haven’t been there in 4. Will be back, everything cycles.

  46. - HoosierDaddy - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:42 pm:

    Professional with two advanced degrees. Republican. Church deacon. Father of 3 little kids. Have worked in the legislature. Now a strategist for some downstate people, including a couple of legislators. 7th generation downstate Illinoisan.

  47. - Stavros Popodopolis - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:49 pm:

    I’m a young man with a bad rash.

  48. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 1:56 pm:

    Just a citizen born and raised in rural IL, who is likely still considered a “suspected terrorist” for being too outspoken about potential nuclear vulnerabilities over a year ago.

    Advocate for our Constitution, especially the entire Bill of Rights.

  49. - The Conservative - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 2:52 pm:

    Some would say an insider. Took the early retirement buy out. Political actvist, have been involved with campaigns in NY, Conn, and Illinois. Conservative Christian. Never met a Democrat I liked enough to vote for, even before becoming a Conservative.

  50. - Way Northsider - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:00 pm:

    Outsider. Immigrant. Now active in local government as (unpaid) activist. Have done some street level volunteering over the years. Like to think globally, act locally.

  51. - Budget Watcher - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:23 pm:

    Former insider who’s seen parts of four administrations, much of the time in the budget process. I voluntarily left state government for more lucrative employment out of state.

    I didn’t feel at home with the new team and frankly, I saw alot of things that made me question the integrity and competency of the governor’s staff. So I followed the advise of many on this blog who have said “if you don’t like it, get out!”

  52. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:39 pm:

    Outsider, though I have volunteered a number of times on different campaigns.

    I’m a Democrat but a liberal first particularly on women’s and gay issues, though not gay myself I have a lot of family members and friends who are.

    I’m an Episcopalian and an engineer. Politics is the only bloodsport I allow myself to watch.

  53. - capitol view - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:48 pm:

    insider - former state employee, now lobbying for many years for a non-profit org trying to stay afloat after years of non existent or insufficient CODB increases. Not politically active and have no PAC - cannot, with my non-profit role - but as opinionated as anyone.

  54. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    Former insider - parts of 4 administrations.

    Now an outsider who can look at the current admin and laugh at the idiots running the place because when it’s bye-bye Blago their employment opportunities will be non-existant. I also sympathize with the employees who remained because of the amount of abuse they must be enduring. These appointed hacks would kick a paper cup out of a homeless persons hand and laugh about it over beers at some trendy theme bar. It is a shame how much senseless destruction they have brought about because of how they thought everything about the old way was broken when in fact there were useful, funded programs that helped citizens in Illinois.

  55. - S. Illinois - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 3:57 pm:

    Former reporter and state government flak now hiding in the Metro East.

  56. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:06 pm:

    Used to be an insider but then, the gov got me! Former downstate mayor, former Deputy Director of state agency, ran state medicaid program for 3 years. Now enjoying municipal employment again.

  57. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:09 pm:

    How about shoeshine/valet at DuPage County Court House

  58. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:20 pm:

    BTW. I did leave state employment of my own accord, with a big fat, juicy check in hand. And more to come because I could document their actions better than they could make up excuses about employees suddenly *performing* their jobs badly after two decades of dedicated service to the state.

  59. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:22 pm:

    Is that your job Reddbyrd? You are an insider!

  60. - B Hicks - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:32 pm:

    I’ll be at Buster’s, across from the fairgrounds, in 5 minutes. Stop in; I’ll introduce myself and buy you a bucket of Bud.

    I’ll be with Moe and Rich.

  61. - phocion - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:49 pm:

    insider in some respects, but haven’t quite sold my soul even though it sure is tempting - lawyer, public administrator, devastatingly handsome, articulate, visionary, brilliant, modest.

  62. - Tessa - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 5:02 pm:

    Current state employee, worked on lots of campaigns on my own time, union member. Don’t often post anymore, but still hang around every day.

  63. - Duckman - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 5:06 pm:

    former Legis. staff intern. Am very grateful to former collegues who put up with me and taught me so much when I was young and nuts. Still have family ties to some leadership. Work with several Chicago area legislators, mainly as a volunteer when I feel like it. Currently work for a unit of local government, strictly bureaucracy stuff.

