Reformers demand reform
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
I suggested in a recent Capitol Fax that the goo-goos need to start playing a little hardball if they want to get anything done in Springfield this spring. This morning, a coalition of good government groups is putting some pressure on Gov. Blagojevich with the following open letter (edited for length):
Dear Governor Blagojevich:
We’re fast approaching the one-year anniversary of the day you unveiled a proposal to limit campaign donations by individuals, to ban corporate and union contributions, to close the revolving door on legislators becoming lobbyists and to strengthen the enforcement powers of the State Board of Elections.
At the time, your critics said you weren’t serious about the proposal and that it was nothing more than “damage control†needed to reverse a slide in public opinion polls that followed weeks of news articles about terrible state audits and big contributors getting big state contracts.
Because you released the details of your proposal with less than three weeks remaining in the spring 2005 legislative session, legislators from both political parties questioned your commitment to passing the legislation.
To date, you’ve done little to prove your critics wrong.
Even though the presiding officers of the General Assembly are co-chairs of your re-election campaign and have helped pass your other major initiatives, your reform legislation hasn’t even been the topic of a legislative committee hearing.
A year ago, you told reporters; “The legislators will have a clear choice on whether or not they want to pass it or not. We’re going to do our best to try to pass it. We’ll keep pushing that. I think it will be dramatic and a significant reform.†We haven’t heard much from you since.
In February, 2006, you told the Chicago Tribune that the time wasn’t right. You said, “you have to pick your fights at the right time to get such legislation passed.†Our question is: if not now, when?
In the year since you promised to “rock the system in Springfield,†Illinoisans have been rocked all right, but not by your legislation. […]
Now is the time to pass meaningful reform laws. […]
When you set your mind to it, Governor, you have demonstrated how persuasive you can be in passing major pieces of legislation, including the ethics reforms of 2003.
Will you give your own campaign and government reform proposal the same dedication, the same commitment, the same degree of support? Or were your critics correct in saying this was nothing more than a cynical attempt to divert attention from your own fundraising practices?
Will you bring legislative leaders to the table this week and negotiate sweeping reforms that include the major elements of your plan from last spring?
What will it take to change the culture in state government? Do the people of Illinois have to wait until another politician is tried and convicted of wrongdoing, or is enough, enough?
We urge you to act now, and we stand ready to assist.
The groups signing the letter were the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, The League of Women Voters of Illinois, Citizen’s Advocacy Center, Protestants for the Common Good, the Better Government Association, the Sunshine Project, Illinois PIRG and Illinois Common Cause.
- Cassandra - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 8:45 am:
Do these folks control lots of votes or have lots of money to contribute to lago’s “campaign” coffers.
I don’t think so.
After a few polite Blago staff murmurs, this letter is headed for the junk mail shredder.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:22 am:
How about someone acknowledging that most Illinois political leaders are honest, do not hustle campaign cash for legislation, don’t hand out cash or swag for government work. Pay to play is already illegal.
I realize those theories would mean fewer goo-goos, fewer groups, fewer executives directors, fewer quotes in the media. But that is the price of reform.
How about getting these groups to make a little disclosure about funders and salaries.
Anyone out there think “reform” is a two way street?.
Maybe all sides could use a little sunshine.
- Soros - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 9:44 am:
Shouldn’t those groups be called the Soros 8?
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:03 am:
Amen ReddByrd!
Those sentiments, shared by most voters and citizens of Illinois, do not sell papers or ignite TV Buzz.
I never encountered a ‘Reformer’ who ever did anything for anybody - other than him/herself.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:34 am:
This is Blagojevich’s promises. He promised and didn’t deliver on this either. He was elected as a reformer, claimed to be a reformer, got a mandate to reform, then turned his back on us.
I don’t care if everyone else is honest, or corrupt or whatever. I care when a blow hard gets elected and then give everyone the finger when it become time to act on what he promised.
Stop defending this liar.
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:56 am:
Pure Gospel, old son. Hence my point - Rod Is a “reformer.” God save us from all reformers.
- The original Bill - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 11:00 am:
Yes, it is easy to call the governor names and answer every question with biased, untrue accusations about our esteemed governor. The governor is on record supporting camapign/ethics reform. It is the House and Senate that move bills like this. Have the Repubs in either House or Senate proposed anything?
Instead of whining about the governor try getting the speaker to move some existing ethics bills and place then place the blame where it really belongs.
- Anon - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 2:02 pm:
Yup, campaign reform after he’s collected all his cash.
The only way campaign reform is going to work is if after the reforms are passed, everyone starts from $0.00. But we all know that’s never gonna happen.
- ChicagoCynic - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 2:10 pm:
Wow - must be very nice in your little world. Meantime back here on planet earth/Illinois, In the last two years alone, we’ve been faced with 40+ indictments and 30+ guilty pleas in Hired Truck, a guilty plea from the city clerk, a convicted immediate past governor, a guilty plea from the former chief of staff to the House Minority Leader, a massive federal investigation of city hall, federal, state and county investigations of our governor, federal and county indictments of Cook County government, and the largest U.S. Attorney’s public corruption unit by far of anywhere in the country.
As to the good government groups, if you want to know who is behind these organizations and how much staff are paid, just go look it up - it’s all public on their 990s. It’s a concept called “TRANSPARENCY.”
Nobody has said all politicians are corrupt. We just seem to have a disproportionate number of them right here.
- Papa Legba - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 4:42 pm:
What? Why are the “goo-goo’s” just discussing this issue? This letter can be used for almost everything that comes out of Blagojevich’s mouth. This is a great cut & paste template for discussing everything Blagojevich has promised to fix since he got into office.
- Disgusted - Tuesday, May 2, 06 @ 10:50 pm:
Original Bill: Sure, he’s on record in supporting campaign/ethics reform. Anyone can say, “I support yadda, yadda, yadda. But do you put your money where your mouth is??? In this case, the money is going right into his campaign warchest. The man is a self-serving hypocrite who hasn’t the educational skills or the guts to either come through on his promises or get a real job like the rest of the people in this country have to do to live. I bet if he doesn’t get re-elected, he’ll live off what Patty makes, if she doesn’t jettison him out the door first for causing her parents distress. What a weasel.