    Was excited about this administration but am left sorely disappointed. What’s the worse part? The extremely condesending attitude adopted by so many people that work on the 16th floor JRTC. I mean, really guys. Its difficult to even have a conversation with some of you to rationally discuss the issues since you feel you know so darn much.

    Rich, thank you so much for providing this blog. It is perfect for us political junkies.

  64. - NumbersGuy - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 5:12 pm:

    Insider to some, outsider to others. Former State govt boy genius now counting the months until Rule of 85. Colleague and ex-coworker to many regulars here, including Schnorf, Papa Legba, and Budget Watcher.

  65. - Making The Wheels Turn - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 6:17 pm:

    Insider when downstate, worked for any number of local governments as vendor (tech support), still working with both local governments and with several state agencies, but now have both feet firmly planted in private sector. “Making The Wheels Turn” really does describe me.

    Have more than a few friends both in/out of “player” status. Appointed official; run twice for elected office, won 1st time, lost re-election bid (no loss; was starting own business) and with what has become a successful business, no interest in going back inside.

    Not a serious political partisan - my job is to make things work, keep ‘em working, and I’m good at it.

  66. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 6:51 pm:

    Me? White male, 40-ish, single, living at home and posting from my mom’s pc in the basement. When I’m not cruising myspace hoping to score a prom invitation, I like to post here.

    Seriously, I work for a nonprofit, in a public affairs role, and lobby in Springfield and Washington. I’ve worked professionally in Illinois politics/government for almost 20 years, but don’t consider myself an insider.

    FTR, I don’t use this screen name to shill for any candidate or issue. Opinions expressed here are strictly my own.

  67. - Illinois Insider - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 6:58 pm:

    Blunt Smoking BB Gun Totin Finger Lickin Lincoln Continental Pimpin Motherf*$king Shaolin Practicing Admiral Theatre Lovin Illinois Insider in Da House !

    W0rd to Madigan, Jones, G-Rod, Sista Mohammed, Lou Lang, and all y’;all on the capitol fax blog ! keep rollin !

  68. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 7:25 pm:

    Government-insider, but I do most of my business dealing with the private sector.
    Politics-outsider & independent, but well connected on both sides.
    A fair amount of media contact, too.
    I will use all my experience and connections to my advantage when I leave, God willing.
    I am not an IL native, but I really like it here.

  69. - Former Michigander - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 7:31 pm:

    Outsider experiencing my first election cycle in IL after many years of involvement in Michigan. Living in 43rd Ward in Chicago, late 40’s, white male.

  70. - Swami - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:06 pm:

    I’m on the outside looking in. State employee for 25 years. Like many, I am waiting to retire. The state agency I work in is a train wreck waiting to happen. Once a premier agency, now nothing more than hackville.

  71. - Marta Elena - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:13 pm:

    Thanks Rich.

    Its good to learn about other bloggers/watchers.

    Me? Latina in her mid 30’s. Raised in the south suburbs of Chicago.

    I don’t know where I fit in. Did some policy work as an independent. But finishing up my master’s degree in political studies at UIS. My focus is on economic development and transportation issues of the south suburbs.

  72. - DuPage progressive - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:19 pm:

    One of the few proud democrats born & raised in the western suburbs. It’s great to see I’m no longer alone!

    Worked in DC for a few years, now back in the chicago area & still can’t believe the shenanigans Illinois politicians get away with (up to this point, at least) — UNREAL!!

    Worked with the new administration for a few years, but the insane working hours were too much for me. I saw first-hand how a handful of hard-working GOOD people do most of the work in state government. Am sick of hearing how everyone in this administration are jerks. Sure, there are a few arrogant yahoos, but many good ones too — who try to pick up the pieces when the others mess up, or overstep.

    Love you Rich (and your blog too)!!

  73. - Kara - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:32 pm:

    Outsider… Springfield native who is now living in Champaign County. I am a stay at home mom of 4, graduate of the U of I, and politically independent. Since this governor has taken office I have made more phone calls to the gov’s office and my rep’s than ever before. I cannot imagine the financial impact of 4 more years of this “so-called governor”.

  74. - girl friday - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:02 pm:

    I have worked in a state agency for almost 20 years. I have a professional degree and license. I WAS excited about this administration but am left VERY disappointed. The once premier state agency I work in is now considered a joke. We have had people with high school diplomas (and one with a GED) in top management positions once held by people with PE licenses. I have seen and heard a lot of double talk with this administration and the ‘new rules’ have no logic. It’s a case of ‘what can I make the little people do’ whereas they refuse to follow their own rules. It’s quite disgusting.
    I once considered myself a dem, but have rethought my position considering the amount of debt we are going to be leaving the state in.

  75. - Emily Booth - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:20 pm:

    I am a state employee 20+ years. I am one of the few native Chicagoans living on the northside. I am a Northwestern grad with a BA in Sociology working in my field. I am a Democrat. I am not an insider. I work in the trenches. I like being where it happens, where government service meets the people we serve. I am not a subscriber to the Capital Fax. I like reading the blog because I get the inside scoop.

  76. - political wind - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:21 pm:

    Former Statehouse staffer now living outside the mini-beltway of Springfield in NW Illinois. Still involved in politics, campaigns, media and issue development.

  77. - roy slade - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:39 pm:

    Former insider- now so far out of “the patch” loop, that it (state government politics) makes me break out in giggles. That is, till I realize that the boygov is playing with my tax dollars.

    I still stay involved with certain campaigns and candidates- but I get to choose whom I give my (hard earned) money to, and then only to those that will look me in the eyes.

    JBT is looking better and better- maybe I need to come out of retirement.

  78. - WARDOG - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:45 pm:

    Former state employee, retired because of present administrative ignorance, military combat veteran, professional protector, outspoken independent-christian-straight white male who don’t believe in afirmitive action BS any more–seen it fail too many times, especially in this administration. Could be considered as knowing too much in and out and around the statehouse and beyond. Talked to Rich several time at the statehouse as well as other media people. Am a shadow figure and you wouldn’t know me if you saw me. Have a nice day.

  79. - Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:47 pm:

    I am a subscriber. I am smart, funny and cynical. Read my roar.

  80. - Lost - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:30 pm:

    I am sort of an insider - use to work at the capital for years. Did alot of campaigns - couldn’t wait to get a chance to change the world once the Dems got in. Now I just cry about twice a week about how the democrats have changed the world. Still work for state government - but far far away from the things that break my heart.

  81. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:37 pm:

    I am a current candidate for the House who doesn’t post.

  82. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 12:00 am:

    Hmmm. So WARDOG, you’re someone “who don’t believe in afirmitive action BS any more”. What’s the matter, did you encounter an “afirmitive” action employee who “don’t” know grammar or how to spell? Geeez.

  83. - SK - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 1:25 am:


    have worked for Hynes and Obama, among other local/county campaigns. Do have my fair share of candidate stories, though.

  84. - 7fingersmarty - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 4:03 am:

    If you are an Illinoisan you are an insider.The corrupt pols consume your life like an invasion of body snatchers.
    I retired 3 yrs earlir from my self-employed occupation and moved to Az.

  85. - Blues Clues - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 7:32 am:

    I am a “Poshard Democrat” who has worked on the periphery of the party. I am anxiously searching for the next leading “Poshard Democrat”….I’ve been waiting for a while!

  86. - the Other Anonymous - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 9:08 am:

    Subscriber (through work), former leg staffer, veteran of a lot of campaigns in and outside of the state. Currently doing advocacy and research work that keeps me in touch with state government, but not on a daily basis.

    Rich didn’t ask, but I post under a pseudonym because I post to reflect my views, not the views of my employer. Often they are the same; but on some issues, they are very, very different.

  87. - WARDOG - Friday, May 5, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    Hey Anon 12am–I’ve been there and done that and seen it. How about you? So Geez back at you!!

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